Solo The Unexpected Spectres

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An undead citadel created before the cataclysm, Sahova is devoted to all kinds of magical research. The living may visit the island, if they are willing to obey its rules. [Lore]

The Unexpected Spectres

Postby Kamilla on April 30th, 2017, 1:22 am


Kamilla Circe Gordon

After placing the skull talisman back on the stone slab in Master Erikus' lab, Kamilla returned to the central cavern to begin her cleaning duty, entirely annoyed at the waste of her talents. She picked up the broom and looked around the semi large cavern with a dread filled gaze as she thought of how long it would take to sweep and more importantly how boring it would be.

"No." she said, tossing the broom against the nearest wall. There was no way she would be wasting her time sweeping the entire area. If she was going to clean, she would do it her way... with reimancy.

Having made her decision, Kamilla took a deep breath and allowed her arms to extend out above her as she stretched herself out once again, enjoying the sensation as was evident by the smile on her face. Pulling her long mane of dark brown hair above her head and allowing it to fall back around her shoulders and face as a final preparation, she began her task.

Brown eyes closed as the sorceress took a deep breath of concentration and began to coax her inner well of djed towards the surface. Kamilla allowed her res to fill her lungs in a gaseous form and once she felt she'd produced enough she exhaled, a fairly large cloud of glistening lavender res now hovering in front of her.

Separating the cloud into two halves, Kamilla willed the first into a larger and thinner outer ring while the the second half formed a slightly smaller and more dense inner ring with Kamilla herself standing in the center.

"Let's begin." she hummed to herself. It was not the first time she would be cleaning with her reimancy but this room was certainly much larger than the last, though she didn't doubt she could manage by using a modified method on a larger scale.

Kamilla performed a girlish twirl, arms outstretched as she willed the rings of gaseous lavender res to follow, rotating in the same direction their master had. First she willed the thinner outer ring to attract the element of air and very soon the circulating gust had formed a gentle vortex of wind which picked up clouds of dust from the surroundings as they joined the dance.

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The Unexpected Spectres

Postby Kamilla on April 30th, 2017, 1:53 am


Kamilla Circe Gordon

Now standing in the center of a moderate vortex, Kamilla allowed her spell to pick up and carry as much dust as possible, it was a simple plan and one that she was sure would be effective as well. Despite being an aspiring animator, reimancy was by far the magic that the young sorceress felt most comfortable with, though she knew she still had a long ways to go, Keene had shown her that.

Happy with the result of her wind vortex, Kamilla began to initiate the second part of her plan as she extended the second and more dense ring of res till it neared its spinning outer brother. Once close enough she twirled once more and the second ring joined the dance but this time, instead of attracting the element of air, Kamilla willed the ring to attract her first and favorite element, earth.

The moment she had willed the attraction into existence, the dark haired sorceress released her hold on the outer ring and allowed it to disperse leaving behind the slowing vortex of wind while all the dirt and dust it had picked up quickly jumped from the former outer ring towards the inner.

Kamilla allowed the dirt to gather for half a chime before she clenched her fists and began tightening her hold on both the earth attracted to her res as well as her grip on the ring itself, willing it to slowly contract and shrink along with its contents. As the ring grew smaller in size, the apprentice raised one of her hands far above her head, allowing the contracting cloud of dirt to concentrate itself into a small ball above her palm.

Finally, having gathered all the dirt into a ball the size of a large man's fist above her palm, Kamilla lowered her hand and watched the hovering ball for a moment before clenching her fist and transmuting the remaining res along with the dirt it held into one solid stone ball which then dropped to the ground with a loud thud and sigh of relief from the apprentice.

"At least you're not as useless as our last apprentice."

Kamilla only barely heard the words of the ghost as she relaxed her body, feeling exhausted from the day's exploits as well as the spell. She let out a loud yawn before turning to hear one of her masters dismiss her for the day before yet another argument broke out between the twins, but Kamilla was unfazed, she simply watched the two beings absentmindedly as she licked the back of one of her hands and wiped it across her forehead.

"What the perch!?..." that was all she could muster at the discovery of her sudden and very peculiar feline behavior. "Damn you Felius." was muttered under her breath before turning on her heel and leaving her masters' lab. Her first day as an apprentice had been ridiculous but successful and now all Kamilla wanted was to curl up in her room and sleep... and maybe try and find some milk.

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The Unexpected Spectres

Postby Languish on July 6th, 2017, 4:30 pm

Your grades have been summoned

■ Logic +2
■ Land Navigation +2
■ Reimancy +2
■ Cleaning +1

Lore of Golems: TAR, Stationary Sahovan Guide
Lore of Golems: Can be Glyphed for Storage
Lore of Location: Laboratory of Erikus and Erikur
Lore of Master Erikus: Maledicting Ghost
Lore of Erikus and Erikur: Do Not Mix Them Up!
Lore of Possession: Becoming a Passenger in Your Body
Lore of Possession: Resisting Makes it Worse
Lore of Possession: A Terrible Sensation
Lore of Materialization: Ethereal Appearances
Lore of Malediction: Talismans May Have Lasting Affects
Lore of Malediction: Activated with Life Essence
Lore of Felius: Mage from Riverfall
Lore of Felius: Apprentice to Erikus and Erikur
Lore of Felius: Wants to Be a Cat

Additional Information
Cat-like behaviors will not be uncommon for Kamilla. She will have a fondness for milk, fish, and sunshine, be more preoccupied with grooming herself than previously, and will be able to understand feline body language relatively well, though she will be unable to actually communicate. She may learn to repress these behaviors over time; until then or otherwise, they will remain.

Sorry, I thought I posted this the day I placed the placeholder, but I just found it in my drafts. :confused:

Don't forget to delete your post in the grading queue. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to PM me about your grade.

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