Brandon's Book Of Scraps

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Brandon's Book Of Scraps

Postby Brandon Blackwing on July 22nd, 2014, 1:18 pm

Brandon’s Scrapbook

So I decided I’d finally give in to temptation and make myself a scrapbook. Indeed. Here I will post random facts and views on Brandon Blackwing, probably his personality. Though there might be some entries about other stuff too… but mainly Brandon. I’ll use this when I feel like writing about Bran, but not like writing a reply or post. Or just when I decide to do this. I don’t know, we’ll see what happens.

Anyways, people who visit are free to comment, ask stuff and whatever, though I’d appreciate it when you’d refrain from flaming and all that.

So, this first post will be about Brandon’s personality type. I saw that a couple of players had some random-looking four-letter abbreviation written down when they talked about a certain personality test… I googled it and managed to find it. Apparently it’s the Myers-Briggs test or so? Anyways, one had to pay to take the test so I searched for a free test. I found a short one, which had a question for each letter, so four in total. Turns out Bran is a ISTP type. I checked with another, albeit longer test, which gave me almost the same results, except for the last letter. I assume however that the first result was the correct one, mostly because I looked at the description of that personality type, which was a pretty accurate description of Brandon (in my opinion anyway). I’ll include that description in the spoiler tag and give some commentary on each aspect, starting with the first paragraph so I don’t confuse anyone :)

Portrait of an ISTP - Introverted Sensing Thinking Perceiving

(Introverted Thinking with Extraverted Sensing)
The Mechanic

As an ISTP, your primary mode of living is focused internally, where you deal with things rationally and logically. Your secondary mode is external, where you take things in via your five senses in a literal, concrete fashion.

So, I decided it would be much more understandable when I’d include my own comments directly below the paragraph I am giving my own view of. I will compare the type descripted with my view on Brandon to the best of my ability, though whether it won’t be a huge chaotic mess I cannot promise you :p Anyway, I’ll use this cursive for that.

So, this first bit of text seems pretty accurate when applied to Bran. Surprisingly, Brandon is quite rational, and tends to think things through, he plans and schemes a lot. However, when he goes paranoid he is prone to overthinking and complicating things :/ Also, being one of the Kelvic, he uses his senses more than the regular person. He is observant, not only making use of his eyes, but depending on his extraordinary hearing and smell as well, though more on the former.

ISTPs have a compelling drive to understand the way things work. They're good at logical analysis, and like to use it on practical concerns. They typically have strong powers of reasoning, although they're not interested in theories or concepts unless they can see a practical application. They like to take things apart and see the way they work.

I have to agree with this part as well. Though I’ll nuance it a bit. Though Bran is curious, I don’t think he’s interested in the mechanics behind everything. Then again though, he did get very excited at seeing an Isur’s arm and wanted to know how it functioned… Bran is –like stated before- intelligent enough to reason, but is not interested in theories that do not capture his attention, thus the things that do not have an application he could use. As for taking things apart; I can actually picture Bran being fascinated and tinkering with a lock when training lockpicking skills. I can actually see him being quite interesting in gadgeteering as a whole, or just play a bit with springs and broken devices.

ISTPs have an adventuresome spirit. They are attracted to motorcycles, airplanes, sky diving, surfing, etc. They thrive on action, and are usually fearless. ISTPs are fiercely independent, needing to have the space to make their own decisions about their next step. They do not believe in or follow rules and regulations, as this would prohibit their ability to "do their own thing". Their sense of adventure and desire for constant action makes ISTPs prone to becoming bored rather quickly.

Haha, Ilike this part! This is actually pretty much Bran’s original concept. Well, a part of it. Bradon does get bored quickly, though he does like to sit and think –meditate if you will- for an hour or so. Though he’d rather do that on strolls, since he gets a bit restless when sitting about for long periods of time… er…. So that basically means he doesn’t like to sit and think, but rather would go for a walk and think. Adventurous …. Well, that is just a given and not believing in rules, not to mention refusing to follow them… He’s a thief, what do you expect? Also, he is indeed independent, he’d rather pick his targets himself than have someone picking them out for him, he finds it very frustrating. Unless of course that someone is paying him, then he doesn’t. Of course, then he did choose to give his services to the person who hired him.

ISTPs are loyal to their causes and beliefs, and are firm believers that people should be treated with equity and fairness. Although they do not respect the rules of the "System", they follow their own rules and guidelines for behavior faithfully. They will not take part in something which violates their personal laws. ISTPs are extremely loyal and faithful to their "brothers".

Hm… I don’t know about the equity… I think he does give people a chance, but that’s it. I mean if we take Ollic as an example, Bran was worried for his limbs and feared Ollic was insane. I believe he did give the doc a chance, but the strange looks and weird attitude the man displayed may have given Brandon the wrong impression. I think that Brandon would treat anyone fair and equal at first, until he has formed his own opinion and image of that person, then he starts treating them as he thinks he should. Raien, as another example, interfered with Brandon’s attempts to loot a drunkard and showed himself a threat to Brandon’s existence and an ally of the Shinya. An enemy. Thus he was treated that way. However, he is indeed loyal to his friends and family. He’d do anything to protect Engghaen and …. Uh… he has no other friends… ehehehe….

ISTPs like and need to spend time alone, because this is when they can sort things out in their minds most clearly. They absorb large quantities of impersonal facts from the external world, and sort through those facts, making judgments, when they are alone.

Well, Brandon does go on strolls daily to clear his mind, sift through events and all that. He then loses himself in his own mind, processing everything that has happened and evaluate his actions. I guess.

ISTPs are action-oriented people. They like to be up and about, doing things. They are not people to sit behind a desk all day and do long-range planning. Adaptable and spontaneous, they respond to what is immediately before them. They usually have strong technical skills, and can be effective technical leaders. They focus on details and practical things. They have an excellent sense of expediency and grasp of the details which enables them to make quick, effective decisions.

Heh, a desk job isn’t something Bran would survive. It has been mentioned in a couple of threads that he isn’t suited for academic or desk jobs, since he doesn’t have the patience and is too restless for it. Adaptable, check. Spontaneous, yes. Especially during conversations, but actually in any situation he acts spontaneously, mostly without thinking about it. Consequences mean little to him, though there are exceptions. Bran once started insulting someone else out of the blue in order to have fun, knowing fully well that it could escalate into an armed conflict, but he simply did not care. Expediency..? hm, probably true. When in certain situations he tends to analyze the situation quickly and makes a swift but efficient and rational decision, however there are some exceptions.

ISTPs avoid making judgments based on personal values - they feel that judgments and decisions should be made impartially, based on the fact. They are not naturally tuned in to how they are affecting others. They do not pay attention to their own feelings, and even distrust them and try to ignore them, because they have difficulty distinguishing between emotional reactions and value judgments. This may be a problem area for many ISTPs.

Eh? This is a hard one. I don’t think I can fully agree with this one. I believe Bran is well aware how his behavior affects others, he teases and insults some just to see their reactions, finding it entertaining. I don’t really know about the personal values though… but I guess it could be right. I honestly don’t know. Ignoring feelings … sometimes. He has ignored some of his own problems, like a vast sadness that washed over him during a specific thread, he just was like “yes, well, I should be doing my job and think about that later.” The problem of knowing whether a decision was based on emotions or judgment could be possible, but I am not sure.

An ISTP who is over-stressed may exhibit rash emotional outbursts of anger, or on the other extreme may be overwhelmed by emotions and feelings which they feel compelled to share with people (often inappropriately). An ISTP who is down on themself will foray into the world of value judgments - a place which is not natural for the ISTP - and judge themself by their inability to perform some task. They will then approach the task in a grim emotional state, expecting the worst.

I don’t know either, but I guess not. Though… under stress Bran can become very aggressive and angry when the final drop makes the bucket overflow. He once snapped at Chari –when Bran had just discovered a murder victim- for calling him vile. Bran was on edge the whole time, believing to be followed or watched at first. I listed it in my CS as his inability to withstand insults, but when he actually was insulted far worse in later threads he did get pissed, but not that furious. It would make sense like this. (I’ll maybe change that part in my CS after a while. I’ll do some more experiments first.)

ISTPs are excellent in a crisis situations. They're usually good athletes, and have very good hand-eye coordination. They are good at following through with a project, and tying up loose ends. They usually don't have much trouble with school, because they are introverts who can think logically. They are usually patient individuals, although they may be prone to occasional emotional outbursts due to their inattention to their own feelings.

An athlete is indeed what Brandon is, he is more like an acrobat, but whatever. His hand-eye coordination is excellent, he needs it for picking pockets and such. Following through with a project? Correct, once you hire Bran, he will get the job done eventually, though it may take a while. However, I don’t really think Brandon is that patient. Usually he is not. But when he needs to be he can be very patient, when it is crucial to have patience he probably be it. Outbursts are another matter that could maybe occur, but I don’t really see that happening.

ISTPs have a lot of natural ability which makes them good at many different kinds of things. However, they are happiest when they are centered in action-oriented tasks which require detailed logical analysis and technical skill. They take pride in their ability to take the next correct step.
ISTPs are optimistic, full of good cheer, loyal to their equals, uncomplicated in their desires, generous, trusting and receptive people who want no part in confining commitments.

“Action-oriented tasks which require detailed logical analysis and technical skill” =Larceny. Pride in their ability? Brandon is an arrogant prick, and he takes great pride in his abilities. Optimistic, full of good cheer, loyal to their equals, uncomplicated in their desires? I think so, I am pretty certain that’s true. But generous? *cough* Absolutely *cough cough* No! He is trusting however, due to his naivety no doubt, if given the chance to trust that is. Being a Kelvic, I don’t think he minds commitments, but confining ones would be quite the problem indeed.

Well, that concludes this first post, insight thingy. More are to come when I feel like it!

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Brandon's Book Of Scraps

Postby Gossamer on September 7th, 2014, 2:41 pm

You're welcome you dirty vermin!

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Brandon's Book Of Scraps

Postby Brandon Blackwing on September 7th, 2014, 7:08 pm


Haha Goss, I love the video! Informative, fun and it has references in it, it's perfect! And I also learned that Bran is pretty much invulnerable to diseases :) Awesome.

Also, now Wren is gone, Miz is in need of someone to spread diseases, right >.>
Maybe not the diseases Miz needs, but the diseases Miz deserves. :p

On another note, I am always thinking about making a new scrapbook post every time I can't sleep, but I never get to it. However, I think that the next 'Brandon insight post' will be about magic -- if I ever get to writing it :lol:

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Brandon's Book Of Scraps

Postby Drusilla on December 10th, 2014, 5:57 pm

Saw this on Facebook and thought I'd give you your daily 'Awww how cute' moment.



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Brandon's Book Of Scraps

Postby Brandon Blackwing on December 26th, 2014, 9:41 pm


So. I know I said my next Scrap post would be about magic -thus meaning Brandon's view on it, as well as the possibility of him using it and all that- but it won't :D Yes, I lied. Deal with it ;)

No seriously though, I am not really in the mood for magic, and basically just end up writing whatever I feel like at the moment. Today it's about Brandon's preference in women; his sexuality. Why, you ask? Well, you have chat to thank for it, as well as a … minor mistake of mine. Somehow I ended up saying something that was interpreted the wrong way, so to speak, and I could tell from the fact that Chat went completely silent. (Which is usually a bad thing. I should note however that most weird things I say in chat are not to be taken seriously. Most of the time it's meant sarcastically, but written words tend to be interpreted by the reader and thus not always the way the speaker -or writer- wants them to.) Result being that I fear that I have freaked some people out -if you visit my scrap, I apologize for that- and I wanted to clear things up. At the time, the exact terms escaped me and I might have ended up stating something that might have insinuated Brandon is a … no I'm not going to say it, figure it out yourself. The ones who were in chat certainly have something in mind, something WHICH BRAN IS NOT! (Caps for emphasis).

What I actually meant to say was this, dear people who were in chat that day -and every other loyal readers of my scraps (who does not exist I am sure :lol: ) : Brandon is into women of relative small statue and of petite build. Both combined preferably. This is what I meant to say, not whatever else you had in mind.

How come I know this useless bit of information? Well, I know Bran pretty well. I can sense how he'd react to certain situations, whenever I am still kind of in character or just thinking about it. In chat you could consider me half OOC and half IC. Which means that if other people state things like (and I quote)
“But I want Brandon to like me!”
Yes, that actually happened, I'm holding the identity of this person to myself *insert smug face * Then again, she did say something about wanting everyone to like her, but meh. Later on, things escalated a bit and well we were going on about bonding and stuff. While I was joking -I really was, the OOC half anyway- I could really see Bran bond with her. I actually kind of told her that right before I freaked chat out, a couple months later, but I think she thought I was joking.

But I told her the reasons and chat freaked out. I cannot blame them since my 'explanation' was poorly put into words. Anyways, I will try to give some more insights in to why exactly Bran likes this particular kind of female.

It all started with a thread where I thought: “hey, why don't I try my hand at romance for a change?” Much to my horror, the mod grading said thread wasn't so happy with it. Apparently I -we- kind of overlooked something, which we thought wasn't relevant at all. Both our PCs are Kelvic. The mod said basically: “Kelvic can't bond with Kelvic, reread the lore!” (I had read it like 4 times already before creating Bran though) I never really tried to contact said mod in regards to my concerns at the matter -it was my first season on Miz, mods were scary back then. But I thought “What does bonding have to do with all this? This was not the intention. We wanted to do a romance thread with Kelvic PCs. I do know the lore states that bondmates often become lovers, but that is not always the case. Some Kelvic bond with people they have a lot of respect for. (That still is true, right? I haven't seen the Kelvic lore in a while, I admit. Last time I checked it was when someone in chat mentioned that shifting does not tire the Kelvic anymore -which I didn't know about either). So I thought it was strange that Kelvic can't fall in love with each other but they do can respect each other. If Kelvic can't fall in love with each other, then how do they select a partner to mate with? Kelvic do mate with each other. And love basically is the selection of the ideal mate. So... Goss, I need your expertise on this, if you don't mind. I know you will read this at one point or another. Or otherwise I'll post it in the Q&A forum. We'll see.

Anyways, I used the excuse of Bran being drunk plus it being mating season for bats to solve the matter IC (convenient planning of the thread ;) ) and I dismissed the whole situation, suddenly erasing the relationship from existence. However, the damage was done. Bran liked the girl, and while he no longer was sexually attracted to her, he started seeing her as some sort of sister. A younger-but-older sister (since she's -contrary to her own beliefs- older than Bran though she looks younger). So Bran acquired a sister, one he loved dearly and would do anything for to ensure her safety. That said, I am not too sure whether it was because of her clumsiness,shy nature or both, but she kind of triggered some older brother mode. I am certain that if Bran were to fall in love with any other woman like that, he'd be that way too. Well, but not quite as a brother. Maybe like some overly attached boyfriend or something :lol: (Though Bran is quite lonely, so I wouldn't blame him, it's the price of being a successful thief in a city not littered with criminals.)

That said, I do believe that Bran would be protective of anyone he'd come to fall love with, be they like his 'sister' or not. Friends too can count on him when he is needed, since Brandon is a loyal fellow at heart. Of course, only to true friends, acts of betrayal can easily sever the bond and turn your favorite bat into a vengeance driven mortal enemy. Though maybe not that extreme. Allow me to rephrase: Brandon is loyal to those he believes deserve his loyalty. He'd probably backstab other people at one point or another.

I think I kind of digressed and I can't really remember what else I wanted to say about intimate relationships anymore... Oh well. I blame the upcoming exams and my scatterbrained mind which has succumbed to entropy.

Well, I hope this was entertaining and if you have any suggestions on stuff you want me to try and cover, please tell me. The purpose of this scrap is actually to become some sort of map of Brandon's mind. Emotions, inner workings, personality, quirks and all that. So any help is appreciated. I cannot promise that post will be made soon, but some day I will cover the subject(s) suggested, so look forward to it. Or not, if you are totally not interested at all in Brandon. ;)

Have a nice day,

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Brandon's Book Of Scraps

Postby Gossamer on December 27th, 2014, 1:00 am

Of course I stalk your scrap.

Kelvics can fall in love with anyone they want. They can only bond to humans mainly though... sometimes Eth or other more humanoid folks too. I'm sorry some grader or staffer gave you a hard time on that. Brandon should feel free to have a relationship with anyone he wants.

BTW When you said small petite women, I immediately thought pycons and may or may not have laughed in mocking mirth for five minutes before I kept reading.

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Brandon's Book Of Scraps

Postby Brandon Blackwing on December 27th, 2014, 3:36 pm


Ah, thank you for giving me my peace of mind Goss, I've been bothered by it for quite some time. But now I have finally been freed of the burden! :lol:

Pycons? Eh, no thank you. I am fairly sure that no sane Kelvic would ever fall in love with walking lumps of clay ;) Oh, and feel free to laugh for more than five minutes if you feel compelled to do so :p

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Brandon's Book Of Scraps

Postby Drusilla on January 9th, 2015, 4:31 am

More batty cuteness


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Brandon's Book Of Scraps

Postby Brandon Blackwing on February 26th, 2015, 4:06 pm



So I thought I'd give this title-thing a try for once :P I noticed when rereading a couple paragraphs of my previous insight post that I don't always am all that coherent. I start saying writing something, like “Which means that if this or that” --insert example-- and then I never write what I was about to say. Well I kind of do, but not quite in a logical way. That sentence is just hanging there. And I'm not going to fix it. It'll break the flow of the post. *is making excuses* I do have to admit that I rarely proofread my posts, even though I know I should. It's just that I never find what I just wrote interesting enough to reread. I do check for code errors and all that, but proofreading? Rarely. Months later, yes, or even when I received a reply on a thread, since I tend to read my own post again before writing to get back into Bran's mindset and if I find mistakes then, I do correct them. … eh... So eh, coherence. I will try to pay attention and make sense, but if I don't, know that that's just the way my mind works.

Now onto the topic of the day. The long awaited post on magic! Was anyone actually looking forward to this? Don't worry, I wasn't that excited about it either :P But! Everything related to Bran's psychology is interesting, so writing this won't be a problem I guess. And if it is, I'll just ramble hahaha, I'll ramble whether I'll stay on topic or not. Also, I ended up writing this because I don't have any replies to do at the moment -I haven't had anything to do for a couple days now, which makes me terribly bored, and I though that instead of running off to another site and write there (in my native tongue I must add!) and leave after three months leaving some partners hanging, (which I actually feel bad about, because I kind of liked the site, and the character I played there) like I did last year- I decided to do a scrap post.

Though now I want to ramble a bit about the other site, since this post and that site are related. See, said site wasn't Miz, but it was enjoyable too. It was a forum RP too, with lots of locations, but without skill points or timestamps -the latter confused me greatly, since it was a school setting- and even though it did not have a large P-base as Miz has, the threat partners there were active, and I needed to write. Believe it or not, but writing – collaborative writing- has become some sort of addiction. Eh, anyways, so it was kind of Harry Potter-ish, but not quite. Yes, it was a school, and everyone had magic, but there was some science fiction stuff in there too. Strangely enough, they kind of lived in medieval ways, but they had some tech like spaceships and all. And modern clothing. It was weird, but it was fun. So you could pick a home planet, and a magic element, as well as the way you were going to use your magic; offensive 'Black magic' or defensive 'white magic'. I picked defensive Earth magic for my character, and started playing, but never got to actually use magic :/ I joined three threads, one introduction to 'survival class' which was and still is by far the thread I enjoyed the most, one meet 'n greet thread with some other guy, and an audition for a play.

I wrote in First Person Past tense, I believe... It was actually a lot of fun, since I could write in my native language again, and as such I had a larger lexicon to use and I got my idioms right. Nevertheless, I did have a bit of trouble due to having been writing in English for a long time. That, and well, Bran was jealous. This character was different from Bran in lots of ways, and I had trouble writing him. More often than not Bran just popped into my head and Brandonified what I was writing. I noticed every time though, and even when Bran stopped interfering I was still thinking like “In this situation, Bran would just do this”, slam my head into my desk and complain that Sepulcrus -which is the character's name- was so hard to write in comparison. I had trouble all the way, and yet, when I stumbled back upon that site around the same time I had last year --though last year was an accident, I was looking for dates of Anime/ Comic Conventions-- I reread my writings there, and felt actually sad for abandoning Sep. I mean, when I read my posts, I felt that I had wrote him right and I had a whole lot of fun rereading; entering his thoughts and seeing through his eyes. I know for sure that if my nightmares come true and Goss does ban me for having spent too much time in chat instead of finishing over 200 replies in a day --which was an actual nightmare I once had, sorry Goss-- I'll go back there, if it's still around and write there.

On a sidenote, for about the whole season of Fall 513AV I would freak out whenever I received grades on my threads. The Green name that had posted in my thread was dreaded by me. (Yes, Lhavit still had a DS then, though I wouldn't say good times :disgust: ) Thing is, the first thread I ever put up for grading received an intervention instead of grades, and that scarred me pretty bad. Though it was justified, I never got over it and when I got my medal for Nano I really believed I had done something wrong again, only because I saw a blue name that said “Gossamer”. That the title stated “Gossamer has awarded you a medal” was not noticed until I saw the contents of the PM :lol: But yeah, to this day, getting PMs from storytellers and founders when I didn't send anything first still draws out some sort of ungrounded fear. :/

Aaaaannnd I rambled :confused: For too long. Ehm. I'll get to the point now.


Yes, the second title marks the start of the true ramble about magic. I'll talk about Miz now, I promise.

So, Magic.

As some of you might know, Bran is not exactly a fan of magic. Despite living in Lhavit, (still living in Lhavit I should say) he is like the standard ordinary non-wizard guy who does not understand one thing about magic and fears it. Upon creation I intended Bran to be this way, because the lore stated that magic is supposed to be rare and also because Brandon is not a Wizard. And he never will be either. There are only three magics I can see him try out, and two of them are world magic. Glyphing is world magic, right? Uhm, yeah, Glyphing, spiritism and Flux.

Glyphing can be explained with just four words; Bran is a thief. He steals stuff. Imagine you were a thief, you entered a house filled with treasure -or trophies- but you can't possibly take everything with you. There are so many interesting, fascinating objects -some of them not even worth a copper Miza- but you have no choice but to make a selection. Will you take the spork or the pickled Dhani eggs? The broken backscratcher or the creeping spider gadget? With Glyphing you just take everything with you! (I haven't read the glyphing page in a while, so I might say the wrong things.) Store everything in a piece of paper, and put the paper in your pocket; no mountain of stuff to carry around, no weight that would hinder your escape! It's the perfect magic for a thief. I know for sure that Bran wouldn't mind using it either, because it isn't magic to him. Not really. You just scribble a bit and poof! It's not like throwing fireballs or so.

Spritism is another magic that Bran wouldn't consider magic. Once again because nothing magical happens. No summoning of portals to the void or growing horns, just chewing on some dough and voila, you have stuff that you can smear on your fist to make it hit ghosts. And that would be the reason Bran would want to learn it. It's protection against ghosts. Bran was once toyed with by an angry ghost -well, more like swung around and slammed into walls and all- and ever since he has become terrified of them. So yeah, protection.

Flux is the less likely of the three to be learned by Bran. The only reason why he would would be to add some extra power to his strikes and add speed to his movements. I don't think he'd go beyond novice, really. Perhaps competent, but I doubt it. For one, Bran would be too afraid to harm himself permanently to use the full potential of the Flux, and second, Bran wouldn't know what else to use it for. Sure, enhance your body for a bit, but all the time during a fight? Focusing on fighting as well as sending the flux to different parts of his body simultaneously? I don't think so. A couple techniques yes; like an extra powerful punch, or so.

Other magics are out of the question. They are too … weird and too magic-like for Bran. Especially the personal magics -not that Bran has any idea there are types of magic- since those are most seen practiced in the open. Brandon actually thinks that magic is a form of blasphemy -especially animation- because mortals try to wield the powers of the gods themselves, usually with destructive effects. The fact that overgiving exists and that it is well know in Lhavit that magic can drive someone mad whatever other side-effects there are reinforced this belief. Magic is a tool of the gods, and using it as a mortal is dangerous because it wasn't meant to be used by them. Their bodies and minds can't handle it. That is how Bran sees it anyway. He also believes that various magics were actually stolen from the gods by a legendary thief of some sort, and given to the mortals. Kind of like Prometheus with the fire.

In a way, Brandon really respects that thief –which, if I had to guess, would be Yshul-- but also thinks it was a mistake. At the moment he still holds the belief it was a mortal thief, the same one who invented the glass cutter and lock-picking and every other kind of larceny related tool (or a lot of them anyway), but I think that he might revise his opinion once he gets visited by Yshul. Maybe. If that is ever going to happen. If I can figure out what exactly I have to make Bran do to get her attention.

Animation is one of the few magics Brandon really, really hates. Not only because no-one but Kihala decides over what lives and what doesn't, but also because the works of animation can't die. You have to put in a lot of effort to destroy it. Stab it in the head and it survives as if nothing happened. Tear all its limbs off, and still it can move once you put it back together. Do cut off limbs of an animated doll move on their own actually? Or would they be motionless? I'm not sure since I didn't intensely study the lore on animation, but I don't really need to, I think. And finally there's the matter of where the souls come from that allow the golem to 'live', to function. People have souls, animals have souls, but wooden dolls and silken scarves? Even if someone would explain it to Bran that the animator creates the soul for the golem I doubt he'd believe it. I think he'd say that the animation circle is a tool to attract and trap lost souls or so.

Then there's Gnosis. I can't really say much about that, simply because it's not to interesting compared to the other magic. Gnosis is granted to followers by the gods. You can use it, it's okay since the gods have given it to you. It's made so you can use it, so you don't burden yourself. No overgiving or other traumatic side effects.

Yeah, I think that's it. I think my first ramble was longer than the actual bit on magic is :lol: So, yeah, I hope this was entertaining/interesting, and if you have something you want me to write about in following posts, just tell me :)

Continue being great,


Credit goes to Adelaide Sitai
Last edited by Brandon Blackwing on February 26th, 2015, 11:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Brandon's Book Of Scraps

Postby Estrellir Konrath on February 26th, 2015, 10:16 pm

While I enjoyed reading Bran's opinion on magic, I've more of a comment on the first bit that didn't actually have anything to do with your topic...

What is your native language? I totally get the itch to write in it sometime, you just feel more comfortable and you don't have to keep a dictionary ready (even a virtual one). But Miz is enough RPing for me, so I'm trying to ignore that itch.

And I like the word "brandonify". Yes, it should be an actual word!
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