[Anibesa] Scraptastic

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[Anibesa] Scraptastic

Postby Anibesa on February 12th, 2018, 11:18 am

A little about me - will be updated
Characters: Anibesa, Alya’ria, (currently inactive on Elin)
Cities I play in: Syka, Ravok, (currently inactive in Alvadas)
In person
Name: Grace
Age: 22
Location: United Kingdom, North East
Occupation: Uni Student at Teesside Uni

Welcomes constructive criticism, and criticism in general

Good to meet you all, my name is Grace as you can probably tell. I’ve been roleplaying for 8 years, though the early stuff was awful as I’m sure everyone can imagine.
I’ve recently got into DnD, and DnD style games, and in my current campaign I am Telori, the Paranoid Mobile Puddle. It’s quite interesting and I’ve finally managed to kill three people and gain experience points. I’m a water elemental thief in that campaign.

I also play yugioh with a pyro deck purely because it annoys everyone else that I can eat away at their life points without even attacking.

I’ll start rambling if I’m not careful, so to all have a good day

Things I welcome and don’t welcome
Please feel free to post your own stuff in here too
I like pictures so send me lots
I can take criticism, but insults are a no go, so please refrain from any insults
Give me ideas on how I can improve. I can’t improve without an idea of what needs improving.
Last edited by Anibesa on February 28th, 2018, 12:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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[Anibesa] Scraptastic

Postby Anibesa on February 28th, 2018, 12:03 pm


Hey Guys, I've been a little bit inactive lately, and it may be continuing on for a little while longer, but I'll still be responding to posts when I get the chane (The Syka Quest Thread is taking priority though)

So, first things first. It was my birthday on Saturday. Kinda rubbish reason for being less active but things happen and a lot of the time I had family over or friends over, and as much as I'd have loved to ignore them and jump onto Miz,
I hate seeming rude and whatnot so I had to keep off Miz for a bit

Secondly, I've spent a lot of time going to and from the doctors for tests and whatnot, which has kinda left me with very little motivation to write. Again,
I know that the lack of motivation is a really rubbish excuse too.

It's stressing me out big time and I've tried to focus on that instead, and it's not gone well. So, for Spring I'm going to be cutting back on threads big time,
and sticking to solos, job threads, and maybe a couple of group threads.
I'm coming to the end of my time at uni, and the dissertation is worth a lot of my marks, so I have to prioritise my dissertation over everything else as I don't want to spend a year resitting.
I hope that you guys understand
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[Anibesa] Scraptastic

Postby Anibesa on May 9th, 2018, 11:46 am

t Apologies t

First things first I want to apologise to everyone I left hanging. Disappearing the way I did was not professional at all, and I never intended to leave in such a manner.
Even after I disappeared I had plenty of times I could have logged on and left a quick message, either on miz itself or on the discord, but I let my nerves get the best of me and I didn’t

Now, as to where I’ve been. This season has been busy for me. We were given 15 weeks to write a dissertation that most groups before us had 24 weeks to write, and right at the start I worked myself up over that 9 week difference, and I refused to let myself rest. I barely stopped working that blasted piece of work and barely got the sleep I needed, until I collapsed in the library.
Because it was in the library, the staff called a first aider, and then an ambulance, and I ended up in hospital for a few days. It turned out that the combination of stress and not looking after myself had gone badly, and I was given a few assessments to make sure that I was okay, and I was released from the hospital just stressed, like most students are.

After that I had full intention of coming back to miz, but every time I opened the page to log on I just got so anxious, and I gave into my nerves, which was probably my biggest mistake, and then the next time it was worse because I knew I’d kept people waiting even longer. Even now I still feel so nervous, it’s making me nauseous. But I’m not letting it stop me any more. I can’t let it control me. I have to kick it in the bud before it holds me back any more. Plus my dissertation is handed in so I can’t even attempt to rationalize it anymore

I’m really sorry for keeping people waiting so long. I should have told everyone before disappearing, or I should have even just told someone and asked them to pass on the message for me.
It might be a few days until I get back here fully, I still have to collect my thoughts and whatnot.
I’d say I hope you all understand, but I understand why people might not want to plot or thread with me anymore.


Adapted from a code by Karin
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[Anibesa] Scraptastic

Postby Allassanachassanya on May 11th, 2018, 1:14 pm

Here's a hug for you, Ani! *hugs!* Stress isn't nice. Is the end of the road coming soon, or have you got a while yet? Either way, good luck with everything. :)
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[Anibesa] Scraptastic

Postby Anibesa on May 11th, 2018, 3:03 pm

Thanks, Ssanya
Just got one exam on Monday and then I'm done with this course completely. I'm so looking forward to that haha
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[Anibesa] Scraptastic

Postby Anibesa on May 24th, 2018, 8:00 pm

Dissertation Grades

I got the results of my dissertation back today!
57% which I think is a miracle considering I was expecting around 40% from the junk I submitted

So at the moment I'm 48% overall.
I want a 2.2 which is 50%, and I'm waiting on results for two more parts, so I should make it!
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[Anibesa] Scraptastic

Postby Anibesa on June 2nd, 2018, 10:40 am

t Confusion t

So for a while I’ve not been feeling like myself. I’ve been getting confused a lot and far too easily. I’ve been suffering from muscle fatigue. I’ve been constantly shaking uncontrollably. Amongst other things.

This culminated in me dropping a kettle and burning my hip (it hurts but thankfully not too bad) and then decided it was time to see a doctor to see if there was any reason for my shakiness and confusion, and hopefully prevent me injuring myself anymore.
My family has a history of Parkinson’s, and researching online showed that I was suffering some symptoms of that, and honestly I was terrified that I was having early onset Parkinson’s or something like that.

I got a few blood tests done and it came back that what I’m dealing with a B12 deficiency alongside a few other vitamin and mineral deficiency, and that I’m possibly just not sleeping well on top of that.

Honestly I’m so glad with how that came out, and though they’ve said that if my symptoms haven’t clear up in three weeks I have to go back for more tests, I’m betting on these tablets helping me.

For now, I’m hoping to continue finish up a few old threads before I register for the new season, especially with how I completely vanished and abandoned everyone.

Adapted from a code by Karin
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[Anibesa] Scraptastic

Postby Anibesa on June 2nd, 2018, 12:33 pm

Thank you Lumi
I think Spring this year has been the season of bad health for many haha
I'm certain they'll kick in soon, and it's most likely just deficiency haha
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[Anibesa] Scraptastic

Postby Gossamer on June 2nd, 2018, 1:33 pm

Most of the people in my part of the world have a B12 deficiency. One thing I know about B12 is that a lot of people can't absorb it (this is a well known thing and your doc should have said something about it) when they take it in the vitamin variety... you know... grabbing the 3000-5000 MG tabs off the shelf at the health food store. So its actually a waste of time and money popping pills daily to try and boost it up.

I would highly highly recommend your doc give you a boost of it (it comes in this fantastic pink injection) in his office. It will probably keep you up for a couple of days because you get super energetic to the point you cant wind down, but its well worth the three months of having normal levels a shot like that gives you.

Get them four times a year. I'm a not a doctor, but if your doctor didn't tell you a lot of people can't absorb B12, fire him and get a better one that will give you the injections.
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