Cave musk? Bruka? The cat had never heared of them before. She didn't mind anyway. It was just a weird smell. Nothing more.
She wanted to tell Vyvian something, but promptly realised she'd need to get back again if she wanted the Symenestra to understand her. Therefore, she jumped down from his shoulder and landed in front of him. The cat morphed without realising and she sat there in front of him.
Then Engghaen realised that she wasn't wearing clothes. Of course, how could she've been so stupid to forget that. This time however, she turned shy and crawled back to where her cloak should have been, eyeing Vyvian.
Where was that petching thing?! For a tick, she turned around and then saw her cloak. The girl grabbed it, then lovingly wrapped it around her.
She wanted to tell Vyvian something, but promptly realised she'd need to get back again if she wanted the Symenestra to understand her. Therefore, she jumped down from his shoulder and landed in front of him. The cat morphed without realising and she sat there in front of him.
Then Engghaen realised that she wasn't wearing clothes. Of course, how could she've been so stupid to forget that. This time however, she turned shy and crawled back to where her cloak should have been, eyeing Vyvian.
Where was that petching thing?! For a tick, she turned around and then saw her cloak. The girl grabbed it, then lovingly wrapped it around her.