Moritz simply nodded, not really feeling the need to expand further on what he had said and the mans response. On the location of such cities though he did listen closely, thinking once more he needed a proper map to work things out. A city on the far east coast, with nothing beyond the horizon...
"That sounds like the opposite of Lhavit. It is on the west coast, and you can't see anything on the horizon. So possibly its as far as two cities can get. And with a giant mountain between, since as I said Kalea is one giant mountain with some cities on it. Maybe we could find a map of cities around here? Though I'm not sure how much that would be, or how broad an area it would cover... This place does trade in basically everything, so I am sure someone would be selling one if you know where to look. Or even if we cannot find one to buy, maybe we could get a look at one somewhere."
Moritz considered taking out his map of the outpost then, perhaps with the chance of seeing something that might indicate where to find maps, but he decided against it. For now he was conducting a lesson, simple as it was, and he needed to focus on that and not get distracted again...
"I mean, I have learned a fair bit about you, I just don't go saying everything I notice. I don't often lie, don't really like the practice myself, but I don't go bringing up other peoples business to other people unless I feel I need to or someone directly asks. And honestly, I feel like people overestimate how often people directly ask a specific person about a specific thing. Its not too common really. So people lie in advance to avoid that, but really if they had not lied it probably would not have even come up. So lying then just for lying's sake, or because you think you need to."
Listening to the man explain his occupation Moritz considered the various details, tying them together as best he could. Diverse tasks... Anything for money... Picking pockets... Running around giving info... Guarding things... Investigate things... Those to Moritz seemed like several jobs not one.
"Honestly, that sounds more like several jobs than one. Possibly a thief, or a spy, or a guard, or a mercenary maybe? As it is, I think some of those might work in Lhavit, it being a big and old city and all. People want info and such. Though thieving would be dangerous since you have the Shinya going around protecting order and enforcing law. It does not sound like Sunberth has something like that. As for Syka... Well its a new place, so I cannot see much of a need for most of those things. There are not really enough business for information to be of such value to another, and if someone pops into town and then peoples things start disappearing then someone is bound to notice. So I would avoid going there unless you have a back up skill or occupation to work by."
Ticking off the points one by one Moritz seemed just as nonchalant as before, not really seeming to react much to hearing the mans job was of some ill repute and likely illegal. Moritz was not one to judge, and it did not seem like the man was going around killing people, so it could certainly be much worse... As it was so long as no one was dying and it did not affect Moritz directly being in a far off city he was not overly concerned. And considering where it was, Sunberth, at least from Alric's description such things seemed par for the course or normal there. And he was not going to run into another city and quibble over their customs or ways of living and say they were wrong without understanding them fully.
At the mention of his own travels Moritz shook his head, not really agreeing with his thought process.
"Travel? Not really, I've never really felt a need to do so. There was someone I needed to try to find, and someone I possibly needed to kill who deserved killing, and another person who might die who might not deserve it, so I traveled. It did not really have anything to do with my interest in traveling. It could not really be helped, and it seemed right to try and do something."
It did make things easier to know that the man knew of kelvics, in truth he had been wondering how the man had not known of them, and saved some explaining he thought he might need to do. Being told however specifically not to go to Sunberth by the man he wondered further on how Kelvics were treated in places other than Lhavit and Syka. There he was more or less treated like any other person, and so it had always seemed normal enough to him that the same could be said for other places. From what Alric had said though that did not seem to be the case.
In Sunberth, once more going off Alric's words, Kelvic's seemed to be treated as... Merchandise. A good for trade, rather than a person. He knew some places had slavery, but this seemed in its own category. Treating Kelvic as non-human and not a person. At that Moritz remembered his own father and his limited nature and knowledge, his borderline feral aspects, and did not wonder that some might see kelvics as such. But then not all were exactly the same... He had yet to meet two kelvic that were exactly the same, and he did not expect to be any exception to that. Even if he was a bit odd even for a person.
"I don't plan to go to any such place soon. And certainly would not go until I was confident I could defend myself. Which I know I am know where near. I plan to stay in Syka for awhile."
Watching as Alric continued his practice he made a few small comments on it, but mainly let him repeat his attempts in silence. He did not see anything overly wrong, and he knew time and repetition was needed to work some things out.
Alric, Moritz noted, did still need to crouch or bend before doing the roll, a measure common when starting practice on such things as it made things easier. While it would not work in rule use such as fighting, it was still good for learning the basics as Alric was now and so was okay.
"That is fine for now, bending and such, since you are just beginning. But just remember as you practice more to take that part out as doing it properly means not depending on that."
As Alric began on the back roll he watched his form, seeing the issues once he began that the man was having. As before it was similar issues, but something he supposed he would get better at in time. Not enough speed. Bad balance. Not following through. Slowly the man seemed to work out the details, but only in steps and slowly.
Listening to the mans comments Moritz thought on that, considering an attempt.
"I might try that, and I think that would probably be... A bit of a combination of a roll and a... hand... Spring... I think it is called. But this is not really the place to do it. No, for proper practice you need softer ground to work on. I would avoid anything but these simple tricks here. Flips, springs, the like, I think those are better practiced and perfected on a nice soft or padded surface to avoid injuries if you fall or fail. Training is all about trying something new, and if you try those things here you are liable to get hurt. I would also say avoid doing anything new until you have it down pat in said softer and safer place."
Rolling his shoulders Moritz demonstrated the proper technique again, focusing his body before tilting back and then coming to a roll backward as he tucked and turned his body. He had not done this one overly much, but was confident in it as he had done the opposite in the forward. Reversing something then was not too hard. He did this a few times, moving in a circle by turning his roll slightly, so that eventually he ended up more or less back where he began. By the end his shoulders and a few other places were aching from the repeated motions and hard ground, but that too was training itself. Learning to endure pressure and physical things such as that was as much training as it was when he pushed himself to exertion strained his ability to breath by working hard. Both were forms of increasing his ability to endure harshness.
"For the hand thing, the hand stand as its referred to, the easiest way to begin is with something helping with balance. I found a nice straight wall, leaned up against it, and tried to do a handstand while leaning against the wall. I kept working on that until finally I started trying it without the wall to aid in balance. And eventually I could do this."
With a forward lean Moritz went down to his hands, pushing off with his feet and once more doing a handstand. He kept this for a bit before letting his body fall again, tucking his body and turning it into a roll before he sprung back to a standing position.
At the topic of an Okomo Moritz considered, thinking how to best describe what he was. An Okomo... An Okomo... Finally after some thinking he settled on a few descriptors and tried to explain it to Alric.
"An Okomo... Lets see... Well an Okomo is something like a cross between a goat and... Uh lets see... An antelope. We live mostly in Kalea, seeing as we are good for climbing such surfaces without our hooves. Though I think we are best known in Lhavit, and a fair few live around there. Other mounts like horses cannot traverse the mountain well, so one really needs an Okomo for such terrain. Perhaps on the size of... A smaller horse. But certainly big enough for a full grown man to ride when fully grown."
Pausing again Moritz tried to think of more details, but found himself struggling to define an Okomo. After all, so few people where he was from did not know already what one was.
"Skyglass hooves and horns, big things that glow in the dark. The horns and things, not the entire Okomo. I forget what that is called when it glows in the dark... Uh and colorful fur. My pelt matches my hair more or less, in big pastel streaks and such. I don't die my hair, this is my natural color. That I suppose is a basic description. At least without changing form and showing you."
Stopping there Moritz felt he had painted an adequate description of himself in his Okomo form, though he felt without truly seeing it the man likely would not fully understand.
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