The Trickster's Pride

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Not found on any map, Endrykas is a large migrating tent city wherein the horseclans of Cyphrus gather to trade and exchange information. [Lore]

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The Trickster's Pride

Postby Ixzo on June 1st, 2016, 12:09 am

19th of Spring, 516AV

When she woke, much earlier than both Rufio and Iollu. The moon was just reaching high peak. She felt a soreness in the fur above her shoulder, and realized the source. Iollu had twisted a fist into the remains of her winter coat. The lioness flicked her tail in discomfort, carefully adjusting so she did not dump the child in her sleep. Propping her weight onto her front paws, the massive cat was able to dislodge the child, who merely rolled over, her snores becoming more apparent.

Only then did she see Rufio, eyes dancing in dreams under her lids, and she hoped they were pleasant. She was very used to seeking answers to her sister's emotions from the bond their shared, and enjoyed it so much more when she was not hit with a shot of agony from her last severed bond. Rufio had filled the gap in her life, and while it was still a new sensation, she trusted the Drykas completely with everything. It did not cross the cat's mind that that was exactly how she had felt with Jodoc, as Rufio was now her one and only bondmate.

She knew the pelts and rugs in their tent would hide the noise of her paws, but she still had to be careful as she stood, pushing back into her hips to stretch out her back. She did so slowly, but was unable to stiffle the yawn which brushed her whiskers and reminded her how dry her mouth was. Without thinking, she licked Rufio's hair line twice in affection before carefully balancing her weight to tread off the bed.

Although the kelvic would have preferred to give every ounce of attention to Rufio, forever, she had to force herself to quiet the euphoria of the new bond, and give her attention to Iollu. She was not going to bed anytime soon, but instead of hunting, the cat set her head on her paws and glanced at the moon through the entrance of the tent, as if she could watch its descent from the sky.

They had found Iollu's family. The Pavilion was scattered and poor from the raids, but like the Drykas spirit, had not given up on their family. The city was alit with words on the displaced children, so she was not surprised how quickly Iollu heard word of her family and got excited. The child had stayed with them for one more night. Although she wanted to be with her family right away, the Pavilion could not afford it. Seven people crammed into a four person tent with not much more than a few hunks of cheese between them.

The firstsongs were and old Pavilion and Ixzo respected them, but all were aware that Ixzo could give Iollu one more night in comfort before she returned to help her family rebuild. The Myrian-raised Kelvic couldn't help but wonder if Iollu's responsibility in that was to be married off. A concept that the wild woman still had trouble wrapping her mind around.

Giving up on worrying over something she had no control over, Ixzo tried to clear her mind. It was not easy, but she used a trick which her father had taught her, meditation. He had told her to put a thought on a boat and sent it into the setting sun, in her mind. One by one, she would clear her mind and reach peace. Only the Myrian-raised lioness' view of a boat was a rickety raft used to gather hunted crocodiles from the shores of the basin. Instead she imagined each thought as a gazelle which she had no interest in hunting. It was quicker to let them depart quickly. Only each time she let a thought go, another appeared.

It was a few hours before Ixzo realized she had drifted into a nap rather than actually meditated. Her ears flicked at the sound of someone stirring, and the huntress realized the two deep breathing of sleepers had lightened. She stood, stretching again and giving a quick lick to her chest to prepare herself, and strode back over to the bed. She made no effort to displace her weight now, settling beside Rufio so that she could feel the Drykas' breathe on her fur, and waited for her to fully awake.
Last edited by Ixzo on November 6th, 2016, 7:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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The Trickster's Pride

Postby Rufio on June 1st, 2016, 6:07 pm

for a change the Drykas' dreams were filled with vague, pastel hues and sweet things. It was The Bond. The happiness and completeness she felt in it.

When she was small Rufio had yearned for bonding with a horse - a strider - to feel whole and complete, as a Drykas. Never had she ever known, foreseen or felt that a kelvic bonding could make her feel...more.

The tapestry of her inner-self woven by these threads—her heritage, her strider, her kelvic—and her heart clicked into place in the world.

Her freckled face wrinkled lightly as a rough tongue scraped across her hairline. Feeling the fuzzy warmth of the kelvic hovering over her, a sleepy, soft smile played with her lips, and lethargic fingertips brushed over the nightlion's nose.

Barely woken, as Ixzo padded off she settled easily back into her slumber. Feeling the small person nestled beside her, the Drykas wriggled onto her side, curling around the child a little, Iollu's thick hair brushing her cheek lightly.

As Syna's light began to peek into the night's din, the Drykas' circadiu, rhythms kicked in the long wakening. Rufio felt a large form clamber into the furs with them, heard the deep rise and fall of the lioness' breaths.

   Sleep receded.

Her ochre orbs opened and saw black fur. She took a deep breath of contentment, before her nose scrunched up as she yawned silently. As the fog of sleep cradled her, she propped her arm under her cheek, and peered into Ixzo's feline face.

With a thoughtful concern, she murmured softly. "Iollu's last day." It was a statement that held in it - 'it will be okay'. The fortune-teller gazed then down at the sleepy child, and felt the tug of warmth and affection for her stubborn, sassy spirit.

Ixzo's child, she thought to herself, feelings not her own drifting through the bond, Rufio as of yet unable to tell which were hers and which were the kelvic's.

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The Trickster's Pride

Postby Ixzo on December 9th, 2016, 7:28 pm

The abrupt purr surfaced when she saw Ru's eyes open. She barely knew the woman, and yet she felt like she knew everything about her, especially when she felt the turn of Ru's next thoughts. A sharp bite of sorrow filled the cavity in her chest, and the lioness flicked her silver gaze towards the child. Ixzo hadn't known how attached she had become to the child, to the orphan who wandered into her life. Iollu might have stabilized her in the beginning, but Rufio completed her. Rufio did so much more than complete her, she bettered her. She was everything wonderful in the Universe, and Ixzo was euphoric to be a part of that. This bond made it much easier for Ixzo to detach from Iollu. Of course she would always love the child, but she would be able to see the child be happy among her own family, and get past her own selfishness.

Pushing her weight back into her hips, Ixzo stretched once again, without the yawn this time. With a littly burst of energy she pulled the heat into her bones, feeling the tingling shiver of her senses leaving her for the few seconds it took to return to her human form. In just a few chimes she was sitting beside Rufio, bare to the world and grinning, despite the events that were to go on.

She eagerly gestured a morning greeting before the chill ran across her arms, forcing her to seek out clothing, while Rufio got ready as well. The sun was rising outside, and of course, Iollu was fast asleep. The child had no issues with Ixzo's nocturnal schedule, as she didn't have nearly as much chores with the Kelvic and her bondmate as she would have with her big Pavilion. As she will have.

"Iollu…" Ixzo's voice was thick with sleep and an accent as she gently prodded the child's hip after shrugging her shirt on, rolling her torso until the child woke up. Her snoring had stopped a while ago, so she couldn't have been too far. "Iollu, your family…" Ixzo said the words that would wake the child up, and she heard a hitch in her breath, and the little eyelids flew open. With the energy that only a child could have upon first waking up, Iollu sprang to her feet.

"Oh yeah!" The light in her eyes was undeniable, and Ixzo giggled as the girl rushed to her things to get ready. Ixzo turned back to Rufio, slipping into trousers and finally standing up.

Nervous? Ixzo signed to her while Iollu wasn't looking. The language barrier was greatly improved by the ease with which Rufio could get her emotions from the bond. But the question was easily confused with a statement as she realized she could not differentiate the emotions. Was she nervous? Was Rufio nervous? Perhaps it was her, but Ixzo truly couldn't tell. Had one of her emotions ever overridden Rufio's? Could it work like that?

She was just fretting now. "I will cook." She offered, turning to the foods basket, avoiding the confrontation of what was to come. She saw the two remaining dried chili peppers, the lotus tubers, smoked rabbit, and the squash, which Ixzo wasn't a big fan of. "Never mind." She conceded upon seeing the choices. The lotus root would be good with a fresh dark meat and a spicy dipping sauce, the squash was gross no matter what, and the chili peppers weren't enough to eliminate the taste of it. She was used to scavenging for her food, easy leftover prey out in the wild would keep her for days and she never had to bring anything home. Now that she was eating as a human so that she could do so with Rufio and Iollu, she was at a loss. It was a skill she would have to improve on.

"Siglay and Britta can cook." Iollu appeared beside her, glancing at the pitiful stores as well. Ixzo decided to take that for what it was and closed the basket, standing up and offering a hand to Rufio instead. Iollu was practically bouncing in her excitement, a small basket with her yarns and clothes was all she needed.

"Maybe… we get from market, gift that?" She asked Rufio, looking for confirmation from her sister, unsure of how to go about this. Her encounters with the Drykas had been so much easier with Rufio by her side, but she still relied heavily on her bondmate for support.
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The Trickster's Pride

Postby Ssezzkero on November 8th, 2018, 9:53 am

Childcare +1, Meditation +1, Iollu: Likes to sleep in your fur, Drykas Marriage Customs, The joy of bonding
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