32nd of Spring, 5120AV
Ixzo was watching the sun rise through the trees as she trekked into the city. She had rejoined civilization two seasons ago, and even then the kelvic had found herself doing so slowly. Less than ten days ago, an event had changed her perception of the forsaken squalor city. She had thought of it as a city of thieves and idiots, and people that she could not stand to be around. Although the raid of the baby-farm had not made her think any kinder of these despicable humans, it did show her that she wasn’t supposed to give up on them. There were those who did not create the chaos that was Sunberth, but rather tried to survive in it, and if she was truly a daughter of Priskil could she not be the one to help those who fostered hope?
And so she found herself passing the fowl-smelling slag heap, wary silver eyes watching an elder man drag an unidentified lump towards the eternally burning fire. He was far away and so she was able to watch his slow progression as she stalked towards the city. He was much older and whatever weight the smaller lump had, it bothered him. Unable to let an elder go without help, Ixzo changed the direction of her feet, walking up to him. Without a word, she grabbed one end of the lump in order to aide the man. He jumped at her presence, and stepped back, dropping his own half and brandishing a knife.
”It ain’t no good to you lot any more, he’s long gone. Let me burn him, you cruel fiend.” He snarled at her, his knife wobbling slightly in his hands. Not intimidated by a knife, Ixzo dropped the side of the lump she had offered to help, examining the polished blade. Due to his age and the care for his knife, Ixzo didn’t doubt he knew how to get it into her somehow before she could get away, but age had wobbled his hand and demented his stance, and she didn’t consider him a threat.
”I help.” She spat back, not sure what he had said, but trying to show she wasn’t trying to steal his trash from him. She nodded towards the slag heap, picking up her side of the lump again and raising her eyebrows at the elder. He looked at her for a few ticks longer before sheathing his knife once again and grabbing his end of the lump, grumbling something she didn’t understand.
”I’ll do this, I have to.” He paused when they reached the slag heap. Her nose had become numb to it’s terrible scent now, and she could feel the uncomfortable heat on her skin. She stepped back from the sack as he began to lug it over his shoulder. No longer dragging the thing, the sack head was able to open, and Ixzo watched as something recognizable fell out of it. A stiff pale arm, tinted an uncomfortable green, waved back at her. Ixzo paused and then swallowed, watching the elder toss the body into the fire. She hadn’t recognized the lump because it was too small for her to recognize it as humanoid. Anger was slowly building as she realized it was a child. She was no stranger to the horrors that adults would put children through, but she was horrified with her blindness. With her blind optimism of helping an old man carry his trash, and it was... A child.
And so she found herself passing the fowl-smelling slag heap, wary silver eyes watching an elder man drag an unidentified lump towards the eternally burning fire. He was far away and so she was able to watch his slow progression as she stalked towards the city. He was much older and whatever weight the smaller lump had, it bothered him. Unable to let an elder go without help, Ixzo changed the direction of her feet, walking up to him. Without a word, she grabbed one end of the lump in order to aide the man. He jumped at her presence, and stepped back, dropping his own half and brandishing a knife.
”It ain’t no good to you lot any more, he’s long gone. Let me burn him, you cruel fiend.” He snarled at her, his knife wobbling slightly in his hands. Not intimidated by a knife, Ixzo dropped the side of the lump she had offered to help, examining the polished blade. Due to his age and the care for his knife, Ixzo didn’t doubt he knew how to get it into her somehow before she could get away, but age had wobbled his hand and demented his stance, and she didn’t consider him a threat.
”I help.” She spat back, not sure what he had said, but trying to show she wasn’t trying to steal his trash from him. She nodded towards the slag heap, picking up her side of the lump again and raising her eyebrows at the elder. He looked at her for a few ticks longer before sheathing his knife once again and grabbing his end of the lump, grumbling something she didn’t understand.
”I’ll do this, I have to.” He paused when they reached the slag heap. Her nose had become numb to it’s terrible scent now, and she could feel the uncomfortable heat on her skin. She stepped back from the sack as he began to lug it over his shoulder. No longer dragging the thing, the sack head was able to open, and Ixzo watched as something recognizable fell out of it. A stiff pale arm, tinted an uncomfortable green, waved back at her. Ixzo paused and then swallowed, watching the elder toss the body into the fire. She hadn’t recognized the lump because it was too small for her to recognize it as humanoid. Anger was slowly building as she realized it was a child. She was no stranger to the horrors that adults would put children through, but she was horrified with her blindness. With her blind optimism of helping an old man carry his trash, and it was... A child.