The Key To Waterproof Tarps 22-28th of Spring 522 AV Afraid that she would encounter anymore of the Suicide Plant in the areas around her home, Naadiya had asked Seladonna to burn away the villainous plants with her reimancy, at the suggestion of Uta. The Verusk had done a great job, and even scorched away all the grassy and once lush ground around the build site leaving black and dusty grey ground where once it had been green. The ashes, Naadiya had learned, would discourage snakes from nearing the area while the building was going on and eventually the grass, ferns and vines would come back. Certain areas, however, Naadiya had thrown river stones over. Smooth white, grey, brown and black pebbles covered the most often treaded paths. While returning several days later to check if her fires had done the job well enough, Seladonna convinced Naadiya to let her or Duncan use magic to pave the paths well enough to blend in with the rest of the settlement. “Trust me, this is not just for you, everyone who will ever have to come here will thank you for it… or rather they will thank me for it.” Seladonna spoke, looking at Naadiya as if she had been silly for not asking in the first place. “That’s a lot of work, how much would you two want in payment?” “I will do it for a new tarp and a tent, but both have to be water sealed. No bright reds or yellows, either, I need these to blend into the jungle when in use.” Naadiya nodded and made an ‘of course’ face, actively not mentioning the fact that she’d recently considered painting the entire outside of her house red and yellow. Uta had gone into detail about how pollinators were drawn to certain colors and the house was already being built surrounded by orange blooms. “Enjoy the bees” had been the only thing Uta replied with when Naadiya tried to convince her the first and only time. Ultimately, Naadiya had opted to forgo the red and yellow paint for now and promised to not use any similarly colored threads for the tent or tarp she would be making for the Verusk woman. Her loom back at the inn was available, Naadiya remembered, as she had not yet started weaving all the necessary mosquito netting that would become the walls of her small greenhouse. Of late, Naadiya would buy larger and larger quantities of yarn from Dawn, which the shop owner was glad to be rid of, knowing she’d only be buying some of it back as finished fabric with Naadiya needing to keep the woven fabrics more and more to furnish her new home. Dawn made a profit from an allergen she wouldn’t even come in contact with and Naadiya saved money not having to purchase textiles for her furnishings. Her selection of greens was varied but she only chose among the isuas threads. Seladonna suffered from no such curse as Dawn, so it would be fine for her, and all the better to survive the wet air and frequent downpours of the Sykan climate.
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