Completed [Windmount Track and Field] A Little Game? (Ryia)

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[Windmount Track and Field] A Little Game? (Ryia)

Postby Orion Michaels on February 9th, 2014, 11:01 pm


Relief washed over the squire’s face when she replied to his questioning. It had looked like a pretty good blow to the back of the head, and he’d been worried that she been knocked out cold, or worse. The neck was a vulnerable portion of the body, and from how far away he’d been he couldn’t tell if it had caught her there or not. It had certainly smarted when he took the heavy bag to his back, and he was much larger than the petite squire was.

Confusion nipped at the depths of Orion’s mind as the very same question that happened to be upon Helena’s mind sat heavy on his own thoughts. He didn’t know her; he’d never met her or even heard of her, but he’d reacted as though someone close to him had taken a fatal blow. When did I become so soft? Whatever happened to this unknown squire would have no impact on his life, but he couldn’t accept her being seriously injured nonetheless. It was just another question he would have to sort out on his own time, it seemed.

”I’m glad to hear it,” he replied softly, lowering his voice from its yelling of moments before. ”It was quite the hit, and I’d hate for our training to get cut short.” He slowed his mount further by pulling back on the reins slightly, bringing it into a slow walk beside Ryia’s Bloodbane. Orion sat atop brown mixedblood, nothing of note, but the Bloodbane, it was a magnificent horse if the squire had ever seen one. That didn’t mean he knew anything about them, and truth be told, he didn’t even know the breed. If asked, he would have called it ‘horse’, as he had every steed he’d found himself riding upon in the past.

With a smile, he set about trying to lighten the situation once again. ”Well, you showed me up, what do you know? At least you stayed mounted. I got a knot on the back of my head and a face full of dirt. Let’s see if we can both improve on our next round.” Orion pressed his left knee against the horse’s side while squeezing the left rein as the same time. The horse turned away from Ryia until it was facing the area from which Orion had ridden. When Dimia arrived and spoke to her sister, Ryia’s response was somewhat troubling to the squire. Dizzy was never good after possible head trauma.

”Let’s take it nice and slow,” he said, speaking slowly and clearly as he explained what they would be doing. Though he wasn’t in charge of the training by any means, and she was under no obligation to listen, it did, if for a moment, feel as though he was back in the Soothing Waters taking care of those who didn’t know how to diagnose their own injuries. He had to admit that he missed it, but he knew he’d get to use his knowledge in much more intense environment than a sterile and well stocked clinic. ”We’ll ride calmly back over to where we met before. I want to see if that dizziness goes away.”

Orion turned his focus to Dimia for a moment, a smirk growing as he addressed her. ”Were you thinking about actually practicing on me? Is that why you couldn’t bear to strike the shield? Oh goodness, I think I’m going to die from embarrassment.” Chuckling softly Orion spurred his mount back into motion with a sharp kick into its sides. It set off in a quick trot, leaving Orion shifting in the saddle to match its movements across the grounds. If Ryia were actually showing symptoms of a serious head injury, he would ensure she got to the Soothing Waters for some medical treatment. On the other hand, if it were only the wind being knocked from her, he could set about trying to not get removed from his saddle and deposited not so gracefully on the ground this time.

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[Windmount Track and Field] A Little Game? (Ryia)

Postby Ryia Brock on February 10th, 2014, 12:26 am


Orion's voice sounded almost muffled, and for some odd reason, she could heart her own heart beat. Ryia took slow and deep breaths, and noticed that the more she did this, the less the pain was, as if it being worked away. She blinked twice, the moister in her eyes drying as she began to calm down. Once she felt confident enough that she could speak, Ryia turned and looked at the squire next to her. "Yea, that really hurt. This is supposed to be fun right?" she added, offering him a very weak smile for just a tick. "I'll get it next time.."

Dimia hadn't seen the heavy bag smack Ryia, so her worries were in the unknown. She was glad to see the girl sit up and hear her speak, though her voice was a bit dried. Reaching over, Dimia turned the girl's shoulders towards her and looked her over. A hand lifted and turned Ryia's cheek, though the teenager gently turned her head away."I guess that dirty bag got you? Cheer up and take a breath, at least you did hit the shield." She slipped her hair back with a smile, being sure not to show her disappointment at not following through herself.

They both looked at Orion when he spoke again and said they should take it slow on the way back. Ryia was glad that he didn't treat her like she was a small child, and she was grateful that he hurried over to check on her. "No, I'm fine. You both can go on ahead. I have to go back and get the weapons I dropped. I'll be fine." The young squire hissed softly as she breathed out, and tugged left onto the reins to draw the horse away from them. A gentle kick was jabbed to the horse's side and the bloodbane started into a trot again back down the field.

Dimia started her horse into a trot as well and followed Orion back. She glance back a few times towards Ryia, hope in her eyes that her sister wasn't injured. Ryia was a lot like Helena in that way. They both were stubborn and were too eager to act. They also didn't like others to worry about them and played down their emotions and other troubles to save others the hassle of worry. Of all the traits that she would have liked Ryia to get from their elder sister, those weren't the ones. But it was there, and she could see it as plain as day. Helena and Ryia were so different, but they were also a lot alike.

The squire had been so busy thinking of her baby sister, that she hadn't been ready for Orion. The older, male squire fired at her with a lashing, and it caught her completely off guard. "Excuse me? First of all you.." Before she could think of a snappy come back, he had dashed off ahead leaving her in his dust. Dimia pursed her lips, and snapped the reins as she kicked the horse's side to urge it into a run. He would get his soon enough...

Ryia rode the Bloodbane slowly, doing as Orion had instructed. She mostly concentrated on her breathing as she looked around for her lost shield and lance. As the moments passed, the ache became dull, then from there a small soreness in her back. The teenager was sure that she would be ok, and the threat of tears had been banished from her green eyes. She found her weapons soon enough, and now came the test. If she could climb down and get them, then get back on the horse, she knew that she wasn't hurt.

Taking a deep breath, the young squire held tightly to the reins, and slowly leaned forward as she slipped her leg over the horse's back. Sliding down, she hugged the animal's body then dropped to her feet. The landing seemed perfect, both feet making firm contact with the ground at the same time. The walk was a different thing however. The armor was heavy on it's own, but with the sudden wash of heat that touched her as she turned, it made her fill heaver. Ryia moved over to her weapons and leaned down to pick them up. The dizzy feeling didn't get any worse, and in truth she didn't feel it until she stood up again.

Turning back to the horse, she gently rested against it for a moment, before she attempted to climb back up. Half way onto it's back, something felt wrong and she started to climb down again. However, going against her own thoughts, Ryia shoved herself upward and crossed her leg over the horse's back. She felt better now that she had made it, and with shield and lance in hand, she collected the reins once again and gently kicked the horse's sides to start it into a trot. Helena watched it all from her mount that was standing beside Dinah. She glanced down at the other knight, a look that said she remembered those days. "Once they get back, maybe we should change up this session. Have anything in mind?"

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[Windmount Track and Field] A Little Game? (Ryia)

Postby Orion Michaels on February 10th, 2014, 5:15 am


He chuckled when she asked about the joy that their training was supposed to bring. It reminded him of his first day as a squire. Dinah had him running up and down stairs carrying an annoyingly heavy sword, barking all sorts of information and knowledge about the knights as he labored at her task. He’d asked himself the very same question. ”Everything gets more fun when you get good at it. We’ll just have to keep practicing.”

Dimia seemed to enjoy toying with her sister, talking down to her in a way only siblings could. While Orion had no blood siblings, he understood the attitude Dimia displayed. He was a mixture of teasing, controlling, and protective of his friend Fallon during her youth. Perhaps it was simply the nature of that sort of relationship

”Alright, don’t rush yourself. You’ve got years to train, so take your time,” he stated, turning on his mount to leave Ryia behind and head back to grab his own lance. After he tossed a flirtatious barb at Dimia, of course. He didn’t give her the chance to retort, spurring the horse on to go and grab his weapon. Once he was out of earshot, the blue eyed man let out a sigh and reached up to wipe the sweat from his brow. It was exhausting to put on a show of confidence when he was a complete mess himself.

After retrieving his lance, Orion prepared himself to charge the quintain once again. He had to push everything aside, and focus solely on his next run.

He spurred his horse into motion, pushing his feet down in the leather stirrups while setting off on a collision course with the training device. He wasn’t sure what he’d done wrong the previous time, so he would just give it another try and pray that he didn’t get dismounted once again. Cool wind nipped at his face, challenging him as he rode the horse onwards. The steed’s hooves pounded against the ground as Orion held onto it with one hand, his other grasping the lance tightly. He made constant slight adjustments to his course by applying corrections with his legs. It was an arte more than it was a science, and it wasn’t anything Orion was an expert at doing, either.

As he neared the quintain, this time Orion didn’t slow down as he lowered the lance, trying to aim it at the shield and score a successful blow that didn’t end up with him getting smacked in the back. The long, narrow pole waved wildly with each plodding stride his mount took. The spear like head shot in every which direction, Orion unsure what he needed to do in order to keep his weapon steady and on target. As he drew closer to the target, concern grew as he thought back to his and Ryia’s failure as well as Dimia’s. Deciding that the latter was less humiliating, Orion slightly altered his mount’s path to be a little less center on the shield. All it took was a soft bump of his left leg and a gentle pull of the rein.

When he passed by the quintain he gave a lunge with the weapon, hoping to strike without knocking himself out, but his attack missed all together, leaving him zero for two on the day. He feared that he’d opened his mouth too quickly in taunting Dimia.

Dinah shook her head as Orion failed once again, smiling when Helena asked about switching up the training for their squires. ”Yes, that sounds like it would be a wise decision. It seems they are all uncomfortable riding so close to something else. I’ve got an exercise that might just help eliminate that fear. We’ll let them rest for a quarter bell or so and then begin again.” The redhead knight looked form Helena to the squires who were working so hard to improve. ”It wasn’t so long ago that I was brushing the dirt off my back. The quintain is a foul beast indeed.”

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[Windmount Track and Field] A Little Game? (Ryia)

Postby Radiant on February 26th, 2014, 9:11 pm


Orion :
Skill XP Earned
Socialization +1 XP
Endurance +1 XP
Leadership +1 XP
Riding: Horse +3 XP
Weapon: Lance +2 XP

Lore Earned
Helena, Dimia, Ryia: Brock Sisters
Ryia Brock: Squire
Lance: A Heavy Weapon

+2 Shield Point

Ryia :
Skill XP Earned
Observation +3 XP
Socialization +2 XP
Endurance +1 XP
Riding: Horse +4 XP
Weapon: Lance +1 XP

Lore Earned
Dinah Lorens: Syliran Knight
Orion Michaels: Squire
Lance: A Heavy Weapon

+2 Shield Point

Notes :
It's a very interesting thread, indeed! You both made a mundane training thread into a rhetoric-filled gathering! Good job! :D

My radiance is not bright enough?
If you have any questions or concerns regarding your grade, beam me a PM and we can work it out. :)
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