Solo A Treatise on Lightning

New to combining elements, Farris figures practice is perfect.

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A Treatise on Lightning

Postby Farris on July 10th, 2018, 4:36 pm

3 Summer, 518 A.V.

Had it been really been weeks since Farris had taken the opportunity to practice his craft? In truth, the young man found it rather alarming, for in his practice he found the only reminders of his previous life. Unlike Sunberth, magic was the truest representation of home, in a way neither his adopted city nor even his previous home of Ravok could ever be. Years had passed since Farris' father had passed, "No, he was murdered," he corrected. Anger welled within his senses, a feeling that was dissipated far more slowly than he'd have liked. Often, it didn't do to become agitated before seeking to grip at the djed within one's soul. However, at other times, the agitation served as fuel to the literal flames that he spurred into being. A deep breath cast into the mage's mouth as he exited his home. Sunberth was littered with abandoned buildings and, perhaps if he was fortunate, he'd find one spacious enough to accommodate his efforts.

Contrary to expectation, Farris didn't take long to find a building that he could temporarily claim for his own. He was careful to let his gaze cast about in a measure to prevent him from being followed. He'd turned several corners and made paths down the dusty streets of the city before assuring himself that he was fine. "Calm down," he'd say to himself, letting his breath turn steady. It was no joke, the measure of anxiety he felt when he sought to practice. Sunberth had repeatedly proven itself to be a city that hated mages, and he wasn't about to find himself in the crosshairs for a simple case of lax security. Farris made himself scale two flights of stairs, settling himself on the third floor of a rather rickety looking building. "It'll do," he assured himself as he stood in the center of the room.

Once the mage was ready, he'd let a deep breath pull into his lungs. His arms did not move from their relaxed position at his sides. Rather, he reached inward. He'd pull djed from the depths of his soul, moulding it and subsequently guiding it to his fingertips, where it was quickly converted to Res. Res permeated upon the digits, tracing the vivid scars that existed upon his flesh. As he moulded the Res, he pushed further still. He could expedite the process, speed up the conversion of djed into Res, but he'd keep his pace slow, intent not on rushing himself.

The Res at his fingertips fell into his palm. From there, he'd begin the process of converting the Res into Air. Wind gathered at his fingertips, seeking to be freed and set forth as a force of nature. But, he held that in, as well. He began to implement his final step. The air threatening to burst forth was charged, an unborn flame crackling in the center of his hands. Electricity began to visibly gather in the circle of Res between his hands. He moulded the remaining Res into shape before, at last, he released entirely. A thin bolt of lightning arced from his fingertips and charged forward. Faster than he could blink, move, or even think, the bolt had dissipated. A hole existed in the wall where the bolt had existed for but a moment, and the Reimancer could feel nothing but pride for the accomplishment. By no means was he surprised at the magnitude, but rather, the ease. He'd be sure to document what he felt during the exercise, but he was by no means finished just yet. There was so much more to do, and all of the time in the world to continue sharpening his efforts.
Last edited by Farris on July 12th, 2018, 7:19 am, edited 2 times in total.
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A Treatise on Lightning

Postby Farris on July 11th, 2018, 9:35 pm

It was always a battle deciding whether or not to continue plunging into the study and performance of magic. However, with the singular bolt of lightning he'd unleashed, he felt none of the effects that pressed him towards indulging further. He felt none of the strain he'd felt in his early years of practice and was rather relieved to see the progress that ensued in terms of the endurance of his djed. As he looked back on the past and his limited tutelage in the discipline of Reimancy, he was proud. However, the moment wasn't right to glorify himself and indulge in the arrogance of his own accomplishment. That could come later. Righting his posture, Farris drew to his full height, staring at the small hole in the wall and deciding not to aim the next arc in that direction.

Farris pulled at the djed that so desperately cried for release, allowing himself the handle on the energy of the soul before letting it well and crackle at the surface of his skin. Res poured from the pores of his flesh, rising like smoke from his shoulders. The mass, when condensed as he sought to next, was no larger than his hand, but he'd mould it into shape. He found his ability to manipulate raw Res to be growing stronger and stronger. It moved faster, converted more readily and he just began to feel the pull of pleasure waxing within his mind. It was a thrill to mould the Res into shape, creating a ball no wider than 2 inches in diameter. From there, he'd begin the process of converting it. A miniature cyclone of wind and Res had formed, the unleashed Reimancy propelling the still as of yet converted remnants of Res as he used it to navigate the spin of the miniature storm.

Little by little, Farris sought to expand the cyclone, pouring just a tinge more Res into the attempt before he snapped his fingers. That snap served as the flint to ignite. Crackling sparks poured into the storm before the air began to heat at an alarming pace. He took a step back while also using Res to push the cyclone forward. The sparks grew larger and larger, a single fleck tapping at the fabric of his shirt. The spark did not, fortunately, ignite but it was rather close for comfort. However, not to be deterred, Farris continued his effort. The sparks continued to crackle and jump until the air was heated to the point of creating plasma. Miniature lightning bolts gathered within the ball of Res and air, the energy creating a blistering heat that brought beads of sweat to his forehead. He sought to allow the storm to disperse, letting what was left of the Res jettison forward before he began the transmutation. A second bolt of lightning sprung forth from the transmutation, the air warped and flaring with heat as the thunderbolt shot forward and into the ground. The impact left a crater, fissures growing around it and the Reimancer thought it prudent to take a half dozen steps away. Rubble fell from the crater and into the floor below. Farris' features were lifted into a wide smirk as his study of lightning continued, his efforts further reaching fruition as he mused upon how next to exploit the new element.

"So... an air cyclone fed with heat will create a flurry of lightning within the confines... If I can expand the radius of it... What effect might take hold? It's certainly worth further exploration."
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A Treatise on Lightning

Postby Farris on July 12th, 2018, 7:31 pm

After a short respite, Farris decided to expand upon his previous attempt. In his mind, he envisioned the cyclone he had created. Such a small maelstrom would have no practical use and so, he'd need to fuel the effort with greater quantities of Res. He stood in the center of the broken room he'd claimed for the time being. Farris took a precautionary glance around, a singular effort in ensuring that he wasn't being watched before he took a breath. The breath provided him with a measure of stability, lips curving into a wide grin as the effort of pulling djed from his soul elicited a fierce, delightful chill that coursed down his spine. That breath pulled Res from his fingertips, the gas-like material coalescing into a large sphere that was no less than five feet across. The Res was bound together in a film-like layer and rather than create a current of wind from it, he'd seek to manipulate the air confined within the sphere itself.

A second breath was taken as he began to feel the small quantities of Res within the sphere get pushed and pulled within the sphere, a spin adopted as a current was fabricated from nothingness. As the pace of the wind grew quicker still, he'd put the Res in the middle of the circle to task. Sparks flew in the center as heat began to surge within the confines. He'd feel it from the short distance away, laughter spilling from his lips as his heart began an erratic pulse in his chest. The elation upon his features spilled into the effort, his hands clasped together before he began rubbing them in an effort to maintain his concentration. The sparks grew more frequent until heat burst out into flame. The air crackled within the sphere until flashes of light could be seen. Stray sparks of lightning began to fly within the ball of Res, pushing against the surface. Intent on keeping the integrity of the sphere intact, Farris pulled another measure of Res from himself.

As that mass of Res moved to fuse into the sphere, fragments of what was already there splintered and moved into the mass within. Carried by the still spinning winds, the sphere strained until it broke altogether. the Res breaking up and fueling the sparks. Electricity flowed into the air, unfiltered and unstoppable. It was all the mage could do to push himself back, his body colliding into the nearest wall. He heard a popping sound in his shoulder as bolts of lightning struck into the ground, tearing fissures into the surface of the floor. Rubble fell to the floor below, and Farris stood against the wall, panting softly as he caught his breath. He found the palms of his hands were singed, the efforts he'd put in likely too advanced for his relatively minimal experience with manipulating lightning. He fell to the floor, exhausted, his legs sprawled out before him as he looked at the numerous fissures he'd created with a satisfied laugh.

This wasn't the first time, nor would it be the last, that Farris had pushed himself to his limitations. Lightning was a new experience for him, an element whose power made flame pale in comparison. "And yet, the dangers associated might make flame a preferable defense until I better myself," he muttered. After several chimes, the mage stood, collecting himself and taking his leave from the abandoned building. He took the quickest route to return to his apartment, shutting the door behind him and from there, he peeled open his journal, struggling to hold his pen against the fresh blisters welling at his palm as he forced himself to write.

'3 Summer, 518

Today was my first attempt at manipulating lightning to a greater degree. Upon realizing that fire and air could be "combined" in a way to create a new element, my fascination with it is without limits. A harsher mistress than flame, electricity requires the finesse of manipulating the air but a temperament to push forward. My efforts are just beginning, however, I find that Res is more stubborn with lightning. It takes longer to transmute and yet... the effect is immediate and merciless.'

Farris ended his entry at that, his body tired, his hands marred by his efforts. He'd fall into a deep, effortless slumber when he returned home, his body in need of rest.
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A Treatise on Lightning

Postby Kynier on July 27th, 2018, 12:40 am


Skill Rewards
  • Observation +2
  • Reimancy +5
  • Writing +1

Lores Learned
  • Reimancy: Air and Lightning cyclone is difficult to control
  • Reimancy: Lightning can burn the hands
  • Reimancy: Lightning takes longer to form than Fire or Air

  • Overgiving: For the next two days Farris will experience random muscle spasms in his hands that last for a few ticks at each occurrence.

Other Notes
Overgiving occurs when stressed or pushing the limits of your understanding of the discipline. I would like to see more indications of overgiving symptoms incorporated in your writing.

If you have an questions or concerns about your grade please feel free to PM me.
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