OOC Info A Profusion of Rum and Coconuts!

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Syka is a new settlement of primarily humans on the east coast of Falyndar opposite of Riverfall on The Suvan Sea. [Syka Codex]

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A Profusion of Rum and Coconuts!

Postby Gossamer on October 13th, 2019, 12:47 am

For those involved in the quest:

Please make sure you list all the gear you are bringing with you in your prep post. It'd be nice to have a spoiler listing what you carry in backpacks and belt pouches and what weapons you have on you. I'd like you to be thinking of what you could bring on the trip and what will do you the most good... then pack for it. Supplies can be purchased at the mercantile the morning of - Juli will have it open - if you need something extra.

There is no posting order. I will post again in a few days... no later than Wednesday. Thanks!

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A Profusion of Rum and Coconuts!

Postby Gossamer on December 9th, 2019, 3:07 am


Story Prompt For The Week Of 12/9/20


Come upon something absolutely stunningly beautiful and recognize how lovely the world is. Marvel in it. Be inspired by it. Syka's theme this season is Creativity. What would stumbling across something like this magnificent turtle do to you? It can be anything. It's doesn't have to be this turtle. This turtle is just a lovely example of what such a discovery could be.

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A Profusion of Rum and Coconuts!

Postby Gossamer on January 18th, 2020, 5:12 pm

Mary Elizabeth Fyre has supplied our writing prompt for the weekend/week.

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A Profusion of Rum and Coconuts!

Postby Ayosel on March 1st, 2020, 6:21 pm

Hello! I'm joining Syka this season with plans to stay indefinitely.
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A Profusion of Rum and Coconuts!

Postby Gossamer on March 1st, 2020, 9:07 pm

Welcome to Syka! I hope you enjoy yourself here.

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A Profusion of Rum and Coconuts!

Postby Gossamer on March 19th, 2020, 3:09 am

Hello Sykans!

I want to thank you for your incredible patience. As some of you might know, I am a key operative in a major Distribution Warehouse to a chain of grocery/home goods stores on the west coast called Fred Meyer which is owned by Kroger. Freddies are basically higher-end Walmarts. And as you can imagine, in the midst of this pandemic, we are busy and growing increasingly more so. The stores are pandamonium. I'm working long hours to restock. There's no shortage of goods in the US. We have tons of food for everyone, but when everyone panics at once we can't get all those goods we do have distributed. I had Sunday off but had to deal with a pet crisis that took most of the day. I'll scrap about it sometime soon when I have time. The rest of this week I have working long hours and have been coming home incredibly exhausted.

Mizahar and my time here has suffered. I'm sorry about that. Syka is missing a calendar, but I do have plans to put one up this week. I can't promise you exactly a certain time/date, but it will be a full calendar of mood, events, and theme.

In the meantime, if anyone needs anything please PM me here or DM me on Discord. I'm not on Discord a lot during this time when its important to focus on work, but I will check-in.

In regard to the HD, I'm pretty much ignoring it unless you are a new person that needs a character setup/gnosis approval/etc or a more established character that just needs a simple approval. This is for multiple reasons, but mainly some of the people using the HD have tried my patience to the extreme and I don't mind making them sit and wait.... maybe forever. :)

Anyhow.. I just wanted to check in with you all and let you know what is happening.


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A Profusion of Rum and Coconuts!

Postby Ayosel on March 20th, 2020, 3:34 am

Hey guys! I opened up the thread I started in Syka hoping to get some thread partners. It's set pretty early in the season and is just basically going to be some community service type of stuff. Feel free to hop in and just do as you do!
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A Profusion of Rum and Coconuts!

Postby Gossamer on May 7th, 2020, 3:24 am

Hello Sykians!

I just wanted to talk to you a moment about things I've said in chat but I'm not sure have been getting through to new people. First and foremost, if you are new to Syka, your very first thread should be you talking to the Founders and asking permission to stay either for long periods of time or to visit. This thread can be self-moderated or if you really need me too I can moderate it (though I'm hellishly busy irl and have almost no time to post). You don't need a job to stay here and you don't have to contribute to the Settlement at this time (since its quite well established now) but you cannot be a burden on it either. Just like everyone else, you MUST pay seasonal expenses. For most of you that means getting a job. A job requires that the above thread with the Founders to establish yourself here and get IC permissions to stay/visit/work etc MUST HAPPEN.

Now... that being said... this list.... The NPC Masterlist of Syka is a very important one. This lists ALL the NPCS you can find here in Syka. There are no random NPCs that you make up and then interact with. What we have here is a very limited closed population of people with an occasional off-ship visitor. If you come to Syka with a new NPC it must be a personal NPC approved through the Help Desk that you support and pay for (unless its a minor). I'm very particular about this and ignorance isn't an excuse because I'm on chat daily and am available for questions and answers.

On this website, you don't get carte blanche with NPCs. They are very particularly watched and worked with. And as far as I can tell, there are a couple of violators atm that are about to get their threads interveined on if they don't talk to me ASAP and or run their NPCs through the help desk. I've created a great many people for this settlement, and each has their own secrets and personalities. There is room for more, but not without permission... and not without a very good reason ... ie... they fill a niche that isn't already filled. I don't want dozens and dozens of random NPCs that just show up in a location willy nilly that's basically the end of the earth and hostile as hell. It makes no sense and gets in the way of some of the ongoing plots NPCs have going on with each other that are just out there waiting for players to discover. That's half the fun, right?

That being said.... discovering new locations in Syka. Just because you know my processes on how things are done doesn't mean you get to do it on your own without talking to me. I'm busy as hell but I'm here daily. You need to just exercise a bit of patience and I'll be around to talk to sooner or later. Don't DISCOVER new things. Ask me. We'll work through it.

Thank you.


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A Profusion of Rum and Coconuts!

Postby Gossamer on June 11th, 2020, 4:04 am


Hey Sykians!

Just some quick housekeeping things! Please post in the Calendar (if you read it you'll see its asked of you to keep a record of what your doing this season therein...). We only have two out of the eight people here with a post there. If you get your posts in... you can participate in the weekend challenge I'm going to run just for Syka. Stay tuned because Thurs night I will be announcing the weekend situation. Its designed for fun and will run Fri/Sat/Sun/Mon. Prizes will be included. :)

Anyone need anything?


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A Profusion of Rum and Coconuts!

Postby Gossamer on June 12th, 2020, 4:52 am

The Syka fun weekend is posted! You need to be current in Syka and have followed directions from the Calendar. If you haven't, you should scurry over there and do so now so you are able to play in this weekend fun!


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