Closed Caught on the breeze (Ixzo)

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A lawless town of anarchists, built on the ruins of an ancient mining city. [Lore]

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Caught on the breeze (Ixzo)

Postby Trynne on November 22nd, 2018, 3:18 pm

39th Fall, 518AV

Trynne had woken late, and now she sat on the floor with her blank book in front of her, her right hand holding her quill as she dipped it into the ink. She needed to take note of the things she wanted to get and the places she needed to be, and so she took a few moments to collect her thoughts before messily scrawling on the page in the book.

‘More cloff, buttons, thread, ink.’
She smirked as she wrote the last word, looking into her vial of ink to note that it was running fairly low and that she would definitely need more if she wanted to keep planning the clothes she would sew.
Shaking her head she returned to the writing.

‘Coat? Plants? Pots? Seeds? Toothpowder?’

Reading over all of the words she’d wrote, she was certain some were wrong, but she didn’t mind. Instead she carefully ripped the page from her book so that she could carry it with her without worrying about losing the whole book.

She’d made the choice to check a few of the areas of Sunberth that she rarely visited, just to see whether she could get a better deal there than she would get at the Seaside Market.

Sighing, she gathered her backpack and clutched the piece of paper that she’d made into a shopping list in her hand as she set off from her home into the city.

She’d been walking for who knows how many chimes before she found herself glancing around again. So far she hadn’t found any shops that looked like they sold what she wanted, and by now she had managed to make her way to the territory of the Sun's Birth.
Sighing Trynne was about to turn on her heels and head back to the coast and to the seaside market, knowing that she’d at least be able to find some of what she needed there, though in her distracted state she find herself being crashed into as someone hurriedly made their way past her.
As she steadied herself and regained her balance, her hand unclenched and the piece of paper scrawled with her notes on what to buy fell out of her hand and found itself caught by a breeze, whipping through the streets as Trynne started to chase it.

The paper blew into a structure that seemed to house some sort of outdoor facility, and without looking or paying much attention to it, Trynne chased the paper into it, preparing an apology in her mind for once she’d retrieved her note.

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Caught on the breeze (Ixzo)

Postby Ixzo on November 24th, 2018, 5:36 am

Ixzo had been practicing with her new axe in the Proving Grounds of late. She had begun visiting this place more since discovering it, as she liked it. The warrior was skeptical about the wooden practice axes they gave out, she had never seen them before in her life, and refused to use them. But she had recently acquired a handaxe, one of her favorite weapons. The man she took it from had long since burned up in the slag heap, and she had no problems with that. What she was slightly worried about was if his axe would be recognized by another of his gang. It had confused even the experienced Sunberthian Kynier when they had discovered the small concentration of mages, purely by hapchance, and so it worried the Kelvic. She didn’t know much about this city, but she had already gleaned that magic was not only frowned upon but openly persecuted. Whoever was training mages for combat had a plan, and if they recognized this axe, she would be in trouble.

But the Kelvic had an ego large enough to assume she could take on whoever came looking for the axe, if they did, so she walked into the Proving Grounds with an air of confidence. She knew she was one of the better fighters who frequented the establishment and liked to show off, the unknown origins of the axe were not going to hold her back. But before the Kelvic was able to start in on any particular dummy, or even pay the man the steep fee that they asked in order to do so, something flew in her face. ”Bah!”

She swatted the white thing from her vision, and then turned with the wind to watch it fly away. What on Mizahar was that? Parchment? Out here? Curious, the cat leapt forward, one long arm extending for the paper. She missed on the first try, Zulrav was too quick for her. But she followed it for two ticks, watching the pattern up and down before shooting a hand out and snagging it. The lion opened the parchment to read the inked side, and then immediately crumbled it. She couldn’t read common anyway.

She was about to toss it over her shoulder, back into the mercy of the wind, when her eyes caught sight of a small pale woman, who had been chasing the paper as well. The contradiction of the woman to herself amused Ixzo for a few ticks, before she recognized that she had crumpled up whatever this woman had been working on. She tried to smooth the parchment against her thigh before calling the woman’s attention to herself.

“It yours?” She asked in broken common, keeping a firm grip on the paper so that the wind did not take it, but holding it out to the woman. Ixzo had quickly learned that kindness was not common in Sunberth, and hoped that this woman would not be suspicious of the small gesture of camaraderie from mortal to mortal.

Word Count: 504

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Caught on the breeze (Ixzo)

Postby Trynne on December 6th, 2018, 6:07 pm

Trynne had been running to catch up to the paper for a couple of chimes, and now she could feel herself slowing as the blood rushed to her face, making it uncomfortably hot as she saw the paper hit someone and she allowed herself to stop, her breathing hitching as she did so until she managed to start breathing in sharply before the feeling of being unable to catch her breath subsided and she was able to breathe again.

All the while she’d kept herself approaching the woman that her list had blown into and then caught, stopping the parchment from blowing away any further. For a few moments Trynne looked her over and tried to determine what to say to get her list back from the woman. As she thought she saw the woman scan over the sheet and then crumple it up and Trynne silently berating herself for not having a tighter grip on the darned list.

Coming to a stop, Trynne was about to ask for the parchment when she saw the woman trying to smooth it out and then holding it to her and Trynne raised an eyebrow suspiciously, not quite used to people in Sunberth being as willing to return anything.

“Mm, yes. Sorry, I dropped i’ and los’ track of i’.” she said surprisingly calmly, finally having managed to slow her breath to more even pace and taking a few steps closer to take the messily scrawled list back. “Thanks though. Not often anyone gives anythin’ back around here!” a slight smirk spread across Trynne’s face. She knew that she herself was one of the ones who wouldn’t really give a strangers possessions back to them after she had obtained them, not under most circumstances at least.

Almost starting to turn and leave, Trynne stopped herself, tucking the piece of parchment down her top so she wouldn’t risk dropping it again before she held a hand out to the woman.

“I’m Trynne, it’s nice to meet someone that seems more honest around these parts.” she flashed a quick smile. To her it was worth trying to get as many allies if she could, or if not allies at least make sure she didn’t make any enemies out of the new people she met. “Although I ain’t exactly certain that I’ve been to this building before. What’s it for? Some sort of figh’ing?” she asked, her curiosity getting the best of her as she glanced around at last, taking her eyes away from the rather attractive woman to see where she was, though it was completely unfamiliar to her despite the years she’d spent in Sunberth.

Noting what was around, it looked as though the area was something similar to an arena that had dedicated itself to combat, but it didn’t have the same atmosphere or appearance as the other places in Sunberth that had dedicated themselves to fighting. This place seemed more relaxed, and less of a place that existed for entertainment purposes unlike the other places she had seen or heard of.

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