So I am a bit confused about Ashls.
lore page says that 1 Ashl = 3 Gold Mizas (which presumably places the value of an Ashl at roughly around 3 Silver Mizas). Is this correct?
If so, I believe there may be a mistake in
The Dormitories. Clerks and cooks are said to make 3 Ashl per day working in the dormitories. Laborers make 2 Ashls per day. The winter season has 92 days. A full season's worth of wages would therefore break down like this:
Job Title | Base Formula | Total |
Clerk | 3 Ashls x 92 days | 276 Ashls |
Cook | 3 Ashls x 92 days | 276 Ashls |
Laborer | 2 Ashls x 92 days | 184 Ashls |
Yet for room and board it says the following:
1 room in the Dormitories costs 300 Ashls per season, this also includes occasional cleaning of said room (once or twice a week depending on staff at the time), and 2 meals per day on the lowest floor of the building in a common area.
Cashing in your housing gets a PC a permanent room (unless they wish to move out) in the dormitories, only needing to pay seasonal expenses to keep it.
With the exchange rate, a room in the dormitories (at 300 Ashls per season) is equivalent to 900 GM (300 x 3). A new player
starts with 100 GM with the option of cashing out housing for an additional 500 GM. So we have 600 GM total (100 + 500). If the new player does not cash out housing, there is only the base 100 GM (the equivalent of roughly 33 Ashl). It appears that either the exchange rate is inversed, the dormitory price is wrong, or the wages are set too low for the cost of living. Also, what are "seasonal expenses"?
Is it possible to exchange Mizas for Ashl? Clarification on this system would be highly appreciated. I intend to submit some locations for Eastern Bay in the Creation Corner soon.