Completed Words and Actions

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Words and Actions

Postby Kynier on October 28th, 2018, 1:52 am

19th of Fall, 18 A.V. 14th Bell

It had been bothering him for a long time and it wasn’t until now that he felt it was the only sensible thing that he could do. She told him that she was not going to develop her magic any further. He was not bothered by how she denied being a mage, even though Kelski had access and the beginnings of a few disciplines of magic. What bothered him was how it seemed that she thought that he thought she should not be practicing magic. When denied that, she did not truly seem convinced, and things were different between them.

Returning to the Midnight Gem, Kynier closed the door to the balcony. While the shields were keeping the rains out, they were not as effective against the chill in the air that the continuous storms had been bringing. Kynier set his pack down, the one full of several blank books he had just purchased. The hearth of the Great Room had a fire going. Kynier hung his cloak and set his boots by it to dry faster. Then he set his pack down by the desk in the studio before changing into drier, cleaner clothes.

When he came back to the studio, Kynier sat down at the desk and set the blank book to the left, an empty sheet of paper in front and the vial of ink on the left. With the Mighty Quill in hand he was about to dip it in the ink when he had an idea. Calling on his djed once more, he sought to fill his writing arm with djed. The power made his hairs stand on end as it circulated around just under the skin. With a thought he began to detach his astral arm with Projection. Starting at the elbow and working his way down, Kynier disconnected the two arms.

The hand he could feel but not see reached for the quill. Delicate control was something he wanted to try working on. As though he were just working with his normal body, Kynier pinched the magic quill between his astral fingers and lifted it off the table’s surface. No outsiders could possibly walk in on him, which was the point of the room. If one had somehow managed to do so, it would appear as though the quill was floating in the air of its own accord. Kynier smirked and dipped the quill in the open vial to wet the end with ink.

With his other, still very physical hand, he flipped open the blank book. The astral hand directed the magic quill to the blank cover page. Kynier held his breath as he set the tip down a little high and center of the page. The strokes were slow and deliberate to emphasis clearer writing. Though his calligraphy was practically non-existent, he had managed to make it look less like his personal hand writing. In the sense that it was his hand writing, just neater. The letters were neatly formed to create a single word. Fundamentals.

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Words and Actions

Postby Kynier on October 28th, 2018, 1:54 am


The Mighty Quill hovered over the space just below the title. After a moment he brought the quill away. He would not apply his name to the book. Should it happen to leave the safety of these four walls, to even another room of the Midnight Gem, having his name attached to a book about magic in Sunberth was dangerous and frankly idiotic. So he brought the blank paper closer to him and the magic quill was suspended over it by his astral limb. Kynier thought for a moment on how to organize the contents of this book. He formed several star points on the blank page to generate a list. In regards to the basics of magic, what were the important things to know?

Obviously, what djed was and how it is formed. So he wrote down “Djed – Description” at the top of his list. “What else is there to know?” Kynier delved through years of memory and training to dig at the foundations he had come to treat as second nature rather than conscious thought. This sort of returning to center may be good for him to refresh and reflect on the fundamentals. There was also res, which he added to the list; “Res – Description”. So far it was turning into a glossary. From the few books Kynier had managed to glimpse, he knew those should be located in the back of the book. However, it was important to list them first so that way all the following material could be understood better.

So then… what else to describe at the beginning. Well for one thing, there were two different types of magic that mages incorporated. Kynier’s astral hand directed the magic quill. He wasn’t bothering making this hand writing neater, because it was more of his own preplanning and forming an outline of what would be in the book. “Personal Magic – Description” and “World Magic – Description” were added to the list. “Let’s see,” he said scratching at his lip. “What else is there in regards to terminology?” What were things that he frequently thought or said in regards to magic?

Kynier separated another blank sheet of paper from the pile and wrote down at the top “Overgiving”. That was going to require its own section. The astral hand guided the magic quill to form three star points under the ominous word. Next to each he formed what would be the bulk of the section when he actually wrote it out. “Minor Symptoms”, “Moderate Symptoms”, and “Severe Symptoms”. Kynier felt that this section was going to be deliberately ignored by the intended audience for a while.

That would be okay for a time. The words would still be there, and they would still hold the same importance. Kynier glanced off to the side as he tried to recall a phrase. How did it go? “Words that have been written down hold more significance, because someone took the time to do it,” he said aloud. It was something like that. After that, Kynier set the quill down on the table and begun to bring the astral limb back to his body. It felt easy to sustain, but he was still very new to Projection. Having just wrote down the main points of overgiving in his organization sheets, he was feeling a little preemptive about it.

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Words and Actions

Postby Kynier on October 28th, 2018, 1:55 am


Even as the last digit reattached itself to his physical form, Kynier did not release the flow of djed he had. Instead he repurposed it over to the other arm. With a spiritual pop the mage begun to dislodge his left astral arm and hand from his body. For the briefest instant he saw its shape in the air when it drifted from the now limp appendage. Did that have something to do with his technique? It wasn’t something he really experienced with his dominant arm. Perhaps that had a factor. Kynier would have to consult the book that Doler had given him in order to figure out more about it.

That was all the way upstairs in the master suite, and at the moment it wasn’t that important. So Kynier flipped the next page on the book in progress. The ink had sufficient time to dry so he wasn’t worried about it bleeding onto the cover. Kynier wasn’t going to do anything with the next page, for now. That would be the Table of Contents, once all his organization had been properly compiled. So he turned over another page, and picked up the magic quill. It was interesting doing this with his left hand. Unlike his physical form, it didn’t feel so much like an off-hand.

After refreshing the supply of ink on the Might Quill’s tip, Kynier set it against the paper and started more of the slow, careful strokes for calligraphy. At the top of the page in larger letters than normal he wrote “Djed”. From there he lowered the implement and began writing down its description in a fancier writing than his own, though not by much right now. Kynier never credited himself as a fast writer, but found calligraphy to be quite a bit slower. For one thing, it didn’t feel like he had a good view of the writing as he set it down.

Kynier paused in his penmanship and pulled out a few more blank books from the desk. He set them down on the surface and in a stack on top of each other. Then he propped the book he was making up against the stack so it was roughly at a forty five degree slant. Much better. Kynier could see more clearly now. So much so that he noticed the two words he had formed were actually uneven on the page. Damn it. Kynier tapped a physical finger against his lower lip as he contemplated how he was going to fix that issue.

After several moments he stood up and stretched his back. It was not very pleased with how he had originally been hunched over. Angling the book should also assist with that. So how was he going to get this writing to appear straight on the pages? Preferable without leaving a permanent mark on the book itself. That would bother him immensely. Kynier liked having things neatly placed. It was something that had been ingrained in him to be proud of since he was a child. Then Kynier had an idea on how to get it done. He set the magic quill down and briskly walked back into the master suite to retrieve some of his artisan’s kit materials.

Boxcode credit goes to Nellie!
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Words and Actions

Postby Kynier on October 28th, 2018, 1:57 am


Everyone else in the building was occupied with something and Kelski had been keeping to herself a lot. That was fine with him. Kynier didn’t want to get occupied with conversation from any of the Kelvics right now anyway. There was so much to do still and he wanted to get it done quickly. Once all of it was completed, hopefully everything would return to normal, and his efforts could be focused on more “important” matters. Keeping the morale high with the other residents was important but was more difficult when so much weighed on his own mind.

They still needed to further investigate the mysterious slab. The goddess had expressed some time ago her displeasure at the progress they were making. The divine was right, Kelski was distracted, and so was he. When it was all done though, the both of them could hopefully get back to it. Even though the entirety of the situation was a bit…

Rounding the corner into master suite, the artisan’s kit materials were set on the shelves by the window. Still standing just inside the room, Kynier reached for it with his astral limb. Feeling it stretch and cover the distance, he was somehow able to just know where it was despite not being able to see it. The incorporeal hand grasped the kit and tried to lift it off the shelf. It rose marginally before dropping back down. It felt as though he were attempting to lift a grown man with a single arm.

Snarling inwardly, he realized that he was still too weak with his astral limbs to manipulate much. So he walked over and took the kit in his other hand. Taking it back down to the studio, The candle was still burning and had about three fourths of its length to use. After walking over, he set the kit down at the far edge of the desk. He rummaged through the contents and pulled out one of the smaller, shorter sticks of charcoal.

His astral hand took it up as his other withdrew the dagger at his back. Kynier used the tip of the blade to grind off some of the charcoal to give it a fine point. Then he sat down and looked at the page of his new book that he had been working on. A straight surface was going to be needed. Groaning, he stood back up and went to the inlet to retrieve one of the smaller measuring sticks from the handyman’s kit. With it he would be able to form straight lines across the pages for a visual reference of where to place the words. Holding the measuring stick in on hand, and the charcoal in the astral, Kynier set about forming the lines.

He tried making them as light as possible. If more charcoal was applied, then it would smear as opposed to being rubbed off. After Kynier had started to form the first one, he realized he had no idea exactly how many lines he could actually fit on the page. Once the first one was in place he set about marking where each of the other lines would fall. Considering how small his handwriting actually was, he went with every quarter of an inch. That way the lettering could be large enough for easy reading, but not so large that a single subject would take too many pages out of the book.

Once those were done he set the charcoal and measuring stick down. Both would be required for further use, so they were added to the growing nest of the project. Then he realized he should make an estimation of exactly how many pages he was going to need. In order to do that he would have to expand on his outline for a better estimation. The astral hand took the magic quill up again and Kynier sorted out another blank page to being. He wrote at the top of it Disciplines and made several star points underneath.

Each one that came to mind as he thought of them were marked onto the paper. Auristics, Reimancy, Voiding, Shielding, Projection, Hypnotism, Familiary, Flux, Leeching, and Morphing. When all ten of those were listed on the page Kynier added a note at the very bottom. Personal Magic.

Boxcode credit goes to Nellie!
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Words and Actions

Postby Kynier on October 28th, 2018, 1:59 am


Kynier shifted yet another blank piece of paper towards him. He wrote at the top of the sheet Table of Contents. Now that he had several ideas on what it was the he was going to include in the book, it would be good to start formulating the layout. What Kynier had compiled already in his outlining was a considerable amount, despite how some of the sections would not contain much material. In all honesty this was something that Kynier should not be attempting to do. He was no master at anything. Not really even an expert at any of the skill either.

This was probably a very hubris undertaking. Many of the disciplines he was going to list were things Kynier had not even dabbled in. Some of them he never intended to. The rest he had barely gotten an understanding of their foundation principles, with a few exceptions. Kynier gave himself a mental shake. This was predominately an informative endeavor. But ultimately, he decided not to list all the names of the various disciplines. They should be made into their own books with more detailed information than what he would’ve included with this one. The mages in the world that were like him, the current generation of their lineage of tutelage, would not find this type of book very educational. However, it would be valuable to those that were undergoing self-teaching. All Kynier really needed to include were the generalizations, terminology, and perhaps a few diagrams or illustrations for clarity.

So, the first thing he wrote down underneath “Table of Contents” was Terminology. Kynier made a hyphen below it and listed Djed, Initiation, Res, Astral Body, Personal Magic, and World Magic. After that Kynier’s astral hand set down the quill. He moved the limp hand onto the desk top and set his other hand down next to it. With the astral hand Kynier brought it back in length to match that of his physical form. At the same time, he mentally willed more Djed to come and encompass the other. It was a test of sorts. To see if it was possible to attach one part and detach another at the same time.

It seemed like a possibility. Moving his detached astral form felt no different than moving his body like normal. So, it did not require much mental activity to just set it down. But if he wanted to avoid unnecessary pain then he’d have to set it down carefully. Kynier took several long breaths before evoking more djed. The energies were beginning to feel thin from so many extensive uses of Reimancy and these bursts required for activating Projection. But still he took what he needed and sent the mystic power to engulf his arm.

With the sensation of a joint popping, the astral form of his right arm began to detach. At the same time Kynier settled his left astral arm. It wasn’t truly simultaneous. Just very closely paired. But Kynier was able to get one out and the other in without actually causing physical pain from the schism. Although, when he reached for the sheet of paper with his left hand, the entire arm began to spasm. Kynier groaned and pulled it back to his chest. Overgiving. Which meant that his right arm would do the same. When he tried to pick up the magic quill the small feather felt heavy. His astral form was getting fatigued from the constant use.

So Kynier brought the right arm back to synchronize with his physical body again. As he expected, the right arm also began to convulse in spasms. As far as overgiving went it was a small discomfort. The mage stood up and walked around while waiting for his arms to cease their involuntary actions. Whether it took ten chimes or a full bell, Kynier could not tell. He wondered if there was a way to make it possible to tell what time it was, or at least how much time had passed. What if he were to purchase an bellglass? It wouldn’t let one accurately tell what time it was, but at least how much had passed.

When his arms and hand at last stopped spasming, Kynier went back to the desk and made a not about the bellglass. Then he sat down and switched his focus back to the actual book. Several lines had been laid out on the first page. In his right hand he took up the Might Quill and refreshed the ink on its tip. Scooting closer and straightening his back, Kynier began writing down more the description of Djed. He started off with the origin of the word, the roots to Nader-canoch. That its meaning was tied to how everything in the world was infused with Djed on at least a small scale.

By the end of the first page he was ready to continue with how it was that souls were a near endless font that produced djed. That mages used the power to perform magic. He did not go into how the world used to be capable of things would seem miraculous to the modern mage. Kynier did not intend for this to be a history book though he would need to include a little of it at times probably. Flipping the page over, Kynier set down the Mighty Quill in exchange for the charcoal and measuring stick. The second page would be able to fit an additional line compared to the first since it did not possess a header.

While there was still more to do, some more finishing touches he could perform, the mage would not do any of them today. The resources of his soul needed time to replenish. Which would require rest and sustenance. While that happened, he was now able to do something else productive. Though it was impossible to say how long it would take for him to complete this task. Kynier had never written anything like this before. Sure, he had the journal upstairs in the master suite which he cataloged all the knowledge he had acquired about the main three gangs and a few of the smaller ones. But that was for him and written in a way that his mind could process easily while others may have difficulty comprehending.

This was something else entirely. The language needed to be simple and direct. If what he wrote came out convoluted it would fail to deliver its messages. Something the mage had enough difficulty with in his words without it spilling into his writing. Once the last of the soft lines had been drawn tools were exchanged again. With a small twist to loosen his back first, Kynier sat in a straight-backed posture and continued with his calligraphy. There must be something he could get to help make this process easier.

Ledger Changes :
-30 gm (10 blank books)

Boxcode credit goes to Nellie!
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Words and Actions

Postby Kynier on October 28th, 2018, 2:03 am


Skill Rewards
  • Calligraphy +5
  • Logic +2
  • Organization +4
  • Projection +5
  • Writing +4

Lores Learned
  • Calligraphy: Tracing lines on the page for neatly placed words
  • Calligraphy: Inclining the book for better view of the work
  • Organization: Making a Table of Contents
  • Reimancy: Using geomancy to create underground ventilation
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