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The Diamond of Kalea is located on Kalea's extreme west coast and called as such because its completely made of a crystalline substance called Skyglass. Home of the Alvina of the Stars, cultural mecca of knowledge seekers, and rife with Ethaefal, this remote city shimmers with its own unique light.

An Interesting Evening

Postby Tel'Mar on January 16th, 2015, 4:08 pm

Tel'Mar's body was as taunt as a bow string. He was sizing up the roughneck, much like he would his prey. He had a plan figured out for how he wanted to take him down. Suddenly, his focus was shattered by a new voice.

"Do you know what's also not a child? This thing right here."

The hollow thunk that followed reminded Tel'Mar of his arrows striking a log. His arrows....

A sting of curses rolled through his mind. His bow had been sitting on his back this whole time! He turned around just in time to see the female Inarta tackle the girl. The action forced both the new stranger and Tel back a pace, giving him plenty of space. As he acquired his new target he remembered his Avora always yelling at him for narrowing his focus so much. "When hammering a blade you must still watch your fire!"

The new stranger had moved into place behind them, targeting the little girl. Tel knew the sight and the obvious methods of a fellow hunter but it was his quarry that stuck with Tel'Mar. Why the girl? If your hunting a group of predators, you use stealth and surprise against the strongest member to deal the heaviest blow. Yet he chose to ignore the obvious, that they were better armed and seemingly more capable, to attack the girl.

Tel'Mar decided this whole situation needed to be resolved sooner rather than later. As the little girl, whom he assumed by now was a magical creation of some sort, broke free of the female Inarta Tel'Mar removed his bow from its wrapping and in a quick practiced motion, strung the bow and notched an arrow. While he did this, the dolls 'father' started laughing. Next thing he knew the black haired youth had pulled a knife and was charging the other man.

Well, there goes the idea of just feathering this guy

Tel drew his bow to half and waited for an opening. He was going to have to break his usual habit of shooting to kill and instead shot to wound. A good leg shot or perhaps an arm might change everyone's mood.

(OOC= Sorry I don't know how to do the box thing. When i find out I'll edit this post out. But umm.... Does anyone know how to 'break in' the new guy easy around here? My first thread and we went from fighting, to political and moral decisions, to magical creations being racially targeted. I love it, but I apologize if my responses seem to lack content. I'm just blatantly lost as to how to properly respond. I promise I'll get better as I learn more.)
-"Be still brother. As i send your soul back to Ukalas be at peace. Your death will not be in vain, for as your soul returns to Caiyha, your body shall be used to sustain the cycle. And what I can't use, I shall return to the Earth."
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An Interesting Evening

Postby Brandon Blackwing on January 16th, 2015, 5:48 pm


Here Tel, hope you can make use of it.

Shock had rippled through the crowd present, and murmurs died for a moment, only to restart with a lot of confusion mixed in it, for the doll did not fall and had not seemed to notice the dagger sticking in its head. Kaik and the girl however had eyes the size as saucers and went even paler than they were. The former couldn't seem to believe what just had happened, standing there nailed to the floor, frozen in place, and the latter, well, she was swearing once again. Cursing and yelling and approaching the thief screaming even more. Average, dark and squeaky? What's that supposed to mean? Her question he did understand though, and it was one easily answered. “The fact that it can't die, that's what keeps it from living. It cannot die, so it does not live.”

Not that she seemed to listen to him at all though, instead trying to push him away, an attempt the bat thwarted by sliding one of his feet back, resisting the force of the girl and keeping him in place. She did not seem to care, having decided that throwing her on his arm would solve the situation, apparently. Good plan, there was no way one arm could hold her weight, and as such Brandon pulled back his dagger and backed off, the girl falling onto the doll as a dead weight instead, intent on cuddling it, or something.

The doll had no desire for that sort of thing, struggling hard, harder than a child possibly could have to escape the young woman's grasp and hurried to the side of her 'father', who seemed to have returned to this realm of consciousness, though slowly being dragged back so the light in his eyes could be replaced by flames of rage. The guy started laughing, laughing of all things. Yup, he's lost it, Brandon decided, wanting to pinch the bridge of his nose, but instead chose to sheathe his blade. A figure moved in the corners of his eyes as he kept his gaze on Kaik, only momentarily darting to the side to spot the tall guy grabbing the bow on his back and notched an arrow, causing Brandon's expression to twist in a scowl rather than a concentrated look. Slowly his hand crept back into his coat and found the handle of a blade again, unsheathing it just as languidly, planning to fling the dagger at the bowman should the situation demand it; something which seemed pretty likely.

Lots of the words flowing form Kaik did not make it to the bat, though one thing did, a question -again. Why indeed? There was nothing to gain, nothing but the hatred of others. “I don't need to gain anything from this. All I'm doing is protecting you from that doll, believe it or not!” Kaik did not listen though, dismissing the thief's words and refusing to accept it, it was to be expected. “Consumed by his madness..;” the bat muttered, “and blinded by the lies he spun for his own mind.” The dagger did not faze Brandon, nor did the charge. If anything, he was pleased with the choices Kaik was making, combat clearly not his strong suit. A charge was easy to dodge, and left you wide open, it was one of the first things Brandon had ever learned. Jumping? Ha! That made the attack only less controlled than it already was. The bat's eyes narrowed as he prepared for his counterattack.

The key to surviving this situation was keeping Kaik between himself and the guy with the bow, thus rendering the weapon useless. Own blade already sheathed again, Brandon ducked while stepping out of Kaik's trajectory, far enough away so even flailing arms wouldn't reach him, but close enough he could get into the man's range in the blink of an eye. The bounce-step would aid him in that. The little time Kaik still soared through the air was spent getting into rhythm, and as soon as the doll's 'father' touched the ground, Brandon closed the gap, using the bounce-step to bridge the distance swiftly, his maneuverability far greater than one would expect with Brandon's speed. Any slashed of the knife and other attacks were dodged with ease, the bounce-step allowing for a change in direction in a moment's notice, slipping past them and infiltrating the man's range.

A knee was raised and sped towards the man's stomach, immediately followed by Brandon retreating one step, but not allowing Kaik to recover just yet; it was only meant for the thief to give himself some more room. A rain of strikes with the heel of his palms followed, aimed for many places including but not limited to the forehead, the throat and the part of the shoulder close to the neck -which could make the arm go numb and hurt intensely. Needless to say, the arm targeted was the one holding the blade. Then Brandon stepped away quickly, exiting the man's range should he still be able to launch a counterattack, but the thief doubted that.

OOCThis truly is an interesting evening. I think this might be the worst decision Bran has ever made, trying to destroy Kaik's doll in public. Also... I guess I might have overdone it a little with having Bran go all out.... :paranoid:

Credit goes to Cylos Marn
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An Interesting Evening

Postby Kesu on January 21st, 2015, 1:31 am

Fighting over a doll in a world of snow and magic....

Kesu thought that everything had gone to shyke already, with the roughneck instigating, or at least trying to instigate a fight.

Then, after the dark-looking Kelvic came in, and stabbed the doll-girl in the head, she knew that there was no ending this.

But the worst part of all of it was the laughter. The black-haired man's mad, uncontrollable laughter haunted Kesu, taking her back to the howls of delight and pain she heard in the cave, so many years ago. Father and Mother with blades, bludgeons, whips, hooks and other assorted instruments were only a pain-filled haze of a memory now, but it still gave her nightmares. She stood up, eyes wide, remembering the horror of those two seasons. The mad laugh wouldn't stop, even though the Kelvic was beating him up. Frantically looking around, she fixed her eyes upon the other Inarta, who, by now, had pulled out his bow. Running towards him, where the doll-girl sat not but a few feet away, she focused her inner djed upon him, she tried to discern where he was focusing, but she couldn't focus with all of the laughing. All she could get from his aura was that he was focusing on the fight, and ready to act. Standing next to him, she pleaded, "Please, stop them, do anything you have to!" The laughter put a distraught look on her face, and she said, "Someone might get killed here!"

Above all else, that was her most pressing concern in this situation. Whispering to herself, she said, "Nomoreblood,nomorepain, nomorehurting." She didn't know how she would react at the sight of blood, but it wouldn't be pretty.
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An Interesting Evening

Postby Kaik Leyr on January 21st, 2015, 3:07 am

Kaik combat skills were laughable in the face of a truly skilled opponent. His attempt at tackling the man bore no success. Kaik hit the ground and just as soon Djas had closed the distance. Not a single swing of his dagger connected to his enemy as he brought a knee to Kaik’s stomach.

Not allowing Kaik to recover from the blow an onslaught of hits came flying at him. Though his armor helped to cushion the blows, it did not protect the most important parts...his neck and head. Pain filled him, it was a sensation he had long forgotten. He began coughing violently. The overwhelming sensation to simply fall down and give up gnawed at him, but then he remembered Ellen. Of how naive he was in the past to have not seen her suffering.

She has suffered much worse and done it with a smile. I can’t give up. I can’t let my anger fog my mind. Somehow I had to make this man pay.

Djas kept had kept his distance after finishing his barrage of attacks. The Animator continued to stand, switching his blade to the left hand as he brought up both arms to defend. He took a large breathe of the cold air, it helped to clear his mind. Then he smiled, just like Ellen. No matter what he had to persevere.

How do I win against such an opponent? I can’t leave myself open like that anymore. His speed and maneuverability outmatch me. Maybe if I grab him? Attack his legs? If I can just get a hit on him! I need time to think. Does he feel like talking? Have to keep my guard up though.

Kaik recalled the man’s statement to his question, Djas thought he was doing it for Kaik’s sake. Madness clouded his mind, refusing to take the man’s words as truth. Even when he had returned to sanity Kiak still called shyke on Djas’s words. It was time to call out on his lies.

“Protecting me from that doll, you say? You don’t need to gain anything? What pile of shyke are you spewing?” Kaik took a stepped backwards, toward Arya, and began to chuckle. “If you want to ‘save’ me then you are far too petching do this out of selflessness? You may think me crazy, but you sure as petch aren’t any different. You said before she can’t die, so what do you intend to do? No matter the case, she can die...though I bet you have some comeback for that as well.”

Restrict his movements. If he doesn’t intend to use a weapon then I need to use that to my advantage. It hurts, but I still have a free hand. A dagger is not my only weapon. I need to grab him. Aim for the leg. I have to beat him.

“I’m the villian in this story, am I not? You, the hero. Fine. Let me be the monster you see me as,” he said as he arrived at Arya’s side.

The little doll had witnessed a stranger pulling out his bow while another brought pain to her master. And there was nothing she could. Arya needed to protect her master, but his orders were absolute.

“Arya, that man you see in front of me is the enemy. Only him, understand?” Kaik kept his eyes on Djas as he said that, keeping his arms up. His orders were absolute. Arya unsheathed a dagger with her right hand as she nodded.

Everyone must see me as a monster. This crowd. That man. Even Ellen. But it’s always been like this. Ever since Ellen died it’s been like this. Why do I still attack him like this? Arya is still alive. If we just leave, we can avoid all this...No. It just won’t feel right till I punch this guy right in the face.

In his mind a crude strategy began to formulate. With Arya he could surround him, at the very least push him back. Even for a skilled combatant his mind can only focus on a single opponent, it is then another can slip through his defense. Still Kaik could never understand the man’s capabilities, so at the very least he had hoped to put the man on the defensive. Instead Kaik would let the man make take the initiative.

All this for just one good punch to that petcher’s face...maybe I’m still insane...hope you’re laughing Ellen.

He once again began to laugh, “Your move, hero.”

OOCWorry not, Kaik's not that least for now. Sadly I can only see this ending with Kaik getting the shyke kicked out of him.

Going easy on the new guy? Ha! I think not! Things must start with an explosion and then you figure out the little details later. :D


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An Interesting Evening

Postby Fen on January 22nd, 2015, 3:29 am

The cold winter air filled Fen's lungs as he inhaled deeply. The smell of the ocean below filled his nose and the sounds of the city filled his ears. Fen stared aimlessly as he walked through the city, he looked like a small child in a toy shop with eyes full of wonder. [i]This is diffren', not bad or good just differen'.[/b]

Fen arrived in a plaza filled with people and shops. The ground barely had snow left from all the hustle of the people. His dazed state was soon interrupted when he noticed a group locked in an argument in the plaza. Fen counted the group.[i]Two fire hairs, one Kelvic, [A dark haired man, a rough looking man and a 'small girl'/i] He walked up to the group not trying to hide but not expecting to be seen right away.

The fire haired man stood stiff as a board with an arrow drawn. Fen clearly missed the cause of the fight but took his place next to the fire haired man. Beside the two the of them the girl was on her knees begging "Please, stop them, do anything you have to!"

Fen watched the other two as the Kelvic had the dark haired man on the ground. The hits seemed to just keep coming one after another. In an instant the men stood up, the man who recieved quite the onslaught laughed through the entire punishment and only stopped for a moment as he stood up. Fen just watched in awe not moving.

"I'm not quite sure what the two of your are fighting 'bout and its probably not my place to say anything but its clearly upsetting some people around here." He nods his head towards the fire head girl.
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An Interesting Evening

Postby Tel'Mar on January 22nd, 2015, 4:27 am

"Please, stop them, do anything you have to! Someone might get killed here!"

The woman's cries were not lost on him. He agreed this fighting must end. But what a contradiction. Telling a hunter to do whatever he can to stop someone, but without killing. Tel decided he had no choice. He'd have to fire his arrow, let fly his tool of death, and pray to Caiyha that he'd strike true.

Please, mother of nature, let not there be waist today. No waist of life, no waist of blood. Let my arrow strike and this fight be done!

"I'm not quite sure what the two of you are fighting 'bout and it's probably not my place to say anything but it's clearly upsetting some people around here."

Tel nearly jumped out of his skin. Shyke, where did he come from? He mentally scolded himself. Twice in a span of half a chime he'd let someone sneak up on him. He sized up the new comer. He smelled of forest and fur. He had a wild look in his eye. Another Kelvic?! Is he an enemy? Looking closely Tel'Mar felt something. Perhaps an answer to my prayers. Thank you, mother of the wilds.

"Help me end this, friend. I'll volley, you get the black haired one back.

Returning all his attention to the scene in front of him, Tel took a deep calming breath. Taking aim at the Kelvics legs, he let it out and whispered quitely, "Be still, brother." and let loose his arrow.
-"Be still brother. As i send your soul back to Ukalas be at peace. Your death will not be in vain, for as your soul returns to Caiyha, your body shall be used to sustain the cycle. And what I can't use, I shall return to the Earth."
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An Interesting Evening

Postby Brandon Blackwing on January 22nd, 2015, 5:03 pm

It was a good thing the thief had not attacked with clenched fists; the strikes to the lad's body felt wrong, hard. Some sort of armor was embedded in that leather he wore. If he'd struck with his fists that hard and that many times they would have been bleeding by now, that much was certain. Still, even though his assault was limited to the unprotected area of the neck and face, Kaik was no match at all for the bat. Even so, the fact that he managed to keep standing was … unexpected. While he looked in a lot of pain and even defeated, the gleam in his eyes spoke of a man battered but not yet defeated. The psychotic smile on his face gave Bran the shivers.

“Quite the masochist aren't you?” the thief muttered, eyes scanning the battlefield, finding that yet another person had joined their merry band, standing at the tall redhead's side. Said redhead was preparing to take aim of him -or rather still was keeping the arrow aimed for the thief, it seemed, and Brandon cursed internally. Where was his meat shield headed?! Kaik was backing off, heading backwards into the direction of his doll. Oh, no! Oh no you don't! The Kelvic was not so naive to believe he could enter a fight and end it without there being anyone leaving the battlefield wounded. That he wanted to destroy the doll was one thing, but that was as far as his aspirations to save Kaik went, if he had to fight a man, a doll and an archer at the same time, he'd use one of the others as a meat shield. That said, was he truly doing this because he felt he needed to save the lad, or just because he felt he had to destroy the puppet? Perhaps a little of both, but it was more likely the latter was the most true. Not that it mattered.

Brandon too started moving, using Kaik as axis he began a circular movement by slowly walking sideways, hand raised to shoulder level, relaxed but ready to strike when needed -a battle stance. As long as the doll-boy intended to continue this fight, he'd follow. The cries and wails of the female Inarta were completely ignored. His own safety was of more importance than that of the rest. Kaik did not seem to notice what Brandon was up to, instead starting to talk, to sneer at the words he'd spoken a chime or so earlier, probably to buy some time. Good, I can use that time as well... his gaze darted to the male Inarta for a tick, then back to Kaik, who had now reached his doll. Yeah, I guess what I stated earlier was a bit stupid...

“You are quite correct, it can't die. However, it can be destroyed.” The bat let his words hang in the air for a bit. ”Ha! I am the hero? Why, thank you, but you are mistaken. While I might be the hero of my own tale, in the large scheme of things I am nothing more than a speck of dust. A side character. Neutral, I'd assume. Or perhaps an anti-hero, but I doubt it. I fight for my own beliefs, whether they are right or wrong.” Well, that at least was the truth, the bullshyke about saving might have been a half-lie, or maybe not. The Kelvic's mind was a mystery to himself every now and then.

By now he had almost managed to put Kaik between himself and the bowman, though not quite yet. The lad muttered something to his doll, something Brandon didn't even bother to understand, the reaction of the puppet telling him enough; a dagger was unsheathed and held in its hands.

Heh, so it's officially three on one now eh? This will be tricky, though I should be able to manage if I focus. Use not just sight, but scent and hearing too. Tsk, this will be difficult, I bet. While the doll slowly walked up to him, dagger dangerously gleaming in the setting sun, the bat kept moving with Kaik as his axis. That doll could pose a threat... Normal attacks won't work... weak spots... Wood does not have those. Damn. If it only did not move I'd have not have to deal with this! An idea bubbled up, the comparison between man and doll clear before his eyes. The joints! I can block those joints if I stab them hard enough. Though I doubt I'll be given the chance, this is a difficult target... Still, the joints are a weak point. Maybe I can tear arms and legs off if I dislocate them properly and apply enough force. Yes, that should do! A grin graced his lips as Kaik taunted him. “Oh, you sure? You do realize th- “ His sentence was cut off by the motion he spotted, the movement made by the bowman.

Had there been time to curse, Brandon would have, though now instead his body acted, calling upon the memories of his battle against Bowman -Johnathan Lytlle- to react in an effective way. There was no time wasted, the bat used one foot as a pivot while his body spun around it, so his side would be facing the bowman, a far smaller target than he'd originally been. To top it all off, he jumped backwards, a maneuver that just barely saved him from an arrow sticking out his thigh, however, a member of the crowd was not so lucky, crying out in pain, and falling to the ground unable to keep herself upright.
“What are you doing, you bloody fool!” yelled a man helping the unfortunate woman, “If you want to fight, go ahead, but don't go shooting arrows in the middle of the plaza, you idiot! See what you've done! Someone, go fetch the Shinya!”

Somewhat glad he'd managed to avoid that dangerous weapon, Brandon had no time to stop and think about getting away when the man ordered someone was to get the guards. The doll was still approaching, dagger in hand; the thief's life was at stake here. Kaik had said it himself; he'd kill the Kelvic. Turning his back on them was the worst thing he could do now, he'd be stabbed in the back. No, for now he'd have to keep fighting, yet, he wouldn't make the first move. If the Shinya did come -and they would- Brandon'd claim self defense, and with all these witnesses standing around, observing, he'd have proof to back it up. “Bring it on then,” the Kelvic stated, then continuing what he had been about to say before the arrow came his way. “But you do realize that in stories the hero always stands victorious over the villain, right?”

OOC:smirk: So you actually managed to make Bran quote my sig. Good job Kaik. ;) That said, an aware Brandon is a difficult target. And shooting arrows wildly in the middle of the plaza is a bad idea

Credit goes to Cylos Marn
Last edited by Brandon Blackwing on January 26th, 2015, 8:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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An Interesting Evening

Postby Kesu on January 23rd, 2015, 4:50 pm

Fighting over a doll in a world of snow and magic....

”Ha! I am the hero? Why, thank you, but you are mistaken. While I might be the hero of my own tale, in the large scheme of things I am nothing more than a speck of dust. A side character. Neutral, I'd assume. Or perhaps an anti-hero, but I doubt it. I fight for my own beliefs, whether they are right or wrong.”
The thief's words made Kesu pause. The man's view, whilst narcissistic, had an air of realism to them. In the grand scheme of things, who was more than a mote of dust, a grain of sand? This was what she thought, but what she said was completely different. "Pretentious ass!" Then, it went to shyke.

Kesu watched the other Inarta let fly, and sighed in relief as the wooden shaft flew towards it's mark, the Kelvic. And just as suddenly, her relief turned into horror as the arrow hit a local onlooker, a woman, in the upper thigh. The arrow pierced her leg entirely, head sticking out the back of her thigh. Time seemed to have slowed down as blood sprayed from both puncture wounds. A shudder racked Kesu, and she found it hard to breathe. Collapsing in the snow, coughing, she curled into a ball, and stared blankly at the arrow sticking out of the lady's leg. Panting heavily, she began to sweat and shake, panicked. Memories of the cave came flashing back during the panic attack, and the one face that was prevalent was that of 'Mother' with her fondness of tools that punctured, pierced, or otherwise punched a hole in Kesu. Beginning to cry, Kesu tried to form a coherent thought, but couldn't. All she knew was that she needed to get away.

In the distance, pushing through the crowd, came the sounds of several loud, authoritative voices, Shinya that were patrolling nearby.
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An Interesting Evening

Postby Kaik Leyr on January 24th, 2015, 3:26 am

Now the enemy was grinning at his taunt and was just about to say something when suddenly he noticed something a distance away. With extreme agility Djas had very nearly avoided the impact of the arrow and instead someone in the crowd took the hit. A man in the crowds yelled out in fury at the archer to whom Kaik had just realized was there. Kaik turned to see indeed there on the ground a lady with a serious wound.

Petch! What is that idiotic archer think he’s doing!?! Who fires an arrow in such a dense crowd!

Before he could yell at the archer another incident took place. The red headed women whom he had met before fell to the ground and curled up into a ball. He recognized the symptoms, just like himself long ago she was having a panic attack. Kaik could almost see himself lying on the snow trying to keep his sanity in check.

What have I’ve been doing? I wanted to kill that man, but...people are suffering now. Just like back then I’ve been letting people suffer in agony while worrying about myself. I’ve had enough that. This is all pointless! Absolutely petching pointless! Children fighting for themselves and what they think is right or wrong.

The voices of the Shinya became white noise.

“Yeah...I know the villain always loses...but he keeps fighting knowing what fate has in store for him, admirable isn’t it? And foolish. I won’t kill you,” Kaik ordered Arya to move to his back, “I’ve had enough of this. Just leave. Whatever it was you wanted to accomplish is pointless,” he sheathed his dagger and ordered Arya to do the same.

What was the point of all of this!? I still don’t understand why this happened. I need to help that women in the crowds, but what about that other girl. I hope she’ll be alright with time. But...this man....why just why?

Anger once again filled Kaik, “What do you plan do after destroying her?! Huh!? What if I make more? What then? Chop off my arms? Threaten me? Kill me? Try it then! I already lost it all...if you want my life then petching take it!”

Having exhausted his emotions he began to walk over to the women in the crowds. He could never know if the man called Djas would stab him in the back or even go after Arya, but only then did he realize the simple truth. Arya was simply a fabricated life meant to replace Ellen and what that meant was she truly couldn't die. He could make more.

“What are you waiting for? Get her to The Catholicon before she bleeds out!” Kaik said to the man helping the women.
“Petch you! You were in that fight! Now she’s-”
“Shut up! Either help me get her to The Catholicon or watch her bleed to death!” Kaik shouted.
“Okay! Fine,” the stranger said reluctantly.

Kaik prepared himself to help carry the injured women to safety.

OOCHeh that sig was just begging to be used in-character! :D


Boxcode by Estrellir Konrath
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An Interesting Evening

Postby Fen on January 24th, 2015, 6:29 am

Fen looks around as everyone contiupnues as if he isn't there. His words faded in the wind. Hmm alright then. The little girl pulled out a dagger startling Fen. As she approached the other Kelvic in the group the red haired man drew his bow sights on the kelvic.

"Help me end this, friend. I'll volley, you get the black haired one back."

Everything was happening so fast and before he could see it the bowman let loose his arrow. The arrow soared through the air missing its intended target and embedding itself in the upper leg of a woman. Fen flinched as he saw the arrow make contact. He was used to receiving pain but he has a weak stomach to watch someone recieve it.

The black haired man began walking towards the injured bystander cursing at the Kelvic man,“What do you plan do after destroying her?! Huh!? What if I make more? What then? Chop off my arms? Threaten me? Kill me? Try it then! I already lost it all...if you want my life then petching take it!”

Fen would have reacted as asked if his feet weren't sticking him in place relkeasingnhim as the man was out of reach. Being to late to react he looked around and noticed the inarta girl lay on the snow covered ground behind him. Her cheeks and nose red from tears and the cold. Fens's fists clenched and his knuckles turned as white as the snow around him. He took deep breaths, his chest heaving with each breath. Why do they not see what they've done to this poor girl?

A few moments passed and Fen noticed the gaurds pushing through the crowd to the injured woman. With his nerves calming he walked to the slump of a person on the ground. Fen gently rubbed her back hoping to give her reassurance that all will be alright. He turned into his wolf form and curled up next to the girl. Fen looked up at the archer, "What is this all 'bout?" speaking before thinking his words came across as barks and whines.Maybe now that the fight is done I can find out what happened.
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Posts: 8
Words: 4799
Joined roleplay: January 12th, 2015, 2:20 am
Race: Kelvic
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