[Verified by Tribal] Ixzo

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Postby Ixzo on October 16th, 2015, 12:55 am

Titles: Ixzo of the Shorn Skulls, Ixzo Stormblood of the Diamond Clan
Race: Kelvic, Night Lion
Gender: Female
Date of Birth: 76th of Summer, 510AV
Profession: Hunter

Human Height: 6'2 (~1.88 m)
Human Weight: ~170-180 lbs (~77.11-81.64 Kg)
Lion Length: 8' (~2.44 m)
Lion Weight: ~380-390 lbs (~172.36-176.9 Kg)

Merits: Loyal, Intense, Affectionate
Flaws: Reckless, Prideful, Easily Distracted

Languages: Myrian (Fluent), Large-Cat Communication (Fluent), Pavi (Basic), Common (Poor)


physical appearance
As a human, Ixzo stands at a healthy length of six feet, two inches. Among the Myrians, she was short, but among the humans, she stands much higher than even many of the men. Despite this, her most striking feature is not the cat-like grace in which she moves, or the mute silver eyes of a nightlion, but the tattoos and scars that cover her body. As tradition from her clan, Ixzo earned her markings with her accomplishments. Her hair is done up in the traditional Shorn Skulls fashion; Never cut dreads massed into a mohawk atop her head, which can only benefit her height. Her midnight skin is kindly accented by strong cheek bones and thick lips. There always seems to be an intentional set to her brow, and when she laughs or smiles, however rare, there is a clear gap between her front teeth. Similar to her lion form, Ixzo has fairly large hands, much larger than one would expect from a human her size, although this is a direct trait from her massive paws as a lion, and one that she finds no shame in.

Ixzo is very much like a lion in that she had long and lean muscles rather than bulky ones, but there is no lacking of power in them as is immediately evident. No stranger to hard work, Ixzo is thickly muscled and with well calloused hands and feet, a strong number of natural scars to compliment her decorative ones. While she rarely intends to intimidate, the first reaction that many have to her is fear, or at least wariness. In both forms, Ixzo has accumulated a noticeable
scar. A long, pale pink line runs parallel across her left forearm as a human, while her lion form has the same injury, with a substantial disruption of fur in its wake. This scar was the result of a fight against pirates for the Drykas in Winter of 515 AV. As a lion, her tattoos cannot be seen under her fur, but one may recognize her from the distinct scars across her back and chest. Even as a lion they appear decorative, and thus making her easily identifiable to those who know her.

As a lion, Ixzo is stunning in her own way. Among her kind, she has a pitch black pelt, missing the traditional patches of grey that marks most of her kind. The massive cat also holds a silvery stare that reflects in her human form and affords her excellent vision through both forms. Like any lion, Ixzo moves with grace on large paws and slender shoulders, but unlike her purely animal kin, she holds a knowledge in her eyes, that shows she is more than the average nightlion, if you could call the creatures as such. An excellent hunter, there is no lacking in Ixzo's weight. What isn't muscle has a healthy layer of fat and a glossy coat which, as a lion, speaks louder of her fortune than as a human.

racial traits and abilities
The ability to shift back and forth between their animal form and their human form is an inherent gift every Kelvic has. They never forget it or fail to be able to do it. Each shift looks exactly identical from Kelvic to Kelvic. Every last one is virtually alike. There are no rearranging of bones, no pain, and no switching around of tissue for Kelvics like there are for morphers. The shift seems to simply consist of a Kelvic borrowing a human form from somewhere deep inside and assuming it. The opposite happens when they shape shift into an animal. One form (either human or animal) is neither more comfortable for them than the other. Each form is equally comfortable.

Bonds among Kelvics and their bondmates are tangible things. A bond cannot be forced nor made by fear or pain. When a bond forms, most partners must be willing. For each pair – Kelvic and Bondmate – the process is different. However, in general the situation resembles or is very similar to falling in love abruptly. Bonding is almost never a slow process. It is usually abrupt, unexpected, and a surprise to both parties. Kelvics can only bond to one person at a time, though Bondmates may have more than one Kelvic bound to them.

Ixzo’s night lion form has excellent night vision and smell, which do transfer over to her human form, but not to the extent of her lion form. She is able to see further and clearer than humans in the dark, and can pick up on scents that most humans cannot. While these traits are not necessarily noticeable, Ixzo does possess silver feline eyes even in her human form, which allows her to see this way. She is otherwise indistinguishable from a normal human, without further inspection.
Last edited by Ixzo on March 23rd, 2019, 8:22 am, edited 41 times in total.
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Postby Ixzo on November 9th, 2018, 12:02 am

Currently reworking. In the meantime: generally stoic and aloof, very curious, and warm to children. Greater descriptions coming soon.

[76th of Summer, 510AV] Ixzo was born to her Elephant Kelvic mother and Nightmare bat father. Because of her family had been among Myrians for so long, she was welcome among the Myrians and raised as such.
[76th of Summer, 511AV] Once a juvenile, she was expected to learn a weapon like the rest of the Myrian children, however Ixzo showed a knack for hunting rather than weaponry.
[Spring, 511AV-Spring, 514AV] Ixzo was one of Mayla's favorite hunters and picked up a bit of Malediction from her as a result, but was never officially trained in the magic.
[35th of Spring, 514AV] Ixzo was curious about the famed trade ship, the Mischief. After investigating, she bonded with a human Alvad named Jodoc.
[Spring-Fall, 514AV] During her travels with Jodoc, Ixzo began mimicking his personality and overall found herself more romantically invested in the relationship than he was.
[28th of Fall, 514AV] Ixzo and Jodoc land in Kenash's port for trade and meet Elise.
[34th of Fall, 514AV] Jodoc decides he is in love with Elise and forcibly breaks his bond with Ixzo. Ixzo attacks Elise and is enslaved.
[36th of Fall, 514AV] Ixzo is sold to the Paille Dynasty as a plantation slave. Under their ownership, she was forced to pick up Pavi/Grassland Signs in order to not fall behind on her work.
[41st of Fall, 514AV] Ixzo begins her work on the plantation.
[61st of Fall, 514AV] Catli, a Myrian child, comes to the plantation and Ixzo takes her under her wing.
[72nd of Winter, 514AV] Catli had gotten Ixzo out of her depression and Ixzo decides to escape to return Catli back to Taloba.
[86th of Winter, 514AV] Ixzo finds out how she can get hold of a knife to break her collar.
[12th of Spring, 515AV] Ixzo steals a knife from on of the plantation guards and cuts her collar loose. She attempts to escape with Catli in her lion form. Catli drowns in a river and Ixzo is unable to save her. Priskil comes to mark Ixzo.
[34th of Spring, 515AV] After attempting to survive in the Sea of Grass as a lion, she comes across another night lion pride. Ignorant on the species social structure, she makes herself known and is quickly chased out of their territory.
[87th of Spring, 515AV] Ixzo comes across a lone Drykas hunting party. Yearning for human life again, she approaches but is unable to change in time to prove herself not a predator and once more escapes with only her life.
[42nd, of Summer, 515AV] Once more Ixzo comes across a different night lion pride, but does not approach in fear of how they would react.
[43rd-49th of Summer, 515AV] Ixzo spends some time watching the hunting and survivng behaviors of the pride in an attempt to better her way of life.
[86th of Summer, 515AV] As the Drykas move to their fall grounds, Ixzo catches whiff of the city and decides to follow the trail.
[13th of Fall, 515AV] Ixzo catches up with the city, and tries to think of a way to join them.
[34th of Fall, 515AV] Ixzo figures out she needs to bring something to Endrykas if she wants to integrate back into society.
[9th of Spring 516AV] Ixzo bonds with Rufio
[76th of Winter, 516AV] Ixzo is separated from the Drykas and recaptured by the Paille
[12th of Summer 517AV] Is so escapes Kenash and feels her bond to Rufio cease to exist, she begins heading north.
[Fall 518AV] Ixzo finds Sunberth

Religion & Gnosis
During her time in slavery Ixzo turned to Priskil for help during her hardest time. Her bond had been broken and the free spirit had been forced into slavery. But Ixzo wasn't alone for long before she met the young Myrian, Catli. During their time, Ixzo devoted her time to giving the child hope and keeping her from falling too far into despair. Unfortunately, during their escape plan, Ixzo couldn't save Catli from death. It was then that Priskil stepped forward to mark Ixzo for her efforts, and it was then that Ixzo truly began to care of the Goddess as more than just a symbol of hope.

Being marked with the first mark of Luminance , Ixzo is afforded with a few unique abilities. When needed, Ixzo can generate a mild glow, usually from the palms of her hands, though only for a few chimes at a time. This glow is about equivalent to a torch and may give some courage to those affected by fear and negative emotions. Ixzo can also strengthen any source of artificial light and feel the presence of any kind of light, even beyond walls and obstacles (HD).

Growing up among Myrians, Ixzo never though herself worthy of the Goddess of hope. Yet, being terribly religious, most of the Gods were always respected by the Kelvic. It wasn't until she found herself in slaver, in the last place to find hope, that she truly turned to Priskil. Unlike her faith with Myri, and even Caiyha, Ixzo truly placed her faith in Priskil when she had no where to go. But by doing so, Ixzo also provided hope for another. She wasn't the only broken and lost child in the Paille plantation, yet Ixzo found it in her to help another through the hard times. She picked Catli up when she was down and helped her be happy, and while their time together ultimately ended in Catli's demise, Priskil took favor on her, marking her with the first gnosis of Luminance.

Although Ixzo was taught at a young age that she was not one of Caiyha's creatures, this Kelvic still cares deeply for the Goddess. Even as an unnatural creature, Ixzo considers herself part of the wild, especially as a hunter. In Taloba, there was also a deep respect for nature, and so in Endrykas. But no matter where she goes, Ixzo seeks to preserve the wilderness. Like her lion form is seperate from her human form, Ixzo believes that Caiyha's domain should remain unharmed by the domain of the humans.

Even though she is kelvic, she was raised by Myrians, and as a result has a deep respect for Myri and her ways. Although Ixzo never truly enjoyed the bloodthirsty war aspect of Myri's rule, Ixzo is very grateful for Myri for a different reason. Myri provides the way of life for Myrians, she holds order and keeps family as important. She is the center of life in Taloba, of which, Ixzo got to prosper and enjoy within. Because of this, Ixzo is very devote to her Goddess Queen Myri for that reason.

Being one who fully commits to a few dieties, Ixzo is also fairly faithful to other deities. There are the Gods and Goddesses that she grew up learning to pray to. Those in nature, such as Makutsi, Syna and Leth, are very important to her for obvious reasons. In the rain forests, those who impacted her daily life were appreciated. And of course, the two sisters of hte life cycle, Kihala and Dira will always be revered. Even Navre, although worshiped by the Myrians as well, is important to her, simply because of her nature.

During her short time among the Drykas, she is learning of their reverence for Zulrav and Semele along Caiyha. Although she never learned to worship them closely, the Drykas Gods such as Avalis, Rhaus and Eyris, have all become part of her awareness, although she is still trying to learn more about the deities in order to better learn about Drykas culture.

Ixzo currently resides in a crudely built A-frame hut in the wildlands north of Sunberth. All once has to do is find the northern most river that leads into the city, and follow it five miles north. She is not close enough that just anyone can wander into her camp, except hunters and those who seek the wilderness for a specific reason.

The camp itself is in a small clearing a few hundred feet from the river bed that has purposefully been carved out of the woods by hand. To one end lays a grass-thatched mud-walled hut, and in the center is a small makeshift stove and fire pit. There is often pelts hanging to be dried or meat being smoked in small tri-pod fashions in various parts of the clearing. To any outsider it looks rather pitiful and not fit for humans, but for Ixzo it is a roof over her head and relative safety from the humans of the city she detests. She finds most of the things she needs in the wilds, rarely needing to go into town, but there are still signs of human-made items. Her metal tools and weapons that are hung on the mud wall of her hut as well as the clothing that hangs, unwashed, on a tree nearby. She spends most of her time out here, sleeping during the day, in the sun if she can, and hunting at night, except the few times she is required to go in town, usually to chase after her favorite child, Lolan.

Last edited by Ixzo on March 18th, 2019, 12:26 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Postby Ixzo on November 9th, 2018, 12:02 am

Ixzo currently has no bondmate.

ImageName: Aco of the Shorn Skulls
Race: Kelvic, Nightmare Bat
Birthdate: Winter, 504AV
Title/Relationship: Father
Language: Myrian
Skills: Bow 20, Hunting 20, Carving 10
Concept: Aco wasn't actual born among the Myrians, but traveled to Taloba on account of his nature. Son of a Lhavitian scholar, Aco, formerly Acilo, wanted to be in the environment that his animal form was meant to thrive in. This meant making his way to the Falyndar jungles. Once he reached Maturity, the ambitious Kelvic slowly made his way across Falyndar. Unlike most Kelvics, his driving force was not for a bond, but to reconnect with his nature, at least that is what he says. When he reached Taloba, it didn't take the bat long to find where he belonged, among the bloodthirsty Myrians.

Accepted because of his Kelvic nature, Aco found another Kelvic, Tlili. Since she had already bonded, and both were Kelvics, they didn't believe they were truly in love. The two Kelvics developed a very deep friendship, which Ixzo became the product of, which wasn't unlikely between Kelvics living among the Myrians. As Ixzo grew, Aco hoped that his daughter experienced the same want for more than a bond as he did, but was not disappointed when she seemed to happily bond with a foreigner. Yet, Aco is unaware of the break in Ixzo's bond and her current state.
Status: Stationary (Non-Active)
Other: Used for flashbacks only. PM me for use.

ImageName: Tlili of the Shorn Skulls
Race: Kelvic, Elephant
Birthdate: Spring, 495AV
Title/Relationship: Mother
Language: Myrian
Skills: Tracking 20, Cooking 20, Teaching 10
Concept: Tlili, unlike Aco, was born among the Myrians. She is one of the few Kelvic bloodlines that intermingle with the warrior race, getting along well because of their wild sides. Surprisingly long living for a Kelvic, it took Tlili nearly ten years, long past her parent's death, before she found a bond. An older Myrian woman, one of the great warriors of the clan of the Shorn Skulls. As her bondmate, Tlili acted as a best friend and a caretaker for the Myrian, but not a romantic partner.

It wasn't until about five years later that Aco arrived to Taloba. Unlike most Kelvics, the bat yearned for something more than a bond, a connection he could not describe. Yet, the two Kelvics stuck together quickly, being of the few among the Myrians. Unlike Aco, Tlili believed there was romance between them, since she knew their relationship would never reach the magnitude of a bond. But even after Ixzo's birth and growth, Tlili and Aco stayed together. One believed in a powerful friendship and the other believed in romance. When Ixzo bonded with a foreigner, Tlili was ecstatic, unlike Aco, to find her daughter would be content for the rest of her life, secretly fearing she would turn out like her father and never be truly complete. Yet, Tlili is unaware of the break in Ixzo's bond and her current state.
Status: Stationary (Non-Active)
Other: Used for flashbacks only. PM me for use.

ImageName: Jodoc Evalence
Race: Human
Birthdate: Summer, 489AV
Title/Relationship: Ex-Bondmate
Language: Common
Skills: Subterfuge 20, Mathematics 20, Writing 10
Concept: Jodoc is a selfish man. Raised among the merchant class in Alvadas, he can't afford not to be. When he secured a job on the famed Mischief he should have been content, but was not. Where he was secure in his finance, Jodoc cycled through women with ease. On his third circuit to Taloba, the erratic and needy man met Ixzo. Knowing she was a Kelvic, he took advantage of her willingness to bond. From the brief relationship, Jodoc got a willing bedwarmer, but his thirst would not be quenched so easily.

Although, as a non-Kelvic, Jodoc did feel the bond, it was much easier for him to make up his mind to break it. Upon reaching Kenash three seasons later, Jodoc found his new obsession to be a rich and dainty freeborn by the name of Elise. Since Ixzo was bonded to him, she deluded herself into the obsession as well, and in the short time it took him to find his Kelvic annoying, Ixzo didn't notice the change. When he opted to cut the bond in favor of Elise, the human let Ixzo be captured into slavery, although instead of going back to Alvadas with the Mischief, he stayed in Kenash. Little did Ixzo know, he tried to buy her back once his relationship with Elise didn't work out. The human remains in Kenash, thinking that if he ever needed a backup lay, his exotic Kelvic would only be a transaction away.
Status: Stationary (Non-Active)
Other: Used for flashbacks only. PM me for use.

ImageName: Catli of the Shining Scales
Race: Myrian
Birthdate: Spring, 503AV
Deathdate: Spring, 515AV (Exact date TBD in thread)
Title/Relationship: Companion
Language: Myrian
Skills: Singing 15, Endurance 15, Weapon: Knife 10
Concept: Catli was born among Myrians, but did not grow up there. As a young child, she was abducted by pirates, and brought to Ahnatep as a slave. Even though she was Myrian, Catli didn't get a chance to fully integrate into her own culture, making her a non-threat to the jewelers that she worked for. But by the age of ten, her owners were loosing money and so they sold her off to a Kenash trader. Once reaching Kenash, Catli worked as a house slave for two years before misbehavior landed her in the fields where she met Ixzo.

The young girl was as fiery as any Myrian. Defiant and confident in herself, four years in slavery didn't seem to do much to break her. But despite her strength, Catli was as vulnerable as any lone child can be and relied heavily on her relationship with Ixzo once they met. But even though her life was separated from her Myrian roots, Ixzo likes to believe that Catli was taken to Myri after her death just like all of her ancestors.
Status: Stationary (Non-Active)
Other: Used for flashbacks only. PM me for use.

ImageName: Iollu Firstsong of the Topaz Clan
Race: Human, Drykas
Birthdate: Summer, 509AV
Title/Relationship: Fostered child
Language: Pavi/Grassland Signs
Skills: Singing (10), Acting (10), Weapon: Dagger (5), Rhetoric (5)
Concept: Iollu was named after the Deity of tricks, for while in the womb, she gave all the signs of being a boy. Her parents, who had two girls before her, were so excited for a boy to carry on their bloodline, they tried to get her gender confirmed by an aurist while her mother was still pregnant. So when the hot summer night of her birth came, and she was a girl, she was named Iollu after the gender-less God. But as the child grew into a toddler, it became apparent that her name was far more accurate than her parents initially thought. Being the third child of four, and the youngest daughter, Iollu learned to go above and beyond to strive for attention.

She spent most of her earlier years with a goofy smile on her face, either by cracking her own joke or listening to someone else's. Although she enjoyed the stories and tales that her clan, the child, even as young as she was, showed an affinity for the fight. Because of this, her parents begun to think of arranging her a marriage in the diamond clan, where she would most likely be content. But no such plans were made, because when Iollu was halfway through her sixth year, the black sails attacked. Her father was taken, in his strife to defend his family, and her mother and oldest sister slain. Her two other siblings were not found. It was only a day after the horrifying event that a foreign woman, Ixzo, whom she affectionately named Zozo, took her in. Iollu, being as durable as children are, is quickly becoming used to her new living situation, although she always dreams of getting her family back, one day. For the little trickster, this doesn't seem such an impossible defeat.
Status: Traveling (Retired)
Other: This NPC is no longer in use.

ImageCharacter Sheet
Relationship: On the ninth of Spring, 516 AV, Ixzo's life was changed yet again. Although it appeared as though Lhex had some pity on her, and for once it changed for the better. While taking the young Drykas, Iollu, to a city festival, she quite literally bumped into a woman that would change her life forever. Rufio, a Drykas had bound herself to her, becoming the new center of Ixzo's universe. As a Kelvic, especially one who had bonded before and survived the break, Ixzo took the new bond with pleasure and ease. Aside from Iollu and the occasional broken conversations with those she worked for and feared, Ixzo had been alone for too long. The lioness had been bothered, utterly changed, but her time with Rufio would grow short.

During a rescue to the Zith colonies, Ixzo and Rufio were separated. Ixzo was vastly injured and unable to return to the moving city in time to reconnect with her family and bondmate. Reverting to her wild ways, Ixzo lived off the land, trying to bring herself back to health. In time she felt the bond cease, and although she did not know what happened to Rufio, the Kelvic fears the death of her beloved sister, unwilling to accept the alternative: That Rufio gave up on her.
The Beginning

ImageName: Lolan
Race: Human, Drykas
Birthdate: Winter, 507AV
Title/Relationship: Orphan, Companion
Language: Pavi (Fluent), Common (Basic)
Skills: Stealth 15, Wilderness Survival 10, Shortbow 5
Gnosis: Divination 1
Concept: Lolan was born Lolan Sunchaser of the Amethyst Clan, and she was born favored by Avalis. Avalis visited her mother on her birth and blessed the child, claiming her to have a complex future that will contribute wisdom to her Drykas people. Of course, Avalis was right, and at eleven years old she had already experienced more than any Drykas child should have. Up until the age of eight she lived a perfectly happy life as the daughter of a weaver, with every intention of joining the Watch and protecting her people, so she thought her prophecy claimed. Though the child could see the past with clarity, she was ambitious for the future which to her is unknown. The summer before Morwen’s disappearance, Lolan’s pavilion visited Kenash in order to secure trade with the dynasties there, she was captured into slavery. Knowing that the Drykas would come for their child, the Sitai quickly sold her off slavers that were headed towards Ravok, where she was to be sold to a wealthy business man who could afford her powers of divination Only because of her value, when her captures stopped in Sunberth on the way, a particular up and coming gang sought interest in her gnosis and offered to buy her.

It was on her delivery to that gang when she ran into Ixzo and Kynier who murdered her captors and those who sought to retrieve her. She escaped the ordeal and has been keeping out of sight of the gang, living with the other orphans of the city and trying to find a way back to her people. As the daughter of Avalis, she wonders if this trial in her life is meant to be the experience that gives her wisdom and strives to do the most she can to learn from the events, confident that one day she will return to her people.
Status: Traveling (Active: Expenses not necessary until Winter 519AV)
Other: PM me for use.

Character Sheet
Relationship: ...
Meeting: ...

Last edited by Ixzo on January 2nd, 2019, 2:10 am, edited 5 times in total.
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Postby Ixzo on November 9th, 2018, 12:03 am


Observation +100 XP MASTERED
Socialization +100 XP MASTERED
Hunting +10RB, +10 SP, +3 SXP, +56 XP 79/100

Endurance +53 XP 53/100

Logic +40 XP 40/100
Planning +39 XP 39/100
Stealth +10 SP, +40 XP 50/100
Tracking +15 SP, +23 XP 38/100
Weapon: Longbow +38 XP 38/100
Wilderness Survival: Jungle, Plains +10 SP, +24 XP 34/100

Acrobatics +4 XP 4/100
Acting +1 XP 1/100
Animal Husbandry +5 XP 5/100
Astronomy +1 XP 1/100
Bodybuilding +19 XP 19/100
Brawling +7 XP 7/100
Brewing +3 XP 3/100
Camouflage +2 XP 2/100
Carving +5 XP 5/100
Childcare +8 XP 8/100
Climbing +3 XP 3/100
Construction +5 XP 5/100
Cooking +25 XP 25/100
Cosmetology +1 XP 1/100
Drawing +5 XP 5/100
Deduction +5 XP 5/100
Grooming +1 XP 1/100
Herbalism +5 XP 5/100
Horsemanship +2 XP 2/100
Intelligence +11 XP 11//100
Interrogation +13 XP 13/100
Intimidation +22 XP 22/100
Investigation +17 XP 17/100
Land Navigation +15 XP 15/100
Leadership +2 XP 2/100
Malediction +5 SP, +7 XP 12/100
Mathematics +3 XP 3/100
Medicine +7 XP 7/100
Meditation +3 XP 3/100
Negotiation +7 XP 7/100
Organization +18 XP 18/100
Painting +3 XP 3/100
Persuasion +7 XP 7/100
Philosophy +6 XP 6/100
Rhetoric +19 XP 19/100
Running +21 XP 21/100
Scavenging +4 XP 4/100
Scouting +1 XP 1/100
Seduction +2 XP 2/100
Singing +2 XP 2/100
Singing +4 XP 4/100
Storytelling +2 XP 2/100
Swimming +1 XP 1/100
Tactics +11 XP 11/100
Tanning +5 XP 5/100
Teaching +5 XP 5/100
Unarmed Combat +11 XP 11/100
Weapon: Cutlass +2 XP 2/100
Weapon: Knife +3 XP 3/100
Weapon: Throwing Axe +9 XP 9/100
Weaving +1 XP 1/100
Wrestling +9 XP 9/100


A-E :
∆ A Father's Logic: Practice makes perfect
∆ Achieving a Bullseye
∆ Airag: fermented mare's milk
∆ Airag: used as a laxative
∆ An intimidating roar
∆ Angle Knife: blade points to the side
∆ Animal Husbandry: Mud Fever
∆ Archery: aim for wing or head of birds
∆ Arcing the Trajectory of a Shot
∆ Aris: Good at not giving answers
∆ Astronomy: Moon and stars
∆ Azmere: Bower and Fletcher
∆ Azmere: Her Ankal
∆ Azmere: Like's His Personal Space
∆ Banana is not well known in Endrykas
∆ Bartering: Purchasing Live Animals
∆ Basic Knife Trick
∆ Being Hunted while hunting
∆ Benefits of Hunting in a Storm
∆ Benefits of joining a Pavilion
∆ Bow: Challenges with increasing shot range
∆ Bow: Elbow up and strong
∆ Bow: Experimenting with stances for the perfect shot
∆ Bow: Going through the steps of use
∆ Bow: Instinctive shooting
∆ Bow: Keeping hands even
∆ Bow: Shoot with relaxed shoulders
∆ Bow: Take your time
∆ Bow: The concept of an anchor
∆ Bow: The importance of steady aim
∆ Bow: Watching your strike
∆ Braiding collars for Tlii and Tetez
∆ Brewing: all the milk to sit for a few days to ferment
∆ Brewing: strain the fat from the milk
∆ Buffalo: Don't turn your back on the herd
∆ Butchery: taking meat from where there's the most
∆ Can Sunberthians be good?
∆ Caracals: Good for hunting birds
∆ Carrying belongings while in Kelvic form
∆ Carving: a small hole for blood
∆ Carving: Bone requires multiple passes
∆ Carving: Debranching a tree, Carving: Sharpening sticks
∆ Cat Body Language
∆ Cats should not be trained like dogs
∆ Cats: Bumping heads is a sign of trust
∆ Changing prey mid-hunt
∆ Charcoal breaks easily
∆ Charcoal: Smudges easily
∆ Charcoal: Work from one side of the page to the other
∆ Childcare: giving Iollu the greater portion
∆ Childcare: Keeping warm, fed, and safe
∆ Childcare: Tickling required
∆ Clay: Camouflage
∆ Cleaning: Soak the tough messes
∆ Common Tongue: Saved means “not death”?
∆ Common: ‘Orphanage’
∆ Common: Asking rhetorical questions
∆ Common: known more than spoken
∆ Common: more natural
∆ Construction: Simple A-Frame Hut
∆ Construction: using evergreen boughs to thatch a roof
∆ Construction: Weaving re-inforces walls
∆ Cooking: Cabbage and Bok Cho
∆ Cooking: Chicken soup for the soul
∆ Cooking: Crockpot
∆ Cooking: Cubing potatoes
∆ Cooking: Golden Milk
∆ Cooking: let the fat curdle for a few days to make cheese
∆ Cooking: Peeling onions
∆ Cooking: Rabbit meat makes an excellent soup
∆ Cooking: stew, low heat and long time
∆ Cooking: Sweet-vinegar marinade
∆ Cosmetology: simple braids in hair
∆ Crylon: a stoic creature
∆ Crylon: and Isur
∆ Cutlass: Getting good grip, Ixzo: Always a Myrian
∆ Cyphrus Striders: Hardy and highly intelligent
∆ Cyphrus: Dry in summer and fall
∆ Deathspark: Tunnel Guardian
∆ Deer: Nocturnal
∆ Dhani: Snake people
∆ Dilemma: Can't keep Iollu, can't give her up
∆ Distrustful of Dogs
∆ Dogs are protective of their masters
∆ Dravite: A skilled hunter but a sick man
∆ Dravite: Good sport
∆ Drawing: Composition
∆ Drawing: Copying, Drawing: Sketching
∆ Drawing: Ink needs time to dry
∆ Drawing: Lines, Drawing: Shading techniques
∆ Drawing: Shapes
∆ Drawing: Working with charcoal
∆ Drawing: Working with ink
∆ Dry grass is hard to run on
∆ Drykas children have no grudge for foreigners
∆ Drykas Culture: Patriarchal
∆ Drykas fashion, Location: Endrykas Marketplace
∆ Drykas Marriage Customs
∆ Drykas men: disrespectful
∆ Drykas Of The Opal Clan: Healers
∆ Drykas women: they hold their liquor
∆ Drykas: Basic trade systems
∆ Drykas: Bonded are more respected than non-bonded
∆ Drykas: Comfortable with nudity
∆ Drykas: Generous people
∆ Drykas: Grassland Sign
∆ Drykas: How Pavilions work
∆ Drykas: Pavi
∆ Dusk bewilders Ixzo's nightlion vision
∆ Elise: Beautiful and Cruel
∆ Endrykas waterways aren't safe
∆ Endrykas: A home away from home
∆ Endrykas: Autumn temperatures
∆ Endrykas: Less rain, more wind
∆ Endrykas: Moves each season
∆ Endrykas: Seasonal storms, thunder and rain
∆ Endrykas: The Conclave, Shane & Oaken Starrun: Liars
∆ Endrykas: The moving city
∆ Endrykas: The Run
∆ Endrykas: The Watch
∆ Endurance: Cold weather without warm clothing
∆ Endurance: Marching underground takes a toll
∆ Endurance: Recovering from sickness
∆ Endurance: Working when you would normally be sleeping
∆ Enslaved by the Paille dynasty again
∆ Erikal: Drykas
∆ Erikal: Native to Endrykas
∆ Evain: Scared black eyes
∆ Evalin wreaks of death
∆ Evalin: Cold to the touch
∆ Evalin: The fake god
∆ Evalin's strange blue necklace
∆ Even the worst people deserve hope
∆ Evergreen boughs: a temporary solution to thatching a roof

F-J :
∆ Father: Kinder than mother
∆ Fauna: Herd animals work together to overpower predators
∆ Fighting a Zith
∆ Fletching and aiming
∆ Free bones: sometimes useless
∆ Grassland Sign: Buying and Selling
∆ Grooming oneself as a lion
∆ Growling as a form of warning
∆ Habitat of Hogs
∆ Handling a Tomahawk Correctly
∆ Help from a stranger is not welcome in Sunberth
∆ Herbalism: Bon'mur root chewed to cool fever
∆ Herbalism: Flowers require sunlight
∆ Herbalism: Ginger tea is a mild remedy
∆ Herbalism: Onion & garlic poultice for chest coughs
∆ Herbalism: Tolm tea eases pain
∆ Herbalism: Tumeric and ginger root
∆ Herbivores vs Carnivores
∆ Honoring the dead
∆ Horse: Seme
∆ Horsemanship: Working with a wild stallion
∆ Horses Provide a Better Vantage Point
∆ Horses: Able to Sense a Large Cat Kelvic
∆ Humans are more modest creatures
∆ Humans: Hips were better placed than shoulders
∆ Humans: Reasons for eye contact
∆ Humans: Think they are the apex predator
∆ Hunters don’t use swords
∆ Hunting Deer: Beware the antlers
∆ Hunting in the forest is similar to the rain forest
∆ Hunting: Being aware of the direction of the wind
∆ Hunting: Gazelle
∆ Hunting: Ground birds
∆ Hunting: Ibex, Hunting: Making a kill
∆ Hunting: Importance of Communication
∆ Hunting: Larger prey stays away from the city
∆ Hunting: never take on larger prey head first
∆ Hunting: Singling out the weak
∆ Hunting: Teamwork
∆ Hyena pelts are not as popular as rabbit or coyote
∆ Ibex: do not eat from the middle of a berry bush
∆ Ibex: Females do not have near as big horns
∆ Ibex: has a smaller feces trail than most of the larger herbivores
∆ Identifying a Badger’s Nest
∆ Injal: Run off his feet
∆ Interrogation: pressing for a telling reaction
∆ Interrogation: testing the truth with fire
∆ Intimidation: Bared teeth and a mighty roar
∆ Investigation: Finding Crylon in the city
∆ Iollu: can be rude
∆ Iollu: cries at night
∆ Iollu: Likes to sleep in your fur
∆ Iollu: tasked to clean dishes
∆ Iollu: The Orphan
∆ Iollu: The Trickster
∆ Isur: Pale-blue skin & stone-like arms
∆ It’s hard to track time underground
∆ Ixzo & Jasmine: Bow women
∆ Ixzo: A new job
∆ Ixzo: Always thinking
∆ Ixzo: believes that females are superior
∆ Ixzo: Cares deeply for Iollu
∆ Ixzo: Celebrates her sixth birthday with a feast!
∆ Ixzo: Courage for loved ones
∆ Ixzo: determined
∆ Ixzo: Eats meat raw
∆ Ixzo: Faith in the Drykas
∆ Ixzo: Fierce & predatory by nature
∆ Ixzo: Instinctual
∆ Ixzo: Knowing what pride feels like
∆ Ixzo: Likes to flaunt
∆ Ixzo: nervous since the pirate raids
∆ Ixzo: new to skinning barehanded
∆ Ixzo: nicknamed Kitten, Longbow: Firing an arrow
∆ Ixzo: Not accustomed to fast speeds
∆ Ixzo: Pavi slowly returning
∆ Ixzo: Petitions Azmere for protection
∆ Ixzo: Reigning in her ferocity so as not to scare others
∆ Ixzo: Shame of not bearing Myri's Mark
∆ Ixzo: Sings only when sad
∆ Ixzo: skins for meat not pelt
∆ Ixzo: snarls when angry
∆ Ixzo: Surpassing a parent in skill
∆ Ixzo: surprised to be called Dotra
∆ Ixzo: The curious cat
∆ Ixzo: Wishes for a Pride
∆ Ixzo: wishes to know more Drykas
∆ Ixzo's Trial: A silent prayer to Priskil
∆ Ixzo's Trial: Accused of poisoning a water source using Malediction
∆ Jasmine: Strong with a Shortbow
∆ Jesello: The seamstress
∆ Jungle Ixam: Fit for riding

K-O :
∆ Kailani: Ambitious, just like her
∆ Kailani: Born on the Suvan Sea
∆ Kailani: Marked by Laviku
∆ Kailani: One adult in Sunberth she can stand
∆ Kailani: Speaks Fratava and Common
∆ Kailani: Spent most of her life on the Sebakem Ocean
∆ Kailani: Svefra
∆ Kelvic Bonds: Agony to Break
∆ Kelvic stomachs are much stronger than human stomachs
∆ Kelvic: Human shape comes with emotions
∆ Kelvic: Patrolling your territory
∆ Kelvic: Sudden Change
∆ Kelvics grow up fast
∆ Kelvics: cousins
∆ Killing a Baby Animal is Unfortunate
∆ Killing for pay rather than prey
∆ Kynier: A mage
∆ Kynier: Can see her broken bonds with magic
∆ Kynier: Can see things with magic
∆ Kynier: Did not shy away from her Luminance
∆ Kynier: Has a warm scent that reminds her of home
∆ Kynier: Magic did something to him
∆ Kynier: Not a coward
∆ Kynier: Says her amulet has magic
∆ Kynier: Smells like birds
∆ Land Navigation: Forests immediately surrounding Sunberth
∆ Land Navigation: Travelling upriver
∆ Land Navigation: Using the stars
∆ Language: Making herself understood with gestures
∆ Largest cat around
∆ Likleu: Weary
∆ Lions: Meant to hunt in packs
∆ Location Endrykas: Anchor Of Gold And Earth
∆ Location, Endrykas: The Wind-Knotted Gates
∆ Location: Amethyst District
∆ Location: Endrykas
∆ Location: Garthos' Supply
∆ Location: Syliras
∆ Location: The Spit Fire
∆ Location: The Sunset Quarters
∆ Location: Warstorm Pavilion, Laughter is contagious
∆ Location: Wind Skins
∆ Logic: Always bring a healer
∆ Logic: Autumn means death
∆ Logic: Don’t attack something you can’t kill
∆ Logic: The voice of reason
∆ Logic: what are the logistics of dissecting an Isur for malediction?
∆ Lolan: A Sitai dynasty Slave
∆ Longbow: A balanced arrow
∆ Longbow: an arrow through the shoulders makes the front legs nearly useless
∆ Longbow: Basic standing stance
∆ Longbow: Excitement doesn’t help accuracy
∆ Longbow: Hold stance until the arrow strike
∆ Longbow: Keep elbow loose
∆ Longbow: More powerful than shortbow
∆ Lore of execution
∆ Lore of Isur physical characteristics
∆ Lore of Izurdin
∆ Luminance: Gives increased awareness of light
∆ Luminance: Instilling hope into another
∆ Luminance: Instills fear and cowardice in those who aren't good
∆ Makutsi: Goddess of Water
∆ Makutsi: The Rain bringer
∆ Male Hogs had tougher meat then females
∆ Malediction: Blood activates the magic
∆ Malediction: effects depend on source and experience
∆ Malediction: Gather the bones
∆ Malediction: goes wrong when nothing happens
∆ Malediction: intended results not guaranteed
∆ Malediction: Make the object
∆ Mathematics: Keeping count
∆ Mathematics: Using self to measure
∆ Meat cooks slower than onions
∆ Medicine: Assessing the seriousness of a wound
∆ Medicine: Basics of slowing bleeding
∆ Medicine: Being wet for too long encourages illness
∆ Medicine: Cleaning and bandaging shallow cuts
∆ Medicine: Easing the symptoms of the flu
∆ Medicine: Golden Milk
∆ Medicine: hair quality as a sign of health
∆ Medicine: Mint Tea to cool the mouth
∆ Medicine: Using salt water to clean a wound
∆ Meditation: not a flashy art
∆ Memory: Crylon’s opinion on death
∆ Mending insult with heartfelt apology
∆ Miza is more common than Bikka
∆ Myri: Goddess of War
∆ Myrian Tigers & Striders: Similar but not the same
∆ Myrian Tigers: Mentors and Companions
∆ Myrian Tigers: Solitary creatures
∆ Naomi Cutgrass: willing to teach and outsider
∆ No One Wants to Hunt in the Rain
∆ Observation best to fish during the day
∆ Observation: Checking weapons for quality
∆ Observation: Finding a livable clearing in the woods
∆ Observation: Keeping track of flying arrows
∆ Observation: Nameless
∆ Observation: The smell of a boar
∆ Observation: The smell of blood
∆ Observation: The smell of death
∆ Observation: Upwind vs downwind
∆ Offer to join a Drykas Pavilion
∆ Olidosapux: massive and dangerous
∆ Olidosapux: more likely to leave a male
∆ Olidosapux: not as slow as they appear
∆ Olidosapux: travel in small herds
∆ Organization: designating places for things
∆ Orphanage: Where lost children are cared for

P-T :
∆ Pails are smaller than barrels
∆ Painting is not the same as drawing
∆ Pavi sign: promise, assurance
∆ Pavi: Accidentally insulting a stranger
∆ Pavi: Basic greetings and questions
∆ Pavi: Basic hunting signs
∆ Pavi: becoming more clear
∆ Pavi: broken
∆ Pavi: Communicating with a child
∆ Pavi: Hard to remember without constant practice
∆ Pavi: hard to sign when shoulder is injured
∆ Pavi: Interchanging Speech and Signs
∆ Pavi: Interpreting a signed joke
∆ Pavi: more natural
∆ Pavi: much easier when surrounded by it
∆ Pavi: Recollection under Stress
∆ Pavi: Sign supplementing lack of vocabulary
∆ Pavi: Signing time
∆ Pavi: Signs for animal parts
∆ Pavi: Signs for currency
∆ Pavi: Signs for decade numbers
∆ Pavi: used to help explain weak common
∆ Pavi: Using signs for emphasis
∆ Persuasion: a motivational threat
∆ Persuasion: beckon with body language
∆ Philosophy: Animals shouldn't suffer
∆ Philosophy: Myri's children don't cry
∆ Philosophy: Priskil can bring out the good in Sunberth
∆ Philosophy: there is such a thing as justified murder
∆ Planning: aim for the back
∆ Planning: Choosing prey for pay
∆ Planning: Gathering materials for construction
∆ Planning: supplies first, then the task
∆ Playing a chilli pepper trick on Asher,
∆ Plucking a bird, Lions hunt in a pride
∆ Priskil: Goddess of Hope
∆ Quzon: Myrian-raised Isur
∆ Rabbit bone is easy to break
∆ Recognizing Scent: Deer
∆ Recognizing Tracks: Deer
∆ Recognizing Tracks: Fox
∆ Recognizing Tracks: Hogs
∆ Recognizing Tracks: Quail
∆ Recognizing Tracks: Rodents
∆ Reptiles not as active in winter
∆ Rhetoric: Using words to appear less intimidating
∆ Rozacapotl: Colorful cloud of death
∆ Rufio: A fortune teller
∆ Rufio: Bondmate
∆ Rufio: Ixzo's anchor to Endrykas
∆ Running water is colder than still water
∆ Scavenging: Finding the appropriate tree
∆ Scorched meat is no good
∆ Sea of Grass: Bountiful
∆ Sea of Grass: Predators rule the night
∆ Sea of Grass: Riddled with Tunnels
∆ Self: Doesn’t like the taste of humans
∆ Self: Doesn’t understand sarcasm
∆ Self: Doesn't like dogs
∆ Self: Hasn't been touched in too long
∆ Self: Likes to feed others
∆ Self: Loves humans, but doesn't trust the people of Sunberth
∆ Self: Never found fault in a child
∆ Shorn Skulls: Up early to hunt and patrol
∆ Skinning: doesn't always require a knife
∆ Skinning: doesn't need too much force
∆ Skinning: easing out lower limbs
∆ Skinning: rabbit skin peels readily
∆ Snakes: Muscles spasm after death
∆ Snow: frozen water
∆ Social Structure of Hogs
∆ Socialization: Bring a gift when visiting someone’s dwelling
∆ Socialization: reassuring a new friend
∆ Socialization: The important of making eye-contact when speaking
∆ Song: the man in the moon
∆ Sparrow: Watchman
∆ Stealth: A waiting game
∆ Stealth: Buys tie for an attack, but strength is what wins
∆ Stealth: Distributing weight evenly across four limbs
∆ Stealth: Lower eyes to avoid detection via reflection
∆ Stealth: Moving slowly
∆ Stealth: Moving with the wind
∆ Stormbloods: Her protection
∆ Striders: Calm around Kelvics
∆ Suffocating is the slowest way to kill
∆ Sunberth: No laws, but territories
∆ Sunberth: Not Welcoming
∆ Swimming: Gear is heavier in the water
∆ Tactics: A plan of attack
∆ Tactics: fighting as a team
∆ Tactics: never let your guard down
∆ Tactics: Relaxing with a weapon
∆ Tactics: Team Ambush
∆ Tactics: using intimidation in a fight
∆ Tactics: what is the least dangerous way to kill an Isur?
∆ Taggert: Watchman & Jerk
∆ Taloban chili peppers are Ixzo's favorite
∆ Tattooing over scars
∆ Tattooing: Basic Drykas designs
∆ Tattooing: Holding the skin taut for the artist
∆ Tattooing: Popular in the afternoon
∆ Teaching: Harder with the Language Barrier
∆ The basics of butchering a boar
∆ The breathing of one sleeping
∆ The difficulties of tracking birds
∆ The Importance of a Balanced Weapon
∆ The joy of bonding
∆ The look of a starving horse
∆ The tale of Aquiras and Priskil
∆ There's nothing like a hunt
∆ Throwing Axe: Drop Test
∆ Throwing Axe: How to Aim and Throw
∆ Throwing Axe: Proper Grip
∆ Thunder comes after lightning
∆ Tlii and Tetez: Regard Ixzo like mother
∆ Tlili: A good teacher
∆ Tracking via scent
∆ Tracking: Basics of how to avoid leaving tracks
∆ Tracking: Identifying deer grazing
∆ Tracking: Identifying male deer urine
∆ Tracking: Identifying scat
∆ Tracking: Lolan's familiar scent
∆ Tracking: Staying aware of the world around you
∆ Tracking: Trails are Faint in the Grasslands
∆ Trapping elicits better pelts than hunting
∆ Travel: Kenash to Sunberth
∆ Trial: Found innocent!
∆ Turkey nesting habits
∆ Turkeys: Smarter than they look

U-Z :
∆ Understanding Where an Arrow Will Land Requires Repetition and Patience
∆ Underwatch: The Man with No Tongue
∆ Unspoken Concern
∆ Using language barriers to cover insults
∆ Waisana: An unexpected guest
∆ Waisana: Medicine Woman
∆ Waisana: Pitiful & foolish, yet likeable
∆ Wanting to stay near society
∆ Weapons Training: A Matter of Patience and Perseverance
∆ Why Endrykas moves
∆ Wilderness Survial: Drinking upstream from the city
∆ Wilderness Survival: Basic survival items
∆ Wilderness Survival: Building a fire
∆ Wilderness Survival: Building a shelter using found natural materials
∆ Wilderness Survival: Dried dung makes good fires
∆ Wilderness Survival: Dung-fires are less smoky
∆ Wilderness Survival: Hook Knot
∆ Wilderness Survival: Noticing the sings of water nearby
∆ Wilderness Survival: Putting up a tent
∆ Wilderness Survival: Walking to keep warm
∆ You can’t knock on a tent
∆ Zethar: a funny man
∆ Zoot: Pycon
∆ Zulrav: Father of Storms
∆ Zulrav's Sounds Hide Mistakes

Resolve 32
Base (26) + L1 Interrogation (1) + L1 Intimidation (1) + L1 Meditation (1) + L1 Persuasion (1) + L3 Endurance (3) = 33
Last edited by Ixzo on May 6th, 2019, 3:34 pm, edited 8 times in total.
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Postby Ixzo on November 9th, 2018, 12:03 am


∆ Long Bow
∆ 40x Long Bow Arrows
∆ Quiver
∆ Handaxe
∆ Iron Kukri
∆ 2x Short spears

Hunting and Tanning
∆ 6 in. Boning Knife
∆ 12 in. Cleaver
∆ 5 in. Fleshing Blade
∆ 22 in. Steel meat saw
∆ Hunting Knife (Welcome to the Sun)
∆ Mesh Bag
∆ Hide Needle
∆ Thread, Spool
∆ Gallon Pail
∆ Gallon Pail with cork cover
∆ 36 Gallon Barrel
∆ 10 lbs Salt
∆ Wool Blanket

∆ Hatchet
∆ Stake Mallet
∆ Huge Spool of Twine
∆ 6 gal. Iron Pot
∆ 1 gal. Iron Pot
∆ 16 in. Iron Pan
∆ Iron Kettle
∆ Mortar and Pestle
∆ Tin Ladle
∆ Tin Spatula
∆ Eating Knife
∆ 1 Gal. Tin Jug
∆ 2x 6 in. Tin Bowls
∆ 2x 12 oz. Tin Cups
∆ Waterskin
∆ Common Lantern
∆ 2x Wool Blankets

∆ Leather Belt
∆ Low Leather Boots
∆ Leather Sandals
∆ Leather Breeches, adjustable
∆ White Cotton Scarf
∆ Green Cotton Scarf
∆ Blue Cotton Scarf
∆ Red Cotton Scarf
∆ Orange Cotton Scarf
∆ Brown Cotton Scarf
∆ Black Cotton Scarf
∆ Green Linen Skirt
∆ Red Linen Skirt
∆ Red Linen Dress
∆ Blue Linen Dress
∆ Plain Linen shirt
∆ Brown wool cloak

∆ 4 oz. Kohl
∆ Cosmetic Brush
∆ Small Steel Mirror
∆ Straight Razor
∆ 1 lbs Soap
∆ 4 oz. Toothpowder
∆ Toothbrush

∆ Male Scalp (Something Precious- Pending)
∆ Female Scalp (
Something Precious- Pending)

Djed Items
Horse Amulet
ImageAbstract: A necklace with a carved horse figure. It's magic and can allow her to befriend and ride a Gilding. She'll have to figure this out ICly and there is no way to for her to change the magic so that she could ever bond with a strider. Once she meets this Gilding, the figure will become entwined with the horse. If it dies, the figure crumbles; a one-time deal.
Acquisition: The World That You Know...
Approval: SS

Namels Gloves of Iron Grip
ImageAbstract: A pair of felt gloves that allows the wearer to possess incredible grip strength. So long as the wearer is concentrating on what they’re holding, be it a weapon, a book, a glass of water, a rope, or a stone on the side of a mountain, their grip cannot be broken. For climbing purposes, the wearer is treated as having a +25 bonus to climbing.
Acquisition: Something PreciousApproval: Weekend Challenge,[/goooglefont] [googlefont=Galdeano]NaNo WriMo 2018


Summer, 5198AV
Starting Balance: 3,770.04 Mizas
Current Balance: 3,770.04 Mizas

Past :
Spring, 519AV
Starting Balance: 3,905.04 Mizas
-135 Mizas (Common Living Expenses)
Ending Balance: 3,770.04 Mizas

Winter, 518AV
Starting Balance: 4,040.04 Mizas
-135 Mizas (Common Living Expenses)
Ending Balance: 3,905.04 Mizas

Fall, 518AV
Starting Balance: 3,292.5 Mizas
-151 Mizas (WeaponsLong Bow (75) + 40x Long Bow Arrows (40) + Quiver (20) + Handaxe (Something Precious) + Iron Kukri (12) + 2x Short spears (4))
-55.65 Mizas (Hunting and Tanning6 in. Boning Knife (0.1) + 12 in. Cleaver (0.1) + 5 in. Fleshing Blade (0.1) + 22 in. Steel meat saw (1) + Mesh Bag (0.5) + Hide Needle (0.5) + Thread, Spool (0.05) + Gallon Pail (0.2) + Gallon Pail (0.2) with cork cover (0.4) + 36 Gallon Barrel (2) + 10 lbs Salt (50) + Wool Blanket (0.5))
-10.62 Mizas (SurvivalHatchet (0.6) + Stake Mallet (0.1) + Huge Spool of Twine (0.5) + 6 gal. Iron Pot (3) + 1 gal. Iron Pot (0.6) + 16 in. Iron Pan (0.08) + Iron Kettle (0.8) + Mortar and Pestle (1) + Tin Ladle (0.2) + Tin Spatula (0.2) + Eating Knife (0.03) + 1 Gal. Tin Jug (0.6) + 2x 6 in. Tin Bowls (0.6) + 2x 12 oz. Tin Cups (0.21) + Waterskin (1) + Common Lantern (0.1) + 2x Wool Blankets (1))
-23.19 Mizas (ClothingLeather Belt (0.85) + Low Leather Boots (1.5) + Leather Sandals (1) + Leather Breeches, adjustable (5) + White Cotton Scarf (0.28) + Green Cotton Scarf (0.28) + Blue Cotton Scarf (0.28) + Red Cotton Scarf (0.28) + Orange Cotton Scarf (0.28) + Brown Cotton Scarf (0.28) + Black Cotton Scarf (0.28) + Green Linen Skirt (1.7) + Red Linen Skirt (1.7) + Red Linen Dress (3.4) + Blue Linen Dress (3.4) + Plain Linen shirt (0.3) + Brown wool cloak (2.38))
-14.5 Mizas (Grooming4 oz. Kohl (0.4) + Cosmetic Brush (0.2) + Small Steel Mirror (10) + Straight Razor (0.5) + 1 lbs Soap (0.1) + 4 oz. Toothpowder (0.3) + Toothbrush (3))
-135 Mizas (Common Living Expenses)
Ending Balance: 4,040.04 Mizas

Fall 518AV
Starting Balance: 338 Mizas
+3,000 Mizas (NaNo WriMo)
+1,274 Mizas (Half Wages)
-136.5 Mizas (Common Living Expenses)
Ending Balance: 4,430 Mizas

Winter 516AV-Suummer 518AV: Inactive

Fall 516AV
Starting Balance:
-138 Mizas (Common Living Expense)
Ending Balance: 338 Mizas

Summer 516AV
Starting Balance: 1,510 Mizas
-2 Mizas (Airag)
-90 Mizas (2x Caracals & Collars)
-350 Mizas (Trained Mare Seme)
-400 Mizas (Well-Trained Mare Seme)
-54 Mizas (Stormblood NPCs)
-138 Mizas (Common Living Expense)
Ending Balance: 476 Mizas

Spring 516AV
Starting Balance: 272 Mizas
-4 Mizas (Medicine)
+1380 (Hunter’s Wage)
-138 Mizas (Common Living Expense)
Ending Balance: 1,510 Mizas

Winter 515AV
Starting Balance: 20 Mizas
+690 Mizas (Hunter’s Wage)
-95 Mizas (Longbow & Quiver
-9 Mizas (Longbow, Game, and Fishing Arrows)
-34 Mizas (Cold Steel Knife and Scabbard)
-24 Mizas (2x Throwing Axes & 2x Scabbards)
-138 Mizas (Common Seasonal Expense)
-138 Mizas (NPC Living Expense )
Ending Balance: 272 Mizas

Fall 515AV
+25 Mizas (Boar Meat & Tusks)
-5 Mizas (Poor Seasonal Expense)
Ending Balance: 20 Mizas
Last edited by Ixzo on May 31st, 2019, 10:36 pm, edited 11 times in total.
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Postby Ixzo on November 9th, 2018, 12:03 am


[7th] At A Glance: Ongoing
To Help Another: Ongoing
Of Iron and Light: Ongoing

[url=url]title[/url]: description

Pavi I
Pavi II
Common I
Common II
Construction II

Fall 518AV
[24th] Lost: Endurance +2, Land Navigation +2, Wilderness Survival: Forest +1, Tracking +3, Planning +4, Tactics +1, Stealth +5, Hunting +5, Intimidation +2, Unarmed Combat +3, Running +2, Bodybuilding +1, Enslaved by the Paille dynasty again, Fighting a Zith, Lions: Meant to hunt in packs, Travel: Kenash to Sunberth, Location: Syliras, Identifying a Badger’s Nest, Recognizing Tracks: Deer, Recognizing Trakcs: Hogs, Recognizing Tracks: Fox, Recognizing Tracks: Quail, Male Hogs had tougher meat then females, Habitat of Hogs, Social Structure of Hogs, Being Hunted while hunting, Changing prey mid-hunt, Growling as a form of warning, Humans: Think they are the apex predator
Welcome to the Sun: Ongoing
The Unknown: Planning +1, Land Navigation +2, Wilderness Survival: Forest +1, Stealth +5, Tracking +3, Endurance +1, Climbing +1, Grooming +1, Acrobatics +1, Hunting +4, Running +1, Unarmed Combat +1, Wrestling +1, Sunberth: Not Welcoming, Carrying belongings while in Kelvic form, Wilderness Survial: Drinking upstream from the city, Land Navigation: Forests immediately surrounding Sunberth, Wilderness Survival: Noticing the sings of water nearby, Wanting to stay near society, Grooming oneself as a lion, Hunting: Larger prey stays away from the city, Recognizing Scent: Deer, Hunting: Being aware of the direction of the wind
Been A Long Time Travellin': Land Navigation +2, Planning +5, Tracking +1, Endurance +3, Bodybuilding +4, Singing +4, Scavenging +3, Logic +3, Wilderness Survival +5, Carving +3, Construction +5, Mathematics +1, Weaving +1, Land Navigation: Travelling upriver, Planning: Gathering materials for construction, Construction: Simple A-Frame Hut, Observation: Finding a livable clearing in the woods, Ixzo: Sings only when sad, Scavenging: Finding the appropriate tree, Wilderness Survival: Building a shelter using found natural materials, Carving: Debranching a tree, Carving: Sharpening sticks, Mathematics: Using self to measure, Construction: using evergreen boughs to thatch a roof, Evergreen boughs: a temporary solution to thatching a roof, Construction: Weaving re-inforces walls, Endurance: Working when you would normally be sleeping, Observation best to fish during the day
Coin Trophy: Land Navigation +2, Planning +1, Hunting +5, Tracking +2, Stealth +2, Running +1, Unarmed Combat +1, Wrestling +1, Hunting in the forest is similar to the rain forest, Planning: Choosing prey for pay, Recognizing Tracks: Rodents, Tracking: Staying aware of the world around you, Tracking: Identifying deer grazing, Tracking: Identifying male deer urine, Tracking: Identifying scat, Deer: Nocturnal, Hunting Deer: Beware the antlers
Something Precious: Acrobatics +1, Interrogation +5, Intimidation +2, Investigation +2, Logic +5, Persuasion +1, Planning +2, Running +1, Scouting +1, Tactics +1, Unarmed Combat +3, Common Tongue: Saved means “not death”? , Humans: Hips were better placed than shoulders, Kynier: Not a coward, Kynier: A mage, Kynier: Can see things with magic, Kynier: Magic did something to him, Kynier: Can see her broken bonds with magic, Kynier: Says her amulet has magic, Kynier: Smells like birds, Kynier: Has a warm scent that reminds her of home, Kynier: Did not shy away from her Luminance, Lolan: A Sitai dynasty Slave, Luminance: Instilling hope into another, Self: Doesn’t like the taste of humans, Stealth: Buys tie for an attack, but strength is what wins, Sunberth: No laws, but territories
Caught on the Breeze: Ongoing
Appeal to the Hunger: Cooking +5, Logic +1, Teaching +2, Cooking: Cubing potatoes, Cooking: Peeling onions, Cooking: Rabbit meat makes an excellent soup, Language: Making herself understood with gestures, Location: The Sunset Quarters, Luminance: Gives increased awareness of light, Luminance: Instills fear and cowardice in those who aren't good, Kailani: Ambitious, just like her, Kailani: Born on the Suvan Sea, Kailani: Marked by Laviku, Kailani: One adult in Sunberth she can stand, Kailani: Speaks Fratava and Common, Kailani: Spent most of her life on the Sebakem Ocean, Kailani: Svefra, Self: Doesn't like dogs, Self: Hasn't been touched in too long, Self: Likes to feed others, Self: Loves humans but doesn't trust the people of Sunberth, Self: Never found fault in a child
Kindness Among Strangers: Ongoing

Winter 516AV-Summer 518AV: Inactive

Fall 516AV
[76th] Counter Attack: Complete

Summer 516AV
[5th] Truth or Lies?: Cooking +1, Intimidation +3, Intelligence +4, Meditation +1, Persuasion +2, Tactics +1, Rhetoric +1, Philosophy +1, Planning +1, Brawling +1, Running +1, Endurance +2, Ixzo's Trial: Accused of poisoning a water source using Malediction, Endrykas: The Conclave, Shane & Oaken Starrun: Liars,: Ixzo's anchor to Endrykas, Trial: Found innocent!, Ixzo: Petitions Azmere for protection, Location Endrykas: Anchor Of Gold And Earth, Ixzo's Trial: A silent prayer to Priskil
The Twins: Animal Husbandry +3, Medicine +1, Bodybuilding +1, Tactics +1, Weapon: Knife +1, Planning +1, Medicine: Being wet for too long encourages illness, Tlii and Tetez: Regard Ixzo like mother, Braiding collars for Tlii and Tetez
Cat Care: Tactics +1, Weapon: Knife +1, Socialization +4, Planning +2, Animal Husbandry +2, Benefits of joining a Pavilion, Basic Knife Trick, Distrustful of Dogs, Largest cat around, Cats: Bumping heads is a sign of trust, Cats should not be trained like dogs, Cat Body Language, Myrian Tigers: Mentors and Companions, Caracals: Good for hunting birds
Gift Giving: Cooking +1, Socialization +2, Planning +1, Intimidation +1, Negotiation +1, Cooking: Crockpot, Horse: Seme, Bartering: Purchasing Live Animals
-750 GM
Last One: Leadership +1, Socialization +2, Location: Amethyst District, Socialization: Bring a gift when visiting someone’s dwelling
Gone Fishin': Socialization +1, Stealth +1, Hunting +1, Rufio: A fortune teller, Running water is colder than still water, Drykas: Bonded are more respected than non-bonded
Era of Airag: Socialization +5, Brewing +3, Cooking +1, Airag: fermented mare's milk, Airag: used as a laxative, Brewing: strain the fat from the milk, Brewing: all the milk to sit for a few days to ferment, Cooking: let the fat curdle for a few days to make cheese, Ixzo: surprised to be called Dotra, Naomi Cutgrass: willing to teach and outsider, Pails are smaller than barrels
-2 GM
Well Don't Overdue It: Organization +3, Bodybuilding +1, Wilderness Survival: Plains +1, Socialization +2, Planning +2, Cooking +5, Logic +2, Endurance +1, Ixzo: Wishes for a Pride, Ixzo: Celebrates her sixth birthday with a feast!, Wilderness Survival: Dung-fires are less smoky, eat pretty bland food, Playing a chilli pepper trick on Asher, Cooking: Sweet-vinegar marinade, Drykas children have no grudge for foreigners, Stormbloods: Her protection, Azmere: Her Ankal, Cooking: Cabbage and Bok Choy, Ixzo: Eats meat raw, Taloban chilli peppers are Ixzo's favorite, Dusk bewilders Ixzo's nightlion vision

Spring 516AV
[1st] New Year, New Worries: Carving +1, Socialization +2, Using language barriers to cover insults, Free bones: sometimes useless, Drykas men: disrespectful, Drykas women: they hold their liquor
The Olidosapux pt.1: Hunting +4, Observation +3, Land Navigation +2, Endurance +2, Tracking +1, Running +1, Climbing +1, Ixzo: determined, Olidosapux: massive and dangerous, Olidosapux: not as slow as they appear
Taking Time: Butchery -> Cooking +3, Cooking +1, Cosmetology +1, Medicine +1, Organization +1, Persuasion +1, Planning +1, The breathing of one sleeping, Butchery: taking meat from where there's the most, Cooking: stew, low heat and long time, Cosmetology: simple braids in hair, Medicine: hair quality as a sign of health, Organization: designating places for things, Pavi sign: promise, assurance, Persuasion: a motivational threat, Planning: supplies first, then the task, Skinning: easing out lower limbs, Skinning: rabbit skin peels readily
Rabbits, Run!: Malediction +5, Painting +3, Organization +3, Planning +2, Carving +1, Wilderness Survival +1, Malediction: goes wrong when nothing happens, Malediction: effects depend on source and experience, Malediction: intended results not guaranteed, Wilderness Survival: Hook Knot, Painting is not the same as drawing, Carving: a small hole for blood
The Olidosapux pt.2: Hunting +5, Planning +2, Endurance +2, Wrestling: +2, Tracking +2, Stealth +1, Olidosapux: travel in small herds, Olidosapux: more likely to leave a male, Planning: aim for the back, Hunting: never take on larger prey head first
The Beginning: Socialization +4, Observation +2, Investigation +1, Rufio: Bondmate, Ixzo: nervous since the pirate raids, Iollu: can be rude
Making a... Legacy?: Planning +2, Organization +1, Wilderness Survival +1, Cooking +2, Malediction +2, Carving +1, Childcare +1, Socialization +2, Malediction: Gather the bones, Cleaning: Soak the tough messes, Wilderness Survival: Dried dung makes good fires, Cooking: Chicken soup for the soul, Malediction: Make the object, Carving: Bone requires multiple passes, Childcare: Tickling required, Malediction: Blood activates the magic
Fog Blindness: Observation +4, Intelligence +3, Socialization +3, Rhetoric +1, Intimidation +3, Negotiation +1, Cooking +2, Herbalism +2, Ixzo: Cares deeply for Iollu, Herbalism: Ginger tea is a mild remedy, Waisana: Pitiful & foolish, yet likeable, Waisana: An unexpected guest, Pavi: Accidently insulting a stranger, Drykas Of The Opal Clan: Healers, Waisana: Medicine Woman, Ixzo: Fierce & predatory by nature, Ixzo: Reigning in her ferocity so as not to scare others, Mending insult with heartfelt apology, Herbalism: Onion & garlic poultice for chest coughs, Herbalism: Tolm tea eases pain, Herbalism: Bon'mur root chewed to cool fever
-4 GM
The Trickster's Pride: Childcare +1, Meditation +1, Iollu: Likes to sleep in your fur, Drykas Marriage Customs, The joy of bonding
Feels Like Fever: Medicine +2, Cooking +2, Herbalism +2, Socialization +1, Medicine: Easing the symptoms of the flu, Medicine: Mint Tea to cool the mouth, Herbalism: Tumeric and ginger root, Medicine: Golden Milk, Cooking: Golden Milk
A Familiar Stranger: Organization +1, Socialization +2, Flirting +1, Investigation +1, Intelligence +1, Quzon: Myrian-raised Isur, Isur: Pale-blue skin & stone-like arms, Ixzo: Shame of not bearing Myri's Mark
Bow Women: Persuasion +1, Rhetoric +2, Investigation +2, Endurance +1, Leadership +1, Planning +1, Pavi: Interpreting a signed joke, Pavi: Sign supplementing lack of vocabulary, Pavi: Signing time, Trapping elicits better pelts than hunting, Hyena pelts are not as popular as rabbit or coyote, Ixzo: Likes to flaunt, Drykas Culture: Patriarchal, Ixzo & Jasmine: Bow women, Location, Endrykas: The Wind-Knotted Gates
Hunting in the Rain: Tracking +1, Teaching +1, Stealth +1, Weapon: Longbow +1, Land Navigation +1, Hunting +3, Tracking: Trails are Faint in the Grasslands, Teaching: Harder with the Language Barrier, Killing a Baby Animal is Unfortunate, Jasmine: Strong with a Shortbow, Tactics: Team Ambush, No One Wants to Hunt in the Rain, Horses Provide a Better Vantage Point, Benefits of Hunting in a Storm, Zulrav's Sounds Hide Mistakes
Goat Rescue Squad: Organization+1, Thunder comes after lightning
The World That You Know...: Socialization +2, Planning +1, Endurance +5, Logic +4, Swimming +1, Organization +2, Investigation +2, Herbalism +1, Tactics +1, Weapon: Longbow +1, Ixzo: Courage for loved ones, Ixzo: The curious cat, Sea of Grass: Riddled with Tunnels, Underwatch: The Man with No Tongue, Endurance: Marching underground takes a toll, Logic: Always bring a healer, Ixzo: Always thinking, Swimming: Gear is heavier in the water, Ixzo: Not accustomed to fast speeds, Sparrow: Watchman, Zoot: Pycon, Taggert: Watchman & Jerk, Evain: Scared black eyes, Deathspark: Tunnel Guardian, It’s hard to track time underground, Herbalism: Flowers require sunlight, Ixzo: Instinctual, Aris: Good at not giving answers, Tactics: Relaxing with a weapon, Rozacapotl: Colorful cloud of death, Logic: Don’t attack something you can’t kill
+A necklace with a carved horse figure. It's magic and can allow her to befriend and ride a Gilding. She'll have to figure this out ICly and there is no way to for her to change the magic so that she could ever bond with a strider. Once she meets this Gilding, the figure will become entwined with the horse. If it dies, the figure crumbles; a one-time deal.

Winter 515AV
[2nd] Get A Kick Out Of This: Body building +1, Socialization +2, Ixzo: wishes to know more Drykas, Dogs are protective of their masters
E-What?: Observation +4, Stealth +3, Hunting +5, Endurance +3, Running +2, Tracking +2, Planning +1, Reptiles not as active in winter, Kelvic stomachs are much stronger than human stomachs, Suffocating is the slowest way to kill
A Dark Morning pt.1: Running +3, Observation +5, Socialization +2, Stealth +2, Logic +2, Endurance +2, You can’t knock on a tent, Pavi: Using signs for emphasis, Hunters don’t use swords, Kelvic: Human shape comes with emotions, Ixzo: Faith in the Drykas
A Dark Morning pt.2: Socialization +3, Observation +2, Running +1, Planning +1, Unarmed Combat +1, Brawling +1, Endurance +1, Common: more natural, Pavi: becoming more clear, Ixzo: believes that females are superior
+1 dagger injury to the arm, healed by spring will leave a light scar where it pierced the skin
Where The Sea Bleeds Fire: Unarmed Combat +1 , Endurance +1, Socialization +1, Observation +1, Pavi: Recollection under Stress, Kelvic: Sudden Change, There's nothing like a hunt
The Acceptance: Childcare +3, Planning +1, Stealth +1, Observation +3, Animal Husbandry +2, Horsemanship +2, Socialization +1, Endrykas: A home away from home, Iollu: The Trickster, Childcare: Keeping warm, fed, and safe, The look of a starving horse, Cyphrus Striders: Hardy and highly intelligent, Likleu: Weary, Horsemanship: Working with a wild stallion, Animal Husbandry: Mud Fever, Iollu: The Orphan, Pavi: Communicating with a child
Man In The Moon: Cooking +1, Singing +2, Childcare +3, Socialization +3, Observation +2, Iollu: tasked to clean dishes, Meat cooks slower than onions, Childcare: giving Iollu the greater portion, Song: the man in the moon, Iollu: cries at night, Dilemma: Can't keep Iollu, can't give her up
Cute and Fluffy: Skinning -> Tanning +5, Socialization +5, Negotiation +1, Ixzo: new to skinning barehanded, Ixzo: skins for meat not pelt, Zethar: a funny man, Pavi: broken, Skinning: doesn't need too much force, Skinning: doesn't always require a knife, Rabbit bone is easy to break, Banana is not well known in Endrykas
No Place Like Home: Socialization +4, Weapon: Long bow +4, Observation +2, Ixzo: snarls when angry, Angle Knife: blade points to the side, Archery: aim for wing or head of birds, Pavi: much easier when surrounded by it
A Different Way of Tracking: Observation +4, Tracking +3, Hunting + 5, Stealth +2, Weapon: Longbow +1, Weapon: Knife +1, Dry grass is hard to run on, Ibex: Females do not have near as big horns, Longbow: an arrow through the shoulders makes the front legs nearly useless, Ibex: do not eat from the middle of a berry bush, Ibex: has a smaller feces trail than most of the larger herbivores

Fall 515AV
[50th] The Hunt of Necessity: Logic +3, Observation +5, Stealth +3, Hunting +5, Running +2, Wilderness Survival: Plains +2, Land Navigation +1, Endurance +3, Bodybuilding +3, Sea of Grass: Bountiful, Observation: The smell of blood, Endrykas waterways aren't safe, Hunting: Gazelle, Hunting: Singling out the weak, Observation: Upwind vs downwind, Herbivores vs Carnivores, Hunting: Ibex, Hunting: Making a kill, Location: Endrykas
Hogging It pt.1: Logic +3, Hunting +4, Observation +3, Tracking +1, Stealth +1, Planning +1, Running +1, Bodybuilding +3, Tactics +1, Wrestling +1, Endurance +3, Philosophy +1, Wilderness Survival, Plains +1, Socialization +2, Sea of Grass: Predators rule the night, Killing for pay rather than prey, Tracking via scent, Observation: The smell of a boar, Tactics: A plan of attack, Philosophy: Animals shouldn't suffer, Pavi: Basic hunting signs, Location: The Spit Fire
The Key to Endrykas: Socialization +3, Observation +1, Negotiation +2, Pavi: Hard to remember without constant practice, Ixzo: Pavi slowly returning, Miza is more common than Bikka
Hogging It pt.2: Socialization +5, Rhetoric +2, Negotiation +1, Observation +3, Butchery -> Cooking +1, Logic +1, Intimidation +1, Stealth +1, Investigation +2, Jesello: The seamstress, Drykas: Basic trade systems, The basics of butchering a boar, Drykas: Generous people, Pavi: Signs for animal parts, Pavi: Signs for decade numbers, Pavi: Signs for currency, Drykas fashion, Location: Endrykas Marketplace
A Request: Logic +1, Socialization +1, Observation +1, Logic: Autumn means death, Location: Wind Skins, Drykas: Pavi, Drykas: Grassland Sign, Ixzo: A new job
Fables for The People: Investigation +1, Observation +3, Rhetoric +4, Socialization +4, Logic +2, Storytelling +2, Flirting +1, Acting +1, Striders: Calm around Kelvics, The tale of Aquiras and Priskil, Erikal: Drykas, Socialization: The important of making eye-contact when speaking, Pavi: Basic greetings and questions, Erikal: Native to Endrykas, Endrykas: Less rain, more wind, Endrykas: The moving city, Why Endrykas moves, Endrykas: The Run
Charcoal and Ink: Observation +3, Drawing +5, Logic +1, Socialization +2, Stealth +1, Humans: Reasons for eye contact, Injal: Run off his feet, Drawing: Working with ink, Drawing: Working with charcoal, Tattooing: Basic Drykas designs, Drawing: Copying, Drawing: Sketching, Drawing: Lines, Drawing: Shading techniques, Charcoal breaks easily, Drawing: Shapes, Charcoal: Work from one side of the page to the other, Charcoal: Smudges easily, Drawing: Composition, Tattooing: Holding the skin taut for the artist, Tattooing over scars, Drawing: Ink needs time to dry
Turkey Time: Hunting +5, Tracking +2, Planning +2, Observation +5, Stealth +3, Logic +3, Bodybuilding +1, Wilderness Survival: Plains +2, Endurance +1, Land Navigation +1, Socialization +1, Turkeys: Smarter than they look, Hunting: Ground birds, The difficulties of tracking birds, Stealth: Distributing weight evenly across four limbs, Cyphrus: Dry in summer and fall, Turkey nesting habits, Plucking a bird, Lions hunt in a pride, Myrian Tigers: Solitary creatures, Drykas: Comfortable with nudity
The Archer and The Bowyer: Socialization +4, Observation +5, Negotiation +1, Grassland Sign: Buying and Selling, Azmere: Bower and Fletcher, Azmere: Like's His Personal Space
Whatever You Find: Observation +5, Philosophy +1, Scavenging +1, Endurance +1, Weapon: Cutlass +2, Priskil: Goddess of Hope, Honoring the dead, Scorched meat is no good, Cutlass: Getting good grip, Ixzo: Always a Myrian
Winter Is Coming: Socialization +5, Observation +5, Endurance +1, Pavi: used to help explain weak common, Pavi: more natural, Snow: frozen water, Socialization: reassuring a new friend, Kelvics: cousins, Common: known more than spoken
Thunder? No Thanks!: Wilderness Survival: Plains +5, Endurance +2, Logic +2, Stealth +1, Intelligence +2, Observation +4, Running +1, Planning +3, Organization +3, Bodybuilding +1, Endrykas: Autumn temperatures, Tattooing: Popular in the afternoon, Wilderness Survival: Walking to keep warm, Endurance: Cold weather without warm clothing, Endrykas: The Watch, Makutsi: The Rain bringer, Makutsi: Goddess of Water, Wilderness Survival: Basic survival items, Location: Garthos' Supply, Wilderness Survival: Putting up a tent, Wilderness Survival: Building a fire, Endrykas: Seasonal storms, thunder and rain, Zulrav: Father of Storms
Contest For Curiosity: Observation +5, Socialization +5, Weapon: Longbow +5, Longbow: Excitement doesn’t help accuracy, Dravite: A skilled hunter but a sick man, Pavi: Interchanging Speech and Signs, Longbow: More powerful than shortbow, Location: Warstorm Pavilion, Laughter is contagious, Dravite: Good sport, Myrian Tigers & Striders: Similar but not the same
Night and Day: Observation +4, Land Navigation +1, Investigation +2, Stealth +2, Rhetoric +2, Acrobatics +1, Logic +3, Socialization +1, Intimidation +1, Interrogation +1, Observation: The smell of death, Kelvic: Patrolling your territory, Evalin wreaks of death, Evalin: Cold to the touch, Common: Asking rhetorical questions, Evalin: The fake god, An intimidating roar, Evalin's strange blue necklace, Logic: The voice of reason
What A Waste: Tracking +1, Planning +2, Observation +4, Hunting +3, Camouflage +1, Stealth +2, Intelligence +1, Running +2, Bodybuilding +2, Intimidation +2, Endurance +3, Wrestling +1, Climbing +1, Wilderness Survival: Plains +2, Logic + 1, Land Navigation +1, Astronomy +1, Medicine +1, Philosophy +1, Tracking: Basics of how to avoid leaving tracks, Stealth: Moving with the wind, Stealth: Lower eyes to avoid detection via reflection, Buffalo: Don't turn your back on the herd, Fauna: Herd animals work together to overpower predators, Intimidation: Bared teeth and a mighty roar, Land Navigation: Using the stars, Astronomy: Moon and stars, Medicine: Assessing the seriousness of a wound, Medicine: Using salt water to clean a wound, Philosophy: Myri's children don't cry
Paying For It: Socialization +2, Endurance +1, Pavi: hard to sign when shoulder is injured, Humans are more modest creatures
The Discussion: Organization +1, Endurance +1, Socialization +4, Planning +1, Endurance: Recovering from sickness, Endrykas: Moves each season, Offer to join a Drykas Pavilion, Drykas: How Pavilions work

Fall 514AV
[34th] The Break: Socialization +2, Intimidation +1 , Brawling +1, Observation: Nameless, Unspoken Concern, Elise: Beautiful and Cruel, Kelvic Bonds: Agony to Break, of Soul and Flesh

Summer 511AV
[2nd] Aiming For It: Organization +2, Observation +2, Weapon: Longbow +5, Socialization +2, Rhetoric +2, A Father's Logic: Practice makes perfect, Bow: Going through the steps of use, Bow: Take your time, Bow: Instinctive shooting, Father: Kinder than mother, Bow: The importance of steady aim, Bow: Watching your strike
Seeking an Anchor: Weapon: Longbow +5, Logic +2, Philosophy +1, Investigation +1, Mathematics +1, Observation +1, Shorn Skulls: Up early to hunt and patrol, Bow: Elbow up and strong, Bow: Shoot with relaxed shoulders, Bow: The concept of an anchor, Bow: Experimenting with stances for the perfect shot
Lame Aim: Weapon: Longbow +5, Observation +2, Mathematics +1, Planning +1, Observation: Keeping track of flying arrows, Bow: Keeping hands even, Ixzo: Knowing what pride feels like, Bow: Challenges with increasing shot range, Mathematics: Keeping count, Ixzo: Surpassing a parent in skill, Observation: Checking weapons for quality
Tomahawk Teachings: Throwing Axe +5, Observation +4, Socialization +3, Intimidation +2, Interrogation +1, Running +2, Persuasion +1, Throwing Axe: Drop Test, Throwing Axe: Proper Grip, Throwing Axe: How to Aim and Throw, Weapons Training: A Matter of Patience and Perseverance, The Importance of a Balanced Weapon
Mind the Grind: Longbow +5, Observation +2, Planning +3, Socialization +1, Weapon: Throwing Axe +1, Horses: Able to Sense a Large Cat Kelvic, Understanding Where an Arrow Will Land Requires Repetition and Patience, Arcing the Trajectory of a Shot, Achieving a Bullseye, Handling a Tomahawk Correctly
The Water Snake: Stealth +2, Camouflage +1, Hunting +2, Observation +3, Socialization +2, Rhetoric +1, Wilderness Survival: Jungle +2, Weapon: Longbow +1, Unarmed Combat +1, Intimidation +1, Cleaning (Organization) +1, Medicine +1, Clay: Camouflage, Stealth: Moving slowly, Stealth: A waiting game, Tlili: A good teacher, Hunting: Teamwork, Dhani: Snake people, Snakes: Muscles spasm after death, Medicine: Basics of slowing bleeding, Jungle Ixam: Fit for riding, Myri: Goddess of War

Spring 511AV
[51st] Killing With Friends: Stealth +1, Observation +1, Hunting: Importance of Communication
Know Your Bow: Observation +2, Weapon: Longbow +5, Rhetoric +1, Organization +1, Bodybuilding +1, Endurance +1, Longbow: Basic standing stance, Kelvics grow up fast, Fletching and aiming, Longbow: A balanced arrow, head, shaft, fletching, Longbow: Keep elbow loose, Longbow: Hold stance until the arrow strikes, Ixzo: nicknamed Kitten, Longbow: Firing an arrow

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Lion of the Night
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