Solo Running Errands

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A lawless town of anarchists, built on the ruins of an ancient mining city. [Lore]

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Running Errands

Postby Flavius on July 14th, 2020, 3:37 pm

Summer 520 A.V.

Flavius knocked on the door. He had to be careful not to break it. It was old and rotten. "Matthew," Flavius called, "I know your home. Just open the door so we can talk." With that, the door opened on creaking hinges. An older, thin man, in his forties, opened the door. "Flavius, can't you just let an old man off just this one time?" Matthew asked.

"Sorry," Flavius said, "Gideon wants the money he is owed." Matthew tried closing the door. The hand of the larger man stopped it firmly in it's movement. "I am serious Matthew. We do this the easy way or the painful way. Your choice." Flavius explained. "Flavius, I bar-"

"Easy way or painful way," Flavius said, gripping the side of the door. He tightened his grip as he felt the door try to close once more. "I'll give you five seconds to let go of this door, or we do things the painful way," Flavius said. Matthew did not and tried again to close the door, this time he put his weight behind it. It only succeeded in moving the door a little bit.

The strike came in the form of a foot to the chest. Flavius did not put any Flux into the strike, the goal was to get the old man out of the way, not kill him. The result was that Matthew was thrown off of his feet and into a table. Flavius did not stop to check in on the older man before tearing the home apart.

It took time, but Flavius eventually found the money stashed away in the back of a cuboard. With money in hand, Flavius made his way to the meetup with Gideon.
Last edited by Flavius on July 28th, 2020, 7:09 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Running Errands

Postby Flavius on July 27th, 2020, 1:06 am

Flavius sat across the table from Gideon. The smaller man counted out the coins Flavius had collected for the day. "Looks good," Gideon said, "Bois is going to be happy." Flavius nodded and stood, "Got anything for me?" Gideon sat back and thought for a moment.

"The Sun's Berth have encroached a bit on our territory," Gideon said, "The Night Eyes have taken out a few of our enforcers, but that's nothing new. I do have something you could accomplish, if you can get the guys together."

"What is it?" Flavius asked. "There is a shipment heading into the Sun's Refuge," Gideon explained, "We suspect that they trying to get more weapons, armor and supplies for an offensive to reclaim some lost territory. Word has come down the chain that there is a need for strong fighters or gangs to steal what is inside."

It did not take a moment for Flavius to decide, "How long do I have?" "One week," Gideon said.
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