Completed [The Empyreal Manor] The Power Of Dreams And Love

Kelski meets The Gem's human facade in her dreams.

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[The Empyreal Manor] The Power Of Dreams And Love

Postby Kelski on August 31st, 2019, 6:47 am

Timestamp: 85th of Fall, 519 A.V.

Kelski shifted restlessly in her sleep. The cold air from the open window had her wrapped tightly in a blanket. Dess was asleep, worn from the endless training sessions he drilled the Meraki with. Kelski was also asleep, but she wasn’t resting. Instead, she was walking on a beach watching something grow bigger in the distance. Kelski couldn’t tell what it was at first. It was just a blob in the distance, which was unusual since she had such sharp vision. But no matter how much she focused, and truthfully, she could see a mouse from thermal currents well above the landscape, the scene wasn’t coming clear. But for some reason, it was important that she join whatever was up there before her.

Bare feet padded against the wet sand as the Kelvic jogged forward. She lifted her arms, pumping them, so she could come up to speed and get there faster. She was filled with impatience. What was up the beach? Kelski ran flat out and tore into what looked like a miniature version of the old tower they lived in built from sand. It was her height, a mirror image of the big stone structure yet… different. This version was more elaborate. The roof was raised, the windows had dormers over them, and animals perched on stonework that was decorating the eaves. The stone wasn’t fully stone anymore either. It was accented with beam work like the old Midnight Gem in Sunberth had been. Truth be told, Kelski liked the new design better…

She told the child sitting in the sand building on it exactly that. “I like the improvements. You have a good eye.” Kelski added, taking a moment now to study the child.

Like any normal child building a sandcastle, the girl had buckets of water, piles of fresh sand, and all kinds of fancy tools. She was a beautiful child, kneeling in the sand, bare-legged with one of Kelski’s long shirts on. The girl had huge silver eyes and long jet-black hair that flashed deep blue like the color of the sky at midnight. Kelski offered her a smile. “I’m Kelski.” The jeweler said, stooping to kneel next to the child – joining her in the sand. Strangely, she had bare feet too, though she had her normal fighting leathers on and was armed to her teeth.

The girl seemed surprised. “I know your name, Mother.” Her smile was bright as she turned and picked up a trowel and handed it to Kelski. “You should help me.” She instructed, glancing back at the tower. “I don’t like the stairway in the middle of the tower. It takes up too much space.” She said, gesturing to the project she was working on right next to the tower… a smaller tower that contained an entire staircase within it. “It makes more sense to put it on the outside in a smaller tower, with openings at each floor leading up. That way there is so much more room. Hattie suggested it to me.” The little girl said and got busy building the outer wall and forming tiny bricks with wet sand and a metal mold that made tiny bricks.

Last edited by Kelski on December 2nd, 2019, 3:24 am, edited 2 times in total.
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[The Empyreal Manor] The Power Of Dreams And Love

Postby Kelski on December 2nd, 2019, 3:18 am


Kelski just stared, astonished, as it slowly dawned on her who the child was. She drank in the sight of her, and then reached out to touch the child’s beautiful midnight blue hair.

“Do you know how much I love you? I love you more than the moon and the stars and all the clouds in the sky. I love you more than flying and more than kissing Dess. I love you more than I love my own heartbeat.” Kelski whispered. She stroked the girl's cheek, blinking back tears, and turning to study the project before the pair of them with all the intent the child was showing it.

I know, Kelski. I really do. I know how lucky I am that you are my mage. I am in your head every day. And I know Reach and Night. Night tells me stories of other Architectrix’s like me. None of them are so lucky… not a single one. Night’s mage might not even ever wake up. And though he can travel like I cannot… he still does not have what I have.

The child said sorrowfully.

Kelski nodded, glad that The Midnight Gem understood. She stroked the child's hair one last time, loving the feel of having the ability to do so, and then turned to the project. “What do you need me to do?” She asked curiously.

Djed. I need more djed. And I need you to turn the sand to stone.

The Midnight Gem said softly, her little fingers busy staking bricks as a real mason would do. Instead of mortar the girl used water and seemed very intent at learning how to set each brick properly. She pulled them out of their metal mold that looked a lot like an ice tray – and probably was – then reloaded it, and stacked the firm sand blocks, firmly holding them in place and forming a second tower. The new tower was smaller than the original but beautiful and just as lofty. It held beautiful steps; the little girl has built them up at the same time she applied the walls. They curled upwards in a graceful spiral that mimicked the inside of a sea shell she seemed to be modeling it after. Shells and little bits of found items from the beach were strewn about the area as if the girl was going to use them for decoration after the build was complete.

The new addition to the structure looked like it had always been there, seamlessly molded and matching the original structure perfectly. Kelski admired it as she reached forward, tapped her well, and pulled djed. As the djed rose in her, she converted it to Res and exhaled a transparent purple and blue mist that glittered with iridescence. The mist coated the tower, hardened the sand, and turned it to stone just below where The Midnight Gem was working. The little girl had paused to mold something – a decorative set of finials over a paned window at the third-floor landing – and was quietly whistling to herself in the way Kelski noticed small humans tended to do.

Last edited by Kelski on December 2nd, 2019, 3:21 am, edited 4 times in total.
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[The Empyreal Manor] The Power Of Dreams And Love

Postby Kelski on December 2nd, 2019, 3:19 am


Looking at the child, Kelski felt her heart swell. She felt full somehow, in a way she hadn’t ever felt full before. It was like her soul was hungry and she was a person unable to satiate the hunger before now. The child was hers. Oh, perhaps not in the way that she had birthed the girl from her body. But she definitely was tied to the child in spiritual ways that were identical to a child she’d crafted from her body. This child was of her djed, of her spirit, and someone who warmed her soul. She reached out again, stroked the girl's hair, and The Gem looked up and offered her a smile. It was a smile full of love, innocence, and a bright curious intelligence.

You should be in your dreams more. It’s easier here… talking like this. Face to face. I can hug you and I know you like that because you so often touch my walls and lean your forehead against my hearthstones. I don’t know what that’s like.

The little girl whispered then shifted so she settled into Kelski’s lap. The Sea Eagle wrapped her arms around the little girl and studied the tower and now its smaller twin companion. Kelski hugged the child against her, rested her chin on the top of the girl’s head, and rocked back and forth slowly.

“Do you like it?” Kelski asked slowly, curiously, her voice infused with the warmth that was filling her heart.

The little girl turned her head, met Kelski’s gaze over her shoulder, and smiled a smile that was so bright it was like the sun rising.

I see what you see in touching.

She said in a soft childish voice that was infused with the tones of happiness.

“I’ve told no one this, Gem. But the god of dreams gifted me with something to stop me from aging. I’ll live forever if I am careful. We’ll live forever together. We’ll see this grow… this tower to a castle. We’ll see this land thrive. I’m so glad to know you. I’m so glad you are who you are and that you allow us to shelter within you. You are very special, Gem. You and Reach. We are a family. We will always be a family.” She said softly, pulling the child even tighter… hugging her once more. As she did so, the scene before her waivered and vanished.

Kelski panicked. What if it hadn’t been real?

The Kelvic snapped opened her eyes, found herself in the dark of the night, and looked around. She didn’t have a superior night vision. Her day vision was very amazing, but she was just as blind as the next human in the dark. Still, the place felt different. It felt bigger, and as she threw back the covers trying not to disturb Dessarian, she saw the huge new door on one side of the tower where none used to be.

The wall behind the bed was missing too. The stair was gone, moved, just like in the dream. Her ‘sleeping chamber’ looked directly into her workshop now and the whole tower felt like it was wide open and cavernous. She rose, padded around in a circle, and inspected the doorway. She opened it and saw a candle-lit wide stair trailing down in a smaller tower. She leaned on the frame, simply stared, and then tentatively reached out through her link to the Architectrix.

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[The Empyreal Manor] The Power Of Dreams And Love

Postby Kelski on December 2nd, 2019, 3:26 am


“Gem?” Her voice was puzzled, confused, and slightly in awe. The answer was slow coming, colored in exhaustion, but also very satisfied.

I’m not good at holding the dreams yet. I’m not good at expanding myself without help either. But I’ll get better. I’ll work on it. We now have more room, and a new tower. Next, I’ll start on the great hall, perhaps one wall at a time. We need that most of all, though I do not know how we will fill it… there are so few of us. But I know you want everyone to have their own place… and they will, Kelski. They will. If you help, we can build ourselves bigger. No more contractors. No more coin changing hand. We need to keep our coin ourselves. It might take the rest of the year, but we will build it.. we will make this tower a manor and then a home. I feel better with more space – stronger. I cannot imagine how strong I will feel with a whole manor to run.

Kelski grinned. “We’ll do what we can to get you as large as you want to be as fast as you want to be. But don’t worry about it now. Take your time. Your magic lessons should continue and I suspect your dreamings are part of that magic. Go slow, my stone daughter. We’ll work through it. Slow, easy, cautiously and build your skill until you are the best at what you do… at being an Architectrix. My brother’s book mentions one… Cyphrus Manor. It was supposed to be the first one, Gem. I will help you. I will be by your side as you grow and age and come into your own. You are just a child now. But I want your childhood to be amazing. But don’t rush it.” She whispered quietly, meaning it.

Rush it? What do you mean?

Kelski took a deep breath and slowly let the air out of her lungs. She dragged in a second breath, held it, and then turned to walk out onto the balcony. She didn’t want their conversation to rouse the other sleepers, and more than that she didn’t want to be overheard.

“It’s important that you enjoy being young… being a child. I never had that chance, Gem. I was torn from my parents and thrown out into a world that gives children no chance to thrive. People hurt me, used me, and put me in chains. I had a loving home, one that wanted me, but I grew up not knowing about it. I grew up thinking I was thrown away. That does something to you. It puts cuts on your soul that you can’t heal easily. I never played until I had you. I never really laughed until I met Little Rhaus. I never came to know joy until you woke up and began to exist. I don’t want you to grow old to fast and loose that beautiful space of time when you don’t have to fear or worry or be a warrior. I want you to be a warrior, someone willing to fight for the things you love and defend those that can’t defend themselves. But I want you to grow into it slowly and not be thrust into it all beat up and battered, even if the scars are places no one can see. I want you to laugh every day. I want you to take joy in the world and delight in seeing each sunrise and sunset well able to appreciate their beauty. I want you to have things you love – like the sea – without having too many things you hate. I don’t want you poisoned with fear and insecurity and even hatred. I will be a happy woman here on out forever if you never have a reason to hate. If you can be safe and strong enough that no one gives you that trouble… I will have been a good parent to you.” Kelski said softly, her words conveying emotions along with her bond with The Midnight Gem.

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[The Empyreal Manor] The Power Of Dreams And Love

Postby Kelski on December 2nd, 2019, 3:27 am


Maybe The Gem was too young. Maybe this was something she should keep inside. But Kelski didn’t want The Gem to live her life – or what was her version of living – with her childhood rushed through and all but gone. She might not be the same type of person that the people living in the Gem were, but Kelski considered her a person all the same. And now that she’d seen the face The Gem took in her dreams, it hit home to her just how young her daughter was despite how old she seemed sometimes.

Kelski didn’t know if it was a biproduct of the magic or if it was another factor – like the Architectrix’s grew up faster than even Kelvics. She wasn’t sure. But she wanted to protect that aspect… that innocence… without actually calling it innocence to The Gem’s face.

Kelski. Mother. I understand. Play. Laugh. Explore. Delight in the sunrises and sunsets. Love. Spread joy. Be grateful. I am alive when so many structures around me are dead cold things – especially those ruined rotted corpses of structures in Sunberth. I know what you are feeling. I understand. I feel it too. I am not eager nor willing to give up all that just to be older… to be mature. I will go slow. I will go very slow. I promise.

At that, Kelski smiled. She should have known The Gem would understand. She should have known The Gem would appreciate how well she had it and hold onto that as long as she could. Kelski stepped forward, laid a hand on the hearth, and smiled… radiating love into the structure.

“Nice tower… very nice. I like the changes.” Kelski offered, wanting The Gem to know how much she appreciated not only the change, but the thoughtfulness behind the change.

I love you too. This is how I show it. I love all of you.

Kelski simply smiled. What else could she do? She had been gifted the perfect daughter… well not exactly perfect, but a daughter she could truly love and be proud of.

Count: 2654

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[The Empyreal Manor] The Power Of Dreams And Love

Postby Kelski on December 8th, 2019, 2:34 pm


Psychology +3, Architectrix +3, Teaching +3, Child Care +4

The Gem: Meeting her human dream version, The Gem: Very similar to a normal child, The Gem: Trying To Slow Her Down To Enjoy Childhood

PM me with questions or concerns.
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