The Hate You Love (Shade)

Shiress has a word with Shade

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The Hate You Love (Shade)

Postby Shiress on April 25th, 2022, 11:13 pm

85th Day Spring 522

Long after the Goddess, Rak'keli, had left, Shiress and Ian had lingered, enjoying the estuary's beauty. Ian had tormented a fair amount of frogs and other creepy crawlers, while Shiress had sat herself in nearly in the same spot the Goddess had been sitting when She had first noticed her and reflected, mulled, contemplated, had a bit of a cry, and joined her son in catching a somewhat elusive lizard, which they set free after Ian gave it kisses.

Noticing that Syna's rays had dipped further into the western sky, the newly marked healer gathered her son in her arms, slowly picked their way back to the beach, and headed north, following the sandy path back the way they had come, headed back to familiar territory. Shiress wanted -needed- a bath and Ian had reminded Shiress no less than fifty times that he was hungry.

Once Mathias's familiar cabana came into view, Shiress finally knew where she was. She and Ian left the sandy path by cutting through beside the Founder's cabana and out onto the well-trodden trail leading back to the Protea Inn. Shiress paused a tick to eye Mathias's deck, tempted by the sanctuary it provided, but trudged onward. The thought of the Inn's outdoor shower and its warm water was just too enticing after twenty days in the saddle atop a giant bird.

A noise off to the side, sounding a whole lot like a clang from a blacksmith's hammer, followed by a familiar voice, had the doctor's determined stride halting again. Curious, Shiress detoured off the path and rounded a tree just in time to see Alric grabbing hold of a stunning, albeit filthy, woman and kissing her thoroughly.

Shiress watched as the kiss deepened and smiled sadly to herself. She was happy seeing that Alric had finally reunited with his love. Alric was a gentle and kind soul who deserved a beautiful woman. Shiress knew Alric's heart was taken, and by the looks of that kiss, the female's was also. Realizing voyeurism was rather unbecoming, Shiress smiled one last time at the sweet display, then headed back toward the pathway, heart a little sad but a little happy.

Nearly a bell later, Shiress had made it back to her room, grabbed a robe, and stopped by the kitchen for some cheese and salt crackers for her son to snack on and milk for him to drink. Depositing Ian into a chair outside the shower, Shiress stripped and stepped beneath the blessed warm water, basked in the glory of getting clean for a time, then reached for a small bar of soap. Pressing it to her nose, she inhaled vanilla and strawberry.

"So, baby," Shiress said, soaping up a leg, "did you have fun with Shade?"

Ian 'hmmm'd' obviously thinking about the question, but the boy replied simply, "yeah."

Shiress laughed, trying to think up something to talk about to keep the boy occupied and not wandering off as she hurried through her bathing routine.

"did you two do anything special? What all did you do?"

Ian hummed again, "We peed a lot outside," he said matter of factly, and Shiress barked out a laugh.

"Oh! And he showed me how to wink."

Shiress frowned, "Wink?" she asked, "Who were you winking at?"

There was a moment of silence, then Ian said, "Girls, but I was supposed to whistle at the ones with big tits, but I can't whistle. Do you have big tits, mommy?"

Shiress's hands froze mid hair scrub, her mouth falling open.

" else did Shade teach you?" she asked, needing her son off the subject of big tits.

"He told me to tell you nuffin cause my loony mommy will skin him."

Shiress's hand paused the armpit scrubbing, and she scowled in the general direction Ian was sitting.

"Did he now," Shiress's tongue was firmly wedged behind her bottom lip now, "What else did Shade say?"

"That your scrawny-"

"Yes, you told me that, baby," she interrupted, not needing to hear that one again, "What else did he say about your mommy?" She asked. She was feeling absolutely no guilt getting her toddler son to rat out his monk of a caregiver.

Shiress rinsed her hair, then turned toward the waterfall to rinse her front as Ian let out a man-sized burp and yelled, "Yeah, baby!"

Shiress closed her eyes slowly and shook her head as she toweled off.

"I'm glad you're home, mommy," Ian said, his little voice so sweet and earnest, then he totally ruined it by adding, "Shade's glad my crazy mommy's home, too."

Shiress lay beside Ian on the bed, her son gently snoring and Shiress hard fuming. Though, honestly, she wasn't truly angry with the monk. She was too happy to be home and too thrilled by Rak'keli's gift to be truly angry. Besides, Shiress felt better than she had in ages, with energy to spare and a smile for everyone she passed by as she returned to her room. Except for Shade, whom she had seen making his way toward the Inn just before her room door had closed.

No, not angry, not even a little, but Shiress did want to give the monk a hard time.

Giving her sleeping toddler one last glance, Shiress pulled on the closest pair of clean pants, in this case, which happened to be the khaki-colored pants, laced up a sleeveless light blue blouse, pulled a brush through her damp locks, and padded to the door. Knowing Ian would be safe, sleeping here in the next room, especially with that damn monkey, Shiress closed the door behind her with a quiet snick and walked the few paces to Shade's door, giving it a solid three knocks with her fist.

As soon as the door opened and Shiress saw Shade looking back, she placed both hands on the man's bare chest and shoved. Surprisingly, and maybe Shiress had caught the man off guard, the monk moved back. Shiress swept in, then spun back around to face him, hands planted firmly on her hips.

"Shrew? Really, Shade?" she shook her head, then poked a finger right in the middle of his naked chest, "I am not a shrew!"

Shiress stepped in closer, giving the man the most disgusted look she could muster.

"Do you know" poke "that my son" poke "asked me" poke "if I had big tits?!" she mock chuckled, glancing down at her feet, sending a curtain of wet ringlets back across her shoulder, "He asked his crazy mommy, she glared pointedly, "if she had big tits because you taught him to whistle at girls with big tits!"

Shiress shook her head as if she just couldn't believe it, her green gaze locking on Shade's blue. Shade's gorgeous dark blue eyes. Her gaze flicked down to his mouth, then back up. Licking her lips, the healer's gaze fell again to the man's smooth, plump lips, lingering a bit longer before returning to his eyes.

Shiress's hands shot out and grabbed the monk's hair, pulling his head down toward her at the same time that she went up to her tiptoes. Shiress slammed her mouth against Shade's, and whether it was an open invitation or a mistake, Shade's lips parted just enough that she forced her way into his mouth and moaned as her tongue slid deliciously against his.

As long as the man allowed, Shiress's tongue danced and tangled with Shade's, sweeping into all corners and over teeth until she pulled back just enough to pant warm puffs of breath against Shade's lips.

"You owed me that," she breathed, tongue snaking out again to flick across Shade's bottom lip before catching the soft flesh between her teeth, then letting it slide free. Dropping her hands, Shiress stepped back, licking at the taste of Shade lingering on her lips, and quirked a challenging brow "for calling me a scrawny ass and a loon."

Word Count - 1362
Last edited by Shiress on May 12th, 2022, 2:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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The Hate You Love (Shade)

Postby Shade on May 1st, 2022, 7:49 pm

Shade was deep in meditation that afternoon. He’d woken knowing he could speak Shiber, and nothing else. He hated days like this, when Common eluded him, and he understood that no one else in the community would probably know his native tongue. So got up, did his morning routine of shaving, having a quick shower in the outdoor area next to the Inn, and dressing in some clean clothing. He had a meeting later on with Sorian to finalize the main interior blueprints of his place, but ground had long since been broken and they were actively building. He’d not said anything to Shiress, namely because no language had come across that they’d had in common and talking to the woman was impossible. Then she’d left, on Gods knows what type of mission, and had placed her little son’s hand in his and gave him a glare that he’d not long forget. He hadn’t understood she was ‘leaving’ and he hadn’t said when she was coming back. So, he’d watched the boy, truthfully fonder of him than Shade would admit, sorry that his mother had abandoned him to whatever hair-raising scheme she’d thought up at the time.

Shadekas had been a little surprised at his relief when Shiress had landed among Eagle Riders from Wind Reach and dismounted. Ian was ecstatic and had run to his mother like she’d just left and not been gone twenty days. He’d recognized the man with her – Alric – and had narrowed his eyes curiously at what they were all about. But everyone had dispersed so quickly, that all Shade had done was help unload supplies as was expected of the denizens of Syka. He truthfully found the attitudes and views of the settlement refreshing even though almost none of them spoke his languages. He’d gotten lucky on the 50th Tenday, but that was the last time Common had come to him. Even negotiations with Sorian had been sketchy since he had to basically play charades with him to explain what each room would be on his home drawing.

But the foundations were up, the walls – what walls there were – were up, and the staircase was in along with the second floor. The whole place was framed and you could walk through it. It was a long way from finished, but it was a good start and it meant they’d be able to move out of the Inn around the end of the season… all three of them if Shiress wanted too. He’d not force her, but it made sense she come with him if she hadn’t made alternative plans. So Shade finished helping the unload, and had walked back to the Inn, thinking he could get a few quiet moments in to do some meditation.

He folded himself into lotus position in the center of his bed with all the windows and both doors open, letting the breezes blow through. He focused on his Root Chakra first, deciding it was time to do Chakra work. The Root Chakra was at the base of his spine and something he visualized as a brilliant cherry red. He pictured a spinning glowing ball of red that gave off sparks of red that traveled throughout his body swirling up his right side and down his left side. He concentrated on it for a while, seeing the glow and spin in his mind, following the sparks on their pathway through his body. Then he moved to his Sacral Chakra at the core of his lower abdomen, which was orange and moved the same way. While the root chakra was his foundation and grounding, the sacral helped him with his emotions and creativity. It was also helpful in sexual energy and it blazed to life when he visualized it. It began whirling and sparking in his mind’s eye as its orange sparks joined with the whirling and spinning root chakra sparks to travel up and down his body from right to left top to bottom. He was just beginning to focus on his solar plexus when the banging on the door happened.

He sighed, cracked an eye open, and saw Shiress standing beside his open door. He rose from the bed and moved to join her, concerned something was wrong. Nothing was. Instead, she simply poked at his chest and started in on him. He had no idea what she was saying. None, and he furrowed his brow in concentration as if doing so would unlock the words to what she seemed angry about. Her green eyes were blazing and she looked mad as hell. With each poke, she spat out more angry words, and he opened and closed his hands as if to protest whatever it was, she was angry with.

Wasn’t Ian just fine? Hadn’t he done a good job looking over the child? He’d treated the boy like his own, for sure, though the woman seemed incredibly irritated by something. He was just about ready to stop her incessant poking with a gentle shove or a slap on the ass when she grabbed his head and hauled him down into her kissing range… and laid one on him. He was so surprised he gasped and that was all she needed to slide her tongue in and deepen the kiss. He stood there frozen for a moment, letting her kiss him, before she pulled away and dropped her hands. She said something else then, but he wasn’t paying any attention.

The woman shouldn’t have gotten any sort of reaction from him, but she was pretty when she was angry. And those gleaming green eyes made him almost instantly rock hard. Had this been Nyka, he’d have shoved her down on her knees and had his length halfway down her throat as payback, but Syka was different. Besides, there was something his mind was nagging him about that was different about Shiress… something emboldened and emblazoned in her eyes. So instead, he advanced on her, saying nothing, and grabbed her by the hips to pull her up against him. He wasn’t ashamed of what she’d just done to him and he let her feel it as he ground his pelvis into hers suggestively. Then he slipped his hands up beneath her shirt, meaning to caress her spine and bring his hands about to cup her breasts. She was too thin under his hands, and that worried him as he traced his palms up her back and splayed his fingers open…. and froze.

Shade’s eyes went from a storm of arousal to a furrow of confusion then concern. Then without asking, he twisted her around and pulled up the back of her blue shirt. He absently noted it must be a favorite for she wore it often even as his eyes took in the smooth flawless skin that covered her back until the puckered scarred tissue had somehow rearranged itself into swirls and whirls of roses that trailed up her back and across her shoulders in the most beautiful unnatural patterning he’d ever seen. Impatiently, he tugged the shirt off her torso, and traced the raised flesh marking out the roses and vines, some even with thorns, trailing down her arms. He took in her breasts – though he’d seen them before when they were swimming – but this was totally different. All her scars were gone… no not gone… rearranged and smoothed into something that was akin to the most elaborate body art he’d ever seen.

He stepped back from her then… and whispered her name. “Shiress….” Then stepped forward again, turning her around yet again, as if he couldn’t believe what he’d seen at first and needed a second look. “What in the world happened?” He whispered in shiber, knowing she couldn’t understand him. He couldn’t help himself. He reached forward and began tracing the roses up and down her back and across her shoulders.

“It’s beautiful.” He said, breathlessly, as he trailed fingers across the patterning.

Words: 1327

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The Hate You Love (Shade)

Postby Shiress on May 3rd, 2022, 4:48 pm

If someone asked Shiress what she had anticipated Shade's reaction would be after an impromptu kiss from her, she would've admited she hadn't even considered the man might pull her up against his body and grind his rather impressive erection against her, but the man's reaction had come and gone so quickly, Shiress didn't have a chance to truly enjoy it.

When Shade's hand stilled on her back and his countenance shifted from desire to concern, the wave of embarrassment and self-loathing that crashed over Shiress was a familiar one. The first line of defense against a past that had scarred her body nearly as much as it had scarred her soul.

However, the desire to profusely apologize for having such grotesque imperfections and the mental preparedness for rejection that so often followed in the wake of dejection wasn't there. Instead, the wave dissipated with the realization that Shiress's scars were not as they once were.

A slow smile crept across Shiress's lips as she was turned and her back inspected. The healer knew what Shade would see, and for the first time in nearly ten summers, while standing topless and examined, Shiress felt absolute pride beneath the scrutiny.

The light touch of Shade's fingers against her skin caused goosebumps to erupt all over Shiress's body. She shivered when the monk's fingertips began exploring the surface of roses etched into her skin. When Shade finally spoke, his words were borne of wonderment, and Shiress turned to look at him, her emerald eyes shining with gratitude. She didn't have to understand the language, to hear the sentiment.

"It's beautiful," she repeated, echoing the words Shade spoke in Shiber, then translated quietly to herself, "beautiful." She smiled, "You're the first person to tell me my scars are beautiful."

Shiress shook herself from her reverie with a sigh and swiped a hand hastily across her cheeks. Shade still needed an explanation, she realized and cast her gaze around his room as if she might find something lying around that might aid her in the endeavor. Not seeing anything, Shiress's gaze returned to Shade, then dropped to his hand. Reaching out, she pulled Shade's left arm up between them and gently ran a thumb across the black opal embedded in the back of the monk's hand. When Shiress was sure that she had his attention, she gathered up her lengthy hair, pulled it over a shoulder to drape down her chest, then turned around to show Shade Rak'Keli's mark. Was it even visible? Shiress didn't actually know.

Turning back, Shiress flung her hair across her shoulder, then grabbed Shade's hand again. This time, though, she turned it back and forth, inspecting it as if looking for something. Not finding what she needed, Shiress let that hand fall and took up the other, doing the same to that one. She grinned when she saw the long, fresh scratch across the back of Shade's knuckles that he must have gotten while unloading The Wind Eagles.

Closing her eyes, the new healer called on the Goddess's mark and gasped when she felt the pattern on her back begin to stir. Opening her eyes again, Shiress trailed a finger along the surface of the scratch and watched in awe as unmarked skin was left in the wake of her touch. Her gaze lingered on the healed hand before her proud eyes lifted to Shade.

"Rak'Keli, The Goddess of Healing," she proclaimed with a grin, hoping the monk might understand. "When the Goddess marked me, she gave me back my strength," she flexed a puny bicep muscle and pointed a finger at it, "stronger," she added, flexing both arms, then patted herself on the chest. That was when Shiress realized, to her horror, that she was still topless and pantomiming like a fool.

Blushing furiously, Shiress's hands made a slow ascension to her chest to cup her exposed breasts as subtly as possible while still searching Shade's azure gaze for his understanding of what had been done to her.

While Shade gathered his thoughts, Shiress's gaze began to wander of its own accord, gradually trailing from the monk's bright blue eyes, across his stumbled jawline, past his broad shoulders and powerful arms, down to his nearly hairless, muscled chest. Here, Shiress's perusing gaze stalled, lingered, lingered longer, before descending to the man's equally nearly hairless and very flat stomach and to the pants that slung low on slender hips. Seeing the thatch of dark hair nestled low in the defined V between Shade's hips peeking out from the waistband of those low slung pants had Shiress swallowing hard and her tongue darting out to wet suddenly dry lips.

Gods, but Shadekas was a beautiful man.

It was hard for Shiress to truly see Shade when all she had been concerned with lately was his bristly annoyance for her that rode so high on the surface. But, seeing him now, the man was gorgeous. Shiress couldn't help but wonder why every single female in Syka wasn't throwing themselves at him.

Shyke, maybe they were, and she just hadn't noticed.

Flicking her gaze back up to Shade's face, Shiress did a double-take when she noticed that he was watching her watch him. She blushed crimson again.


"Sorry," she said and let her gaze fall away, but could do little about the appreciative smirk curving her lips when she snuck one more quick peek at Shade's hard body.

Word Count - 940
Last edited by Shiress on May 12th, 2022, 2:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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The Hate You Love (Shade)

Postby Shade on May 9th, 2022, 11:25 pm

He didn’t truly understand until Shiress demonstrated the magic of healing on him and then had uttered Rak’keli’s name. His past life… for Nyka seemed so far away and so long ago… was rife with injury and they had often been under the care of Healer’s in Xannos’ Order rather than doctors as the rest of the world seemed to enjoy. It was perhaps one of the reasons he’d silently discounted Shiress before… claiming to be a doctor but not a healer. They had many monks in their orders that were Healer Marked plus the pale scaled women abounded in Nyka. Nyka was full of Konti… having wandered from their geographically close isle to see the world and interact with it in a more mixed gender scenario than they ever did in their homeland. The Monks took advantage of that, of course, like they did everything else.

Shade didn’t approve… nor had he ever approved. But he was born, as so many of his brothers teased him, a prude and was probably always going to be one. Lynk was a good influence that way, demanding manners when most of the Monkhood had none. And as Shade took a deep breath and realized he’d just stripped a shirt off a woman without her permission, he cursed himself inwardly and set about slowly sliding it back on her torso. As he draped it over Shiress’ shoulders, he made sure he firmly nodded at Shiress’ words, making an ‘ahhh’ sound at both the healing and the name of the Goddess she uttered.

Then he did something unexpected once he had her shirt settled back over her shoulders. He gently tugged on her shoulders and pulled her close to him. She might be… what did she say by doing? Make a fist with her arm? Stronger? But she still looked tired. He didn’t know how far they’d traveled on those eagles. He did know twenty days was a long time to be away. It wasn’t a seduction he offered her… no, not yet. Not now. But he offered her a hug instead, a long luxurious one that pressed her torso up against his and gave him a chance to feel her slim length while he dwarfed her with his.

He thought quickly as he enfolded her in his arms. She’d been gone 20 days… and he assumed that this thing that had happened to her had happened on her trip. Ian had been a good lad, after he’d stopped whining about his mother not being around and resolved himself to the fact that he’d have to wait for her return… that Shade didn’t know when she’d be back. “Ian.” Shade said, more to capture Shiress’ attention than anything else. Then he raised an eyebrow and looked around from where he held her. Was the boy asleep? He was used to keeping the little lad with him, but with his mom home, he only knew it felt lonelier without the boy constantly with him.

Then he rubbed her back gently, tracing his fingers up her spine and down to splay across her rump, pressing her gently against him. He was still hard, but he didn’t much care. Shiress was a grown woman, no blushing virgin, and she knew where babies came from. He wouldn’t be planting one in her, not tonight, not until he had a cycle of Common again where he could actively talk to her because he had several things to say. And he’d rather do it with his lips than his cock. Though if they reached an understanding when they could communicate, he wasn’t against unleashing the latter and shutting the former.

But he didn’t mind enjoying the moment, letting her feel what she did to him, and letting her know he appreciated her regardless if she was a doctor or a healer … or something of both finally. Shade dropped his head, nuzzled her hair, then reached up with a hand and fisted her long locks for a moment. He dropped his chin down on her forehead, muttering because he couldn’t communicate what he wanted to say. He gently pushed her way then… and tugged at her shirt as if to say ‘put it on’… though truthfully, he had started to realize in Syka there wasn’t much people were going to say if Shiress paraded around topless. Then he looked to one side, found a light isuas shirt, and slipped the thing on.

They had the trinkets… that gave them surface thoughts, and he lifted his trinket and tapped it with a finger. Then he held up his hand with one finger lifted, as if to say …. “Let’s use this… remember this. But wait… not yet…wait.” Then he gestured for Shiress to follow him. First, he slipped on leather boots, then ckecked-in next door to make sure Ian was indeed there in her room asleep. He was. Shade had no qualms about leaving him there. They’d be gone ten minutes or less, maybe more? He wasn’t sure. He stopped the Kelvic who also lived in the Inn and held his hand about Ian’s height off the ground and said the word ‘Ian’. Then he made soft snoring noises and pantomimed sleeping. The Kelvic nodded, touched her eyes and touched her ears, and nodded. They’d obviously had this agreement before.

Shade smiled his thanks, and took Shiress’ hand and walked her out the front door of The Protea and down the path until they hit the cobbles. Then, he turned south on the Cobbled Pathway and headed past the Syka Commons. He knew Shiress was tired, but it was a quick walk. He lead her past the Commons, down towards Stu’s bar, the Tidepool and then past it. There was a lovely spot of beach there, where someone had broken ground on a home. It was a sprawling thing with two stories. The stairs were complete, and so too were the ground and second stories framed out. The rooms were not divided into separate spaces yet, so the whole thing was open, overlooking the sea.

He stopped there, and pointed at it. Then he touched his chest. “Shade.” He said and led her to the building. Then he lifted his wrist, showed her the charm, and rubbed it between his forefinger and thumb to activate it. Five minutes. He waited for her to do the same to hers, and then he began thinking. Thankfully, his surface thoughts were not telepathy sent in a language. Instead, he took her hand and walked her through the floorplan. He thought about each place they paused as they did so, and thus he gave her a quick tour of the home.

Retail shop, workshop, kitchen, dining room, living room…. And he took her up the stairs. There was a large bedroom… his room. A hall led her down past a smaller bedroom… Ian’s room… a bathing chamber, and a small storage area. Shade tucked his head into another empty room that he thought of as a study and library. And then he took her to a larger room with a balcony overlooking the sea.

Shiress’ place.

He gave her the room with the best view purposely. Shade’s thoughts were clear as day. He purchased land and was building a home for all three of them… and a place he could earn a living and support himself and them if necessary.

Then he turned, wondering what she thought of all of this.

Words: 1236

Last edited by Shade on May 26th, 2022, 9:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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The Hate You Love (Shade)

Postby Shiress on May 26th, 2022, 12:45 am

Three years, two months, one week, five days.

Twelve seasons, seventy-two days.

One thousand ninety-five days.

All equal to the amount of time that it had been since Shiress had felt the arms of a man embrace her.

Elias had taken Shiress for a picnic by Lake Ravok on the warm, sunny afternoon of the 13th day of Spring in 519. It would be the last day Shiress would see her son's father. The last day that she would truly feel happy and alive. The last day that she would feel safe and protected.

Until today.

Today, Shade had given the new healer an invaluable gift, and Shiress doubted the monk even knew just how invaluable this gift was. Because, today, with one simple gesture, Shade had given Shiress the gift of hope. Hope that, once again, she might feel safe and protected in the strong arms of a man.

Could he feel how fast and hard her heart was beating with her chest pressed against him so tightly, or how her body trembled? Did he hear the sharp intake of air she took as his arms surrounded her or feel her body melt against his? If he did, then Shade might know just how much his hug meant to Shiress.

Shiress clung to Shade's hard body as a drowning man might cling to a life raft, absorbing every moment he offered her as the embrace lingered. When Shade spoke Ian's name, Shiress glanced up at him, her cheek still pressed against his chest. When she understood what he was asking, she brought her hands together, pressed them to the side of her face, and closed her eyes. She tilted her head and made a soft snoring sound, pantomiming sleep, but immediately wrapped her arms back around Shade's chest when she knew he understood.

When the monk's hand trailed a blazing path down her back, ending with his hand splayed across her ass and pulling him even closer against him, Shiress couldn't help the small whimper that escaped her lips when she felt Shade's hardness press into her. She shifted her body just enough for the man to feel friction, and when his hand tangled in her hair, inadvertently pushing that button, it was all Shiress could do not to drop to her knees and take Shade to the back of her throat.

Thankfully he pushed her back just before the point of no return, and her attention turned to donning her shirt and trying to understand what Shade wanted with the charm. Eventually, she got it and was content to follow Shade out of the room and interpret to the Kelvic about watching Ian in case the monk's hand gestures weren't clear enough.

Then, Shade took Shiress's hand in his and held it as they walked, and Shiress giggled like a school girl inside.

She couldn't help but wonder where this change in Shade had come from, his gentleness, and, to Shiress's surprise, what she thought might be affection. Had twenty days of Shiress being gone been enough to endear her to the man? Was it Rak'Keli's mark? What her trip had accomplished? Or had Shade actually, maybe, even missed her a little? Shiress wasn't sure, but this change felt genuine, whatever had brought it on.

Her thoughts abruptly ended when they halted in front of an unfinished house. Shiress studied the place with a small amount of confusion until Shade spoke his name and indicated himself with his hand, then her mouth fell open. Shade had bought himself a home? He would be moving out of The Protea. He would be leaving her alone at the inn. Why did that thought make Shiress feel so very, very sad?

Shiress did the same to her charm as Shade did, and as they made their way up to the house, the monk's words slid into her mind as if he had been speaking into her ear. She thought it sounded like Shade's voice, which made her smile.

Shade and Shiress strolled from room to room. All the while, Shade's thoughts detailed each room's purpose for Shiress; his workshop, where he would sell his items, the kitchen, and living areas, were all laid out before her, and even though it was only a whisper of Shade's thoughts, Shiress thought she could feel his excitement and pride. She could be happy for him. She really could. This was a good thing. Right?

When they stepped into the second bedroom upstairs, Shiress heard "Ian's room," and her heart skipped a beat, then made up for it by trying to beat out of her chest.

"Ian's room? She asked aloud, then thought better of it because hearing one language and understanding another may be a bit much; she thought the rest out in her head for him and his charm to hear.

'I don't understand,' she thought, even when she knew she did. Shiress was just too afraid to believe it. When they got to what would be her room, it was just too good to be true.

'I don't know what to say. Ian and I have only ever lived with someone else, but this...'

Shiress turned from looking out over the unfinished balcony to look at Shade.

'This will be our house? Our home?'

The affirmative look in Shade's eyes was enough of an answer. Shiress closed the distance between them and threw herself into Shade's arms, her thoughts a volley of appreciation, elation, disbelief, and gratitude. If just the simple gift of a hug had had the healer wanting to drop to her knees, this selfless, gracious, and unbelievably kind act had Shiress ready to do just about anything the monk might think up.

Rearing back, Shiress went to her tiptoes and planted one, two, three rapid-fire kisses on Shade's cheek before pulling his head down so that she could press their foreheads together.

'Thank you, thank you, thank you so much, Shade. You have no idea how much this means to me for Ian to finally have a home. For us to finally have a home. It's not possible that you could ever know how much this means to me.'

Looking up, Shiress caught Shade's cobalt gaze, smiled, and said aloud, "Thank you, Shade. It's beautiful."

Word count - 1080
Moonlight drowns out all but the brightest stars

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The Hate You Love (Shade)

Postby Shade on June 19th, 2022, 3:04 pm

The tour had been fast because they’d had five chimes worth of the charm working for her to read his surface thoughts. He cut her enthusiasm short for that reason alone, thinking it clearly in his head before he pulled her back down the stairs and out onto the expansive porch that overlooked the sea. He thought quickly, his mind reflecting on the coin offered to him for the loan and to get equipment and his need for Shiress to help him decorate since he had no idea what she might like for her room and Ian’s place.

He thought quickly.

[i]The charm will wear off shortly then we won’t be having this conversation again until tomorrow. I was hoping you’d go shopping with me tomorrow. I talked to the Founders… Mathias… and he said Lars will pick up any furniture we buy for the house at the Dovecote if we shop over at The Outpost where there is decent furniture. You’ll need enough for Ian and yourself. I can take care of my sleeping chambers. But I’d love help with the lower story. We need a list of what we need to get, but I was hoping we could go as soon as tomorrow. The list will have to be in crude pictures, but I have a blank journal, pen and ink down on the table... and if you could help me decide, we can go tomorrow and get stuff ordered. I have to set up my shop first, because that’s where my money will come from, but I’d love your help in all the rest of the decisions. I like rich earth tones and warm woods. But you can decorate things how you’d like, especially in your own spaces.” He said, knowing outfitting everything would be rather fun for a woman, where for him it might just feel like a chore.

He took her out then…. into his workshop, where there were already counters in place though the jewelry forge was only half assembled. There she found the blank journal he spoke of, pen, ink, and a lot of notes in various languages…. notes he couldn’t read any longer. It was no matter. He knew what they said.

So he pulled up a crudely fashioned stool, patted it for her to sit down, and then pulled up another one for himself. He opened the blank journal to the first page where he carefully sketched the first floor, its rooms, and their dimensions. On the second page he sketched out the second floor of rooms. Then to each room he assigned a number.

The first floor had:
  1. Living Room
  2. Kitchen
  3. Dining Room
  4. Workshop
  5. Bathroom
  6. Retail Space
  7. Porch

    The second floor had:
  8. Shade’s Bedroom
  9. Ian’s Bedroom
  10. Storage
  11. Large Bathroom
  12. Small Bathroom
  13. Shiress’ Room
  14. Study
  15. Balcony

He then flipped the journal and numbered the next pages to correspond to the numbers of the rooms. Then, using his own bedroom as an example, he made a drawing of a bed, wardrobe, two end tables, a chest for the foot of the bed, and several lanterns. He added in a rug as an afterthought. Next to the number 1, living room, Shade added in what looked like an oversized couch to go before the fire, a scattering of chairs and tables, a large area rug and a coffee table. He also went back and put in a coat tree, sketching one neatly by the entrance. He made as if to brush sand off his clothing and wring out his shirt that was already dry and pointed to the coat tree. He was obviously wanting to try to avoid sand and water being tracked into the house.

Turning back to her, he offered her the quill and the ink, handing the former to her and sliding the latter over to where she could reach it. He pointed at the Kitchen, dining room, and even the retail space and lifted an eyebrow to see if she had any ideas. Then he gave her lots of time to add in things for her room, Ian’s room, the places he’d indicated, then took the quill back.

He flipped back to the place where he’d wrote the number of the retail space, and drew an assortment of vases and vessels to house containers. Then he also tapped on his workshop location, wrote its number down, and added in floral ribbon, wire, and a few other things for flower arranging in drawing form. He had a jeweler’s kit that would suit him well for flushing out most of the workshop. He just needed a few other things like a jeweler’s bench, vice for the counter, and some specialty tools that didn’t come in the kit. The loan covered all of it, he just had to spend it wisely and dicker with craftsman. He hoped the outpost would have what he needed.

And he hoped Shiress would help with both picking the items and coming up with ideas as to what exactly was needed.

So he sat back, gestured at the book, and let her have at it. It would really help him out if she decorated both Ian and her own room the way she wanted it… so she’d feel more comfortable and have a piece of it for herself. He knew she had money too because she couldn’t do anything but earn a good income from being a doctor. Maybe she’d have some ideas for the balcony, porch, and outside.

He turned, pointed out of the wall that wasn’t actually built in, and gestured to a big lazy palm that had a weird J curve to it higher up so it lofted out over the soft sand. He gently took the journal from her, moved to a blank page, and sketched a picture of the palm tree. Then he sketched a nice swing from it, the type with a wooden seat and two long lengths of rope securing it to the palm. “Ian” He said, knowing that Swing Beach had a ton of swings already, but this way Ian could have his own… maybe a place he could grow up and feel secure.

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The Hate You Love (Shade)

Postby Shiress on June 26th, 2022, 1:57 am

Shiress's gaze flitted around the area she and Shade were standing and couldn't help but dream of being able to help decorate a home. Turning back to Shade, she smiled softly, "I would love to do that," she said, nodding, "but are you sure you want to go shopping with a woman on a mission?" she laughed and would have said more, but the charm had already run its course. Gods, she couldn't wait to be able to have an actual conversation with Shade.

They meandered through the house to Shade's would-be work area, and Shiress looked on quietly as Shade sketched out his ideas for the rooms on paper. When he handed her the quill, she hesitated, about to tell the man that her drawing capabilities were far lower than even Ian's, but decided against it. Instead, Shiress took the quill and the seat the monk had patted and firmly wedged her bottom lip between her teeth as she thought.

She lowered the quill to the paper to tweak Shade's rug by drawing tiny little lines all over it. Beside it, Shiress drew what she hoped looked like a bear, complete with a stubby tail and rounded ears. Bear skin rug. Looking over her shoulder, she grinned, turned to the page, drew a cat lying on the rug, and then colored it in after dipping the quill into the ink jar. Shadow. Of course, the cat would enjoy a bear skin rug, but Shiress would also enjoy a glass of wine and a warm fire while dozing on the rug herself. She'd always wanted a fur rug, and it excited her that she may have the chance to get one. On a couple of the tables, she added vases and flowers and a larger one to stand by the door, opposite his coat tree.

For the kitchen, Shiress sketched the one thing she had always liked about the cottage in Zeltiva; her mothers cutting island in the middle of the kitchen. She did her best to draw its likeness, even adding the little drawers and hangy-on bin thing for all the peels and discarded pieces and even adding the hole slats for several knives. She drew a tiny shelf on the kitchen window with a pie set out to cool.

The dining room was a little harder. How do you draw glass plates? Shiress had seen a set at the Outpost and had wanted a set for herself ever since. She etched out a round table with four chairs, drew a big Vase right smack in the middle, and added an array of flowers poking out from its rim. Touching Shade's arm, she pointed at the vase and flowers. A centerpiece, and she wanted Shade to make it from his silk flowers.

On the table in front of each chair, Shiress drew a plate and a cup, then had to pause when she couldn't think of a way to indicate she wanted them to be glass. Shrugging, she decided that wasn't very important and continued to the next room. Ian's room.

The first thing she added to her son's room was a small single bed, then a pair of wall lanterns above it, one on each side. Under the window, she drew an open chest. Toybox. Shiress added a small rug, a bedside table, and a small dresser. Then, she drew a small Ian-sized chair then was thoroughly out of ideas. She'd have to let Ian see for himself and maybe add something he may want.

For her own room, Shiress drew a large bed and grinned at Shade when she added four tall posters at each corner. She added a small table to each side of the bed and a chest at the foot, just as Shade had done for his room. She drew what she hoped could be made out in one corner as a dressing screen and a bench beside it. On one wall, Shiress drew a tall armoire with three draws on the bottom and two small doors on top that opened up to reveal three more drawers. She would likely never own enough clothes to fill the drawers, but it was a happy thought nonetheless. On top, she drew another vase and some flowers, then indicated to Shade with a nod that she wanted him to design those flowers, too, or, at least, help her design them.

When Shiress got to the retail area of the house, she had to stop and think. She didn't have much experience in this type of thing, but she tried to imagine what she would like to see if she were shopping for jewelry. She decided on small head and shoulder mannequins, four with prominent features, especially the ears, which had Shiress laughing at her own drawing capabilities. On the ears, she drew tiny earrings and added necklaces around the necks. She sketched small hooks along one wall and drew necklaces hanging down from each.

Outside, Shiress drew a crude wooden fence, making it high enough for a sneaky kid not to be able to scale. Then she put a question mark. Maybe? Let's think about it. On the deck, she added a small round table, three chairs, and a tiny little box, complete with a Shadow snoozing inside. She added a smiling-faced little kid to Shade's tree swing and smiled over at Shade.

Then, freshly out of ideas, she shrugged and handed the quill back, expecting the man to huff or even outright laugh at her drawings that even Ian could have done better. Reaching out, she grabbed the monk's hand and squeezed, gratitude shining in her eyes.
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