Into the Blue [Kovac]

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The westernmost tip of Kalea, Wind Reach is home to an amazing group of people and their giant eagle mounts. [Lore]

Into the Blue [Kovac]

Postby Amon on July 16th, 2010, 3:31 am

oocHope you don't mind, moved us along to further our little boy to boy chat. ;)

Regardless of if Kovac knew or not, Amon was watching him closely. Watching how he aligned the tip of his arrow straight at his target, pulled his string back and released. He nodded in approval when the arrow landed in it’s intended destination, slowed the animal and then he proceeded to shoot the next to completely fell it. Amon grinned himself.

He’s not that half bad, but he’s still an arrogant prick.

My friend, you are just out of line today. But he laughed, laughed into the open air as the large albino eagle continued to circle around the continued stampede. Often times he would train younger recruits in the ways of archery, although not in a professional sense, but for pointers, but now that Kovac had displayed his confidence and determination in the art, he was going to show him a taste of what the Rider could do.

“Excellent work, Avora, now it’s my turn. We’ll take plenty of meat back home for all of the citizens to enjoy. And then I will treat you to a drink, how does that sound?” He pulled up the pack hanging on the side of Sakima’s harness to pull out his bow, then quickly plucked a bow from his quiver, aligned it with the sturdy string stretched across the two decoratively carved limbs. There was a moment as he swerved his arm around to point inwards at the frenzied beasts, one eye closed, the other locked on a particularly large elk leading the herd.

He pulled back the elastic, sinewy string, index and middle finger tightened around the shaft of the arrow, while his thumb held it in place. He could feel the stress course through the weapon but when he finally released, he was content to see his aim was true. It pierced the air, sinking into the animal’s tightened flesh of the nape of the neck. The impact forced it’s body forward, where it tripped over it’s twisted hooves and collided on the ground.

Sakima flew in after the initial downs, pushing his large talons forward and flapping his wings to slow his descent. He didn’t land, merely picked up the kills with his talons and then lifted off once more, navigating his way back toward Wind Reach.

Once they had delivered the meat to the chefs, Amon had beckoned Kovac into the kitchens, where he seated himself at a table with a plate mounted with a full array of food. He was still donned in his hunting attire, far too tired to even consider a change of clothes then. “Did you enjoy yourself today?” He inquired, before taking a generous bite out of a raw vegetable.
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Into the Blue [Kovac]

Postby Kovac on July 19th, 2010, 2:10 pm

Kovac set the full plate down on the table, plopping into the seat across from Amon. He wondered how much longer he would have to tolerate the Rider to appease the Valintar and ensure he would suffer no penalties for his recent brawls. Picking at some shredded venison, the Avora eyed the darling of Wind Reach. Handsome, witty, benevolent, and apparently a better archer than himself, Amon shined as Kovac hovered in his shadow. The archer admitted Amon was not a bad guy, just too perfect.

One may have thought Kovac was envious of the popular Rider. The truth was more convoluted. Kovac had never had a desire to ride a Wind Eagle, not having inherited the affinity for birds from his Inarta father. But there was a time when, even though a half-breed and a bit tainted by his dysfunctional family life, Kovac believed he could at least have a content life. Now he was not sure he wanted contentment. Amon had everything he needed to be happy. Lucky bum.

Intent on scarfing his generous meal, Kovac glanced up when Amon asked if he had enjoyed himself. Enjoyment. It was something Kovac rarely allowed himself. It tended to make him feel better and compromise his carefully crafted dissatisfaction. Truth was, he always enjoyed riding an eagle.

Kovac shrugged. "I would be lying Rider if I said I didn't get a kick out of riding an eagle. And, the experience of shooting from the air was...educational." He did not want to give the Endal too much. To some extent, Kovac accepted Amon's interest. It could prove to be beneficial. Even a resentful archer had to make a living, and submitting to this man's patronizing tutelage could afford him some advantages.

He gave Amon a slight, crooked grin. "Did you enjoy your assessment of a poor misguided Avora archer?"
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Into the Blue [Kovac]

Postby Amon on July 20th, 2010, 2:12 am

On the contrary, Amon didn’t think of himself as any “darling” or “popular” Rider. He wasn’t pompous or egotistical, or flaunted anything. Perhaps he did think of himself as perfected in every possible way he could portray himself, but he was a modest individual, who didn’t boast fame or demand respect from anyone or anything. One of these days, however, the sky will fall and he will tumble from his high pedestal, and when that day comes, who knows? He might just end up like Kovac.

If he meant to help Kovac, he wasn’t particularly showing it as much as say Duvin would with such a case. He just wanted to have a taste of how the Avora reacted to Endal in general, and people such as himself, who lived a life comfortably on the top of the hierarchy. He meant no harm in it, but if he was forced to use brute force, he would do it, he was not entirely above that, either. Kovac had proven to be particularly unstable, or rather morbid in a way that he enjoys irritating others. If that couldn’t be mended, at least Amon had the “pleasure” of meeting him.

Amon’s lips tightened into a smile after he swallowed the remainder of the vegetables on his plate. “I’m honored you aren’t lying to me then. And here I thought you had already had the pleasure of shooting from the back of an eagle. It takes more practice but at least it cuts back on time, don’t you think?” Tutelage was not on his agenda. Messing with him, however, was. If Kovac was willing to accept a friend, even better.

He quirked a brow at Kovac’s next remark. “Misguided? No, you’re intelligent in your own right, though you can be quite the bastard.” He paused, “No offense, of course.”

I’m sure he hears that a lot. Sakima abruptly put in.

Amon ignored him, “I don’t know your history, Kovac, but I mean no harm when I talk to you this way. You’re not much younger than me, you’ve got your whole life ahead of you, the least you could do is not piss off the whole of Wind Reach in your constant desire for negative reputation… Or whatever the petch you’re doing.”

He brought his cup to his lips, but paused for a moment, “Don’t think of me as an irritating instructor. I’d rather not push my ideals onto you. I’m just trying to pick you apart, is all. I have to admit, you’re the most interesting person I’ve met in quite a while.”
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Into the Blue [Kovac]

Postby Kovac on July 21st, 2010, 1:52 pm

Kovac continued to pick at the his plate, sinking his teeth into a soft cooked tuber. The food was quite good, and he made no qualms about stuffing is face.

At Amon's comment about shooting from an eagle, the archer paused to get enough food swallowed to respond. "I have ridden of course, to the hunting grounds, but oddly enough, no Rider has invited me to hunt behind them." He smirked. "It does make chasing down one's quarry easier." Kovac picked up another hunk of meat.

Unable to restrain at smile a being called a bastard, Kovac met Amon's gaze as the Endal continued. The Avora was still trying to find the man's angle. Amon was receiving no payment or reward for his effort. He claimed he wasn't trying to reform or mentor him. Apparently, Kovac was a specimen of interest to dissect. Maybe it was some part of a large scheme to mock and humiliate him.

Amon had made this much effort, maybe he should know. It might feel good to confront a Rider with it. "Endal, I don't know what your angle is. I don't see why a 'bastard' of an Avora would be of any interest to you. I'm sure you know nothing of me, but maybe you know the Rider Qual, and his girl. That girl used to be mine. She was going to move in with me, until I found her in my bed with that petching Rider." He tore at a hunk of bread. "So, you want to know why I am pissy and negative, there it is Rider." He spat out his last words.

Kovac did not feel better, he felt angry. Angry he had told the Endal, knowing it made him look weak....pathetic. Had the food not been so good, he would have stormed out. He would storm out when the venison was gone.
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Into the Blue [Kovac]

Postby Amon on July 24th, 2010, 4:38 am

Amon watched Kovac as he ate, watched as he spoke to him with that usual insolent tone. But he seemed, at least to the Rider, that he was becoming more comfortable with actually speaking to him face to face, and although he wasn’t entirely delighted about the prospect, his curiosity had been peeked. He nodded when Kovac mentioned the hunting grounds, placing his utensils on top of his plate. “Indeed it does…” He murmured.

And then the Archer did the most surprising of things. He relayed a portion of his history, a rather dark one. Amon genuinely felt honored that he had been told, but the anger that seemed to spew from his mouth caught him off guard. He quirked a brow, tapping the table absently, almost in deep in thought. He was racking up a response that wouldn’t anger the Avora, which was particularly difficult, since he seemed rather unstable.

“I do know Qual. He’s a petching prick and everyone knows it. I heard he had stolen a girl from someone, but from who I could never guess. I’m sorry it had come to that, but I know you’re not looking for apologies.” He paused, unsure of how to proceed, “But taking your hate out on riders in general is a really stupid way to get yourself killed. You’re a talented archer, your death will hurt the Riders who need one to hunt. You’re not at all angry at the girl for allowing herself to be taken in by that petcher? Qual is known to be a player, but I guess if I was in your position, I would have wanted to kill him too.”

What was he doing? Relaying pieces about himself he rarely told anyone, that he was prone to vengeance and outbursts, that he wasn’t all he was cracked out to be. Amon, the “darling of Wind Reach,” wasn’t as perfect as Kovac seemed to think he was. He shook his head, “I said too much, and I’m sure you’re rather angry with me regardless, even though I’ve probably no idea why.”
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Into the Blue [Kovac]

Postby Kovac on July 25th, 2010, 6:04 pm

Kovac felt a certain reserved satisfaction that Amon did not defend Qual, as he had suspected a fellow Rider would. The Avora permitted himself to see past his prejudice to read further into the spirit behind Amon's words. He sensed nothing but matter-of-fact advice in the Rider's demeanor. Kovac still wondered why he had chosen to affiliate with an ill-reputed half-blood hunter. But there was no indication that his intent was malicious.

The archer did bristled a bit when the Endal asked if he was angry with Kalle. The answer was yes, though he would not tell Amon that. Kovac loved Kalle, and her betrayal was infinitely more cutting than Qual's, but because of that love, the Avora could not bring himself to unleash his deepest angst on her. That is why Kovac turned his disdain on Qual and his kind. He simply avoided Kalle and the places he knew she frequented.

Kovac looked off, casually studying the room around them, addressing Amon but not meeting his gaze. "Amon, I am not angry at you. I have been annoyed by you, but not angered." His eyes fell back to the Endal's. " I don't hate all Riders, but until they prove they are not like Qual, then they are on my bad side. They have never taken well to a half-blood hunter anyway. I will tell you, there are a few that do not totally bug me." Kovac grinned to himself as he thought of Shayth. "And you are not a such a prima dona I guess, but that doesn't mean I like you Endal." His gaze shifted to meet Amon's for just a breath, his cynical visage dropped for a split moment.

Chewing the last piece of meat, Kovac wiped his hands on his bryda. "Perhpas we have both spoken more than we would have liked. But what is said is said. You have information that can be used to harm me, or you may choose to guard it and prove you are not the self-exalted condescending sycophant I once thought you were." Kovac spoke with sincerity, but a smile split his face at his last snarky words.
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Into the Blue [Kovac]

Postby Amon on July 28th, 2010, 1:40 am

Amon paused at Kovac’s response. Not angry, annoyed. Was he supposed to somehow feel relieved because of this? The rider couldn’t help but smirk. It was one thing to be patient with the bastard of an Avora, but at least he hadn’t felt the full force of his fury. He could understand where the younger man placed his foothold on his outlook of life in general, and the reason his personality blossomed in, well, the wrong direction.

“Well I guess I’m proud of myself for not angering you. I’m sure this conversation would have taken a turn for the worse, or maybe it would’ve been more exciting, who knows.” His lip twitched slightly at “prima dona”, but it was more of a near miss of a smile than anything else. “I can tell you many many riders who you should steer clear from, or rather, who think it’s their right to take advantage of whoever and whatever they can. They’re all petchers, but then, Endal usually don’t fight amongst each other if it’s not for good reason. Flightleaders get mighty pissed off if there’s chaos in the ranks…”

He shook his head, “But I digress. I don’t intend on making your life more miserable than it seems it already is. Go find yourself a girl and settle down. Maybe you’ll stop growing white hairs prematurely.” Amon grinned then stood from the table. “It’s been a pleasure getting to know you Avora, even if you might not say the same. But I have to say, acting like a “bad boy” will get you many girls, take care not to get yourself thrown off a cliff too early.”

He grabbed his plate to return it to the deks who ran the dishwashing, and then perhaps, he would get archery training in later. This conversation had been enlightening to him, if only to get feel for individuals like the half-blood.

oocFeel free to end the thread, old man.
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Into the Blue [Kovac]

Postby Kovac on July 29th, 2010, 7:21 pm

Truth be told, Kovac held a begrudging gratitude when it came to Amon, though he could not bring himself to say as much. It was easy to write off the archer, he knew he was a pain in the arse. Amon had chosen to get to know him, and the short time they spent together allowed the Avora to see a side of the Rider he did not want to see, that he was basically a decent person. The Endal did not hesitate to give advice, but Kovac found it was not condescending, but well-intended. His recent encounters with a few Riders had continued to give him pause, to wonder if, maybe, he should narrow down the scope of his list of despised peoples.

He looked up at Amon as he stood, offering no reaction to his teasing about girls, but as the Endal walked away, Kovac stood and turned towards the Rider. With a sudden flash of green eyes, the archer raised his voice only enough to be heard by the exiting man. "Amon...thanks." It was a glimpse of the man that had been. Kovac then turned away and made a hasty retreat from the Aeries.
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Into the Blue [Kovac]

Postby Dreamcatcher on July 30th, 2010, 3:36 pm


Character: Amon

Experience: +3 Riding [Eagles] , +1 Archery (Shortbow), +1 Hunting, +2 Persuasion

Lore: Calming Hotheads, Aerial Acrobats, and Smoothing Physical and Emotional Ruffled Feathers

Character: Kovac

Experience: +2 Riding [Eagles], +3 Archery +2 Hunting

Lore: Escalating Hotheads into doing Something, Fastening the Straps of an Eagle Saddle, and Spotting Game from Eagle Back

Additional Note: Chef Davoid gives you each four pinions that can be used for meals or goods. Bravo.
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