Completed All I Ever Wanted

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This shining population center is considered the jewel of The Sylira Region. Home of the vast majority of Mizahar's population, Syliras is nestled in a quiet, sprawling valley on the shores of the Suvan Sea. [Lore]

All I Ever Wanted

Postby Orion Michaels on May 4th, 2014, 12:51 am


He saw the smirk on her lips and it drove him mad. She never mocked him in the past. She was so encouraging. So kind. So loving. Perfect in the eyes of a dumb youth. Now she was a shell. Lyla in flesh only for her soul had warped into something unrecognizable. He was being forced to follow the remains of his love to a city that he'd barely escaped the first time.

So many dark memories awaited him there. So much was suppressed and meant to be forgotten. Orion wasn't sure if he had the strength to control himself if he returned. But for Emily and Dinah's sake he had no choice.

When she advanced on Dinah and him, the squire reached for his blade to defend them all. Would she really betray their agreement so quickly? He didn't know what to believe anymore, but he wished that if she were going to kill him that she would simply get it over and done with. Instead of attacking she derobed and went to the water. His eyes lingered on the curves of her flesh longer than he should have allowed them. Orion jerked his head away, finding the will not to stare at a body as perfect as the last time he saw it.

"What are you doing?" He growled, but instead of an answer she disappeared beneath the surface of the waters. A few tense ticks passed before she surfaced with the dagger that had urged him to murder. Of course she would offer it as a gift. "As though I could refuse," he replied, yanking the weapon from her grasp. She had a strange definition of choice and gift. It had never felt as anything actually met those words. "I'll cherish it," he said in monotone voice. The dagger found its place in his belt as it had during his exploration of the cave. The glow was gone as apparently was the voice. No longer did it whisper monstrous ideas in his ears. He doubted very much it would remain that way.

Again their lips met, and he found himself unable to resist as he should have. The squire was left wanting as she pulled away, disappearing as quickly as she'd shown. "This cannot be..."

Orion took a seat in between Dinah and Emily, bringing his daughter once again into his arms. He would have to wait until Dinah regained herself. If it didn't happen in the next few bells, he would begin the long trek through the caves and drag them all if he had to. For now all he could do was pray that the waters would work their magic.

He was left alone with his thoughts and memories. All that could be found was torment within them.

The silence was suffocating.

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All I Ever Wanted

Postby Radiant on May 6th, 2014, 12:16 pm

HD Ticket :

Throughout the process of making this post, I listened to this for inspiration. ;)

For about one long bell since Lyla left him alone with two unconscious females, his daughter and Patron, nothing happened... and it was as he thought, the silence was suffocating. The doctor-squire was left to contemplate on his thoughts and memories, many were painful, Lyla's 'death', his womanizing spree, broken hearts, and children by the product of lust, the sudden departure of Fallon, but some... were fond as well, Hadyn accepting him, the birth of his son, Emily gradually warming up to him. In just a few bells, all seemed to come crashing down when his love came back, now twisted and warped into something unrecognizable as the old Lyla anymore, and as it was often said, people change, for better... or for worse, in Lyla's case, Orion had to agree it was the latter.

Exactly at the stroke of one bell, the pool glows... brighter than ever before, until it enveloped the whole cavern-room, Orion would feel time almost slowed down at the magnificent sight and a bubble... then two, then ripples appeared as a figure literally rose up from the pool. The figure was a male in appearance, in the prime of his life with long light brown hair.
He wears a persimmon-colored tunic and cloak with red and gold accents and golden sandals laced up to his calves. Around his waist he wears a brilliant gold belt, and the most striking of all, the prismatic wings striking out from his back, the figure's eyes were closed and in his right hand, a brilliant golden spear. Even a simpleton could know that they were in the presence of a Divine, a God.

"Orion Michaels," The figure spoke as he floated forward, his body hunching down to gently pick up Dinah and then resting her near the edge of the golden pool, "You have suffered... you have repented, and yet now, you found yourself in suffering once more, such is the cruel way of fate," His voice was soothing, quiet, and calm, like desert winds itself, his mere presence alone was enough to lift up the doctor's spirits, "I am one of the Four, I am Faithfulness and Purity, The Benshira call me... 'Yahal'" The God spoke his name in Shiber, yet for some reason, Orion would be able to understand him.

Yahal then set down his spear as knelt before sitting squire, like a Patron to his squire, the he extended his left hand, "Though evil and corruption tries to taint you, it shall never succeed, it can try, but it will fail," Then he offered his right hand, "Take my hand, Son, I shall watch over you, even far from Sylir's walls." The figure went quiet then, waiting for Orion to accept his offer.
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All I Ever Wanted

Postby Orion Michaels on May 6th, 2014, 4:09 pm


I had..a little something different going on while I wrote this one. :P

It felt like time crawled to a stand still. The waters seemed to be working their magic. Color was returning to Dinah's face but she had not returned to the aware. Whatever poison had reduced her to a heap on the ground was powerful enough to make the magic have to work. While Emily had been instantly purged, the same was not true for the knight.

The opportunity to wait. The opportunity to think. The opportunity to remember. These were things he didn't want at the moment, but the powers that be saw it fit to afford them to the squire.

He replayed Lyla's words again and again. Her judgement. Her condemnation. Nothing that she said was a lie, but the way she said it. It was nearly too much to handle. He had fallen apart after her death. He'd long since lost count the number of women he'd bed. He'd never kept track of the hearts he'd broke. He only had two children that he knew of. It was more than possible that an irresponsible young man had more of them crawling around the citadel. He'd been a horrible person. Despite his endeavors to become more than the sum of his past, he wasn't sure he'd really come that far.

The temptation to sacrifice Dinah for Emily had been very real, after all.

Just when he thought he couldn't take it anymore, a new world was opened to him. The healing waters glowed mightily, forcing the squire to shield his eyes from its brilliance. "W-what?" He stammered, concern gripping at his heart. Did it never end? Threat after threat tormented the blue eyed doctor and those in his care. Fate was cruel indeed.

A something more than a human. A winged creature of light rose from the depths of the water, covered in exquisite gold and red garbs. It was indescribable. It was powerful. It the divine.

Had a god really picked now to show? After everything that had happened, one of the holy had found this the opportune time to reveal themselves?

Yahal spoke, lamenting the foul luck he'd had in his attempts at righteousness. The squire's life had be ripe with cruel twist after cruel twist, and he had taken notice of his efforts to rise above it. He'd seen it all. Watched it all. Contemplated it all. Now he would act on it all.

Orion remained still as Yahal sat across from him. He betrayed no emotion as the divine put on a show with his words. He would never fall to evil. He would never succumb to corruption. Orion knew the gods held power, but were they able to view the future? His past was ripe with examples of him falling to the very things that Yahal said he would protect him from.

He offered Orion his hand. He offered him his protection.

The squire reached out his hand to take Yahal's. Who wouldn't seek their power? Who wouldn't desire the guardianship of the divine? Who would defy the gift of the gods?

Orion Michaels would, that was who.

Withdrawing his hand, Orion shook his head. "It's no small wonder the knights revere you so. It seems you both have a penchant for being tardy." His heart was threatening to exit his chest as his mind screamed at him to stop his foolishness. His heart was much louder. "It's why I have no faith. It's why I carry around this impure soul. Everything always comes too late. My apologies, the knights and..," Orion paused a moment before nodding at Yahal.

"And you."

If he was smote by the power of Yahal now, Orion would have welcomed it. He would have been freed from his compulsion to head to Sunberth. He had no concern that the god of Faith and Purity would bring any harm to Dinah and Emily. I wonder if defying a God is suicide to you, Lyla?

"I cannot accept your offer," he continued. "I've done this on my own so far. I may as well see it through." If he offered protection out of pity, Orion didn't want it. If he offered it out of reward for his refusal to commit an atrocity, there were others in need of strength. Orion was scared, he was defeated, and he was betrayed. An order to which he was nearly ready to give his life to had fallen short again. A god of which he knew so little found it appropriate to show at a time in which Orion couldn't rely on anyone. Perhaps there are those who would have taken solace in the deity's words. Orion wasn't one.

He was running out of faith.

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All I Ever Wanted

Postby Radiant on May 6th, 2014, 4:49 pm

When the squire withdrew his hand, Yahal didn't look surprised at all, no, the God looked understanding instead, like he knew Orion was going to deny him. "I accept your apology." The God said simply, containing no amount of hostility. He didn't take offense at any of Orion's words, for he knew the mortal mind couldn't comprehend the way of Gods, how the Divines could not directly intervene upon the mortals lest they risked another Valterrian. "I do understand why you deem yourself lacking in faith, Orion Michaels, I do understand why you think everything comes to late, I do understand why you would deny me. However," Then the figure rose up to full height, his spear magically returned to his hand, he tapped the ground with it.

A flash of golden light emerged as the image of Lyla appeared on the ground, the old Lyla, the innocent and loving one, "I want you to know what you are facing here, your lover is lost, Orion Michaels, she had become a daughter of Krysus, the foul Goddess of Murder and Pain," An image of those horrific small vicious creatures appeared, "These are her creations, abominations created through the open wounds of murdered victims through immense pain and torture." The images then shifted to his daughter, Hadyn, Liam, and then, Dinah, "Do you think a child of Krysus would hold onto her word? She may hold onto it for now... but she will use you for her own ends, she will finish what she had started, she will come for your family and murder them, slowly, one by one." Yahal spoke calmly, but one could feel the tranquil fury in his words.

"You have endured, you resisted the temptations to betray your Patron, even it is to save your daughter, that is an act of Faith. You stayed true with Hadyn Skellig and to your son, Liam Skellig, that is an of faith, you sacrificed your life, your reputation, and your honor in the eyes of the Knighthood to ensure safeguard for your loved ones, that is an act of Faith." The God extended a right hand, touching Orion's shoulder, "You have Purity in your heart, Orion Michaels, even it is buried deep beneath layers of lust and recklessness, I see it in you, even if you deny me, even if you shun me down, even if you think I couldn't be relied on, it doesn't change the fact. You will be one of my sons." The God spoke firmly, then his prismatic wings enveloped the doctor, and a beautiful tattoo-like mark in the shape of wings appeared on Orion's back.

"From henceforth, Evil shall never tempt you, persevere through this ordeal, release your former lover from her cruel fate, destroy her abominations. That is your mission." With a nod, Yahal then covered the room in golden bright light, when it subsided, Orion would find himself at the mouth of the Aylasa Caves, his horse and Dinah's not far away, still tied to the tree. His daughter and patron slept peacefully beside him.

OOCAlright! One last post from you! And I can grade the thread! It has been very fun and epic! Thank you for honoring me with my 3rd gnosis thread, Orion! :D
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All I Ever Wanted

Postby Orion Michaels on May 7th, 2014, 7:47 pm


Orion smirked as the god misunderstood his use of ‘his apologies’. He wasn’t apologizing for anything to Yahal. He spoke only of his past, not of the present. While he should have been humbled before a god, instead he felt only bitterness. Orion had known they existed but what should have been a joyous meeting was so very marred.

As Yahal replied, Orion got a sickening feeling in his stomach. After every line that danced off the deity’s tongue, he could hear an unspoken ‘but’.

I understand but….

He didn’t understand at all. The god of faith and purity had his own agendas, and had decided that Orion was to be part of them. That was all there was to understand. Orion’s wishes and desires mattered not when a much more powerful being. He spoke on Lyla, a woman that no one understood better than Orion. Even when she had changed so much, if there was any faith that the squire held, it was that she was still in there somewhere. Instead, Yahal spoke ill of her. An abomination. A creature of evil. Yahal was a being that taught redemption, but in Lyla he found none.

He wanted to argue, voice his complaints with what the holy being said, but he was never given an opportunity to voice his discontent. The god knew Orion well enough to know how stubborn he was. To know that he would speak his opinion and defy him despite his comparative insignificance.

He taunted him with images of those important to him. Of the daughter that he’d readily thrown everything away for. To the woman who bore him a son. To his son that he wished only the best for. And to the teacher that had led him on a path to be something more than what he’d been.

You’re no better than her, he thought, gritting his teeth. Lyla had used the very same people to further her goals. Yahal, Krysus, all of them. They were manipulative and cruel despite anything that they said. The mortals whose lives with which they interfered with were simply tools to further their own causes. Yahal considered him a god of faith and purity, but he was using Emily, Hadyn, Liam, and Dinah just as Lyla had. He spoke of monsters without seeing what he was himself.

…You will be one of my sons..

Orion opened his mouth to protest, but before he could, Yahal had reached out to touch him. His divine power violated the soon to be former squire. Though unwilling, Orion was forced to accept the gift that Yahal ‘offered’. He had as much choice in the matter as Lyla had given him.

Gasping for air, Orion stumbled backwards, faintly hearing the god’s task before the light overtook him once again.


The squire sat cross legged with Emily and Dinah each resting against him. It was quiet and calm, despite the storm brewing in Orion’s mind. He’d been so close to completing this path, but as life had done to him again and again, he would be starting over anew. He’d risen from the depths over and over, only this time he wasn’t the only person he had to consider.

”Sleep as long as you need, Emily. I’ve got a lot to figure out…”

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Orion Michaels
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All I Ever Wanted

Postby Radiant on May 8th, 2014, 1:17 pm


Orion :
Skill XP Earned
Leadership +3 XP
Socialization +5 XP
Philosophy +3 XP
Negotiation +3 XP
Intimidation +5 XP
Meditation +1 XP
Singing +1 XP
Medicine +2 XP
Spelunking +5 XP
Wilderness Survival +3 XP
Land Navigation +4 XP
Endurance +4 XP
Weapon: Spear +2 XP
Weapon: Longsword +1 XP
Wrestling +2 XP
Brawling +2 XP
Riding: Horse +1 XP
Investigation +5 XP
Intelligence +5 XP
Subterfuge +2 XP

Lore Earned
Miriam Antinous: Knight Weaponmaster
Spear: Basic Stances And Grips
Magic: Self-Destructing Glyphed Scroll
Location: Aylasa Caves
Location: Aylasa Abyss
Location: A Golden Divine Pool Of Healing In The Aylasa Abyss
Blade Of Discord: Cursed Bloodstained Dagger
Emily: Poisoned By An Unknown Deadly Venom
Song: "Hushabye, Sweet Child Of Mine"
Dinah: Almost Driven To Suicide
Cruel Choices: Kill Dinah Or Let Emily Die
Lyla: Came Back From The 'Dead'
Lyla: A Twisted Reunion
Lyla: Now A Daughter Of Krysus
Lyla: Causes Immense Pain With A Simple Touch
Lyla's Promise: Meet Her In Sunberth
Krysus: Goddess of Pain and Murder
Vexlings: Krysus' Vicious Abominations
Rhysol: God Of Evil, Chaos, And Betrayal
Yahal: God of Faith and Purity
Forcefully Marked By Yahal
Ennervism: Yahal's Gnosis
Yahal's Task: Smite Lyla And Her Abominations

+121 Shield Points
L1 Ennervism Gnosis Mark in the form of an elaborate, stylized tattoo of a pair of wings located on Orion's back.
Blade of Discord: A cursed weapon in the form of a blood-stained dagger. It has seemingly lost its magical properties at the moment, though whether permanently or temporarily, it remains to be seen...

Notes :
Wohoooo! What an EPIC thread, Orion! *Bows* Thank you for honoring me with the 3rd Gnosis thread! Enjoy your new mark! OOC-ly of course, since IC, Orion is pretty bumped. :lol:

Enjoy your awesome grades! If I missed anything, just PM me! :D

P.S: You can still cash-in your Shield Points before you officially leave the Knighthood at Summer, Orion. ;)

My radiance is not bright enough?
If you have any questions or concerns regarding your grade, beam me a PM and we can work it out. :)
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