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Moritz arrives in Syka...

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Syka is a new settlement of primarily humans on the east coast of Falyndar opposite of Riverfall on The Suvan Sea. [Syka Codex]

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A Lean a Landing[Gossamer]

Postby Moritz Craven on June 10th, 2021, 1:56 am

It was becoming clear to Moritz that while they might all be speaking common, they were not speaking the same language. And that while Moritz was saying and meaning one thing, they were understanding it as something completely different.

This saddened Moritz, not just because of the disagreement it was causing, but because it was clear how these people understood other people. Or more so, did not. Only from their own point of view did they look at people. With no interest or intent at seeing others viewpoints, at understanding differences in manners, customs, or ways.

While Moritz might have done wrong, admittedly without understanding or an intent to do so he knew, he had tried to understand the Sykans viewpoint and change his method of communication based on that. He had tried to correct what he had done wrong, and make it right. On their part though they had decided what was going on, the relationship Moritz had with Julan, what Moritz intent was, at little more than first glance.

And due to that they were unwilling to see anything else, to expand their view or consider what Moritz might be trying to say. This Moritz now understood, and it saddened him for these people.

Julan had wanted a friend. Had wanted to play. Had died young and wanting more before he passed on. And based on that Moritz believed that if he filled that need and grew with him then eventually Julan would pass on and release himself from his partial life as a spirit. Sadly he did not know what had happened to Julan, or if he would ever have the chance to pass on. All because he had ignored Moritz cries to stop, and as a child would raced off to greet a group of people. Not attacked anyone, or caused any damage directly, not even touched anyone or either of the beasts, but simply caused problems indirectly and by startling the animals by just coming near them and hopping up on top of their load. Not even touching the beasts themselves, but coming near.

"Fine. I said I would leave if that is what you decided, so I will. Believe what you will, about me and what I've said."

Assumptions. Half understandings. Most of what the man said was outright wrong. Moritz hadn't stood by. He had told the ghost to stop, and when the ghost left the ship anyways he had raced off after him with all haste to stop him, but him being a body-less ghost Moritz had not been able to keep up. Julan had not listened, intent on greeting the people. Moritz had done the opposite of standing by and doing nothing, let alone just letting Julan act without trying to stop him. He had done everything he could to stop Julan, proven by his arriving at the seen unable to talk and gasping for air. And here it was claimed he had stood by and done nothing...

Once more Moritz pondered on culture. Was making a request a foreign concept to these people? Did people only make demands for things to happen, with the assumption they would be done, and never just a request with the hope something would be done but not telling someone they had to do it? With the possibility for someone to say no? If so, perhaps there had been one of their major communication issues.

Pausing for a moment Moritz met the mans eyes, the one who seemed in charge, speaking to him with eyes met if he could.

"She will die, if nothing is done. Trapped on a heat soaked world of pain and misery. Chained to the chair of a beast, in his home, a monster I can't describe or understand. She is dying. Being bled like a common pig, leeched of her chill essence till nothing remains. Until she succumbs."

Pausing a moment Moritz let out a sigh, and felt the painful knot in his stomach untense a bit, heard the drum beat in his ears slow a bit.

"As for how I know. To be honest, I don't completely know. I was gifted a vision. From who, or why, I don't know. The morning of the winter solstice just passed, I saw it. Clearer than you are before me. I saw the jungle, the gate, and I saw her. I saw the molten world she went to. Saw her captured and chained. A sad sight. A Goddess, a woman seeking her lost grandchild. So far every detail I've tried to confirm from it has turned out true. Even things I'd never heard of until the vision. I'd never heard of Morwen before, having never seen a winter. I'd never heard of gods children or their children's children, nor that Morwen had them, or had lost one gone missing. And then shortly after the vision a piece from the sky, a twilight star fell from the sky on that same winter solstice, pure Skyglass unworked by magic but fully formed. That is what I know, and how."

"Do with that what you will. Believe what you will. But it is the truth. Just know if nothing is done, she will die."

His tale done, Moritz turned to the boat, and began the long walk along the beach. A slow steady plod back to the boat if nothing impeded him. He did not expect anything would, since it seemed the Sykans had decided who he was the moment he arrived and began talking, and did not seem to hear or listen to much of what he had said after that.

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A Lean a Landing[Gossamer]

Postby Gossamer on June 10th, 2021, 5:13 am

It was telling to Mathias that his direct address to Shari went unanswered. There was no response from the one adult that was with the boy currently. Was she in his employ or the employ of his family? Mathias didn’t know, but if she was unable or unwilling to correct or direct the boy’s actions, then she was useless as a companion or even as a guardian. But the fact that the woman ignored Mathias’ words further disgusted the Founder.

He knew little off Lhavitian Culture, but as Mortiz and his party were the only representatives he had encountered of the city, there was no way he could have formed a good opinion from these folks. Lhavit was known as a city that never slept, ruled by human mages in towers, and Eth who mourned. Kultra had once told him that all Syna and Leth’s ilk that walked the world were thrown out of their realm, because for one reason or another the celestial pair had grown weary of them. If the boy came from a culture of derelicts, it was no wonder his behavior was this rotten.

And that was it. Mathias was disappointed by this boys’ actions, but again he had to remind himself that he was dealing with a child. If he’d only up front (without being prompted) apologized for his friend, skipped the excuses, skipped the pleas to make things right - when there was obviously nothing the boy could do to actually retrieve the bull, replace the broken traces, etc – and just asked for a private meeting with the Founders to discuss what obviously was very serious business… then things would have gone very differently.

The adults in the boy’s company were half the problem. Mathias narrowed down on that immediately. Randal had pegged the boy at a year or less… two at the most. Then that meant he had some time to be redeemed. He could be fixed, for sure, if he was willing to be open to new things. Mathias doubted that he would be though.

And then Mortiz started running his mouth off about Morwen again.

“If you cannot understand or describe a monster that is holding a Goddess of this realm prisoner, then how in the world are you ever going to be able to do anything about it? How are you going to find her? How are you going to rescue her? Have you thought any of this through?” He asked calmly, his tone not one of rebuttal but off pure curiosity. “And granted, I’m assuming you are here to rescue this Goddess. If not, and you are just here to tell us of your vision… be assured we’ve heard you.” He said gently, the ire still in his voice though.

But Mortiz kept speaking.

“It sounds more like a curse than a gift.” Mathias replied. He neither confirmed nor denied what he himself knew of the situation. He wouldn’t give the child that sort of information. Mainly because the child proved himself tactless thus far.

“Everyone dies, Mortiz. Everyone. Even Gods.” Vas said quietly. Immortality, in his experience, was vastly overrated, so too were the actions people took to avoid their own fate and skip Dira’s realm. “You will too someday. So will we all.” He added, the big man looking intense. Then he glanced at Mathias as the boy turned to walk away. The two seemed to have a silent exchange with an abrupt resolution coming silently between them.

“You can stay.” Mathias said abruptly. “But there will be conditions.” He added.

Pointing at the useless adults with him, he clarified. “You can stay, if you wish, but you alone. Your trio of companions have to depart. If you stay, you must take employment that will pay for your housing and food. You must contribute to this settlement. And we reserve the right to revoke the permission to stay at any moment if your antics become too disruptive.” He added, glancing at Randal who simply shrugged and turned to study the departing boy’s back.

Mathias didn’t seem to mind that he was speaking to Mortiz’s retreating back. He didn’t mention Morwen, the situation there, or any response Mortiz may have had to his questions earlier about the Goddess. He simply wanted to know if the boy was indeed willing to take responsibility for his own life and live it unincumbered by babysitters and outside the influence of any family or privilege.

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A Lean a Landing[Gossamer]

Postby Moritz Craven on June 11th, 2021, 10:35 pm

As Moritz walked away he slowly felt his breath return to normal. Felt the cool touch spreading over his skin recede. Felt the drum inside him echoing in his ears fade. As focused on breathing as he was, it took him a few moments and several steps before he realized Mathias was speaking to him.

When he did he slowly turned around, confusion on his face. He had thought things were over, and that he was done. Off. To leave. He tried to think for a moment, but in that moment he could not recall the last time he hadn't been confused. Some time on the boat maybe, before stepping onto the beach?

While he bodily felt better, better able to breath, to feel, to move, he also felt mentally exhausted.

Rather than stand he took a few steps closer, only to drop himself onto the sand in a plop, feeling quite tired and needing to rest for a moment. From this position he listened to the mans questions, counter to his words about Morwen. Moritz pondered these for a bit, and realized something about talking. Something odd, and that he hadn't considered before.

People often asked questions, but did not expect a response. Earlier about his family, and other things... They had asked a question, but not expected a response. This was confusing to the young kelvic, and left him wondering what the purpose of such a thing was. Why ask a question if you did not expect a response. In fact when he had answered them as requested, or so he thought, it had angered or annoyed the people. Why then ask them? Were some questions then not questions? Or at least not true questions, where an answer was expected?

And, digging further inward and backward in time, had people been asking him such questions before today? How did one tell apart actual questions, and pretend ones? He had gathered the one about his family wasn't an actual question, but that had been partially a guess. A correct guess though... Surely then, Moritz reasoned, there was some trick to it.

When Moritz spoke again it was at a much slower pace than before, showing how mentally tired he was. Though his voice was just as bland and neutral as before.

"I don't know. I don't know why I was given the vision. Was I meant to go through and try to save Morwen? Or just deliver the message? Maybe someone just wanted to see me try and fail. Or to find her, and then let someone else save her? To do nothing, and try to manipulate the knowledge for my own gain... Or something else entirely? I don't know. I don't know who or why it was given, or what their intent was. Gift or curse, I don't know that there is much of a difference at times."

"Still, the first step seemed to be to try and find the place where she crossed, and to spread the word. Once I did that, I hoped the next step would become clear."

At the words on death Moritz smiled, his eyes starting to water for some odd reason. Perhaps from the heat? Or the sun getting in his eyes?

"I know. Probably better than anyone. I've been hearing about Dira since before I understood words. Dira takes when she wills, and no one takes a breath more than that. I've no interest in racing to her arms, but neither do I run from them. And yet... Just doing nothing, to not at least try, to just let a Goddess die that way... One of ice to die alone, weak, in a land of hot, it just seemed... Wrong somehow. Like I should at least try, and make an honest attempt to do something about it."

It took Moritz several more moments to register the mans words on his leaving, indicating Moritz could stay. Moritz at once felt a confusing wash of emotions, some he could not even name, to which he tried to clear away with a breath to think better. What did he want to do? What was his goal? What should he do. In regards to the offered conditions...

"I accept them."

He didn't, he realized, need to think about it much. And his response was pretty clear. He would stay if he could. And nothing the man had said seemed outrageous or overly demanding. No cutting off his left arm or selling his feet.

Turning to the woman Moritz spoke, cutting her off as she opened her mouth to speak. He had some suppositions on why they were there, but wasn't quite sure on whose orders or what those orders were. The co-heads of the city? Someone else in the Shinya? Or someone else entirely? He wasn't really sure.

"Just go. You heard what he said. I'll come grab my few things in a chime. Besides, someone needs to explain to them on the boat whats happened. And I imagine whoever back in Lhavit sent you all will want a report. I'm assuming those Ethaefal. What were thier names... Uh, my mother will be quite mad if I don't remember... Aysel... And Talora? I think something like that. Well, whoever sent you all, I'm sure they'll want an update."

The woman seemed intent on speaking, but after looking about decided not to, and headed off across the beach back to the boat. Moritz hadn't brought many possessions along, but he had a few he would want. Such as the weapons his mother had gifted him and imbued with her soulmist, and a few other odds and ends.

"What sorts of jobs are needed? I don't really have many trade skills. I've had a few lessons in cooking, that's probably the closest to something, though I'm by no means a chef. I doubt my witches eyes would be of much use, unless you've a need for tracking down someone or something that's gone missing... Other than that I suppose whatever general unskilled labor is needed I could do."

"Are their places to rent? I'm not really sure how housing works here."

Looking about Moritz thought on something else. It was a jungle. Mountains he knew to a degree, though had mostly lived in a city. But a jungle... He knew not to wander into the wilds alone, but...

"And besides not wandering into the jungle alone, are there any places I should avoid?"

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A Lean a Landing[Gossamer]

Postby Gossamer on June 28th, 2021, 1:49 am

Mortiz' internal dialog about people asking questions they didn't expect a response to would have amused the Sykans standing there if they could have heard him. Because the moment he ran through that inner dialog, a whole host of questions tumbled out of his mouth that weren't asked to anyone in particular and had no answers in truth.

Then, without question, he accepted Randal's terms and turned to order the people with him to go. Mathias nodded knowingly at Randal as if to say "You were right". Randal gave him a nod in return. At that point the crowd that had been gathering, including Lars with his two Ashta, started to disperse. There was nothing going to get completed that day, not with the animals upset and their handler frustrated.

"We understand that." Mathias spoke up this time, tilting his head to study the boy and rubbing his chin. "Stu could use help at The Tidepool busing tables and washing dishes. Same goes for the Inn. The blacksmith always needs help, and so too does the potter. You can pick a job of your choice at an entry level and maybe pick up an apprenticeship if you play your cards right." He added.

"Yes, we have bungalows for rent. I think there is at least one left for the season and ranchos which are out on the water. Its a preference. The Bungalows are a hundred gold a season, while the Ranchos are a hundred and fifty a season. You can outright buy a bungalow for eight hundred and a rancho for a thousand. If you rent, it comes with furniture. If you do not, it comes without." Mathias explained, gesturing northward to where the buildings lay.

"There's no place off limits in Syka. Just becareful of snakes and wild animals... big cats, ashta, poisonous spiders, scorpions, and sometimes the sand fleas are bad." He added. "Don't wander onto private property without permission, which most of it isn't marked, so you'll have to learn for yourself who owns what where." He added.

"Would you like to see the Bungalows or Ranchos? I can also show you to the merchantile where you can get anything you might need to settle in." He added, looking thoughtful. "And if you have an idea of what you want to do for work, I can take you around or give you directions on how to find whatever it is you are looking for. Stu's place, for example, the Tidepool, is just south of here on the beach." He added, pointing southward past The Commons. "Each place of business off the cobbled pathway which runs north to south parallel to the beach is marked with a sign." He added, then paused, waiting to see what Mortiz wanted to do.

Meanwhile, some of the citizens were helping the ship offload empty water barrels which they'd offered to refill to supply the ship so it could leave. Food was harder to come by, but it seemed some of the people from the strange ship were willing to trade for fruit and a few pigs which were in abundance around Syka. Randal seemed to be spearheading that operation so their unwelcome visitors could get underway once more.

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A Lean a Landing[Gossamer]

Postby Moritz Craven on June 28th, 2021, 2:36 am

Done with his monologue like explanation, or his best attempt at explaining in words his reasoning and why he was seeking Morwen out, Moritz felt even more drained. In truth he had not really put such things to words before, understanding it internally and why he was doing what he was doing, but not having fully explained it to anyone before.

He had tried a bit with his mother before leaving, but only partially, and had not been given the chance then to fully try to explain things. Now when he spoke it was to inform others, but also somewhat to himself to put into words something abstract. Which, Moritz reasoned, made sense he had trouble explaining it. The reasoning and line of logic was rather confusing and abstract, and certainly not a straight line from one to the other.

Drained he instead sat quietly and listened, churning away with his mind to take in the words and consider them more fully later. He got bits here and there, but was fairly certain some bits he did not get. And that some bits might b partially joking... Assuming these people joked. Did they joke? Moritz hadn't seen it or had not directly noticed it, not in these seemingly serious people, but it seemed reasonable they did at times.

It took a few moments before his mind churned into action and understood what the man had said. And then another few moments to think through things logically. Bungalows which were a bit cheaper, ranchos which were more expensive and on the water. By the water, or further ashore... It did not take long for him to think on that. Away from the water. In fact, issuing a small shiver looking at the sea, the thought of a house above or on the waters shore somehow was worse than the boat. At least with that it was travel, a means of getting somewhere. Here it would be permanent, choosing to live above or on water permanently? It oddly unnerved him, and he was not sure why. Odd since he wasn't afraid of water or boats, but did not like the idea of a house on it. He was unsure on the issue with it, but felt it in his line of reasoning.

"The bungalow if possible. I do better on firm ground. I'd just like to rent for now if I can."

Moritz nodded in response to the warnings about the dangers, knowing he'd need to keep his eyes open and aware of threats. With his particular fashion of eyes he was more in danger of something pouncing on him from above than something sneaking up on him, which while not impossible would be less likely in the settlement... Of course if he outright stepped on something his sight line would do him no good. So watching where he stepped, and what was above him.

"I don't think I need much, not if the bungalow is furnished. But I wouldn't mind seeing the shop. The merchantile. In case I do need something. I've a few things back on the boat, but not much."

Moritz peered off in the direction the man pointed, noting the landmarks he had seen as best he could and doing his best to recall where each thing was in proximity to what, how to get there, and what they were called. He was partway through this when the man then explained most of the nearby places off the cobbled path were marked with signs, which made things much easier.

"As for the work... Either of the eating places is fine. It'll give me a chance to learn more about cooking, by being around it. Or perhaps to help out a bit with and learn a thing or two. Its an interesting thing, cooking. Giving sustenance. A good counterpoint of bringing and enabling life to other things involving death."

For a moment pr two Moritz gazed off into the distance, off into the jungle as if trying to see something, before seeming to remember something and turning back.

"Oh, and bit of a odd question. Not for today, but for future reference, is there any stone around here? Or any high points? My other form is an Okomo. Thats... Lets see... Basically a goat-antelope type thing, the size of a horse. Big enough for someone to ride. It'd be nice to visit some high spots if I can, at least on occasion. So just curious if there are any of those around here."

Whatever the response Moritz would follow along after where the man led, his wide eyes doing their best to take in what they could,

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A Lean a Landing[Gossamer]

Postby Gossamer on August 9th, 2021, 4:10 am

The child’s imperious tone had changed somewhat as indicated by his responses coming in the form of questions followed by such things as ‘if possible’ and ‘if I can’. He was much less assured and much more seemingly willing to listen. He made his choice with humility and added in an explanation for good measure. Mathias nodded his approval and lead the way, easing past the quickly dispersing crowd to head north through the Commons staying on the cobbled pathway. Having no idea who the child was still, the Founder went gently with him at this concession. Sometimes, he knew from personal experience, getting out of one’s normal environment was what a younger person needed to find their footing and lock in their personality.

Mathias was, however, not a babysitter. And since they’d made the decision as a settlement to open the city up to tourism and those that didn’t pull their weight, it was likely Moritz would not be the last of his kind to set foot on its shores. It was something strange to see a young Kelvic with enough coin to rent a bungalow. But again, Mathias figured it was none of his business. While the Founders considered the settlers their responsibility, visitors were not as much a focus. The Founders promised the settlers security and safety, in exchange for their willingness to populate the new settlement. Tourists and truth seekers fell outside that consideration unless they proved themselves otherwise.

So the oldest founder started off across The Syka Commons, away from the dock, towards the Mercantile and the Bungalows beyond.

“Yes, there’s an entire waterfall – Stairstep Falls – you can climb… and treasure point has a rocky base on the ocean side though the trail to the top is easily navigated on the jungle side. Both of those are south of here, just follow the cobbled pathway that direction. You’ll see them touching the sky.” The man instructed, pausing a moment.

They walked along a broad path that was cobbled with large flat stones that didn’t resemble any streets in bigger cities. Instead, the cobbles were wide – more like paving stones – with rough hued edges and separated by white sand intermixed with crushed shells. Palms lined the pathway, though most of the underbrush on either side of the path was cleared. Instead of grass between the palms, there were leafy green plants that hugged close to the ground. They were a multitude of varieties, some medicinal and some even fruit bearing. There were no bare spots within the palms, not near the cobbled path. Further out, where the beach was in full sight, sand had blown up to steal some of the real estate close to the path. There was always a small perpetual battle between sea and land in Syka, with neither side holding steadfast.

The Mercantile was on the left as they passed by… a wide offshoot of the cobbles curving that way and a clearly marked sign reading “Mercantile” with an arrow indicating a large building sitting on stilts with a wide porch. The building was set up on massive posts, overlooking the pathway and out onto the beach which for once was clear in front of the pathway. Lofted so high, the stairs leading up to the Mercantile had a landing halfway up where they changed directions before bringing one to its open aired structure. Crudely thatched with woven palm frond, the store took advantage of the sea breeze to cool its interior, while still sheltering its goods from the rains. Backed by the forest, a lodging consisting of a large bungalow with a wrap-around porch. “That’s Juli and James’ place. Father and daughter. Juli runs the mercantile. James acquires its goods. There’s very little clothing there but you can special order things as you need them. They have boots, weapons, and staples such as sugar, flour and rice. You can get cooking gear there and all sorts of jungle equipment including bags and things. You can also trade things there, and if you need something they don’t carry… James will put it on his list and pick it up on the next turn around of The Veronica.” Mathias advised, but continued moving past the building. Juli was usually around. Moritz could indeed drop by most any day and check out what she offered.

They walked further with Mathias pointing out a small trail to his sprawling beachside bungalow. He usually invited new visitors to Syka to come fish with him, but he wasn’t sure the youth would be interested in such things. Instead, he pointed out the next turn… another eastern trail to The Protea Inn. Walking past that, they moved further north following the cobbles that seemingly ambled through the palms on the fringe between beach and jungle. Finally, Moritz could see a cluster of bungalows up ahead… some tucked into the jungle and others perched on the beach.

It was then that Mathias finally stepped off the path, at the first Bungalow on the beach paused at the structure. He gestured. “This is the one we have open.” He informed the newcomer, and then lead him around to the stairs and up to the front porch. Pausing, he gestured. “We don’t have locks here because we rarely have windows or glass. We have them on pilons like this because sometimes there are storms and the waves come in high. You are open on the north and south sides, but facing the sea is closed to keep the spray from your dwelling… and the backside is completely closed off other than windows that swing open. Go on in… take a look around… see what you think.” Mathias said, and swung the glass door open letting the young Kelvic into the dwelling.

The bungalow wasn’t close enough to the beach to fish from the deck – like Mathias’ sprawling place was – but it had an amazing view and was close to town. The interior was laid out openly, with only a small wall for privacy that divided the sleeping area from the living area. The hearth was situated to be able to cook on and still warm the slumbering folks inside. The bungalow had a kitchen area with a table that seated six, a living room area with a couch and three chairs. The bed was large enough for two comfortably, and there was a chest and vanity also within the structure. Windows were open, and the roof was thatched. It was comfortable for a single person, but not luxurious. Everything was functional and the kitchen was stocked with enough plates and cups as well as silverware for two.

“What do you think?” Mathias said, poking his head in. “If its fine… I’ll leave you to it.” He added, then seemed to reconsider. “Stop by the Tavern off the Commons tomorrow just before midday. I’ll tell Stu you need a job and he’ll be expecting you.” Mathias added, having been thinking of where the boy could help out the most. “He’ll have work for you.” He said, almost as if it were an afterthought.

“Do you need anything else?” If the boy didn’t… Mathias would take his leave. He was already nursing a pounding headache dealing with these visitors today.

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A Lean a Landing[Gossamer]

Postby Moritz Craven on August 10th, 2021, 12:23 am

Tired from the events of today, Moritz felt interest in only one thing. Sleep. But he knew it was not time for that, not until he had finished speaking and discoursing back and forth, had settled some things, fetched his stuff from the boat... An endless parade of little things needing doing. Just thinking of them all he felt his eyes droop for a moment, snapping back open as soon as he realized what he'd done.

In his drained state his attempt at social niceties he had been shoved into and expected to display -mainly by his mother- at playing humanness as he liked to call it, were forgotten. Such things took too much thinking, not being natural for the Kelvic. Oddly enough this more direct and true version of Moritz was more to the mans liking, something that would have confused Moritz if he'd noticed. Although even in his current state he couldn't help avoid giving an explanation or two rather than just answering with a this or that, yes or no.

He was still trying to work out why the man had changed his mind, though for the most part had given up on working that out and instead had resolved to think on it another day.

From the shore the settlement had seemed more of a roughly hewn out section of the jungle. But as he drew nearer details sprang up before him. A path, one of stone cobbles or such. More of a main street of sorts, while also being the only street.

At the mention of places of stone and to climb Moritz interested surged for a moment, staring off in the direction he vaguely understood the places to be. Stairstep Falls.... A Waterfall... Treasure point... Both by or leading into the ocean. Which he understood meant they would be relatively easy to find, so long as he followed along the coast and kept his eyes open. South... A point of a direction by a hand, follow the cobbled pathway south, in that direction... And they would be... Here Moritz was a bit confused... There they would be seen touching the sky. Were they mountains then? Did the jungle have mountains?

Along their route on the stony path Mathias pointed out more places which Moritz did his best to remember while keeping himself oriented. The shore was that way... The path came here and went this way... And this place.... This way...

The Mercantile, more or less literally a place of trade. The place, Moritz saw, even had a sign in common. Juli and James, who ran the place... Operated, and owned it. Some things, with other things being special ordered.

"From Riverfall... Right, I think we stopped off their shortly before coming here. Not too far. At least compared to Lhavit. Although I suppose theirs a Dovecote here as well? I think that place has just about anything you could buy. Although I wouldn't want to try and sell something there..."

The brief explanation was in passing, as they continued on past the place. Still Mortiz nodded along to the information, doing his best to remember it all. In his opinion there was no such thing as too much information, and he would take anything offered.

Off the main path was a smaller trail, this one leading to Mathias own place. This one was right on the beach, practically on the ocean.

From there he saw another turn, and more trails leading off... An Inn... And then small bunches of houses, bungalows as they were called, ones ranging from up near the beach to deeper into the forest. Here Mathias stepped off the path, indicating one of the buildings as the one he could rent. This one looked similar to the others, and was located near the beach rather than deeper into the jungle. Following along inside Moritz listened to the explanation for its features. Little windows or glass... No locks... Up on things... Pilons? Which were to keep it above the water if waves or a storm came in. Open sides for air, wind, to go through. Closed on the sea to avoid splashes and spray...

As the human explained it all Moritz looked around, sucking in detail as he always tried to do, only stopping to blink heavily a few times after which he realized they weren't blinks- his eyes had shut for a good moment each times rather than the fraction of a moment of a normal blink- more proof of how tired he was.

Looking at it all, the places to cook, couches and chairs, tables, a bed, it was honestly more than he needed. He was unsure how to even use some of it, and did not find it likely he'd be inviting that many people over that he'd need that many chairs. After all he didn't really know anyone, had managed to annoy the entire settlement on his arrival, and had no friends... Not even Julan, wherever he was. He was alone here, even if surrounded by people.

Wiping at one of his eyes with the back of a hand he felt more wetness, wondering if the salt was really irritating them that much if they kept watering as they were.

As he thought on this he warmly stroked a wall, as he might have at home, only to remember something. An odd twist in his gut, Moritz gave off an odd smile, patting the wall, remembering something he'd known but forgotten. This building wasn't like his home. It didn't care for him. Didn't look over him. Didn't build a spot for him to climb when he was bored, nor wake him one morning by surprise... It was just wood, metal, and glass. All assembled but asleep. Speaking quietly to the wall, though loud enough Mathias could likely overhear, Moritz patted the building as one might a baby who didn't understand speech yet.

"Oh right, you aren't like Infinity, are you? Your one of those sleeping buildings... Not that there's anything wrong with that. Though feel free to speak up if you ever want to wake up."

Turning from the building Moritz caught the mans eyes, his face once more a neutral expression.

"Its fine. Probably more than I need, once I work out what it all is. And I'll be there tomorrow. I'm just going to fetch my things."

And then go to bed, Moritz thought to himself as an ending to the sentence, though without saying it out loud.

Stu. the man he'd be working for, at a tavern. As a cook, or assistant of sorts possibly with some cooking mixed in.

"Thank you for your assistance" Moritz finished in his normal neutral mannerism, though with a bit less energy than average in his tired state.

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Moritz Craven
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