Timestamp: Fall 91, 513 (1st Bell)
The steady whoosh of wings beneath her created a charming cadence as she soared upon the backs of an eagle over pinnacles tall and narrow, their minarets different to what stretched heavenward around Wind Reach. These towering spires were bathed in mist, the haunting alpine forests far below them unseen as feathered wings swept through the clouds.
They were just returning to Lhavit for their seasonal trade visit, the birds in the rest of the flight burdened by the load as some came forth to help unload the massive birds and help the individuals. And she? Well, she was off to the Azure Market to see if there was any fine skyglass she could bring back to her husband. The man had loved the last piece she had brought so she was certain he would love it again.
((Azure Market...? I do not know what that even is. Where is this place?))
Before she went to the market, she needed to get their rooms taken care of and see to the teams birds. The other Endal were always provided the best of lodging (if they so chose) and enjoyed the best food so long as they were on their best behavior. And she loved the fall trips to Lhavit. It was such a beautiful city, different in that there was more green and the mists created even more beautiful scenery compared to the rustic views that Wind Reach had. Its lodgings were even more charming. And it was to the Shooting Star Inn that she would be setting up the team during the course of their stay.
((Shooting Star Inn...it has a white door...I've read about it. Ran by someone named...Tirvish...Kirance...Something...))
The door to the Inn opened and she went inside, a the sweet tang of wine and life filling her nose and the sounds of camaraderie abounded. A surly woman stood behind the bar talking to someone. When she approached the bar, the woman looked up, her black hair bouncing. She smiled at her and said "Ah, he said you'd be here soon. He's in the suite waiting for you."
"Thank you-" She replied, speaking the Inn owners name ((I don't know that womans name! It's just static; what the petch...)) before heading for the stairs and climbing them to go towards the indicated suite. If he was already here, then the teams rooms would already be arranged.
At the top of the stairs was a mirror, half-length, that she paused in front of. She could not see her face in it and wondered subconsciously if she should mention it to the Innkeep to have it cleaned, but she could see her hair. Long and dark, like redwood at peak maturity eventhough streaks of grey had begun to show in it, with pale skin and just the lightest dusting of freckles. Her clothes suggested wealth but modesty, the trim of the vinati having several feathers from her wind eagle woven into it and the bryda's seam danced with feathers blowing in an unfelt wind.
She brushed a strand of hair behind her ear and fingered the Chevas beneath her ear, smiling and knowing it was he who waited behind the door of the suite ahead. He always seemed to know just when she was going to be with the riders coming for trade, and it made her glad. They had been long time friends when she first joined the Wild Harriers for this trip, and though they had both grown and matured over the years, their friendship and love for each other had never really burnt away. Even when she'd married and elevated into her station as Tavina, her bird and his having chosen each other as mates, she had come to him so far from Wind Reach. And her husband had accepted it, knowing to deny her something so simple was unfair after all the pair had been through and after all these years. He had accepted her of it, and thus made the Chevas binding them that much stronger.
Leaving the mirror, the Tavina stepped to the door, her hand upon the handle, and opened it, grinning in expectant delight for what waited within.
OOCThe (()) Vira's conscious thoughts. You know, those times when you just /know/ a dream can't be as real as it seems but is beyond your control to wake up. One of those
The steady whoosh of wings beneath her created a charming cadence as she soared upon the backs of an eagle over pinnacles tall and narrow, their minarets different to what stretched heavenward around Wind Reach. These towering spires were bathed in mist, the haunting alpine forests far below them unseen as feathered wings swept through the clouds.
They were just returning to Lhavit for their seasonal trade visit, the birds in the rest of the flight burdened by the load as some came forth to help unload the massive birds and help the individuals. And she? Well, she was off to the Azure Market to see if there was any fine skyglass she could bring back to her husband. The man had loved the last piece she had brought so she was certain he would love it again.
((Azure Market...? I do not know what that even is. Where is this place?))
Before she went to the market, she needed to get their rooms taken care of and see to the teams birds. The other Endal were always provided the best of lodging (if they so chose) and enjoyed the best food so long as they were on their best behavior. And she loved the fall trips to Lhavit. It was such a beautiful city, different in that there was more green and the mists created even more beautiful scenery compared to the rustic views that Wind Reach had. Its lodgings were even more charming. And it was to the Shooting Star Inn that she would be setting up the team during the course of their stay.
((Shooting Star Inn...it has a white door...I've read about it. Ran by someone named...Tirvish...Kirance...Something...))
The door to the Inn opened and she went inside, a the sweet tang of wine and life filling her nose and the sounds of camaraderie abounded. A surly woman stood behind the bar talking to someone. When she approached the bar, the woman looked up, her black hair bouncing. She smiled at her and said "Ah, he said you'd be here soon. He's in the suite waiting for you."
"Thank you-" She replied, speaking the Inn owners name ((I don't know that womans name! It's just static; what the petch...)) before heading for the stairs and climbing them to go towards the indicated suite. If he was already here, then the teams rooms would already be arranged.
At the top of the stairs was a mirror, half-length, that she paused in front of. She could not see her face in it and wondered subconsciously if she should mention it to the Innkeep to have it cleaned, but she could see her hair. Long and dark, like redwood at peak maturity eventhough streaks of grey had begun to show in it, with pale skin and just the lightest dusting of freckles. Her clothes suggested wealth but modesty, the trim of the vinati having several feathers from her wind eagle woven into it and the bryda's seam danced with feathers blowing in an unfelt wind.
She brushed a strand of hair behind her ear and fingered the Chevas beneath her ear, smiling and knowing it was he who waited behind the door of the suite ahead. He always seemed to know just when she was going to be with the riders coming for trade, and it made her glad. They had been long time friends when she first joined the Wild Harriers for this trip, and though they had both grown and matured over the years, their friendship and love for each other had never really burnt away. Even when she'd married and elevated into her station as Tavina, her bird and his having chosen each other as mates, she had come to him so far from Wind Reach. And her husband had accepted it, knowing to deny her something so simple was unfair after all the pair had been through and after all these years. He had accepted her of it, and thus made the Chevas binding them that much stronger.
Leaving the mirror, the Tavina stepped to the door, her hand upon the handle, and opened it, grinning in expectant delight for what waited within.
OOCThe (()) Vira's conscious thoughts. You know, those times when you just /know/ a dream can't be as real as it seems but is beyond your control to wake up. One of those