Quest [Syka Quest] Sacrifices At Sea

The Expedition sets sail for Syka, starting thier adventure.

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Built into the cliffs overlooking the Suvan Sea, Riverfall resides on the edge of grasslands of Cyphrus where the Bluevein River plunges off the plain and cascades down to the inland sea below. Home of the Akalak, Riverfall is a self-supporting city populated by devoted warriors. [Riverfall Codex]

[Syka Quest] Sacrifices At Sea

Postby Daekos Volundur on August 16th, 2013, 3:01 pm


Daekos spent the next few minutes looking over his bracers, nearly unable to tear his eyes away from admiring its physical properties and beneficial effects. Hundwin's bark interrupted his thoughts - so given was he to contemplating anything of interest in silence for as long as he thought necessary, that this was a common enough occurrence - reminding Daekos that he was neglecting his companion.

Having found his sea-legs, Daekos moved off towards the busier parts of the Dawn Sister.

I may as well try to help out, even though I'm not a sailor - my arm might prove useful.

He spent the next few hours doing small tasks that the sailors assigned to him - though it rankled him that they treated him like an imbecile at times, he had to admit that he was wholly ignorant of the methods used to accomplish just about everything on a ship. Except for the basics, of course.

I am a century old, decades older than most of them, and they talk to me like I am but a child.

He slipped into the kitchen just before sunset, taking an apple for himself and a few slices of cooked salmon for Hundwin. He emerged from below-decks just as the fog rolled in.

Oh dear.

He looked to the sailors, wishing to gauge by their reactions what they made of it. Some were muttering underneath their breath, bearing uncertain expressions on their faces, while others did their duties as normal.

I do hope Laviku's not planning something... unfortunate to happen to us. After all, he did give us such useful gifts.

The Otani flowed up the side of the ship, landing on the deck and reforming itself into something resembling a male human, something familiar. The Otani, perhaps, in some strange, vague way, called out to him - he, Daekos Volundur Pitrius, who had been initiated into Reimancy at a young age and found that Water was his element.

Magic. Water. Life.

Daekos moved towards the fluid being, Hundwin following dutifully, though the hound kept away from the Otani. He waited patiently for the others to finish speaking their thoughts, silently contemplating the choice given to them by the anguished creature of Laviku.

"I say we help. Sirroco is correct. But we must be cautious first. Do tell us everything you can about this situation, and it will aid us in aiding your friend in need."
Daekos talking in Common
Daekos talking in Isur
Daekos thinking
NPC talking

(I'm currently waiting for my profile picture to be completed, so it's blank until then, I'm afraid.)

I will be extremely busy until late October; apologies to all!
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[Syka Quest] Sacrifices At Sea

Postby Levissa Certier on August 25th, 2013, 1:44 am

Levi blinked in surprise as the hubbub around her continued. The dagger had acted as an amplifier for her Eiyon mark. She had been able to sense the whole of the ship, instead of simply the place she was standing on. Very interesting indeed. The sense was familiar, but merely expanded greatly. All she could glimpse was a death of an old dog aboard a ship and none else. Clearly a very good sign.

Slowly, the tension eased and everyone started to ignore the mist. People went back to their jobs and left the top deck.

Levi was not sure what she could do to help. All her life she had lived either as a daughter of a wealthy man or a lone traveller. All her cleaning back home was done by the servants and maids and so did the cooking. Whilst she was alone, she rarely cleaned and bought her food every time. Still, she knew she should help somehow. After some time, the girl ended up in the kitchens. The whole time there she kept asking questions and whether she did something right or not. Surprisingly, the crew put up with her with an ease, seemingly entertained with her eagerness and stupid mistakes.

All of the sudden, one of the sailing crews, a young Svefra man, talking about Otani. Levi left her station and ran for the deck once again, wondering what it is about now. By the time she arrived, everyone had already started discussing with each other. It wasn't hard to single out the anomaly that was happening.

A man made of water. That was certainly a sight to see. He was waiting, watching them to decide something. The girl caught a glimpse of the bread in Kenval's arms. Her stomach groaned loudly. Levi shook her head smiled slightly. What was she doing thinking about food at times like this? She came closer to everyone, taking her time to understand what was happening.

The lot of the members seemed pretty sure to help the creature while Levi remained somewhat skeptical. It had been her nature to doubt everything, to weigh every possibility. The Otani did not seem in any way threatening or wish to do them harm - though it could be deceiving them for all she knew. Someone mentioned the creature as a servant of Laviku and Levi couldn't help agreeing that they might have to help it. Even if she didn't like it, they were in Laviku's domain. It would be disrespectful to ignore a plea of help from one of his people. "Just as Delani said, we might need some more explanation and details. Just to be sure."

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[Syka Quest] Sacrifices At Sea

Postby Ialari Pythone on August 25th, 2013, 10:56 am

Since receiving the strange gift in return for her sacrifice to Laviku, Ialari had retreated from the larger whole of the crew. While she appreciated the beauty and bounty of the sea, she was a child of the mountains and earth. Having only a bit of wood between her and the watery depths did not sit lightly on her mind so once the journey was underway, she made her way below deck.

The tight, cramped conditions of the ship below deck were more to Ialari's liking. In an odd way it somewhat reminded her of home. The vast network of tunnels that made up a large part of the Isurian Kingdom were filled with tiny, confined passageways that sometimes required one to duck and even crawl in order to navigate. While those kinds of tunnels were few, they were the ones Ialari often traversed in an attempt to get away from the grand spectacle that was the city. She preferred her life to be complex only in the personal tasks she pursued. Social complexity, the complexity of people and cities, were not something she found as easy to navigate. Odd then were the times she discovered a desire to stand up and be heard. Such was not the time or the place while on the ship.

Making her way to her bunk, she could not recall ever hearing who she was to be sharing it with. The idea of sharing anything so personal with a stranger was not something she found appealing yet she resigned herself to the idea of a means to an end.

Taking a seat on the rather simple and very small cot, she found herself almost wishing she were back at her Retreat on the eastern coast of Sylira. She slept on an old bedroll in a battered, beaten-up portable shelter she had scavenged years earlier yet it still seemed more comfortable than the cot she now sat upon. She held the strange bone headband in her hands and lifted it for a better look. She ran her black, silver-veined metallic fingers over the surface and pondered the purpose of the gift. She had sacrificed a piece of her own soul, albeit a tiny fragment, in the form of the izentored dagger crafted from seashells and the tooth of an unknown sea-monster and received the headband in return. While the headband was a marvel in itself, Ialari tried not to focus too much on the lost dagger because when she did, she could almost tangibly feel its loss. Her faith however in the gods gave her comfort as she told herself that Laviku wouldn't have engaged in such a trade without good reason.

She spent the remainder of the day just short of the approaching sunset, examining the headband and reflecting on her presence on the ship. The gift from Laviku was a sign that indeed the gods had held out their guiding hands to Ialari and nudged her along another path. Why now? She thought to herself. Why, when I'm just starting to gain some bit of understanding of Dominion would the gods pull me away and send me across the known world to this place? Ialari ran her metallic hand through her hair while using the other to hold the headband. It was then that she felt something unusual. She noticed the feeling when she looked down, past the headband to her foot. Her foot was tapping rapidly against the floor. After taking notice of that, she felt an odd chill go from her tailbone to the base of her neck. It wasn't a chill of cold or even fear but one normally brought on by anticipation, nervousness or even... It was at that moment that Ialari recognized the feeling. It was not one she was used to feeling what with her upbringing of patience and focus. The feeling streaked down her legs and arms and it felt as though her whole body was energized for a brief moment. It was anger.

Ialari was not just angry however. She was fuming. Her metallic hand clenched so tight that if she hadn't been holding the headband in her other hand she may have crushed it to powder. Then, just as quickly as it had erupted, Ialari's anger began to subside as she gained control of herself, began to breath deeply and attempt to bring some amount of calm to the quake. She was then left with confusion. What is wrong with me? Sure, I've done all that I've been asked and when I think I'm starting to understand it all they rip me away and throw me on this blasted boat. Still, what right do I have to be so upset? The gods have blessed me with their presence, their very touch. I have no right. No, there is meaning to all this. I'll discover it just like I discovered the rest. Ialari took another deep breath before realizing she was in desperate need of some open, crisp air. Even though she was calmer now though she couldn't help the growing concern she felt about her anger. This wasn't the first time it had happened in recent days but it was the first time she recognized it for what it was. It was also getting harder and harder to contain and control that anger. The actual cause of the anger however was still lost to Ialari. The question of why the gods had set her on this new path was not the core of the problem, only a trigger.

Standing and righting herself, Ialari placed the headband back into her pouch and made her way above deck. When she stepped out to the moist, somewhat salty air, she was greeted by a the impossibly thick fog that rolled over the ship and severely reduced overal visibility. Even her acute vision, accustomed to seeing in total darkness, found the fog difficult to see through. Startled at first, Ialari noticed the crew were not quite so and she caught a glimpse of Mathias making rounds passed her to the rest of the ship. His posture and demeanor appeared relatively calm which led Ialari to believe that the fog was not as strange as she may have otherwise thought. You're reading too much into things, you dolt. You're seeing signs where there are none. She told herself as she looked about the deck. Ialari felt like a woman of two worlds. On one hand she took comfort in the confines of the lower deck but on the other she reveled in the taste of the sea air. Shaking her head at the whole contradiction of feelings, she gazed about for something useful to do.

Ialari had spent some time here and there aboard a ship. She sailed with traveling merchants from Sahova to the Syliran mainland to access her Retreat. Years ago she had gained passage across the Suvan from Sultros to Riverfall. Finally there was the encounter with the shipwreck near the Retreat. She had learned a good bit about the ship while disassembling it and scavenging it for salvage. The ship she was on now was a bit different yet the various ship structures looked similar enough. As she roamed the deck, she noted a variety of imperfections, weakened stress-points and slight flaws amidst the various parts of the ship she encountered. As she discovered these, she reached out with her metallic hand and effortlessly shaved away splinters, straightened, flattened or smoothed various metal fittings to their former shape and generally repaired minor damage to places where the average human may be required to put forth greater effort with tools.

Ialari generally kept to herself while observing closely everyone she encountered. She was friendly when spoken to and did what she could to make herself helpful and useful. Unfortunately though she was somewhat out of her element and she realized it. She was more than aware that she was about as trusted by others on board as she was trusting of them so she didn't push herself upon anyone.

When the time of the strange commotion about a strange creature asking for help arrived, Ialari was standing on the other side of the ship, leaning against the rail while looking again at the strange headband she had yet to wear. When she heard the excitement growing, she put the headband away and approached the sounds, the fog still keeping sight to a minimum.

When she, along with others, finally caught sight of the odd watery creature, Ialari stared in wonder. Never before had she witnessed such a creature. Of course she had seen wonders and horrors that few mortals could comprehend yet this new creature was still something completely different. As it spoke of its plight, Ialari's awe faded a bit. Naturally cautious and in no small way distrustful of nearly everyone and everything, Ialari went into passive-defensive mode. Ialari listened to what the various members of the journey had to say in response to the idea of helping the strange creature. There were those who were more than willing to jump at the idea of giving aid while a couple were more hesitant. Ialari, stood back from the others while they questioned, discussed, agreed and considered.

Then, before any final decision was made, she chose a moment of pause in the overall discussion to step forward. She was far from an imposing figure. Dressed in a silk skirt, black boots and little more on top besides a series of draping necklaces lined in sea-shells (reminders of the two seasons spent living on/near a beach) that just barely covered all the right places, Ialari's garb and physical stature did not add much to her presence. Nevertheless, as soon as everyone else was finished with their questioning, she approached the creature before stopping a safe distance from it. Her head slowly cocking to the side, her movements and mannerisms grew smoother and more deliberate not all that unlike a snake. After a moment or two of examination, she began to speak in a tone that resembled her movements. As she spoke, she never looked away from the Otani. "As interesting as this creature appears and as compelling as its story may be, jumping mindlessly to its aid doesn't exactly seem wise. The last "child" of the gods I encountered deceived the greatest wizard to have existed since before the Valterrian and then tried to destroy an entire island of ancient, immeasurably powerful magic while taking myself along with it." Ialari, for an instant, recalled in her mind the encounter with Drainira, the Million-Miza Golem and Champion of Sagallius.

"I will go with the majority on this however I think we need to approach this task as if it were a deception." Ialari continued to stare at the Otani as if looking for something out of place. Of course, she likely would not know what "out of place" was on an Otani but that fact did not stop her.

"If you all agree to help, I advise great caution. I can't help but feel that this is all too convenient; too much of a coincidence." Ialari paused and then addressed the Otani directly. "If you are indeed honest and genuine with your request, you will respect any doubt and distrust tied to considering it." Ialari had no reason to not trust the Otani however she also had no reason to trust it either. There you go with your inability to trust anyone or anything. You even doubt the gods, or at least why the do some of the things they do. Maybe this thing is truly in need of our help. But if that were the case, why us? Why now on this ship in the middle of an impenetrable fog when we have no real grasp on our bearings? Why not another ship? There have to be others passing through here from time to time. Why does it come to us at this very moment? Ugh, maybe I am too distrustful of everything. Maybe I'm incapable of trust. You trust the gods, don't you? Of course I do. Well, some of them anyway. Not everything is the work of the gods though. We mortals have a part to play in it all. Now is not the time for all of this. Talk to your own insecurities later. Ialari's mental conversation took all of a couple of seconds as she turned her gaze finally from the Otani and directed it to Mathias and the other members of the expedition.
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[Syka Quest] Sacrifices At Sea

Postby Brodon Windriver on August 26th, 2013, 2:14 am

Brodon sputtered in near outrage upon hearing the Isur's words. "And are you being to know my honest and genuine-ness enough to respect my being offended by your faithless...ness...Isur...lady?...I am not remembering your name, and for that, my sorry...ness is...much." His struggle with common did not improve his attitude. "I am not think of gods as wanting Mizahar peoples to be always asking for things. I think they are giving us things we are being needful for, and giving us strength for...not needing more."

He looked around at the group, speaking to all present. "If this is being for a test, I am welcoming it. We are all holding gifts from gods," he spun back to face Ialari, "and you are saying for us to be doubting them? Treat them as such to be deceiving us? I have felt the touch of guiding...ness from FOUR gods on my coming here!" He counted off on his fingers, "Yahal, Eywaat, Eyris and now also Laviku. Are they all wicked conspirers, then?" He very nearly gave in to the temptation to name Dira as such a one, having heard the story of her complicity in the downfall of Ruros, the rightful, in his opinion, God of War. And recalling that Ialari had declared devotion to her at the mustering.

A few people approached to calm him. He held up his hand, to acknowledge them, but also to forestall the interruption. "Just one thing for adding to what I am saying. We are not going to be gone in mindness...less...mindless...for this. And it IS being convenience. Maybe our Sea Lord knows this trouble coming, and is this the...and this IS the reason for the gifts...for convenient learning to use them and for working together! WE will surefully be needing for knowing how do this when we are reaching Syka."

He then nodded and stepped back, satisfied that he had spoken his piece, and waited to see what reactions would come.

"Carrying an angry load, keeps you on an angry road."
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[Syka Quest] Sacrifices At Sea

Postby Ialari Pythone on September 2nd, 2013, 6:21 am

The angry human did not surprise Ialari with his words. Little that humans did or said surprised her, in fact, the human's reaction was one that Ialari expected from such a short-lived, short-sighted race. She listened to all he had to say; giving him his moment to state his own feelings and thoughts. Then, when he had finished, she calmly turned to him and said, "Ignorance and rage are a dangerous and foolish combination. I'm surprised something hasn't eaten you yet." Her tone lacked much emotion as she spoke matter-of-factly instead. Although the human's grasp of the common tongue was rudimentary at best, Ialari used the emotion in his words to help fill in the gaps of understanding. "You claim the touch of the gods guiding you here. I do not challenge that. I have walked and spoken with the divine myself. I have spent time in their direct physical presence and have experienced their divine realm first hand. I've been tested numerous times by the divine and the fact that I am here now is nothing short of their expressed wishes. That said, I still question, I still doubt and I still exercise caution in any interaction I have with them or their children. That we have indeed been blessed with gifts from Laviku does not change the fact that we gave of ourselves in order to receive them, they weren't given to us for free. Does Laviku favor us? Maybe. That doesn't mean however that we should feel obligated to embrace everything else as a divine decree that we are obligated to engage in. Could this next encounter be a test from the Lord of the Sea? Perhaps. Does that mean we enter it without caution and question in our hearts? Perhaps for you it does but not for me. I'm alive today because I questioned, because I doubted and because I had faith in my own choices as well as in the gods. Faith in the gods is one of the most important aspects to life. Yet without faith in myself and faith in my own feelings, I defile the faith the gods have placed in me." Ialari's maintained calm was a direct contrast to Broden's anger.

"Just because this creature before us appears to be a child of the sea and servant of Laviku doesn't mean we should jump at the chance to answer its call for help without first understanding that it could have foul intentions or at least unpleasant mischief in mind. Ignore this possibility if you will but I stand by my choice to question." Although Ialari was unable to hate the human for what he was, she did feel the teeth of disgust brushing her mind. So simple humans could be, so impulsive and careless.

"Now, disagree with me all you wish. That shows you have at least half a mind of your own. As for working together, I've already stated I will support the majority, including you." Ialari's words to follow took on a slightly darker tone. "I suggest however that you think twice before ever questioning may faith again." She left it at that. She had already spared too much time acknowledging the human's angry retort. One way or another, the group would decide the next direction to take. Ialari was but one voice and she realized that. It appeared though that most of the others were intent on aiding the Otani and Ialari would follow suit. Even so, she refused to believe that there would be no cost, no sacrifice, no danger involved with such a decision. For her, the real test was deciding what sacrifice to make.
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[Syka Quest] Sacrifices At Sea

Postby Brodon Windriver on September 2nd, 2013, 5:56 pm

"Eaten me?' They have tried..." Brodon ground his teeth, trying to focus on his speech as well as his thoughts. "I also have had the facing of many...things of danger...Maybe I am being freer with my TRUSTING..of them...than you. Glassbeaks, Tsanas, a crossing on foot of The Burning assassin...ghosts...I have been at the facing of ALL these, yet here I am being! All I was needing WAS their touch for building up MY faith! Why did you even come if only knowing it to being their...wanting is not being sufficing for you?"

He took an angry step forward. "You claim for having been IN their being actual presence! But still you are not trusting. What is it to be...being...said by this? Are they no being no better than us? Are they having flaws and ills like us? Are they not being worthful of our worship. I am alive because I was NOT questioning. NOT...not trusting." Brodon grimaced at the clumsy sound of this. "Questioning and doubting is not being the same as being caution...ful. This caution is what we ARE planning now. But some of times, it can not be taken time for. Then is for FAITH."

"Two times I knew I was going to be...being dead. I accepted it as their...thing they wanted. But there was being one last...right...ful thing to be doing. And I knew I was having strength enough for doing it. So I did, accepting I would be dying as it was done. Yet I woke to be still living. Things that happened, that I was not being aware of, from these...right...things being done, served to save me. I accepted my dying...their fate, did what was being right, and I was saved.

He gestured now back at the Otani, "And If it is being the death of me for THIS test, I accept it as well. THAT is faith." He mimicked Ialari's dark expression, keeping a peripheral watch on her metal arm. "And I am not NEEDING to be thinking twice to question yours."
Last edited by Brodon Windriver on September 2nd, 2013, 8:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.

"Carrying an angry load, keeps you on an angry road."
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[Syka Quest] Sacrifices At Sea

Postby Delani Denusk on September 2nd, 2013, 6:29 pm


Deep into the conversation with the Otani (the results of which would have to wait), the distraction of the argument between two of the expeditioners nearby disrupted further dialogue and forced the Drykas to turn too and regard the spectacle. Brodon, face hot and words hotter was shouting at the woman who looked like she could snap his neck with that curious arm of hers. Isur were as alien as Eypharians to her so it wasn't really a surprise that the grasslander was intrigued and wished to learn more (at the appropriate time).

"My oh my if the two of you are not acting like children..." She mused casually, folding her arms over her waist and raising a brow at the both of them. "I somehow doubt this is the time to be arguing over matters of faith. Perhaps the two of you could settle for the time being and discuss it elsewhere, and later? Lady Isur, Ialari was it? I would be most interested to hear tell this tale of yours and the godly offspring some time. The perspective of a participant to an event such as that must be truly inspiring. And Brodon-" The woman switched quickly and fluently to Pavi, her fingers signing fiercely as she spoke.

"I am sure her intent is the same as mine. Whether Laviku seeks to guard or test us, let the Otani speak and say his piece. It is not a sin to err on the side of caution, lad. Often, if you think before you act, the solution is clear. And-" She paused, her features softening as she turned to look up to Matthias and finish what was on her mind. "-maybe anger is not the best solution here. Take a breath, Brodon, close your eyes, and hold it. Just a few ticks, then let it out. I am sure you'll find your mind clearer for it."

Switching back to Common, Delani finished, "Mr. Syka, it is ultimately yours and the Captain's decision. What say you?"

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[Syka Quest] Sacrifices At Sea

Postby Sirroco on September 3rd, 2013, 5:18 pm

Sirroco clung to the rope shrouding, hovering just above his fellow passengers while Matthias, the captain and officers talked to the Otani. The debate over whether to aid the sea being or not was heating up, though there was a general consensus to do something. There was more caution in most of the others, the Svefra having had spoken out of his impetuous nature, the subject of Otani and ties to the sea god hitting closer to his heart than his head.

Broden, the Drykas boy, was arguing vehemently with Pythone. His young pride had been stung by the stolid, unshaken words of the Isurian woman, threatening to take the topic on a tangent of the significance of faith. Sirroco was fascinated, and a bit intimidated, by the small but beautiful and solidly built stranger that had appeared from nowhere at the expedition gathering. She spoke like she was ancient, of things he didn't understand but sounded otherworldly. Ialari seemed to speak wisely too, he admitted, regarding the plea of the Otani.

The Svefra was growing impatient with the indecision until Delani returned from observing the interrogation of the Otani. With the diplomacy of a matricarch, the Drykas woman intervened, speaking to Broden in their native tongue. She was correct too, in the end, that the final decision as to whether they would help the Otani or not rested with the head of the expedition and the captains of the ships. Sirroco turned his eyes to the men around the sea being.
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[Syka Quest] Sacrifices At Sea

Postby Eleret on September 4th, 2013, 12:12 pm

The Konti looked on as the discussion took what seemed to her a sharp turn -- from the question of what was out there to an argument between Brodon and the woman who had come from nowhere into the expedition. Even the sea air seemed to sour with anger and distrust, the currents of the breeze bringing hints of sharp and bitter scents to Eleret. She didn't spend much effort in parsing her gift's impressions, as the mood of the gathering was rather clear to see. She looked past them to where the Otani was yet in discussion with the captain and first mate, then up to where Sirroco clung to the rigging -- and wondered what he would do, if the Isur woman's distrust won over the others.

Her points had merit -- the Otani were known for their mischief as well as being Laviku's messengers. But whether Laviku tested, or the Otani tricked, or the request was in fact what it seemed to be... Eleret could only give one answer and be true to her own heart.

She let them argue, listening with only half an ear; she had already weighed in with her intention to help, which their argument did not change, for all its validity. Eleret turned back to the railing instead, towards that point from which she had seen the Otani come. The others seemed to have forgotten her offer of the lens as viewing tool, but while they talked on, she could get started in putting it to use. The Konti sighted on the area the Otani had come from through the lens, moving until her view was as clear as it could be, hoping the gift she'd been given would lay bare additional details -- anything that might relate to the Otani's request and purpose. Or further shape her own course.
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[Syka Quest] Sacrifices At Sea

Postby Brodon Windriver on October 19th, 2013, 8:30 pm

Brodon cursed himself silently, hearing in Delani's spoken and signaled Pavi, the words of his mother, spoken frequently in his past. 'Calm down, child, take a breath and count to ten.' Would he ever outgrow his rash outbursts? This was precisely what Joebel, his priest friend in Yahebah had rebuked him for numerous times. The self-righteous imposition of his beliefs on others.

Joebel would not have told him that he was wrong to feel as he did about the Isur's words, or even to speak his mind openly. In fact, he would have encouraged him to do so. But not to go into a foolish rage about it. He had been blatantly disrespectful. Now he had taken a fragile relationship and smashed it in front of everyone. Would the others now hesitate to speak freely around him, thinking he would lash out at any opposing viewpoint? He had certainly given them cause, he knew.

But he knew as well that this was not his true nature. He valued mutual respect as much, or more, than any other ideal. In his view, disrespect, along with selfishness, were the foundations of all crime. It stabbed his self-esteem to think he had just leaped halfway to that point. Joebel would then smile and reassure him, '...We are not the product of the mistakes we make, we are the product of what we learn from making them. And we ALL make them.' Brodon wondered if he would ever learn.

He did not need to ask himself why he had reacted the way he did. He knew perfectly well. It was his dislike of Dira and the part she played in the fall of Ruros. Myri may have the been the direct beneficiary of it, but at least she had been up front, putting her life on the line in battle. He could respect that. There it was...the very word..."respect"...he did not respect Dira.

Once again the words of Joebel came back to him. '...even the gods of chaos deserve the respect of mortals such as us. They are the brothers and cousins, the kin, of the goodly gods, and it is not for us to judge them on our terms.' It was difficult to differentiate between dislike and disrespect, but there was a difference. Joebel himself had spoken regularly against the actions of Dira, as well as Sagallius and The Unnamed Defiler. But he still respected them.

He had once said that if devotees of any of these sought to establish a temple in Yahebah, he would give them one warning that they were not wanted. Then if they did not leave, he would gladly lead the campaign to force them out. But he would never go to their domains and seek strife. He counted this as a good representation of the difference between dislike and disrespect.

Brodon knew that neither this ship, nor its destination, were the domain of either his favored gods or those of the Isur woman's. It stood therefore to reason that both of them should be free to speak their mind. 'Well, no one could say I quailed from speaking my mind' he thought in shame-faced regret. Now it was to apologize, both to the Isur woman herself, whose name escaped him, and to the rest of the party, for his self-important ranting.

"Carrying an angry load, keeps you on an angry road."
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Brodon Windriver
It's your move...
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Joined roleplay: March 5th, 2012, 5:41 am
Location: Bound for Syka
Race: Human, Drykas
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