Completed A Slow Burn II

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A Slow Burn II

Postby Tazrae on December 27th, 2020, 8:55 am

Timestamp: 2nd of Winter, 520 A.V.

Continued From: A Slow Burn I

Tazrae shivered, but then forced herself to hold very still. Duncan’s hands were rough and he was close enough there was very little water between them. They slid across her forehead, gently passed across her eyelids and traced the line of her jaw down. He ran his thumbs across the bridge of her nose and traced his index fingers across her lips. The Innkeeper was stunned by the man’s boldness, but not offended enough to object. There was a curiosity in her both about his blindness and his gentleness for all that he was larger and stronger than she was.

His hands continued down her chin, across her jawline and explored her ears. They tried to comb through her unruly hair and he chuckled as he found his digits captured in the wayward springy locks. The sound distracted her and she held still as he traced her throat, roamed out across her shoulders and then down her hands. Taz thought he’d stop there, but he did not. Instead, his hands trailed back up across her long arms where he seemed to examine the muscles in her forearms.

“You are stronger than I thought… and far more beautiful than I expected.” Duncan said softly. His hands didn’t stop roaming there though, and traced the line of her armpits which caused Taz to stiffen not in shyness but because she was ticklish. The motion wasn’t misunderstood by the mage either, for he smiled as if he recognized the reactive jerk for what it was. He leaned back slightly, bringing his arms down her chest to cup her breasts and passed his thumbs across her nipples. Tazrae froze in shock even as her flesh stiffened under his touch. Duncan made one more pass with his thumbs smiling, even as her hands came up to capture his wrists.

“You want me to stop?” He asked playfully, and Taz opened her mouth in indignation. Instead, he lifted a hand, found her chin even with her hand still restraining his wrist, and brought his fingers up to her lips to shush her. “I’m only looking, Tazrae… and teasing you shamelessly. It’s well known you don’t sleep around. I don’t think badly of you… but you can see all of me. I am hiding nothing, not even the scars around my eyes. Let me look, Innkeeper. And let me teach you a few things. If you learn Reimancy from me, you will be part of my bloodline, my djed daughter, and I will be protective of you like no other. Just let me know you first, okay?” He asked, even as the thumb still lingering on her breast passed over her peaked flesh again before drifting lower. The finger over her lip vanished and she felt him span her waist with his hands and run them over her hips. He had to lean forward to do so.

As he touched her legs, running his hands down them, he began to speak again. Tazrae was openly trembling now, but she didn’t restrain him. He was the first man to touch her intimately, and the sensation fascinated her. Her body reacted to his touch and caused her to realize that such things could be fun, recreational, without emotion involved. She barely knew Duncan. He certainly hadn’t stolen her heart. But what he was doing was as new as what he was teaching, and she thought perhaps because of the nature of their positions and the nature of their relationship, she’d never forget the lesson.

Word Count: 586
Last edited by Tazrae on February 14th, 2022, 2:42 am, edited 2 times in total.
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A Slow Burn II

Postby Tazrae on December 27th, 2020, 8:57 am

“The other forms of Personal magic I’m less familiar with. Leeching is stealing djed from things much like a leech would. There’s Shielding which involves creating shields out of djed. And Projection… casting your djed out from you and moving things about or doing distance work with that djed.” Duncan said confidently, even as he trailed hands around her ankles, out to her toes, and slowly began to trace up to her inner calves. She trembled again, but parted her legs, letting him look.

She told herself it was only fair, and let him finish looking. Tazrae tried to follow what he was saying, noting each discipline he mentioned, and trying to remember a bit about each. As he spoke, Duncan slid his hands further up her long legs, tracing her inner thighs now. A soft smile was on his face as he did so. She reached out and touched his shoulders, grasping them in her hands and letting her weight lean on him. This was crazy, letting the blind mage do this, but it was exciting too… and she loved the feeling of freedom he was giving her… the freedom to do what she wanted to with her body whenever she wanted to.

Duncan was a gentleman. He ran his hands over her sex, sliding across the folds at the apex of her thighs but he did not apply pressure or invade her body as she had half suspected he would. It was a relief and a disappointment at the same time. Instead, he ran his hands up and over her slight mound and across her taught stomach and back down across her rump. When he was done, he traced his hands back down her legs to rest them on her knees.

“You are beautiful. And you haven’t been with a man yet have you?” He asked, then shook his head gently. “Don’t answer that. I already know the truth. As much time as you spent with Randal or even Marino, I suspect one of them would have….” Duncan left off the sentence, then shook his head. “This isn’t getting you taught.” He added.

Taz smiled. “It’s okay. Randal is all business. But he’s a really good teacher. I didn’t think he was ever remotely interested. Marino… well, he was my good friend but he didn't steal my heart. But he hasn’t been around. I saw him not at all last season, and the season before that we took a boat trip… fishing for Stu. And I thought something was there… we touched, explored… but nothing more. I screwed it up. I didn’t want to, not then… and I’m sure he found someone else. I just wasn’t ready. It’s been a hundred and a half or more days. I think it’s the Svefra in him. You’re one too, right? Your kind rarely stays put.” She said, glancing around, then down at his hands on her knees.

“While I might be Svefra, I’m not going anywhere. Syka is my home.” He rumbled, gripping her knees one last time before releasing her limbs. She sat up straighter and smiled. The moment seemed over and there was some sort of barrier down between them that she hadn’t realized was there before. Tazrae stretched then, shook her shoulders, and resettled in her stone seat. The water felt great and she had no obligations for the entire afternoon.

Word Count: 560
Last edited by Tazrae on February 14th, 2022, 2:45 am, edited 1 time in total.
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A Slow Burn II

Postby Tazrae on December 27th, 2020, 8:59 am

“Why are you agreeing to tell me all this stuff? To teach me?” She asked abruptly.

Duncan looked thoughtful then shook his head. “Loneliness. I need something to do. Having a student or two is a good idea right now for me. I’m somewhat antisocial, as you might have noticed, and getting out and socializing helps me. It scratches an itch I didn’t know I had. Plus, I just got to run my hands all over a beautiful woman’s unclothed body today. I would have never done that five years ago. And in doing so I feel like I know you a bit better… which firms up my decision to teach you. Reimancy isn’t an easy thing to learn and the induction is intimate. If you can tolerate me looking you over, you can tolerate the initiation.” He admitted softly, leaning back and releasing Tazrae altogether. She simply sat there for a long time studying him.

“I think I understand. I mean, I understand loneliness. And honestly, that’s a really good reason to take on a student. But from what you’ve been telling me, you aren’t just taking on a student but sort of adopting more family if I understand what you mean by Djedlines. I wouldn’t mind being your family, Duncan. I just gave you my trust too, whether you know that or not. You didn’t abuse it. I’ve always expected men to do so. I’m all alone here. And the Gods know more family wouldn’t be unwelcome.” She said softly, smiling at him.

He nodded then reached out and took her hand. “I have no pod, not in the traditional sense.” He gave her hand a gentle squeeze before he let it go again. “It would be my honor to start a new one of sorts here in Syka… and with you being the first member.” He added with a smile.

“Anyhow.. .back to the magic.” He said, releasing her hand and settling back in his seat. “I said there were four disciplines. The second discipline is world magic. It consists of Alchemy, Animation, Glyphing, Magecraft, Malediction, Summoning, and Spiritism.” He went on to describe what each of those was in a few sentences, enough to give Tazrae an idea but not a comprehensive knowledge. “Can you guess what the third discipline is?” He added, turning to look towards her.

“I would say the divine magic Gods and Goddesses grant their followers,” Taz answered promptly. She knew this first hand due to the mark on her own body left from Rhaus himself.

“They are called Gnosis Marks. And the magic discipline itself is called Gnosis. It’s a huge discipline with each God and Goddess granting their own power. You’d have to study The Gods to understand their gnosis’. I’m not going to touch that today… though I can speak about Laviku’s Gnosis sometime if you’d like. I have first hand experience with it.” He added as Tazrae nodded.

Word Count: 491
"A mark of an open mind is being more committed to your curiosity than your conviction.
The goal of learning is not to shield old views against new facts, but to revise old views with new facts.
Ideas are possibilities to explore, not certainties to defend."

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A Slow Burn II

Postby Tazrae on December 27th, 2020, 9:02 am

She chastised herself for the nod, and instead answered him vocally. “I can see why you don’t want to tackle it. James brought me back a big book on religion. I’m going to study it to better understand the Gods themselves. I think the magic will come later. I’d rather do one thing at a time.” She admitted and then started to gesture for him to continue. Shaking her head at herself again, she laughed and said instead. “What’s the last discipline?”

Duncan looked thoughtful for a moment. “There is a group of disciplines that are lost to most people. I don’t even know the name of any of them. But mages just call them The Lost. Lost Disciplines are rare and dangerous magic. If you run across one, beware and learn it at your own risk – cautiously.” He added.

“Did they fall out of favor because they are dangerous? Or are they just simply that rare?” Tazrae asked, knowing magic itself was rare and suspecting that might be the issue.

“No one's sure. And since I don’t know any of those magics… so it's not something I’ve been aware of. If you ever run across them, be sure to ask those questions because if you find those magics, you’ll undoubtedly find the mages who wield them and can give you answers.” He added.

“So those are the disciplines… and I expect each one has a whole host of things you need to know to learn. What are the other problems with magic that you need to think about?” Tazrae asked. “I mean, are there dangers? Other rules besides the rules for Djed? That kind of thing?” The young Innkeeper asked.

Duncan looked thoughtful and then smiled abruptly. “You are a sensible young woman. There are rules… to prevent damage to yourself. You can do too much with magic, drain your djed down past the point it's safe. You see, each of us has something of a well inside of us… a pool of djed that varies from person to person. I have no idea how much djed you have… nor do you of me. But each of us has a limit and each type of magic has a different level of danger in overgiving. Reimancy is one of the most dangerous forms because it’s easier to go overboard, as the Svefra say. That’s what we mages call… overgiving. It’s when you do too much, exert too much power, and that can be deadly… and ranges from minor overgiving to major overgiving.” He said gently and then quieted to get Tazrae’s reaction.

She touched her chest, bowed her head forward a moment, and then looked out over the water. “How do you know people have a well of djed? What if someone doesn’t have one?” She asked cautiously. “You said you didn’t know how deep another individual’s well was. What if mine isn’t that deep? What if I can’t learn?” Taz said suddenly.

Duncan inhaled slowly. “Some people can’t. That’s why initiation can be deadly. Some people can’t learn magic at all. But there’s something about you Tazrae. I know you have a well, one that probably runs deep. When I was initiated, I had the same fears and my djedmother who was also my actual mother said she knew I had the capacity to learn. She was so certain. I had no idea what she meant until I met you. I know that about you. I’m certain you can.” He said gently, almost reassuringly.

Word Count: 585
"A mark of an open mind is being more committed to your curiosity than your conviction.
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A Slow Burn II

Postby Tazrae on December 27th, 2020, 9:05 am

“And how do I judge what’s too much, what is enough? How do I know I’m going to overgive?” She asked another question, leaning towards him. He reached out suddenly, captured her wrist, and pulled her to him. She stiffened as he swung her around and settled her on his lap.

“Shhh… just listen.” He said, stroking her arms down her shoulders, his mouth next to her ear, his back cool from the water against her own back. “You know, Tazrae. But you don’t know you know until you learn to trust yourself.” He added, dropping his voice to a whisper since he was so close to her. He ran his hands down her shoulders again and Tazrae shivered. A smile played across Duncan’s lips.

“I might be sightless, but you remind me of a wild animal, girl. You are in definite need of handling. I won’t hurt you, not yet… and I will warn you when I need too… when I am going to initiate you.” He added. “But it will be your choice… it’s always your choice. So, relax. Let me touch you. I can tell you need this… more than you know.” He whispered, then nibbled the nape of her neck, pulling the mass of her curling already dry hair out of his way to access her caramel skin.

“You will learn to feel yourself out. You will need to learn what you can and can’t do. It’s a lot of trial and error.” He said shifting back, pulling her with him. They were both skin on skin, but she didn’t feel threatened. She felt excited and somehow focused more on his voice than she had been before. His hands didn’t let her mind and thoughts drift. They somehow centered her attention on him. He released her arms and wrapped his own around her waist, stroking her gently from belly to breast, learning the shape of her ribs. She felt like a pet of some sort being lavishly stroked by its adoring owner. His hands trailed out onto her legs, taking their time, relaxing her as he spoke.

“Duncan…. “ She said warningly. He traced her ribs again as she inhaled, trailing fingers over her defined abdominal muscles.

Continued In: A Slow Burn III

Word Count: 371
Thread Count: 2593
"A mark of an open mind is being more committed to your curiosity than your conviction.
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A Slow Burn II

Postby Tazrae on February 14th, 2022, 2:54 am



Interrogation +2, Arcanology +4, Reimancy +2, Seduction +1, Psychology +1

Duncan: Has Touched Her Intimately To “See” Her, Personal Magic: Leeching, Shielding, and Projection, Duncan: Easy To Talk Too, Duncan: Lonely, Duncan: Agreed To Teach Tazrae For Something To Do, Arcanology: Djedlines, World Magic: What It Consists Of, Divine Magic: Magic Of The Gods, Lost Disciplines: Rare And Dangerous Magic, Reimancy: The Rules of Magic, Reimancy: The Dangers Of Overgiving, Reimancy: Most Dangerous Form Of Personal Magic, Arcanology: Djedpools aka Magical Wells, Psychology: Mages Need To Learn Themselves, Duncan: Thinks Tazrae Is A Wild Animal In Need Of Handling
"A mark of an open mind is being more committed to your curiosity than your conviction.
The goal of learning is not to shield old views against new facts, but to revise old views with new facts.
Ideas are possibilities to explore, not certainties to defend."

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