OOC Info The Wizard's Compendium

Everything anyone ought to know about Sahova. Read this thread prior to posting.

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An undead citadel created before the cataclysm, Sahova is devoted to all kinds of magical research. The living may visit the island, if they are willing to obey its rules. [Lore]

The Wizard's Compendium

Postby Ink on September 27th, 2014, 6:37 pm

The Compendium for Sahovans both Pulser and Nuit



Unique Flora and Fauna
Arriving in Sahova
    Racial Views
    Religious Views

Link Map

The Citadel
Golem Types

The Ranks
    Joining the Ranks
    Advancing in the Ranks

Living Expenses and Wages

NPC Bank
The Council of Five
Warden Initiates

Speech Patterns, Phrases, and Swears

Helpful Links

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DS in Sahova
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Postby Ink on September 27th, 2014, 6:38 pm


Sahova is the name for both the Citadel created by the ancient Alaheans, as well as the island on which it rests. The island is the result of an undersea volcano which, over time, developed the mass of land on which the Citadel now sits. Streams of lava pull and flow beneath the rocks and soil of the island, creating fuel for the forges and heating the Mudpools through underground vents. The land above is nearly barren, with the only plant life able to flourish being a handful of hardy trees which make up small forests. Little life at all can survive in the natural state of the island, and with wild djed storms added, it presents cruel conditions for the living. What few creatures can live are typically small in size and adapted to surviving off of as little as possible. It is a place where the living do not prosper, and the undead rule.

Sahova is a place of magic and politics, of danger and adventure, of life and death. The ancient beings which reside here are from a time long since past, trapped in an oath that has yet to be fulfilled, and forging ahead in whatever way they can.

Welcome one and all to this place called Sahova. You are either brave or foolish for your choice- perhaps both. Those that survive the trials here, however, will find that their stories are truly many and great. I bid everyone, please stay a time on our humble island. We are all dying to meet you.

Sahova rests on the East side of Mizahar’s mainland, a mere 10-day sail from Sunberth. Despite its close proximity, it had not been colonized prior to the Citadel’s appearance. This is largely due to its lack of natural resources. Sahova is a rough, inhospitable desert island. Its current inhabitants do not mind; they do not have to grow food, and many things the living would find uncomfortable are meaningless to them. Because of this, they have access to the island's benefits without being bothered by its drawbacks. The island itself seems built for defense, with steep rocky cliffs, deceptively inviting beaches that turn out to be dead ends, and strangely thick patches of trees and vegetation. The rocks appear sharp and wild near the shore, but slowly turn into more regular grey basalt flows near the center, betraying Sahova's origins as a volcanic island.

The volcanoes within the island are long extinct, but have left large underground gaps and natural halls that have since been exploited by the undead, who have dug connection tunnels through the ancient stone. The cavern system is an extension of the main citadel, with secret entrances well hidden and scattered all over the island.

Rainfalls are abundant enough for wild vegetation to thrive, but the steep layout makes agriculture impossible. Flora includes acacias, oleanders, small palms, junipers, and many other types of bushes and small trees. Some specimens are known to have mutated because of the heavy releases of Djed in magical experiments. Fauna is generally limited to small animals, birds, rodents, and wild cats. Sahova is beautifully wild, and gives off a feeling of warm loneliness. It is often completely silent except for the rustling of the wind through the foliage.

The temperature on Sahova varies little, usually ranging between 80-90 °F in the summer and rarely if ever dropping below 75 °F in the winter. Due to this unusually stable climate the oceans around Sahova remain warm all year long. This environment causes a number of unique aquatic and amphibious species to make the area their home.

Thunderstorms and rain are a common sight year-round, but the wild djed tends to turn the rain into liquids harmful to plant growth. Fall is the harshest season on Sahova, with storms becoming a larger problem. Protective shields are placed around the Citadel to ward off structural damage, but the sounds of thunder, hail, or dying creatures in acid rain are plain all throughout the island.

Even in the deepest parts of Winter, snow is all but unheard of on the majority of Sahova. Rarely the tops of the volcanoes might receive a dusting, but the wild djed in that area has been known to cause strange mutations to the precipitation.

Sahova experiences a strong eastern wind in the Fall and early Winter which has a tendency to cause tumbleweeds in the prairie. These and other dead foliage have been known to catch fire in the thunderstorms.
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That Which Clings to Life

Postby Ink on September 27th, 2014, 6:39 pm

Flora and Fauna

Sahova is home to many renowned researchers and practitioners of the most taboo and dangerous arts. These arts and forbidden magics often produce grotesque and horrid perversions of what we know as life, whether accidental or purposeful, and the island is home to many creatures not found anywhere else in Mizahar. Sometimes these creatures are released to roam the Testing Grounds, others are stored away for further experimentations. They come in all shapes and forms with varying levels of intelligence.

Alchemist who create their own creatures and release them or keep them for further experiments may have their creature added to this list as well.

Unless it is listed here, please do not assume that any kind of life exists on Sahova. It is mostly barren, with very limited flora and fauna, and even fewer native species. What you see here is all that has been documented as of present.

All flora and fauna are in the process of being moved to a lore page to unclutter the compendium. Please excuse the under-construction mess.


Gibbat Dog :
Frequency: Common
Threat Level: Low to Medium (if in a pack)
Major Features: Four eyes, long ears, large tail.
Abilities: Excellent sight and hearing, able to see auras. Can jump far (10-14ft)
Most Common in: Forest of Thorns

The Birth of a Species:
In existence for almost three hundred years, the Gibbat has learnt to thrive on Sahova. Hectran Gibban, a wonderfully inspired alchemist and dog breeder blended many different species before he balanced his life’s work with this huge success. The Sahovan wizard took nearly a hundred years to perfect the minuscule breed. The completion of his work came with the Gibbat’s ability to reproduce on their own.

Shortly after successfully creating the first five Gibbat, Hectran found the group reproduced rather quickly. One of their sire species had been the hare and their productivity mimicked the hare’s speed. Soon he had more of the tiny things than he could handle in his lab. He was forced to release them into the training grounds of Sahova, though he kept two of the originals for study.

From there the Gibbat were victim to many of the island’s natural and unnatural predators. Though they are hunted, their fast reproduction saved them from extinction. The tiny canines began to evolve to use their unique skill set to survive and eventually thrive in the woodlands of Sahova. Today they are a common sight deep in the Forest of Thorns, but are not uncommon in more open areas during the day.

Appearance and Ability:
The Gibbat is a small canine with long, soft fur. About ten pounds at adulthood, the canine is far from massive. Hectran Gibban used mainly Zypherian sled dogs for his experiments, since they were so easy to train. The genetics of the dogs has a strong physical presence in the appearance of the Gibbat, though they are far smaller. Much of their mannerisms mimic the dogs as well, including their playful and compatible nature.

The Gibbat’s most peculiar and unique trait is without a doubt their eyes. The pearly blue orbs, two normal sized and two smaller, seem to give the Gibbat a very strong sense of sight. The small animal uses the large eyes to see normally, or almost perfectly at night. But the smaller eyes are there to be able to see the aura of living being. It took Gibban many more years to come to this conclusion, and he was unable to say for certain.

Along with amazing eyesight, the Gibbat’s hearing is quite remarkable. Their hare-like ears are designed to pick up on the sounds of the forest long before any predator comes close. They are, however, quite relaxed around humans and nuits, since their roots lie in a very domesticated dog. It is said a Gibbat can hear a leaf landing on the ground nearby.

Males have a fiery red tail that they wave and spread to attract females. The female, however, has no red in her tail. Hers is shorter and the same black color as the rest of her fur.

The Gibbat hunt in packs, mostly killed small rodents and other animals in the Forest of Thorns. They are able to lope along the ground or leap surprisingly far. Often they can leap between the trunks of trees, finding their way elaborately to higher branches of hunt prey or find safety.

Social Life:
After their release and quick expansion, the Gibbat have formed a network of packs. Their canine nature is balanced with their rabbit one after many years of evolution. The packs range from 10-30 and are often culled down by predators. An Alpha male presides over a burrow of anywhere between 1-4 mating females and then their current offspring. When the offspring reach adolescence most will leave to form or join another pack, but some stay, often resulting in challenging the Alpha or one of the matrons.

They are extremely social animals, with a whole range of communications to express all kinds of things. Apart from their high, piercing bark, the Gibbat has physical motions to convey different things as well, often using their tail or ears.

A pup takes seven or eight months to mature, and is usually out of the den by a year. At a year and a half, the pup has reached maturity and is ready to mate. The average lifespan of the Gibbat is around twelve years.

Thorn Hare :
Frequency: Common
Threat Level: Low
Major Features: Thorny Body
Abilities: Fast acting paralyzing poison
Most Common in: Forest of Thorns

This cuddly creature is one of the very few native creatures of Sahova. The Thorn Hare was discovered soon after Sahova was founded, and it was a curiosity from the start. Surviving off of the sharp thorns of its native habitat, the Thorn Hare has little to fear from predators, and so its populations flourished out of control for some time. When the Citadel was finished, and Pulsers began to inhabit the island, its populations were severely hit by over hunting. Fearing extinction of one of the island's only sources of food, Sahova cut back its hunting and limited consumption of the creatures in such a way that the population has remained controlled and steady for over 500 years.

No bigger than its rabbit cousins, the Thorn Hare has one unique feature that separates it from all others of its kind. The thin spines that sprout all over its body are actually covered with a fast acting poison that works on the central nervous system, temporarily paralyzing those it injects. The effects are severe, but very short lived, the person recovering within a few minutes. For the Thorn Hare, though, it is just enough time for them to get away.

Lemekor :
Frequency: Low
Threat Level: High
Major Features: Amphibious Quadruped, Razor Fins
Abilities: Perfect vision, exceptional intelligence

No one is quite sure whether the Lemekor are natural, manmade or a combination of both. Their flawless ability to survive on land and underwater is reminiscent of a miracle of Caiyha's domain. However their razor sharp tail fin and their ability to swivel their tail in a full 360 degree arc of mobility would suggest the cutting edge brilliance of wizardly experimentation at its finest.

They are similar in size to wolves though they are much more lean and graceful. Their fins and lean muscular physique allow them excellent mobility inside and outside of water. Their dual set of lungs allowing for gill breathing and mouth breathing mean they can survive in either sphere as permanently as they wish. However their bodies dehydrate easily and they can become too warm in even the moderate heat of Sahova in summer so they tend to stick pretty close to the water's edge when they are on land.

The Lemekor are deadly hunters and, it appears, that whenever they do chose to visit land it is to hunt. They will hunt any creature they can find whether it be sentient or no. This, in itself, is the biggest argument for the Lemekor's being man-made for why else would these creatures pick an Island as barren in meat as Sahova is when they can swim out to greater Sylira and dine like kings? It has been theorised that the Lemekor are somehow attached to the place where they were first created or, as some skeptics cry, the Lemekor were simply trapped after the Lagool was let loose.

In any case the Lemekor are skilled hunters mostly due to their excellent vision. They can spot prey at ridiculous distances and are extremely intelligent; intelligent enough to be able to observe their surroundings and deduce where a prey has most likely gone. This all makes up for a complete lack of a sense of smell which furthers the puzzle of these beasts. After all it looks very much like these beasts have a nose but up close you can see there is no slit or hole where smelling can actually take place.

All of that aside the Lemekor are most known for their tails which, when threatened, usually curl up like a scorpion's sting. Then it lashes out at tremendous speeds cutting flesh, sinew and bone easily with its razor sharp fin. It can cut a man to ribbons before he even draws his sword. If you see one of these creatures your best bet is usually to run away and hope you can get to safety before they catch up. However, if one wishes an alternate form of attack or defence,, one might find the creatures mortally afraid of fire and other hot things.

There are reports of a man, a one-eyed, three-fingered kind of man, that has tamed one of these creatures. The man supposedly keeps this creature as a companion; a fiercely loyal companion at that. It is said if one were to seek out this individual one might find out his secret.

Noktal :
Frequency: Low
Threat: Medium-High (in numbers)
Major Features: Huge wingspan, red eyes, scavenger
Abilities: Bone-crushing beaks, long hooked talons, poisonous meat

The Noktal is the largest species of bird found on Sahova. With a wingspan of about 12 feet, it weighs close to 30 lbs. Its coloring is usually shades of black and grey, with mottled colors of brown dotting its body in places. A bald, grey skinned head protruded outward, and the menacing curve of its beak and red eyes leaves little room for imagining what its diet consists of. Mostly a scavenger, it has been known to hunt down smaller prey around the island when it finds itself desperate, and when in a flock of three or more they have been known to take down some of the larger experiments within the testing grounds.

The Noktal was created for the purpose of disposing of corpses of failed experiments, and apprentices, and so several modifications were made in order for it to carry out this end. Its stomach has been altered so that it can digest all parts of an organism, even teeth and nails. Long hooked claws are sharp enough to carve through tendons and cartilage, and powerful beaks can sever bones. Due to their diet of rotting carcasses, and harmful material, the meat of Noktal is poisonous, and if one is found dead in the testing grounds it is immediately burned so as not to have an adverse affect on the successful creatures that roam the island.

It is rare for these creatures to reproduce, but when they do it takes anywhere from five to eight weeks for the eggs to gestate. If the young that hatches is found to be unfit by the parents, it is often consumed to dispose of it. More often than not Sahova artificially manufactures Noktal through a well practiced process within the Animal Testing facility located outside the Testing Grounds.

Wyfrist :
Frequency: Low to Medium
Threat Level: Low to Moderate (Passive until threatened)
Major Features: pale white semi-translucent bodies, able to directly attack the astral body, can project a single word into a mind (usually "help" or "pain"), human-like whines and screams
Abilities: Astral attacker (attacks wound the astral body rather than the physical), minor telepathy, increased camouflage in light/illumination in darkness

The Wyfrist (WHY-fur-est) is a small bird, usually only four to six inches in height. With a wingspan and body type similar to a canary, the wyfrist is a fairly unassuming sort of creature in stature. What makes a wyfrist a wyfrist is its unnerving set of vocal projections. A single wyfrist, when riled up, can recreate a cacophony of massacre. Usually, this occurs when someone is doing something they shouldn't (wyfrists have a very strong moral compass) which includes, but is not limited to: murder, assault, theft, etc. Once a wyfrist starts its raucous onslaught, the offender must either right the wrong or leave the scene without causing any further trouble. If righted, the wyfrist will usually find a new place to perch. In large groups, should the wyfrists deem it necessary, they can easily destroy parts of the astral body as a lesson learned. Alone, they're merely more a nuisance than anything, though often the telepathic projections of "Help!" or "Pain!" can drive one up the wall.

The very first wyfrist, Archibald Tombscreetch, was developed by a Nuit more out of a joke than anything else. The idea behind the creature was to be a "moral compass", alerting the world when someone was doing something wrong. Archibald was created to pester the Nuit's long-time rival in research and performed his duty incredibly well. So well, in fact, the Nuit's rival developed his own wyfrist, sending it on the other. The two spent several seasons increasing the capacities of their respective wyfrist, adding more and more abilities to bother the other. Eventually, their experimental war culminated with a huge flock of wyfrists tearing apart both Nuit's astral forms. That was, and still is, the only time a group of wyfrists have even been known to kill. Still, their pecks are not to be trifled with, and it is best they be left alone. Some even speculate the wyfrists have abilities that haven't even been discovered yet, but the majority of the populace is in no rush to find out.

Credits to Meville Brightshade for the creature write up.

Ivory Whip Scorpion :
Frequency: Low
Threat Level: Very Low
Major Features: White blood, Long legs, Multiple eyes
Abilities: Powerful hop, Fast-moving pincers

The Ivory Whip Scorpion is an insect found in the Glannoch that is relatively unremarkable for much other than its horrible, horrible appearance. The ivory whip scorpion is a simple animal, albeit a rather mobile one. It moves via jumps that can reach up to six feet in height. It feeds on other, lesser insects using ambush tactics, and it occasionally scares the daylights out of a Pulser. In all, what's on the outside of this creature is quite boring.

What's inside this insect is what makes it special. Its remains can be ground up and mixed with water to create a relatively convincing facsimile of Soulmist. Of course, there are a few notable differences. Ghosts can't eat the stuff, the scorpion's remains are not cool to the touch, and the gel separates given a couple seasons. In addition, it can never pass off as anything more than the lowest of low quality Soulmist, made by a truly inexperienced Spiritist. However, it can do its job in a pinch.

Soul Snail :
Frequency: Common
Threat Level: Low
Major Features: See through bodies, ghost like characteristics
Abilities: Small amounts of soulmist creation, minor soulmist projection
Most Common in: The Glannoch

Small, translucent snails, these creatures can only be found in the Glannoch in the Testing Grounds. No bigger than a child's thumb they are one of the few animals that were originally found on Sahova. They were discovered shortly after the first trek into the Glannoch clinging the nearly lifeless trees and rocks. True oddities, these 'soul snails' as they were later called showed many characteristics similar to ghosts themselves. They produce a very unique brand of soulmist which is actually edible by ghosts, though they produce very little at one time, and they have been shown to move small objects out of their way with pseudo soulmist projection. Ghosts tend to aggregate to colonies of these snails, so when large groups of these creatures are seen it is usually taken as a sign that there is, or will be, a significant amount of ghost activity in the immediate area. Some spiritists have been known to keep colonies of these snails, using them as small distractions when need arises. The soulmist that these creatures produce is relatively high quality, but the amount is rarely enough to fill a thimble.

Aquatic Life:
The Lagool :
Frequency: Only 1
Threat Level: High
Major Features: Giant Octopus Body
Abilities: Camouflage, magic resistant, tentacles and tenticlettes, great strength

In the year 500 AV a projected was opened in Sahova that was simply known as Project Deep. It was created to further research possibilities for aquatic combat, building upon past experiments and research dating back to Pre-Valterrian. These experiments were done in the hopes to prevent any incoming invasions from the oceanfront from even reaching the island. The first creature to be born from this project came to be known as the Balnag, but its trials ended in disaster in 502 AV after it was released in the Suvan Sea for its first experimental run. During this time, however, rumors of the Nuzem beginning to flourish once more reached the ears of the undead city. In the year 505 AV a live specimen was captured just off the island of Mura and returned to the home of its creators, Sahova.

Since that day those involved in Project Deep have spent day and night working to perfect their creature, and after many failures they finally succeeded in the Spring of 511 AV. A new, modified Nuzem, christened Lagool by its lead creator Arkadius Lagool, was released into the waters off the shores of Sahova where it could intercept any unwanted visitors before they could set foot upon the sands of the island itself. Rumors abide that other creatures exist in the waters around Sahva as well. Failed experiments left over from the infamous Project Deep.

After the failed Balnag the Wizards of Sahova opted for a different method for chaining the Lagool to the Island. A single stone is implanted deep in the underside of the creatures mantle. The stone acts as a magical leash that ties the creature to another, much larger stone hidden deep within the citadel itself. This bond prevents the creature from traveling too far from the island. Unlike its failed counterpart, the Lagool's higher intelligence allowed the Sahova Wizards to train it to look for certain marks upon the hulls of ships that approach the island. This mark is given to ship captains to carve into their ship's hull after an agreement is reached, and it allows safe passage for the ship to the island. All ships that do not possess this mark are targeted for destruction by the Lagool, and it is very good at what it does.

Knowledge of the Lagool is not common in the least, and even the captains of the ships that sail to Sahova rarely know of the creature. At the very least they do not know of any specifics. Most account the harsh rocking to undersea currents, or fierce winds, but even those poor souls who catch a glimpse of the monstrous form of the Lagool often prefer to forget what they have seen.

The Lagool's physical appearance resembles that of its Nuzem cousins, but it is far far larger. Each of its eight tentacles can wrap fully around a Galleon ship, and every individual tentacle is as long as a full grown man. Along with an increase in size the Lagool has been modified to resist all but the most powerful magical attacks, though it has a strange weakness to the lightning para-element that the Alchemist of Sahova could not work around. Its skin is like sun-dried leather, tough and difficult to cut or pierce, and its large size makes most attempts at hacking its limbs off futile.

Just like its cousins, the Lagool is highly intelligent and capable of complex problem solving. Its eight llimbs are highly dexterous, and the creature itself shows a great curiosity in things it does not know or understand. Though it rarely comes fully to the surface of the water, at times it will raise itself up just enough so that it can see what it has captured. Many sailors have told tales of a great eye the size of a large wagon peering up at them through the lapping waves of the ocean.

Hachetfish :
Frequency: High
Threat Level: Very Low when solitary, Medium otherwise
Major Features: Djedivore, Large, bulbous eyes, metallic-colored body, school behavior
Abilities: Suction-cup mouth, Telepathic communication, Near 360 degree vision.

The Sahovan Hatchetfish is small, rarely larger than five inches, with the average being closer to four. They’re a plentiful and relatively nutritious food source for the other sea life, and quite a pleasant snack for many avian species. The creatures are mostly unremarkable, despite their terrifying appearance. They swim in schools just like most other small fish, though they sport an almost perfect synchrony (likely due to some sort of higher form of communication) in such groups, seeming to turn and swim and evade with one mind.

What is remarkable is their diet. When anything alive, and, when they are starving, dead or inanimate, falls into the water, the school will immediately attempt to latch on with a massive expanding mouth capable of suction not unlike a leech. However, Sahovan Hatchetfish are not out to suck blood. No, they’re out for Djed. Delicious, delicious Djed. Using the same sort of absorbing ability as Nyka’s Dourdem Root, the Sahovan Hatchetfish siphons the Djed of the object of its sucking.

While a non-wizard would find the experience quite unpleasant, and could be subject to minor overgiving symptoms if they allowed the creatures to remain on them for too long, magic wielders can find themselves sapped of the vital tools of their craft, and their souls, in seconds. Removing the buggers isn’t particularly difficult or complicated. Simply pinch them behind the jawbones, and they will be forced to release their suction hold. Rinse and repeat for as many fish as are on one’s person. In all, an incentive for wizards not to jump in the ocean.

Social Structure: Hatchetfish schools are centered around a single female queen that is almost twice the size of her fellows- nearly eight inches on average, with the largest hitting twelve- and a slightly duller shade of silver. Whatever the queen does, the rest of the school mirrors perfectly. When she turns left, so does the entire school. When she turns right, so do her subjects. When she opens her mouth, so do the subjects. Curiously, every other member of a Hatchetfish school is male for the most part, with the most fit being granted the great privilege of mating with the queen. Females begin to be born when the queen reaches the end of her natural life. These females will then compete viciously for control of the school, until only one is left alive. She then takes over as the new queen, and the school continues to survive.

Credits to Balderdash.

Kovinus Koi :
Frequency: Medium
Threat Level: Very Low
Major Features: Human-like face, Lean meat, Goes well with lemon juice
Abilities: Being delicious.

Simple, solitary fish about a foot in length, making most of their living eating the other, smaller sea creatures around the Undead Isle. The eerie human face is mostly a coincidence. They can be comparable to trout or goldfish. Simple, middle of the line predators. They are, however, quite edible, and aren't unpleasant tasting, thus giving rise to their regular use as food for the living on the island. Most Pulsers compare their flavor more to land-based meat than fish. Only those who have eaten a human being before would be able to nail down what exactly the creatures taste like.

Social Structure: Kovinus Koi are, for the most part, solitary. Every Fall, the fish will swim inland for the coast en masse to mate, and that is when most of the fishing takes place.

Credits to Balderdash.

The Mawtail :
Frequency: Low
Threat Level: High
Major Features: Armored skeleton, huge size, buck-teeth
Abilities: Incredibly powerful bite

A gargantuan monster of a fish, the Mawtail weighs in at a staggering four tons, and measures thirty three feet from snout to tail. While its skeleton gives its organs a great deal of protection and makes it very difficult to kill with cutting and stabbing weapons, that is not why this fish is the apex predator of Sahova’s seas.

The reason for that is its bite. Despite the slightly silly looking teeth, the aptly named Mawtail’s bite is capable of exerting a bite force of 22,000 pounds per square inch. Flesh, bone, Isurian steel, even the hulls of boats offer about as much resistance as soggy paper to a Mawtail’s jaws. Fortunately, due to their large size and territorial nature, they are also very few in number, with only about a dozen around the waters of Sahova at a time.

Social Structure: Mawtails are solitary hunters, and take great offense at anything and everything entering their personal space. With their powerful jaws, this can mean trouble for shipwrecked sailors.

Credits to Balderdash.

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DS in Sahova
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Getting to Sahova

Postby Ink on September 27th, 2014, 6:43 pm

Arriving in Sahova

For Sahovans
If you wish to start as a Sahovan Nuit, kindly inform the Storytellers of Sahova (Languish or Prophet) and they will help you fit in. Further information on becoming a mage can be found in this section.

For Visitors
There are three ships that visit Sahova regularly. These come from Zeltiva and travel usually takes 10-15 days. The Saga Shooter visits four times a season, while the Kova III travels thrice a season. Baradbal goes to Sahova twice a year, and visits the island during the Summer and Winter. Exact arrivals can be seen on the seasonal calendar.

Everyone arrives at the Harbor, dubbed Port Silence by many Sailors, where they should follow the instructions on how to navigate the steps of entry, unless previous permission has been granted into the Citadel. There is a steady traffic of animated wagons that goes to and fro the Citadel, usually carrying various commodities into Sahova. PC's can head straight to the Citadel, or, if they are feeling bold and dangerous, they can go on an adventure into the Testing Grounds.

Visiting Sahova places your PC in mortal peril. Play your cards right and you may live to tell the tale about your visit to the island. Piss off the wizards and they just might kill you. No kidding!


In Summer of 513 AV, the door to the greatest magical research facility in all of Mizahar was thrown wide for the first time since its creation. Those who have ever wished to see the Citadel in all of its glory may do so, though to step upon the grounds of the ancient City of the Undead is to place one's life in the hands of unfathomable forces. Visitors may now come and go from the island as they please, so long as it is by chartered boats that regularly pass between Sahova and the other cities beyond its borders. Players must still pass through the Harbor, but they will find that they will find little to no resistance from the golems there.

Those who visit Sahova are allowed only to pass through the first five floors of the Gug Andjak (the ground floor and four floors above it),The Courtyard, and the Quarters. All other areas are off limits, and Gatekeeper Golems prevent trespassers from wandering where they do not belong. During their stay players are provided free rooms on any level of the Quarters, but they are not provided food or water. Both must be either brought with the visitor, or gathered from the wilds that surround the Citadel at the players own risk.

Players are free to roam the common labs, as well as any other area outside of the Citadel that they wish. All areas outside the walls of Sahova, however, are fraught with danger and wild beasts, though there are just as many riches to be found if one knows where to look. In order to gain full access to Sahova and its resources, one must become an apprentice and work under a Wizard of Sahova.

Racial Views

Sahova is home to some of the most ancient nuits in Mizahar. Many of them are cold and indifferent to all forms of life, often seeing it as pointless and a waste to have the need to eat, sleep and relieve oneself time and time again. To the nuits of Sahova Undeath is ideal, almost beautiful in its efficiency, and thus anyone who is not of this same state of being is automatically placed somewhere beneath them. However, individual races are not typically discriminated against.

Below is a chart containing the races that shos Sahova's personal opinions on each one, and their relative frequency on the island.

Race Frequency Views
Akalak Rare Akalaks are seen as good test subject for magic because of their resilience, and an intimidating presence for an interrogator.
Akvatari Rare Considered overly emotional and erratic, the Akvatari are hard-pressed to find a mentor on the island who will take them in.
Benshira Uncommon More common than other Human sub-races because of their hardiness, the Benshira are rather neutral in Sahova’s eyes and often dismissed as normal Humans.
Chaktawe Rare The Chaktawe are few and far between on Sahova. Organs mean little to the Nuit, and so the Chaktawe are seen as synonymous with Humans.
Charoda Uncommon Typically viewed as little more than a fish with legs, the Charoda are more often than not thrown in a tank for testing.
Dhani Uncommon Generally accepted on the island due to their cunning and creative nature, the Dhani can occasionally be seen as apprentices. There are also those who wish to study their transformations, or the poisons of vipers, of course.
Drykas Rare Regarded as typical Humans with tattoos, the Drykas are rarely seen on such an uninhabitable place given their life-centric culture.
Eypharian Rare Eypharians are equally coveted as slaves and apprentices; which of these they become is dependant on who snatches them up first.
Ethaefal Uncommon The Ethaefal are seen as slightly more useful than typical Humans because of their ability to work through long parts of the day without stop. Because of this efficiency, they are sometimes made apprentices under hardworking wizards. However, there are also those interested in divine magic and/or transformations that may wish to study them under test subject circumstances.
Ghost Common Although rarer in the Citadel, Ghosts are a common sight on the island. Depending on the Ghost and the Nuit, they may be hated, ignored, or even revered.
Human Common Praised for their flexibility, Humans can be seen filling all kinds of niches across the island.
Inarta Rare Inarta are rare on the island due to their culture, but accepted as normal Humans if present.
Isur Exceptionally Rare The Isur are respected because of their long lives, hardy living, and noble lineage. It is not uncommon for an Isur to ascend the ranks, though they may have to fend-off those who wish to take a closer look at their arms.
Jamoura Exceptionally Rare There have only been 3 Jamoura recorded on the island in the past 500 years. Due to their rarity, they are often quickly captured for study, although some may find their master more interested in their knowledge than anything.
Kelvic Common Kelvics are first and foremost seen as animals. As of yet there have been no Kelvic apprentices, but due to the sheer number of them on the island and their general ability to hide their animalistic nature, it would not be impossible for them to climb the ranks.
Konti Rare The Nuit are often cautious with the Konti, as they are respectful of their gifts, but would not be above capturing one for study. The Konti are rare on the island because of their gifts, and the fact that the air holds nearly tangible despair and death to them.
Mixblood Common Although some combinations may be more interesting than others, Mixbloods in general are frequently seen on the island, and so have already been studied a great deal. It is not uncommon for them to become apprentices and above.
Myrian Rare The Myrian are little more than bloodthirsty savages, and have no place in a lab beyond testing. A select few may be permitted due to their people’s talent in Malediction, but it is rare that they are given that chance.
Pycon Uncommon Wizards of Sahova have a mixed view of Pycons. Some Alchemists and Animators find them fascinating and desire them for study, while other find them a nuisance.
Svefra Common Svefra are a familiar sight on the docks of Sahova. Few stay to become apprentices, but it is not unheard of.
Symenestra Uncommon While still regarded as animals, Symenestra are seen as some of the more intelligent ones, and are most likely of the non-humanoid races to become an apprentice. They are often prized for their venom, and the study of their unique bone structure.
Vantha Rare The people of the North are mildly interesting to the Nuits of Sahova, because of their eyes and shimmering hair. However interesting they may be, they are respected as humans, and are not unseen as apprentices.
Zith Rare The Zith are traditionally viewed as monsters or animals, and their impulsive nature is looked down upon. However, they are seen as valuable information gatherers in torture.

Religious Views

Accepted Gods
Those Gods which either enlighten or increase the pursuite of knowledge and research are heartily welcomed on Sahova. Such gods include Harameus, Eyris, and Gnora, and it is not uncommon for a Wizard or Master to have a smaller personal shrine to one or multiple of the gods in their lab areas.

Banned Gods
Sahova refuses to allow the worship of any religious figure or god that might affect the progress of its goals. Such gods are those who cause disarray or cause the higher officials to lose control over those beneath them. Both Uldr and Rhysol are forbidden from being directly worshiped, however, both have their own secret sects within the walls of the Citadel. Since the Summer of 513 AV, Rhysol followers have seen a tad less scorn as the link between Ravok and Sahova grows, but they are still officially banned.

Other Gods
Gods which will neither help nor hinder are often not governed at all by the leaders of the Citadel. Depending on how they affect the work within Sahova, in light of sudden popularity or dedication, may at a whim be moved to the banned or accepted list. In fact, several deities have come and gone off this list as the years have gone by and their effect on the Wizards' productivity have changed. The general rule on Sahova is to not allow your religious practices interfere with your proper duty to Sahova and its leaders.
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Postby Ink on September 27th, 2014, 6:44 pm

Out Of Character Rules

1) All who wish to play in Sahova are required to know and understand Mizahar's Terms of Use, Rules and Chat Rules.

2) Players of Sahova should also know that their actions outside of this forum reflect on Sahova as a whole, so are expected to be respectful and courteous to their peers.

3) All Founders, Storytellers and Liaisons of any ranking are to be respected regardless of whether they are your Storytellers or not. Every one of them works hard for Mizahar, so please show them the proper respect for all their hard work.

4) In order to participate in Sahova your Character Sheet must be up to date to reflect your current skill points, items, lores, and threads. In addition, experience and lores must be tracked somewhere within the CS. If your Character Sheet is not up to date then your grades and/or modded threads will be put on hold until they are.

5) Be respectful to other players OOC, and realize that IC actions most likely do not reflect OOC feelings.

6) If an issue arrises between two players within Sahova please bring the issue to your local ST. It is the ST's job to resolve these problems. It is the responsibility of the player to enjoy the game.

7) This is a game, so have fun!

In Character Rules

1) First and foremost read ALL of the available lore on Sahova. Links to all relevant information can be found in the [url]Helpful Links[/url] post at the end of this thread.

2) Your character DOES NOT start off with their own lab, research division, or apprentices. If your character is a Nuit and you wish to have such things in the current year then flashbacks will be required and extensive RP performed in order to gain these things in the present time. Otherwise you start off as everyone else- at the apprentice level- and must work your way up.

3) On the same note as rule 2, your character cannot start off with connections with higher powers in Sahova. These must be gained through role play either in flashbacks or in present time.

4) Players may have their time in Sahova written in their history before role play, but only after contacting the ST of Sahova and gaining approval. These histories may not be of an epic proportion. No world shattering break through, no causing the unfolding of certain events, ect. The ST has the right to say no to any and all requests. If a players history is found to have any of these things without ST approval all grades and modded threads will be halted until the issue is resolved.

5) IC, all living characters will have a lot harder time gaining ground in Sahova. This is based on the nature of the city and its residence. As such there can be no exceptions no matter who the living character is. Unless the character has gone through extensive RP in Sahova and gained the semi-respect of certain Nuits, he or she will find that the city is less than happy with them being there.

6) Sahovan Wizards are not there to help your character. Sahova runs on favors, exchanges of knowledge, and political leverage. Until you have gained knowledge and leverage within the Citadel, your character will not impress any of the Wizards, and will not be considered special. Even Masters in their fields must work their way up the ladder.

7) Sahova is not the place where you come and set up shop and shovel out tons of Magecrafted items and make lots and lots of money. In fact, many magic-related professions, including Magecraft, can be very expensive for the researcher. Sahova is a place for research and development, and if your character does not advance in his or her field he or she is not welcomed there.

*8) If a player wishes to use a named NPC of their own creation in Sahova they must first speak with the ST of Sahova and gain permission. This includes NPC's that play a significant role in the characters development, and NPC's that are expected to appear in multiple threads, such as mentor Wizards. If the NPC is approved the player must then do a mini write up of their NPC, being certain to include a description, personality and skill set (approved by the ST) and include it in the first post as an OOC spoiler. After the initial thread that introduces the NPC the player no longer needs permission to RP with them, save for plots that include ground breaking discoveries or life changing events.

*An additional note for number 8. All NPC's created like this are considered to be Sahova NPC's. As such the ST may use them for plot devices, threads or other interactions outside of their role with the character they were created for. They will be stored in the NPC bank and credit will be given to the creator of the NPC as well.

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Link Map

Postby Ink on September 27th, 2014, 6:45 pm

Sahova Link Map


Where to begin
The Harbor (Port Silence)- All PC's arriving in Sahova must post here first

Citadel Locations

Post in these locations
Vestibule- The only entrance into the Citadel
Synchrograph Office- Sahova's Bureau of Everything
The Holding Cell- A temporary residency for prisoners and slaves

Use these locations in your threads
Courtyard- A makeshift graveyard where the spirits walk free
Gug Adjak- Where they work forever and ever (List of laboratories and workshops)
The Great Library- A place to study and read (Nader-Canoch needed)
Palsa Hydrasa- Sahova Body Rental LLC
Amaryllis' Office- The office for Sahova's Main Undertaker
The Ruebellum Chamber- Where bodies are kept
The Surgery Chamber- For body modifications and repairs
Venenium Laboratory- Philtering Laboratory and Herbarium
Quarters- Free board and lodging for transients and the undead
Dungeons- Bondage, Discipline, and Torture!
The Caverns- The twisting maze of caverns found beneath the Citadel (List of Master laboratories and workshops)
Tears of Uldr- The secret temple to the God of the Undead
Snake Pits - Sahova's venom farm

Island Locations
The Testing Grounds- Where many dangerous encounters await!
The Forrest of Thorns- The island's only hunting ground
The Glannoch- A haunted forest of hidden knowledge
The Dendrick Ravine- An alternate route to the Heartlands
The Heartlands- The center of the island, full of terrors and mystery
The Bloodhills- A well-guarded and dangerous section of the wilds
----Wayza's Den- The hideout of the Council of Five member
The Prarie- An open space for experiments
----The Pit- A hole of wild Djed used for warden training
The Mudpools- A set of three mudpools with their own unique properties
The Vault- Where the greatest artifacts and creations of Sahova are kept
The Dalafurugu- Sahova's Greenhouse

The Citadel Layout :

Credit goes to Panna Cotta (Former DS of Sahova) for the layout and pictures of this linkmap. Individual location credit goes to the original posters.
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The Citadel

Postby Ink on September 27th, 2014, 6:50 pm

The Citadel


Golems are an intricate and essential part of Sahova. They guard the city, keep its secrets, act as couriers and labor hands. Though highly misunderstood and perhaps even belittled in their importance, golems see to it that the city runs smoothly and seamlessly throughout eternity. This portion of the atlas will provide all players with a list of both known and unknown golems within the city. All of these were constructed within the city itself, and some have even been around since before the Valterrian.

Player characters who are animators may also have their own golems added to the list if they prove useful enough to Sahova to be massed produced. This is a growing list, and unless otherwise stated the golems can be self moderated with permission from your ST.

Known Golems of Sahova

Communicator type:
Communicator golems are an interface with visitors at the docks. Little more than cylinders on wheels with a sculpted bust, they are provided with a simple internal vocal component (made from vibrating chords much like a musical instrument) that gives them an artificial-sounding tone. They are programmed to instruct visitors, sample wares and haggle with traders. If a request exceeds their limited intelligence, they will call an Overseer.

Follower type:
Despite the name, Follower Golems are more commonly used as leaders and tour guides for visitors, or those new to Sahova. They are instilled with a knowledge of the citadel's layout and a simple vocal system which can be used to give directions, or to report back to an Overseer in the event that their guest has become troublesome. In appearance, they are similar to a larger Observer, with wheels for movement and goggles for vision. The main difference is that Followers sit upright, giving them a more humanoid appearance than Observers.

Observer type:
An Observer (or Watcher) is a tiny golem on four wheels, its body consisting of goggle-like binoculars for far vision. About as large as rats, they roam the island looking for any sort of trouble or anomaly, of which there is never any shortage due to the amount of experiments taking place. Intruders, even if they should manage to arrive unnoticed on the shores of Sahova, rarely stay unnoticed for long. Observers are programmed to report their findings to an Overseer or an actual wizard using a simple tonal code: one beep for intruders, two beeps for magic gone awry, three beeps for anything else. They are considered expendable and rarely last very long.

Corpse type:
Large and slow, Corpse Golems are simple cart-like beings whose intelligence is limited to a single pathway. These Golems are loaded with corpses in the Harbor, and then carry their cargo through the warehouses to the Palsa Hydrasa through a secret passageway.

Gatekeeper type:
A Gatekeeper is embedded in a door or any other type of lock, and provides or denies access to whatever it is guarding. Most private laboratories are guarded by this kind of golem, most notably the restricted section of the Sahovan library, where particularly dangerous books are kept. This particular Gatekeeper accepts small tokens to be inserted into a slot; only Zarik Mashaen and the Council of Five have the authority to give out these tokens. Visits are recorded, thus letting each of them know who else was approved to enter the restricted area, and under whose authority.

Librarian type:
Librarians are wheeled golems with trays and simple jointed arms for picking and pushing books from and onto shelves. Their intelligence is limited to remembering the layout of a library and navigating it to reach the desired book, then fetching it and returning it to the inquiring party. Their function is quite important. Even though most parchment in the citadel is treated with chemicals, the touch of a Nuit's potentially rotting fingers can be lethal to an old book.

Witness type:
Built to resemble a brick or tile, a Witness can record sounds and conversations for later playback. It is nothing more than a memory and a mouth, but many a wizard's deranged schemes were exposed with such a golem. They have gotten even more popular since Lector Qiao gained prominence in Sahova, and many Nuit now expect to be eavesdropped on all the time.

Overseer type:
Overseers are the most complex mobile golems operating on Sahova. Bipedal, anthropomorphic steel constructs with red lenses for eyes and twelve joints, they make slow walkers but can navigate the citadel itself. There are from three to five Overseers at any given time, one of which supervises the docks. Overseers are sentient, possess remarkable intelligence and can engage in complex conversation, but still their dogmatic programming shows through and they do not feel 'alive' to their listener. Every Sahovan golem is instructed to obey an Overseer in the absence of a Nuit.

Peacekeeper type:
A Peacekeeper is similar in design to the Communicator, but bigger and without a bust. Instead, their surface is littered with glyphs they can activate at will. Usually containing Reimancy spells such as fireballs, a volley from a Peacekeeper squad can burn a ship to cinders. Peacekeepers are stored in the warehouses by the docks, always disabled unless trouble arises, and never enter the citadel proper. It is known that their friend or foe identification leaves much to be desired.
OOCPeacekeepers are tactical golems and must be moderated by an ST unless special permission is given.

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Postby Ink on September 27th, 2014, 6:50 pm


If you start out as a Sahovan mage, you are considered employed as a wizard, or, most likely, an apprentice. Joining Sahova means that you agree to serve it as the Archwizard or the Council dictates you to. Most mages specialize in one or two disciplines, and run their own magical research and experiments. All mages must also be fully aware of the hierarchy that exists within Sahova between its Wizards as well.

The Ranks

Everyone starts out as an apprentice. One must agree to at least stay for a minimum of one season as an Apprentice before they are allowed to either advance or leave the island. Different masters have different requirements, but they usually send off Apprentices to complete odd quests or order them to perform secretary-like jobs around the clock. A person is expected to be an Apprentice for no more than two seasons before ascending to the rank of Wizard. Failure to do so will result in no technical punishment, but may be politically and/or socially damning.

Apprentices are allowed use of public facilities such as the common laboratories and workshops. If they wish to create, produce, or sell items for their own personal gain or for their Wizardry projects, they can file a request at the Synchrograph Office, provided that it is approved by their Master. The golems take care of the rest.

Wizards are apprentices who have gained competency (at least 30 in skill points and 10 related lores) in their chosen discipline and one additional field of study. They must also have shown exemplary, not necessarily productive, work. They are allowed greater autonomy, but must maintain their designated laboratory. They can autonomously interact with the Synchrograph Office.

Wizards who have become expert (at least 60 in skill points) in their career path are allowed to have their own apprentices. The Wizard must upgrade their lab from the 400 sqft option in order to have enough space for their apprentice to work.

Sahova has very few masters, whose skills are unrivaled and positions respected. They are allowed to have bigger personal space, and they usually preside over a group of wizards. This includes the Lector Qiao, the Council of Five, and the previous Archwizard Mashaen.

Joining the Ranks

What once was the TAR's responsibility has now fallen to a new system and power. If a player wishes to earn an apprenticeship within the walls of Sahova they must first pass the Judgement, a test of a person's skills in their magic presented before a panel of judges. The Judgement takes place thrice a season on the 20th, 40th, and 80th within the largest lecture hall on the ground floor of the Gug Andjak. There, a would-be apprentice must present his skills before the judges, as well as a roomful of people who often turn out to watch the spectacle. There before everyone's eyes they will be given a simple answer. Either they will enter into Sahova as an Apprentice, or they shall be sent from the island that instant, publicly shamed.

The Judgement was designed to weed out those who were not worthy from entering Sahova, allowing for only the best to be taught in the ancient ways of these immortal Nuit. To pass the test one must present the very best of their skill. They may use the days before the Judgement to prepare, and are encouraged to use the common labs to their fullest to create and prepare something that will impress the judges. Magecrafters might create an item of their highest caliber, while Reimancers might prepare a showage of their control and strength, and Aurists might present their mastery of insight of the Human aura. There is no set way to pass the test, for it is different for everyone. If one passes then he is assigned to a lab under their Wizard, and begins his apprenticeship immediately. Apprentices are also given a ring with a symbol of their field of study engraved upon it, allowing them to pass through the wards into the restricted areas of the Citadel.

The Judgement may only be taken once a season, and if one should fail he will be sent from the island, escorted if need be to the next ship leaving the Harbor. If one is simply a visitor, and does not wish to take the Judgement, the one is free to come and go as he pleases in the permitted locations.

OOCAll players who wish to become apprentices must contact the local ST to set up a moderated Judgement thread. This will include their character presenting themselves before the judges for approval. If your character is a user of personal magics then you have the option of soloing practice or planning, or you may jump straight to the Judgement. However if you are a crafter then you must actually craft the item, in thread, that you are presenting. Once your crafting thread is graded you may present yourself for judging.

Advancing in the Ranks

Becoming a Wizard
An Apprentice seeking to become a Wizard must succeed in an additional judgement. A Wizard is expected to be at the very least competent in more than one magic. Additionally, an Apprentice must spend no less than a full season of time as an Apprentice. In addition to their work for their Master, they arw expected to have completed a project of their own related to research in their fields. When this second judgement takes place the apprentice will display a number of projects or one overarching and spectacular project for the Judges’ consideration and outline their proposed projects to be achieved once they have become a Wizard. If the mage succeeds their bronze ring is traded for a silver one.

Becoming a Master
To become a Master is yet again another judgement, of a fully different caliber. Masters must present several examples of their body of work and at least one exceptional advancement in their field. This advancement can be a rediscovery of lost knowledge or a new technique. The prospective Master must also have mastery over one magic and expert knowledge of two others. A Master’s judgement has several additional obstacles, the first being that the judges are the Council of Five along with the Archwizard. The second obstacle is that a Master may be turned away, not for rejection of his projects, but for poor political maneuvering. A Master should have considerable influence on Sahova and failure to achieve this or avoid political pitfalls will results in poor relations with the Council and Archwizard. A poor relationship with the leadership of Sahova, makes for a Wizard, not a Master. If a mage is successful their silver ring is traded in for a gold one.

If a mage fails to complete their job threads they are allowed one season of leeway where they are expected to complete their outstanding jobs. Failing to complete all outstanding job threads within a season could result in a variety of punishments, the most drastic being expulsion from the island.

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Living Expenses

Postby Ink on September 27th, 2014, 6:51 pm

Living Expenses and Wages
Apprentices may never make more than a novice in their primary field of magic. Regular wages begin for mages at the rank of Wizard; further income is one of the perks. The reason for this is that an apprentice's contribution to Sahova is limited.

Novice Competent Expert Master
Malediction 7102040
Magecraft 13193876
Spiritism 7102040
Summoning 913 2652

Although mainly operated by mages, other professions are needed on Sahova to complement the research. Gadgeteers are needed to create animations. Embalmers and undertakers are important to keeping the Nuits healthy. Scribes keep the books of the Great Library in perfect condition. If you wish to follow a reasonable career path not listed here, please contact a Local ST to help you set it up.

Additional Professions
Novice Competent Expert Master
WardenBased on primary magic or applicable combat or survival skill--1530

Laboratories and Seasonal Expenses

Nuits do not need to eat, drink, or sleep. Because of this, one would expect their seasonal expenses to be lower- and this may be true in other cities. However, a part of a mage's seasonal expenses on Sahova go towards maintaining their lab and funding their research projects. All labs come as unfurnished spaces, it is each mage's responsibility to furnish them.

All seasonal expenses and loan payments must be deducted from each mage's ledger at the end of the season. Anyone without a lab on Sahova must pay Common seasonal expenses (135 gm/season). This covers food for Pulsers, the upkeep of health, and money for projects. Once a mage obtains a lab, then their seasonal expenses begin to increase. Seasonal expenses are increased according to the laboratory size of each mage. The exception to these rules are slaves. Slaves may live at any expense level but their expenses must be deducted from their owner's ledger.

Lab Size Minimum Seasonal Expense
400 sqftCommon Labs may not field apprentices. It is only big enough for one mage. Common (135 GM/Season)
800 sqft Good (450 GM/season)
1600 sqftThese laboratories are only available in the caverns, the Gug Andjak is not large enough. Exquisite (675 GM/Season)

Additional Expenses
Any one on Sahova may make use of the Syncrograph's Office but any purchase or sale is taxed. For residents of Sahova, the tax is 3% of the total amount of each transaction. For visitors to Sahova, the tax is 5% for each transaction.

If a mage decides to purchase a larger lab, furnishings for their lab, an expensive slave, or otherwise pricey item, a loan may be taken out through the Synchograph's Office. Each loan's amount is calculated only once, their amount can not be increased after acceptance. Each mage may only possess one loan at a time. These loans do not incur interest but come with the stipulation that anyone with a loan may not leave Sahova without express permission from the Council of Five, even then the expectation is that they will return unless dead.

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NPC Bank

Postby Ink on September 27th, 2014, 7:02 pm

NPC Bank

The Council Of Five
Note: These NPCs are integral to Sahova and are for mod-use only or self-mod with special permission.
Archwizard Qiao
Glyphing 89
Hypnotism 70
Leeching 52
Alchemy 44

Archwizard Qiao, still called Lector Qiao by the populace, is a Nuit wizard and the leader of the Council of Five on the undead island of Sahova. He has recently overtaken Zarik Mashaen as the chief authority by rallying support among the top level of Sahovan wizards in the wake of the chaos caused by Supervisor Drainira's betrayal. Qiao used to be the headmaster of the Royal Academy of Magic, Alahea's top magical institute.
Voiding 88
Hypnotism 42
Projection 38

Aelob Fernster (more commonly known by the magonym Aelobius) is a Nuit and master of Voiding on the undead island of Sahova. A notorious psychopath both before and after death, he nonetheless serves Lector Qiao loyally as a member of the Council of Five.
Projection 83
Flux 64
Unarmed Combat 53
Dagger 47

Farke is a mysterious Nuit wizard and a member of the Council of Five on the island of Sahova. Officially in charge of Sahova's public relations, he is also in charge of covert ops and assassinations. By far the Sahovan wizard who has traveled the most in the post-Valterrian world, Farke seems to be involved in pretty much everything that goes on in Sahova. He is also one of very few Sahovans with actual melee combat proficiency.

No-one really knows much about Farke, not even his full name, but he is never far from the action. He is perhaps the only member of the Council of Five who is not unquestionably loyal to Qiao - indeed, who is not openly loyal to anyone. Qiao keeps him close, and under close scrutiny, but he is simply too useful to have around.
Mistress Wayza
Morphing 82
Cartography 68
Auristics 66
Drawing 52
Painting 51
Weapon (Spear) 49

Mistress Wayza was brought to Sahova during the second wave of the ARMED project, mostly because no one could locate the morpher to deliver the summons. She was prone to wandering and disappearing into the deep and less explored places of the world. Eventually Qiao caught her morphed as a hedgehog in a mine beneath Sunberth. His offer was simple, a new island to explore and the financial support to perfect her craft. Wayza took the opportunity without further question.

Wayza is essentially a loner. Unless summoned by Qiao she can hardly be located. Her most used form is that of a white sparrow. Occasionally she can be spotted surveying the testing grounds, but otherwise she remains in her den in the Bloodhills. It is said she is the only flesh-bound soul to fully explore Sahova’s complex system of caverns. Still she is adamant she will never make a map of the tunnels, though she will not say why. Even Qiao and Mashaen cannot push her on this point.
Summoning 85
Familiary 69
Animation 32
Projection 28

Mizelio Takk is a Nuit wizard and the chief Summoner of Sahova. He is a part of the Council of Five established by Lector Qiao, to whom he pledges loyalty. Mizelio is bonded with a particularly potent Pascid-type Familiar, Vyldred, self-proclaimed former ruler of the Lightface of Fyrden. The flamboyant Vyldred, rather than the soft-spoken Mizelio, is commonly considered the more dangerous and the leader of the duo.

Note: These NPCs require permission from an ST to self-mod.
Zarik Mashaen
Animation 92
Glyphing 37
Reimancy 65
Voiding 32

Zarik Mashaen is the former archwizard of the small undead settlement of Sahova. Before the cataclysm, he was considered one of the most powerful wizards in Alahea thanks to his Animation skills. He occupied the position of Court Mage for a short period before he was forced to join and lead the new research facility at Sahova, turning himself and the rest of the staff into Nuit undead as part of his Grand Oath. He was forced to continue serving the long dead kingdom of Alahea because of his pledge.

In the year 513 AV, Zarik Mashaen was overthrown as Archwizard. A highly intelligent golem, Drainara, created a scheme to annihilate the entire island. Although her plan was foiled, the aftermath of the tragedy caused a revolution underneath Mashaen, and Lector Qiao rose to take his place. Zarik Mashaen now has returned to the level of Master, and works in silence on unannounced projects.
Parsminy Karte
Alchemy 81
Shielding 61
Mathematics 31

Parsminy Karte, or Karte, as he is more popularly called, arrived in Sahova even before it was completed. He was already Nuit then, with a firm dedication to the value of logic, science, and mathematics. He had been described as conscientious, accepts instructions from those with higher stature stolidly. He showed an immense interest in the craft of Alchemy, and he bore the mark of the serpent eating its own tail - a symbol of eternity to some, a symbol of destruction to others - as a big tattoo between his shoulder blades.
Frankie Lee Tieh
Malediction 80
Voiding 69
Intelligence 60
Glyphing 54
Auristics 35

Frankie Lee Tieh was one of the best pupils the University of Zeltiva ever had. Her magical prowess and unhuman intelligence had earned her a fair share of adoration and scorn. Her quest to learn the lost arts of magic brought her into volunteering for research work in Sahova. She has one of the biggest laboratories in the Citadel, a private two-story lair where she does continuous research and practice on the art of Malediction.
Familiary 74
Summoning 67
Glyphing 65
Voiding 46

Guvronsek is an aloof and serious Nuit who stays in Sahova. He is part of Mashaen's ARMED Project, serving the Citadel as an authority on Summoning and Familiary.

He is known to be a worshiper of Uldr for reasons unknown except from Boss Rubik. He shows hesitance in practicing his faith. Even if he is not an eager proselytizer, he is successful in encouraging potential believers.
Goron Silverheart
Magecrafting 98
Weaponsmithing 80
Armorsmithing 75
Blacksmithing 68
Politics 50

Goron Silverheart is the Chief Magecrafter of Sahova, and holds a strong position in the Master's Guild as well. He is famous both for being one of the few living members of the Master's Guild, but also for his shocking rise to fame in the short span of time since he arrived on Sahova in 490 AV. He is well known for promoting Pulsar rights and individuality, and is equally famous for his hand in bringing The Wardens to their current place of power.
Milton Draunbrach
Reimancy 95
Cartography 82
Spelunking 76
Architecture 75
Geology 48
Stealth 45

Milton was one of the many wizards who "volunteered" to assist in the ARMED project. His specific role was to assist in the creation of the catacombs beneath the city. It was construction, simple enough, but soon it was discovered that Milton had a uncanny knack for understanding the world beneath the surface better than any of the others who were sent below to delve deeper into the skin of the world. Soon, after cave-ins, overgiving disasters, and unexplained disappearances, Milton was given the title of "Gravedigger", the only Nuit in the entire city who not only willingly but happily continued on in the catacombs alone after Mashaen saw fit to remove those left from the project to reallocate them in positions better suited to their individual skills.

Mistress Wanda
Spiritism 93
Intimidation 65
Projection 52
Malediction 43
Auristics 40
Negotiation 30

Mistress Wanda is the caretaker of the Courtyard, a nuit whom even makes some of the oldest Wizards of Sahova uneasy. She alway wears the appearance of an old women well past her prime. Often outsiders describe her as a hag in appearance, calling her the Witch of the Courtyard, and she has well earned her nick name. Within her command is every ghost within these forsaken grounds, and she holds sway over them with an iron fist. It was she that laid down the protective barriers that keep the ghost contained within the Courtyard, and it was she that sealed them to their bones in the first place.
Summoning 89
Glyphing 70
Familiary 43
Persuasion 38
Polearm 22
Leadership 20

Sevrin is considered congenial for a Nuit, which by and large attributed to his age. Having undergone the ritual while very young, he flew to the rank of Wizard in a remarkably short period of time, where he has stayed ever since. He single-mindedly seeks new coordinates much in the way ancient Suva did, though his passion is more or less driven by curiosity than by any real need. His lifelong familiar is a Kirt by the name of Eris, who works to counterbalance his upbeat attitude by encouraging him to act wholly in the vein of self-interest rather than for the good of the Citadel.
Trellaway Witsle
Spiritism 90
Leeching 87
Glyphing 66
Auristics 40

Witsle came to Sahova after the Citadel post Valterrian seeking a way to bring his lover back from the grave. His grief over his dead wife drove him nearly insane, and almost committed suicide himself. However, he learned of the long whispered about Isle of the dead where ancient and powerful magics were practiced, and without a moment's hesitation he set out for what he hoped would be an answer to his plight. Sadly this was never to be, for the nuits of Sahova quickly took advantage of his shattered heart and tricked him into giving away his life for an eternity of researching into the mysterious nature of death.
Magecrafting 76
Jewelcrafting 68
Alchemy 56
Animation 52
Metalsmithing 45

With the rise of Lecter Qiao, Arios gained mastership. Previously he had been an unremarkable wizard in every way, which given the outcome may have been by Qiao’s design. Before making rings the Master Magecrafter had worked with the golems in Lab 15, forging several of the more specialized pieces that the golems required. Now he makes the rings worn by every accepted apprentice, untested wizard, and prestigious master mage that call themselves Sahovan.

Arios is among the subset of nuits that prefer child-like bodies. Once in a great while he will take the corpse of a full-grown man and during this season he will spend bells at his forge, stocking up on rings to modify later.
Mentor to Alija Piper
Relos Othrin
Shielding 70
Auristics 54
Embalming 28
Glyphing 27
Mathematics 26
Negotiation 26

Relos is perhaps one of the most docile Nuit in the Citadel, quiet and more than happy to keep to his lab and his research. An utter pacifist in every sense of the word he believes that the inner secrets of shielding are the key to halting violence, believing that if no one can harm the other then the conflict is made pointless. To this end he possesses an obsession with creating the ultimate shield, one that can even halt the gods themselves in their tracks. His use of Auristics allows him further insight into the weave of Shields, making him a very formidable defensive force.

Skills Image
Animation 77
Shielding 53
Carving 46
Dominion 38
Voiding 20

Tellerwak is one of the youngest nuits on Sahova at only 200 years of age, but since his coming he has expanded the uses for Gatekeeper golems exponentially. Before his time these golems were seen as nonessential, and those who had them were often met with rolled eyes and seen as paranoid and deranged for putting in the mizas to have one crafted. When Tellerwak came around however it quickly became the fashion to have one of these devises for one's own lab as he showed that they did not just have to be animated wood or metal doors, but they could be works of art in and of themselves. Having a Tellerwak Gatekeeper became a status symbol, as now they could be fully customized to fit the Wizard's needs and even aesthetic preference.
Grombard Shrag
Auristics 94
Interrogation 77
Hypnotism 68
Persuasion 62
Negotiation 59
Observation 55
Glyphing 34
Voiding 27

Reclusive, driven, and capable of astounding feats of focus, Grombard is completely and utterly devoted to his work. He prefers operating alone, though it isn’t unheard of for him to take apprentices. Possessing an almost childlike amount of curiosity, the Nuit is almost obsessed with learning how things work and operate… Especially human beings. When something catches his interest, he often shuts out everything around him, even external stimulus, until he has comprehended whatever the object of his fancy is in all its complexity. He also derides torture as a tool for the sloppy, and uses no physical pain in his laboratory. The foolish call his methods softhearted... Until they see him at work.
Roknus Malestrom
Reimancy 95
Glyphing 60
Intimidation 48

Roknus began his career in Reimancy early on in the war against Suva. He first fought as a battlemage in many conflicts, and his power and ferocity earned him the title "Rozaranuri", or "One who is addicted to death" in the ancient tongue. During the war Roknus was gravely injured, both of his legs torn off in battle. Thus he was taken from active duty and instead put to work researching new methods and techniques in reimancy which would aid Alahea in their fight against the Suvan empire. Roknus was chosen to join the ARMED project, and with his nuitification he regained the legs he lost and continued to research the endless possibilities of reimancy. Up until present time he has worked tirelessly to master every element, bending and twisting them into new and never before seen combinations which at times seem to defy normal logic. He has succumbed to overgiving countless times, and so many of Sahova consider his mind shattered beyond repair. Still, his power and intelligence are as sharp as ever.
Gadgeteering 90
Drawing 57
Mathematics 44

Filch is the Gadgeteering genius that created and design the structure of nearly every golem in Sahova. He is well known for his outlandish ideas and dazzling intellect which leads him to leap from one subject to the next, often too fast for most to comprehend what he is saying. Even before coming to Sahova Filch was well known for his ability to design and construct vessels for the art of Animation, and it was because of this that he was paired with Kombry to design and bring to life the golems Sahova has today.

Animation 90
Leadership 60
Negotiation 45
Persuasion 35
Drawing 30

Kromby is a master Animator whose skills rival Zarik Mashaen, and in fact he considers him somewhat of a rival in his art. Kromby is in a constant struggle to help design and create golems that will prove once and for all that his skills surpass even those of the Archwizard, and while he knows this Mashaen is more than willing to allow Kromby to think what he wishes as long as it leads to greater advancement in the art of Animation and golem creation.

Note: These NPCs may be self-modded without permission except in the case of gaining a familiar or learning a new magic. For a familiar or new magic please request permission from an ST.
Storytelling 30
Shielding 1
Animation 1
Reimancy 1

Dakrad was known as Tov'hain Mopmetnos before Drainira's escape from Sahova. He is one of the Nuits involved in secretly smuggling and assembling explosives in the Citadel. Though he never questioned Zarik Mashaen's authority, it is later revealed that Tov'hain supported Drainira, and was aware of her plans to destroy Sahova. He has been severely punished for his rebellion and has been prevented to perform any personal and world magic, though he claims he has found a way to use magic without wielding it himself.
Emarus Telemaran
Organization 52
Writing 49
Hypnotism 41
Rhetoric 38
Auristics 34
Leadership 28
Daggers 24
Politics 12

Emarus Telemaran is as stuck up as stuck up in Sahova gets. He views everyone using the Common Labs and Workshops as free loaders. He dishes out punishments and fines liberally for rules he may or may not have just come up with himself. He does, however, have a weakness for gold and material wealth so if you ever find yourself outside of his favour perhaps a little present might find you sidling back in.
Sewing 80
Embroidery 66
Shielding 60
Malediction 51
Magecraft 51
Weaving 49

Warick was an early member of the ARMED project, Warwick only joined by coercion. The tale goes that Warwick owed a debt of enormous proportion to Zarik Mashaen who promptly called it in all at once. The old tailor had held a position of prominence within Alahea as the maker of the seven robes. Not at all to be confused with a founder or an exceptional mage himself, Warwick crafted the literal robes.

He is not particularly happy with his lot in life but Warick enjoys indulging in anything and everything and this desire keeps him alive. His scarcity in his shop is due to his general dislike of doing anything Mashaen wants done. To purchase a robe a customer usually has to hunt down Warick first and many have given up after an exhausting search yielded no results. But, for those persistent few, Warick can craft the finest robes the island has ever seen. His products are often personalized to the mage and contain elements of magecrafting or malediction to counteract anticipated magical destruction.

Mentor to Corvus Bubon
Gilldarey Penwood
Writing 73
Glyphing 72
Drawing 68
Teaching 53
Calligraphy 42
Rhetoric 41
Morphing 33
Observation 32

Gilldarey is known to only ever take male bodies and, if he can get them, they most always have blonde wavy hair and blue eyes. It is said this is what his original body looked like. Gilldarey is one of the cleanest Nuits on the Island and regularly takes Amaryllis 'special' baths. If he can help it he is always smart looking and hygienic.

Gilldarey Penwood was born in the coastal city of Zeltiva just over three hundred years ago. His mother was a Professor at the University and his father a sailor in the Zeltivan Navy. Gilldarey was born with an odd kind of severe motion sickness that resulted in him having sudden fits of nausea if he moved, spun or wobbled too quickly. The result was that he spent most of his time indoors during his childhood. He spent most of his time drawing funny symbols and daydreaming about an adventurous life he could never lead.

Azhak Taldat
Reimancy 57
Shielding 54
Teaching 38
Torture 31
Interrogation 31

Azhak is one of the most cruel wizards in all of Sahova. At the time of his transformation he was a professor at one of the most prestigious military academies in all of Alahea. He had desires to one day head the Alahean military but, seeing Kovinus I and his pitiful rule forced him to see that this would not happen in his normal lifetime. He took up the shroud of undeath and watched as his beloved country fell apart around him. He developed an intense hatred for the Suvan Empire and devoted his unlife to helping Alahea take over the world.

Mentor to Drake Kasparov

Severus Solomon
Mathematics 66
Voiding 57
Medicine 41
Glyphing 32
Observation 32
Persuasion 23
Politics 12

Severus is always either a male Human or Symenestra. When human he usually inhabits a mature body with short, silvery hair. As a Symenestran his looks vary as widly as the race does usually due to the limited resources of Symenestra bodies.
Philtering 85
Botany 82
Herbalism 54
Auristics 43
Medicine 21

Quite unlike other Nuit of the Citadel,Elsene has refused to lose her original identity. She still dresses and conducts herself as a Chaktawe and almost always wears the skin of one. She is a taciturn, dry individual who secludes herself at the Dalafurugu on purpose, so as not to be bothered. It is very rare that another Wizard will approach her directly; it is more likely they will sent some sort of automaton to do the work for them. Her political affiliations are unknown, suffice that she is loyal to her mission and to the Citadel.
Gadgeteering 73
Mathematics 50
Drawing 40

Cid has spent close to 6 years on the Isle of Sahova, and in that time he had grown frustrated in his lack of advancement. That is, until the Spring of 513 AV. For the last 2 years Cid had been working closely with the Master Embalmer Amaryllis designing new gadgets and contraptions for body modifications. This partnership has earned him the recognition of his nuit masters, as well as the Council of Five. Thus starting in the Spring Cid was given his own section of Lab 15 to work with, and along with this the title "Wizard" was granted to him as well. Wizard Cid specializes in body modifications for nuits, though he has been known to offer them to Pulsers at the right price. All dealings with Modifications go through Amaryllis, who then orders the parts from Cid at a later date.
Flux 60
Politics 55
Acting 45
Daggers 42
Disguise 40
Stealth 38
Magecrafting 33
Carving 20

Iceris is one of Counciler Farke’s wizards. She often hides in the common labs or delivers messages under the guise of a slave. Of the two known Wizards working directly under Farke, she is the field specialist, if there is an infiltration that needs to occur she is the woman for the job.

Originally from Avanthal, through a series of acting jobs she found herself performing in Ravok. It was here that she was approached by a woman with no more than a note. The note was the offer of a lifetime, and an unlifetime, from an otherwise mysterious entity. On Sahova she worked her way through judgment and Apprenticeship under Wizard Penwood.
Skills Image
Magecrafting 55
Reimancy 51 (Fire, Water, Earth)
Hypnotist 45
Interrogation 40
Negotiation 39

Bellerian has been on the island for at least two centuries, the documentation on his arrival has been lost long ago. No one has ever really been able to agree when they first saw him and this was probably by design. Bellerian is considered quiet mad, but in a functioning capacity. His madness, though entirely uncomfortable for those around him, has never once stopped him from completing his work. When the madness became too apparent the robed figures came to end his career, this is where Farke intervened. He could see the genius of having an insane wizard working under him, and so he took the wizard for his own. The stipulation being that if Bellerian ever sank too far into his madness the fallout would be on Farke’s name, and the clean would be his as well.

Bellerian has little rhyme or reason to his vessel choices except that they are always male. Once he has taken a vessel though he always wears the styles of the original body’s homeland.
Auristics: 45
Reminancy (Fire, Water) 30
Magecrafting 35
Glyphing 25
Gnosis: 1 Inavalti 1 Lykata

Over the years, Taeralis grew organized and quick. He's quite witty, which sort of covers his quick decision making. Taeralis is quite formal, loyal, and precarious all at the same time. He's curious and mentally stable usually. Overall, he's not too judgmental.

Mentor to Benare Nitorzian
Credit for this NPC goes to: Benare Nitrozian
Summoning 25
Familiary 48
Poisoncrafting 77
Philtering 31
Animal Husbandry (Snakes) 82

Malaki can be aggressive if he feels that his studies or subjects are threatened, but is generally not openly hostile to visitors of the Pits. He has been known to take Apprentices, but none have survived long enough to take his place due to various, sometimes mysterious causes of death.

Note: These NPCs may be self-modded without permission except in the case of gaining a familiar or learning a new magic. For a familiar or new magic please request permission from an ST.
Malediction 53
Voiding 44
Teaching 35
Reimancy 24 (Air)
Glyphing 23

Yorge is a relatively young nuit he was once a student at the University of Zeltiva only marginally behind Frankie Lee Tieh. When she left Zeltiva he followed only a few seasons later, whether out of admiration or rivalry even Yorge was never sure. During his sea voyage a plague ravaged the crew. By the time the ship made it to Port Silence, Yorge was at Dira’s feet. He made a pact as soon as leaving the ship, he would work as an Apprentice for four decades in exchange for the Daek-Nuit and his continued existence.
Risabel Tempel

Malediction: 45
Persuasion: 30
Butchering: 25
Acting: 25
ge 24
A self proclaimed genius maledictor, Risabel came to Sahova to push the limits of malediction. Her dream is to create a weapon forged from the bones of a god, but her goal is to establish herself as a respected member of Sahovan society through her prodigious accomplishments (of which, she has yet to attain). Using her unassuming looks and deceptively innocent features, Risabel does her very best to enlist the help of unsuspecting fools through deception and manipulation. Her desire for success is what drives her, and her personality revolves around it. She's driven, neurotic, and isn't afraid to push the limits of what she can and cannot do. Her speech is intelligent but casual, as she thinks it makes her seem more approachable. A relatively skilled maledictor, Risabel has yet to to do something of note (though that still doesn't stop her from acting as though Sahova was her own personal city).

Made by Keene Ward

Note: These NPCs may be self-modded without permission except in the case of gaining a familiar or learning a new magic. For a familiar or new magic please request permission from an ST.
Riyanna Sterder
Race: Human
Title: Prairie Warden
Morphing 90
Broadsword 80
Shield 69
Duel Wield 50
Riding 60
Unarmed Combat 73

Brief: Riyanna is the current Warden of the Prairie, one of five individuals that watch over the Testing Grounds in Sahova. She is well known for her 'bubbly' attitude, happy demeanor and quick tongue when it comes to dealing with the Wizards of Sahova. She exemplifies everything that Sahova is not: Life, good health, positive demeanor and true kindness despite the darkness of her world. Her appearance varies depending on her fancy, but more often than not her hair will be bright and colorful to match her personality. Riyanna is sure to return to her normal human form after every transformation. She is well aware of the dangers of losing ones identity in her discipline of magic, but even so she cannot help but make some modifications which she finds pleasing. Her favorite appearance to date includes short hair brilliantly colored, and a mouth full or razor teeth like those of a shark.
Due to overgiving, Riyanna has one feature which remains no matter her form. From the corner of each eye falls streaks of silver that pass over her cheeks. Having grown fond of them Riyanna has made no attempt to remove these signature markings, and her Initiates tend to copy these marks on their own face as a sign of respect.

Kierra Doma
Race: Human
Title: Warden of Heartlands
Morphing 55
Reimancy 90
Familiary 98
Stealth 40
Sewing 72
Unarmed Combat 57
Acrobatics 58
Summoning 30

Brief: Kierra Doma is the Warden of the Heartlands, and with that title she is respected as the most powerful of the current Wardens with the exception being Chabiza. Very little is known about the Heartland Wardens or the domain which they oversee, but what has been seen is a pattern of darkness and cruelty among the individuals who take up this position. Kierra Doma has been no exception to this pattern, and her actions since taking on the position has lead to her nick name "The Bloody Queen".

Warden Initiates
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Lorelei Fairbairn
Race: HumanImage
Title: Bloodhills Initiate
Projection: 64
Voiding: 48
Wilderness Survival: 27
Persuasion: 46
Acting: 42
Leadership: 32
Singing: 54
Cooking: 16
Tactics: 30
Running: 34

Lorelei has a soft, serene voice. Her initial impression is not that of a resident of the harsh island of Sahova, but rather that of a delicate maiden, a flower blooming in the dusty earth of the land of the dead. She is anything but. Lorelei is a clever, calculating young woman who uses her delicate looking disposition to both charm and manipulate those around her. While most of the original nuits on the island are relatively immune to her wiles, she has her hand in the pockets of the rest of the population. There are few Pulsars who escape her notice, despite the fact she spends the majority of her time in the Bloodhills. While not common, she has been known to visit the citadel to recruit initiates, as the turnover is quite high. Rarely ever will she raise her voice, choosing instead to bide her time until the situation favors her. In battle, she is a ruthless predator. Never does she consider herself hunted, and if ever put into the situation, she will do everything in her power to turn the tables, or die trying. While her demeanor is that of an aloof, capricious young lady, Lorelei is a talented and devious woman who places her goals above that of anything else (though what those goals may be are rarely clear to anyone but herself).

Made by Keene Ward

Title: Heartland Initiate

Morphing: 78
Medicine: 36
Unarmed Combat: 57
Reimancy: 32
Familiary: 46

Terra first came to the island in 510 AV when she first began her days as an apprentice, but quickly found the life was harsh and unforgiving. Her master treated her only as a test subject, not as a true apprentice at all and one day after a round of experiments he left her nearly lifeless body in the prairie to be taken care of by the failbeasts that lived there. By some stroke of luck however she was saved by the Warden Riyanna who took her in and took her on as an Initiate. Terra grew to form a deep bond with the Warden, her affections bordering on love itself and her loyalties knew no bounds, and thus when Riyanna's spirit was broke due to the loss of another Initiate Terra was heartbroken as well. She watched as her beloved master and friend fell to grief and despair and slowly began to isolate Terra herself. In a brave, and foolish act of loyalty Terra ventured into the Heartlands intent on avenging Riyanna for her losses, but once more Fate had other plans and where the Initiate went to seek vengeance instead she found herself suddenly entangled in more than she could comprehend or fight. In the Fall of 514 AV Terra became the new Initiate of the Heartlands under Kierra Doma, and since then Riyanna has not spoken a word to the initiate.

Cowan Tamas
Race: Human
Title: Mudpools Initiate

Flux: 65
Hypnotism: 35
Wilderness Survival: 20
Unarmed Combat: 56
Acrobatics: 41
Running: 52
Land Navigation: 15
Cooking: 20
Climbing: 31
Endurance: 56
Tactics: 14

The physically stronger but mentally weaker of the Tamas Twins, Cowan (Koh-WAHN) is also the quieter of the two. Letting Cowen speak for him more often than not, Cowan prefers to communicate through his actions. His natural strength and attunement to flux often give him the appearance of being the magically superior twin when it comes to their status as initiates, however his brawn lacks brain. Without Cowen, Cowan is prone to making rash decisions, employing wild tactics, and employing little self-control in combat situations. Outside of a fight, Cowan is a very physical individual; patting backs, slapping rears, draping arms about shoulders, and the like are common expressions of his that usually take the place of words. Often, his face is graced with a jovial, whimsical grin, as if he's heard a joke that no one but he is privy too and lacks both will and ability to share it. Quite definitely not on the higher end of the intellectual continuum, Cowan makes up for smarts with loyalty. First to Cowen, Cowan is absolutely devoted. He follows his brother's orders with zero question, never for a moment doubting his direction. Second is to Gresshal. Third is to whoever can gain his attention while the other two are away. A follower through and through, when Cowan does think for himself, it is usually over petty things such as which boots go on what foot and the proper amount of force for a hug that doesn't involve breaking bones.

Made by Keene Ward

Cowen Tamas
Race: Human Image
Title: Mudpools Initiate

Flux: 35
Hypnotism: 61
Wilderness Survival: 32
Unarmed Combat: 25
Acrobatics: 54
Running: 52
Land Navigation: 30
Leadership: 26
Persuasion: 53
Rhetoric: 31
Endurance: 15
Tactics: 45

The mentally superior but physically inferior of the Tamas Twins, Cowen (Koh-WHEN) is the self-elected spokesmen of the two of the them. His silver-tongue is gilded enough to speak for the two of them and then some. Naturally predisposed towards the magic of hypnotism with his domineering personality and perceived narcissism, Cowen rarely involves himself in any physical altercation he cannot dispel without rational debate. While his cautious and reserved methods may often come across as weakness, Cowen's strong grasp of tactics and his twin's undying devotion make him a powerful force to be reckoned with. Able to quickly gauge a situation and devise a plan accordingly, Cowen's strength lies his his ability as a commander rather than a solider. Without Cowan, Cowen becomes considerably weaker as an opponent. While able to form strategies with little effort, deploying them is a completely different story; though rare, if he is ever caught without Cowan in a combat situation, his immediate plan is rapid egress. Outside of combat, Cowen is a fairly reserved individual, choosing to resort to wordplay over gestures or contact. Typically, Cowen's face is a neutral, appraising line of the lips and ever so slight bend of the brows. Emotion is a tool he uses to suggest and direct others towards his own goals and desires, his true feelings rarely ever bubbling to surface. While physically weaker than his sibling, Cowen is has brains enough for the two of them. Fiercely devoted to both his and his brother's protection, the fastest way to find an enemy is threaten the well-being of either half of his perceived whole. While not blindly loyal like his twin, Cowen holds Gresshal in a place of high respect, and there is little the Warden asks of him that Cowen will not obey, though thought is never a missing part of any equation Cowen is in.

Made by Keene Ward
Race: Charoda/Primarily human appearanceImage
Title: Prairie Initiate

Morphing: 65
Meditation: 42
Impersonation: 45
Disguise: 34
Seduction: 41
Storytelling: 38
Running: 49
Acrobatics: 57
Wilderness Survival: 32
Weapon: Shortspear: 30
Unarmed Combat: 46
Tactics: 31

Kinapak is the embodiment of vanity. His models are elegant, artistic, and occasionally sacrifice practicality for aesthetic. Believing beauty truly is skin deep, Kinapak's racial origins are known only to Amaryllis, Riyanna Sterder and her other initiate. His face is that which he finds the most appealing, returning to his Charoda form only when absolutely necessary. While he understands the danger of losing his original self, he has found a new self in the sculpted, polished human appearance he usually takes on when he is not adopting his several customized models for combat. Condescending and disdainful to all but Riyanna and her initiate, Kinapak rarely consorts with anyone beyond the two. He considers the Prairie Warden to be, by far, the most powerful, beautiful, and inspiring thing on the island. Anything that is not of the Prairie is not of his concern nor of his interest. A wily fighter, Kinapak employs tactics that involve minimal damage to himself and maximum opportunity for a kill on his opponents. Not reckless in the least, Kinapak is much more prone to running from a difficult fight in search of reinforcements than attempting to solve the situation himself. At constant odds with Lorelei when the two of them rarely interact, he considers the Bloodhill's initiate to be unbearable, jealous of her natural charm and beauty. His voice is usually suave, and alluring, a mixture of Cowen's charm with a darker, heady undertone.

Made by Keene Ward

Note: These NPCs may be self-modded without permission except in the case of gaining a familiar or learning a new magic. For a familiar or new magic please request permission from an ST.

Thomas Forinth
Leadership: 30
Tactics: 20
Weapon: Short bow: 45
Weapon: Spear: 20
Stealth: 30
Wilderness Survival: 40 (forest)

Age 45
A grumpy, distrustful man with a penchant for pessimism. His fluffy mess of a beard seems to be a complete outline of his entire head, leaving his forehead and partial scalp exposed to the elements. Wiry, quick, and hardened by years spent hunting in the Forest of Thorns, Thomas has almost as many scars as skin. A natural born leader in spite of his cloudy disposition, Thomas takes great pride in his track record of having the fewest average deaths out of any of the hunting groups. Unlikely to willingly assist anyone but his comrades, Thomas' trust is rarely won by anyone who isn't an equal of rank (e.g. hunter).
Made by Keene Ward
Yates Boswell
Deceased as of Winter 514ImageSkills
Weapon: Short Bow: 30
Tactics: 35
Detection: 35
Running: 40
Wilderness survival: 30 (forest)

Age 21
One of Thomas Forinth's regular group members, Boswell (no one call him Yates) is a friendly, optimistic man who tends to focus on the good things (or when there isn't a clear distinction, the lighter greys). Uneducated but not unintelligent, Boswell's knowledge of the Forest of Thorns rivals that of even the more weathered veterans. Blessed with an extremely retentive memory (but cursed with a requirement for his interest to first be involved), Boswell tends to forget things he isn't invested in but almost always remembers that which interests him. Curious and talkative, Boswell appears trustworthy. He is, however, surprisingly ruthless when it comes to combat with both animals and humanoids.
Made by Keene Ward

Note: These NPCs may be self-modded without permission except in the case of gaining a familiar or learning a new magic. For a familiar or new magic please request permission from an ST.

Malediction 78
Soulmist Projection 62
Materialisation 36
Possession 58

Brief Erikus was always messy and disorganised in his mortal life and he has taken this trait with him into the afterlife although this does not mean he is lazy, as his brother attests to vehemenously, but rather that he cares little for presentation. Erikus was always about the next project; about seeing the hidden potential in things; which is a trait both brothers share. Erikus just never felt the need to be flashy about it. His brother constantly picked on him for his 'laziness' when he was younger so he despises those like his brother who prefer to walk about 'all smart and clean'. It seemed to him, at the time, that it was Erikur's inability to let his disorganisation go that caused the incident and when Erikur counter-accused him he flew into a rage he hasn't quite been fully able to shake since.
Magecraft 78
Soulmist Projection 36
Materialisation 62
Possession 58

Erikur has always been an obsessively cleanly and orgainised person from the moment he realised his toys looked better when arranged by height. He cannot physically stand the sight of disorganisation which is what lead to many of the clashes he and his brother had during their living life but, at the end of the day, Erikur always had a very strong bond to his brother. Deep inside Erikur had never wanted to hurt Erikus and this is why he is so angry at his borther for blaiming him for their deaths which, ironically, made him turn to violence against his own brother in the afterlife. He still avoids it most of the time but, just like his brother, this feud has consumed him.
Materialization: 55
Soulmist Projection: 30
Possession: 30

Age: 600
Oscar appears as a small child somewhere between the ages of three to six years old. One of the more "friendly" ghosts of the courtyard, those who are foolish enough to disrupt Mistress Wanda's wards often find themselves face to face with the wide, watery eyes of the deceptively ancient ghost. Most interested in "play" than anything else, Oscar doesn't take "No" for an answer. Prone to mood swings, he's as emotionally unstable as he looks (more-so, even), and his childlike tantrums are much more dangerous than they ever were when he was alive.
Oscar, along with a collection of other spirits, was part of the island before the rest of the wizards arrived to erect the current citadel of Sahova. A child then and a child now, if he remembers anything of the past not a single person (save, perhaps, Mistress Wanda) has heard him speak of it. His sobbing can often be heard when the moon is bright and the sky is clear: his favorite time to play.

Made by Keene Ward

The Witch
Possession (60)
Materialization (82)
Torture (17)
Intimidation (28)
Leeching (44)
Reimancy: Water, Air (27)

The Witch, as she is most often referred to, is largely a mystery. Not much is known about her past or her goals, despite being a long-term resident of Sahova. All that is known of her is that she was born in Nyka among the Monks, and left to persue a magic career in Sahova. Her cause of death is also unknown, but she likes to materialize as a bloody corpse with multiple stab wounds, and it is hypothesized that this is her cause of death.

The Witch is hardly sociable, and prefers only to interact with others when it benefits her. This may include using them as a slave to run errands for her, using them to spread her "curse" of Leeching magic, or to drive them mad as her plaything.

Note: These NPCs are outside the apprentice, wizard, master ranking structure but are still significant to the political climate of Sahova. Please seek permission to self-mod any of these NPCs except for Cryptly. Cryptly may be self-modded without permission.
Embalming 96
Surgery 73
Cosmetics 45

Amaryllis is the Chief Embalmer of Sahova. She is a Nuit of decadence, and thus prides on the aesthetic value of things. She does not reveal that she was an Eypharian prior to being recruited for the ARMED project. She stays at the Palsa Hydrasa, with an office fully decorated with exquisite fabrics and gilded furniture adorned with flower and peacock designs. Amaryllis is bored with her job and welcomes anything that would break the cycle of her repetitive monotonous life.
Boss Rubik
Auristics 80
Hypnotism 62
Rhetoric 54
Voiding 32

Boss Rubik is the Priest of Uldr in the island of Sahova. He is a true gentleman, his demeanor often that of a dignified elderly. Using his talent in auristics and hypnotism, the Boss keeps up a charade of loyalty to Lector Qiaoin order to hide the undead followers of Uldr in the Citadel. His subtle subversion against Qiao does not earn him any favors from the Archwizard. The Boss is a fanatic of Uldr, and will use any reason to bring Sahovan Nuits and apprentices into the fold of the Returned.
Torture 90
Intimidation 80
Interrogation 76
Negotiation 56
Investigation 45
Organization 37

Cryptly, as the nuit prefers to be called, came over with many of the other ancient nuits with the ARMED project. At one time he was a well respected, highly honorable man who tortured and interrogated enemy spies for the glory of the Alahean empire. Now, however, the years have grown long and his once honorable self has decayed along with his body, leaving behind only the soul desire to enact his ancient practices on a new victim, be they deserving of it or not. Cryptly is notorious for taking his games too far, simply sessions of questioning quickly escalating to full on torture sessions which more often than not end in either permanent disfigurement or death. With the advancing of the years the nuit has lost all reservations, and can no longer tell when a procedure has gone too far. At times it is as though he enjoys the act of torture, like he uses it as a justification for his continuing existence.
Thelma Jenkins
Magecrafting 88
Glyphing 76
Alchemy 60
Drawing 50
Animation 45
Dominion 40
Gadgeteering 40
Carving 37

Thelma is a small woman by birth, the conditions on Sahova have done little to aid her in her growth. She stands at a mere 5'5 at the grown of her head, and her frame is bony and thin due to a combination of age and starvation on Sahova. Her hair is bright red, bordering on orange, with streaks of white through it which some believe are due to overgiving rather than the natural process of aging. She dresses in fine robes at all times, with colors ranging from formal black to bright red depending on her mood. She can almost always be found with her personal staff, an elaborately carved masterpiece of clear magical origin which she clings to with a passion. She tries to remain as clean as possible, going such lengths as to actually get a bath installed in her own chambers for washing, but at times dirt and grime are unavoidable in this line of work. On her index finger there rests a ring that looks like it was crafted out of ruby and emeralds, her symbol of status in the island which shows her influence and dedication to her work.
Sagelus Merlus
Leadership 80
Persuasion 75
Negotiation 40

Once a trusted advisor to the King of Alahea, when Sagellus Merlus was first asked to take up the position of Keeper he refused with a passion, not wishing to take on such a burden himself. It was Zarik Mashaen that finally convinced the already ancient nuit to take up the role as protector of the Vault. Their long standing friendship lasted through the Valterrian, and into the current day, yet despite how close they might be Merlus always places his responsibilities before anything, and anyone, else.

Though he has no magic himself, as Keeper Merlus has gained powers that are beyond normal men. In addition to having all of the Stone Guardians at his command, he can also move about the Vaults with ease, appearing and disappearing at will no matter where in the vault he is. At his touch the vaults will open, and some say he can change the very layout of the Vault itself, rearranging it to how he sees fit. Merlus is ruler of his domain, and all within it must bend to his will or face destruction.

Boris Eternius
Organization 77
Gadgeteering 57
Animation 39
Intimidation 21

Boris Eternius, more commonly known as Bebe, is perhaps the busiest, fastest-moving Nuit in all of Sahova. He is the head manager for the Synchograph Office, and spends all of his time filing papers, balancing the books, and reporting statistics to the Council of Five.

Bebe has little time for anyone, but Apprentices and Pulsers may find themselves getting an even worse deal because of his hurried nature. Wizards and above are generally treated with respect, although they too are spoken to in a timely and efficient manner.
Notes: These NPC's may be self-modded without permission.
Hall Snowsong
Singing (12)
Endurance (40)
Bodybuilding (22)

Hall is a simple labor slave in Sahova who works within the Synchograph’s Office. Though he was once jovial and outspoken, years of beatings and mistreatment have driven him to a closed-off and submissive nature. Hall will rarely speak unless addressed, and would prefer not to be seen at all. He works hauling materials from the Golems to the storeroom, and occasionally, from the storeroom to the front office.
Seduction (33)
Weapon: Switch (28)
Interrogation (14)

Her real name unknown, or merely disregarded, Pet is the resident slave of the Dungeon. She roams the halls by the torture rooms, transporting tools from one spot to another, and offering reminders of time remaining to the customers. While visibly run-down and not necessarily beautiful or intimidating, Cryptly has been known to rent Pet out as a tool for the rooms, one way or another.
Last edited by Languish on February 2nd, 2017, 6:36 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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