Location [Wind Reach] The Valintar

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The westernmost tip of Kalea, Wind Reach is home to an amazing group of people and their giant eagle mounts. [Lore]

[Wind Reach] The Valintar

Postby Phoenix on May 29th, 2012, 5:16 am


"Avon, I am Kaden. It's a pleasure to have you in our city. Please, sit." Kaden had turned when the young man entered, casting an appraising glance over his being; for one who controlled so much of what went on in the city, the ability to size someone up in a glance was a requirement.

As Avon sat, so did the Valintar. Leaning back in his chair and folding his hands, Kaden managed to look more intimidating now with the desk between them.

"What brings you here? A visit I presume?" Keen eyes twinkled with a spark of laughter at the surprised look on the young man's face; he hadn't given anyone but Val that information and there was no way the old man had made it here before he did.

"Your belongings, they are that of a traveler." The explanation was soft, thoughtful. "How long do you plan to stay here, Avon? Are you going to require food and housing? You'll need to provide for the city in return for both, doing so by holding a job. What skills do you possess?"
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[Wind Reach] The Valintar

Postby Avon Lomondir on May 29th, 2012, 6:24 pm

The man was as intimidating as he initially thought, internally feeling his hackles rise in caution the moment they sat, the Valintar with hands clasped comfortably behind him while he, on the other-hand, began to worry the sturdy material of the chair's armrest. It was a bit nerve-wracking to be under such an analytic gaze, nearly gasping in surprise when the other gleaned his reason for being here in less than a minute, those intelligent eyes sparkling with mirth. He did nothing more than nod in acquiesce at the statement, the shock subsiding into one of curiosity. Was he a man of infinite wisdom or foresight?

Perhaps not...but his perception is truly something.

Avon blinked in thought at the slew of questions directed at him before he clasped his hands together, knowing his answer. "I...merely planed to visit but there is a high chance of me wanting to stay. So I suppose I will need some quarters and food." The Kelvic paused as he revaluated his skills, only finding two worth mentioning. "Well...I'm a fairly competent hunter if I do say so myself. And I have a natural inclination for surviving the wild. That is all I suppose." He didn't know the terrain or the game here to well but it wasn't beyond him to learn quickly.
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[Wind Reach] The Valintar

Postby Phoenix on May 29th, 2012, 6:54 pm


Kaden watched as the young man chose his words carefully, a small smile twinkling in his eyes even though his face kept its serious mask. The Valintar was more than used to the impression he left on those he encountered and it hardly phased him any longer.

"Hmm.. A hunter. Avora then." A few pages rustled and Kaden pulled out a fresh piece of parchment. "What weapons do you prefer and can you hunt alone as well as in groups?" Glancing up from the graceful scrawl that he'd started across the page, Kaden inclined his head in explanation. "We have hunters as well as Endal. Both organize hunting groups for better results, so it's nice to know ones preferences."

Silence stretched as the quill scratched at parchment. When he was done, Kaden stood and moved to his office door, opened it slightly and stuck his head outside. There was the sound of conversation from without, though Avon wasn't able to make out what was said. A few moments passed and the Valintar opened the door all the way, revealing a girl in her pre-teens.

"Heidi, I'd like you to meet Avon. He's new to the city." The parchment was passed to the Yasi girl, who nodded graciously and clasped the paper in both hands, looking towards the new comer with an excited smile, a twinkle of curiosity in her eye.

Kaden turned back to Avon, nodding and holding out his hand as the young man stood. Normally, the interview lasted longer than this but the boy had a quiet honesty about him that Kaden had immediately liked. Handshakes were exchanged before Kaden went to settle back behind his desk.

"Heidi will show you to your rooms in the Darniva Commons. She will also get you your meal voucher and show you around the city." A smile and a farewell tip of his head. "Remember, you have to pull your weight if you want to eat and sleep out of the rain. Good day to you, Avon."
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[Wind Reach] The Valintar

Postby Avon Lomondir on May 30th, 2012, 1:37 am

Avon, blinking in bewilderment at the fine-sounding title of "Avora", almost letting out an involuntarily chuckle of joy at his assigned caste. He heard about the caste system that ran the everyday functions of Wind Reach from his friend, knowing that it was very crucial to the way they survived on these unforgiving mountains.

At the mention of his weapon preference, the Kelvic's focus returned back towards the other, soft-spoken and polite as ever. "Well I make do with daggers and throwing knives. But," he grinned, his canines prominent, "I have a preference for hunting as a wolf. It feels a bit more natural. And I have no qualms with working in group." Although, his experience in group hunting were very few and far in between.

Moments later, Kaden had gotten up and began holding a interesting conversation with a mysterious person, said person's identity being completely camouflaged by the door. Curious, the wolf boy strained his normally keen hearing but couldn't for the life of him hear the hushed conversation. Pouting almost immaturely, Avon looked away until the scent of another permitted the air along with the sound of the door opening completely, revealing a charming youth holding the very parchment Kaden had been working on. She gazed up at him with an excited grin and shining eyes that made Avon chuckle, letting out a "hello" of greeting.

"Ah, thank you Kaden for your help in getting me settled. Don't worry...I'll make sure to do my part for the city." He said in farewell, turning his gentle gaze onto the youth in a playful expectance. "Please Heidi, do show me around this city of yours."
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[Wind Reach] The Valintar

Postby Tiaue'a on June 5th, 2012, 3:09 pm

3 Summer 512 A.V.

It was late at night, and she could only hope it wasn’t too late. The wind eagle kelvic… Tiaue’a flew down to the Valintar, just out of reach from the door. She was still struggling with her person, coming to terms with this strange gift of having two forms, and possibly reaping the benefits of both. She knew though that she shouldn’t be living like she was. Sira was the prime example. No, Sira was the only example of how wonderful life could be. She had her bond mate, a daughter, Sira just took so much from life, and none of it was possible without proper work. That’s why she was here now, to get a job. Hopefully she’d still be hunting with her siblings – at least who she thought were her siblings – and continue with a relatively normal life as she knew it.

She leaned in closer with her feathered head for a better look at the door. It was barred shut. She was too late. Although much more open and comfortable with her kelvic nature to herself, she didn’t trust others yet. Some part of her didn’t want to take away from Sira’s fame either, the only known wind eagle kelvic in all of Wind Reach. She read the hour on the door for what she could; she’d have to return at dawn.

Ti`ue returned later that morning. She lowered herelf just as the sun was beginning to break over the crater walls. In a flash of light, Ti`ue transformed and rushed into the Valintar. She, trying to divert attention, closed the door quickly behind her, producing a little more than the usual click of the door. Starvine squawked at her. Ti`ue looked back wanting to tell the other eagle what to and not to do, but instead found herself looking at the glasswork. She had seen it before overhead, but being able to look at it from this perspective, this angle, this size and lighting was… Starvine squawked again. Ti`ue might have made him nervous, being a bigger bird and all. Starvine could have easily been signaling Kaden of the new arrival. Ti`ue clumsily sat down and stared back up in wonder of the glasswork. It was like an entirely new world, seeing Mizahar like this.
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[Wind Reach] The Valintar

Postby Phoenix on June 8th, 2012, 5:36 pm


Kaden looked up as Tia was lead into his office, a gingery brow raising in a show of mild surprise. It took a lot for unplanned emotion to show on the Valintar's face. The strange, Inartan looking woman took him off guard. Never the less, Kaden composed his face, inclined his head with a polite nod and motioned the woman into a seat.

"Welcome to Wind Reach, Miss." Calm, slow words were spoken with the same air that Kaden addressed visitors to the city. Having turned his gaze down to his desk, idly shuffling papers, there was a moment of silence before he cleared his throat and asked, without looking up, "First things first... why are you naked, Miss?"
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[Wind Reach] The Valintar

Postby Tiaue'a on June 8th, 2012, 11:04 pm

Ti`ue’s now tender lips parted gently, much unlike the sharp, solid beak of the wind eagles. She looked at the Valintar sternly when he spoke. Her whole body was still, her eyes fixed on his. There was something strangely familiar about the way he looked at her, as if Kaden had seen it a thousand times over without knowing. Although Tiaue`a walked like as a human, it’s not to say she behaved as one.

Her answers were simple. Ti`ue’s speak rolled out with an alien distinction to her words. After a light laugh, not so much as one making sound, but merely the puff of her chest, Ti`ue answered him, “I have no clothes.” Ti`ue blinked and opened her eyes to a new sight. She took her time and walked over for a closer look, toe to heel on each step. Her head turned and looked on the beauty of the building’s interior; the Inartan glasswork intrigued her. Her appearance, her movements, perhaps even her tone were something unheard of to the Valintar, at least not often for someone looking for serious work. She had no less respect for the man, but the world she saw now was just entrancing…

“I need work, money, clothes…” Ti`ue looked back to Kaden. “I’m not sure if I’m allowed to stay in the aeries anymore…” She turned away from him, more towards the floor, shame taking over. She was lowering herself to this man, a man who might have lived by the food she had caught for herself and others. A funny thought, how the world works. She wasn’t one to question Kaden’s background though, or what gave him rights over this position.

She got over it, not fully, but for now, and looked Kaden back in the eyes with her eagle stare, waiting for the next question. Maybe he’d like to know my birthday or favorite color too. She puffed her chest again at the thought. Before she forgot: as amusing as being addressed as Miss was, it wasn’t her name. She only barely managed to compose the words from the thoughts and sounds she had heard all her life to Nari language. “I am…Tiaue`a,” she said.
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[Wind Reach] The Valintar

Postby Phoenix on June 13th, 2012, 11:42 pm


"Tiaue'a.... the... Wind Eagle?" That brought Kaden's gaze up, an intent stare now on the naked woman who seated herself before him; the nakedness held none of the Valintar's attention, his cool gaze locked firmly on those fierce eyes filled with what seemed like laughter.

"A Kelvic." It wasn't a question. The man had gone completely still, his body halfway between staying hunched over his desk and leaning back into his chair. The news had clearly caught him off guard, and he did not like it one bit. "And what, may I ask, took you so long to tell us?" There was no amusement in his voice. "You realize..."

Shaking his head and pursing his lips against the rest of his sentence, Kaden finally decided upon a movement and slouched back into his chair, hands scrubbing vigorously at his face. "Of course you'll have your aerie. You're an Endal, still. A situation much similar to Sira's..." Peeking through his fingers at Tia, Kaden sighed. "I expect honesty from my Endal, you understand. Keeping this from your City is wrong. How am I supposed to trust you, hm?"
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[Wind Reach] The Valintar

Postby Tiaue'a on June 14th, 2012, 5:50 am

Tiaue`a was on the offensive at once. Kaden’s tone was confirming her fears, and if he kept it up she’d fly out. No one had seen her, right? No one else knew? No one but Sira? A jab interview was turning into a fight for her caste mighty quick, and she knew she had to be effective. She thought it over, knowing the Valintar could shatter any hopes at reaching that ideal future she’d hoped for.

“I must realize what? I hope you realize how difficult this is for me. Nothing’s changed, nothing different, and it’s not a lie. No one ever asked. All I want is to get paid for the hunting I do, that’s all. I will still be hunting, and helping rebuild the city. How are you to trust me? Have I not been here for the city all my life? Was I not there when Ivak broke free…?”

Ti`ue felt need to digress. Was it too soon to speak of such things? It was fact, she was there and ready to give her life among her brothers and sisters. She’d failed, to the same fact.

“And stop that. Look at me when you talk to me,” Tiaue`a snapped. Her arrogance was all she had to preserve her ego right now. She’d be lashed for this behavior if it weren’t so…justified. Had Tiaue`a not done all she could to defend and feed her people? Kaden’s word would be judge here. Ti`ue had nothing else in the world but Wind Reach, even in its shattered state. At worse, exile would kill Ti`ue if she were not welcomed back among the colony.
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[Wind Reach] The Valintar

Postby Nij on June 15th, 2012, 6:36 am

Summer 2nd, 10 chimes after entering the Sanikas Gate

The Valintar was beautiful. That was all she could say for herself, say for the building. She saw glimpses of the fiery-haired people everywhere, carrying birds or food and wearing unconventional (in her experience) but quite lovely outfits. Occasionally she would see someone who looked run-down and a bit tired wearing an odd shapeless tunic, but she ignored them. They were too depressing.

The Valintar was a beautiful stained glass atrium-like building, with incredible designs created through the skill of the Inarta. She knew they were incredible glassblowers, but this? This was amazing. She pushed open the glass doors to the Valintar, ignoring the squawks of a large bird perched on the stand. There was a man behind a desk, the person whom she assumed was who she was supposed to talk to.

"Hello?" She stuttered a question in awkward and rarely used Nari. She murmured her awe at the building, and continued. "My name is Nij. Nijin Plover."
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