Solo Building Life Alone With Friends Part 1

Tazrae finally builds some place to live on Garden Beach.

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Building Life Alone With Friends Part 1

Postby Tazrae on May 2nd, 2022, 3:11 am

Timestamp: 55th of Spring, 522 A.V.

Taz was a woman on a mission. She’d visited Lars and after much negotiation, she’d got him to agree to take the Ashta cart and make a few trips through the dovecote with her to collect the furniture, pavilion, and other things she’d need to set up her camp. Lars wouldn’t have done it, but the Ashta knew her and when she explained her curse was that people forgot her, he remembered he loved eating at the Inn… just not why. But in the end, it wasn’t Tazrae’s words that had convinced him, but rather the small elephant’s actions.

They gathered around her like they were greeting an old friend. She spoke to them in Nura and their obvious affections swayed Lars to her cause. Tazrae paid him handsomely and at the same time ordered some deck wood, planks, and some other things she’d need for her camp. Then she took careful pains to make sure he noted himself carefully on her order, the pickups he’d agreed too at The Outpost, and where he was delivering the items. That way, the moment she was out of sight, he wouldn’t forget about her delivery.

It seems Lars had done one extra. For when she got to where she’d had him leave her things – new furniture, wood, the pavilion, and all – she was surprised to see the sheer amount of wood Lars had left. It was an enormous order. And it was covered with droplets of rain water. Taz concentrated, converted her djed to res, and breathed out a thin film that whipped itself up into a wind that passed over and over the piles of wood, guided by her hand. She heated the newly formed air, made it hotter, and the droplets and pools of rainwater on the wood evaporated. She was no hydromancer, but the hot air on water soon did the trick and her pile of wood was dry from the morning rain shower.

After momentary thought, she did the same to her furniture, and then returned to the Protea to gather some tarps and tarp the new purchases against future rainfall. She wasn’t sure, looking at the sheer amount of wood, that they’d get much done today other than planning, clearing, and maybe some footers put up.

Taz was sorting out the materials, making careful notes in a journal as two men approached. Someone she knew of but had never actually talked to long stood there looking slightly bemused along with Lars. “Hi there.” The man said, walking towards her and offering her his hand. Taz recognized him immediately. He was Dawn’s husband and the Isuas Farmer. She walked forward took his hand, and shook it. “Lars said you’d need my help and these days I’ve been feeling next to useless.” He admitted. “Tony Swiftwater.” He added, offering her a grin.

“Tazrae Ardera.” She replied then smiled. “I don’t think we have had much chance to talk, but I do know who you are. Why have you been feeling useless? I’ve been a bit lost myself. No one remembers me… that’s my curse this season. Once you walk away, you will forget me as well.” She added, looking over the farmer curiously. Taz was sincerely glad to have the help but something wasn’t exactly right. The piles of wood stacked in the clearing were far more than she’d accounted for … vastly far more wood. Someone had left her what looked like enough material to deck the entire Protea if not more… some of it so highly polished it looked lacquered.

Taz took a moment to thank Lars and ask him about all the excess wood. “Tony’s idea. He’ll explain it.” Lars said with a smile then took his leave without explanation, only saying he had more deliveries to make that day. That left Taz and Tony alone to get to know each other.

Words: 646
"A mark of an open mind is being more committed to your curiosity than your conviction.
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Building Life Alone With Friends Part 1

Postby Tazrae on May 2nd, 2022, 3:16 am

“When I touch plants, they die.” Tony explained, answering her question. “My wife Dawn is allergic to Isuas and I can’t seem to grow it. We’ve lost a whole season’s worth of crops this year. And if it wasn’t for Naadiya’s weaving, we wouldn’t have gotten through the season at Tropical Fever either.” He added. Taz nodded, shaking her head. Her curse hadn’t been economically devastating, but it put her situation into perspective. It could be a whole lot worse, for sure.

“Are you here to kill plants then?” She asked, a slow smile spreading over her face. She didn’t know if Tony liked humor or not, but he barked out a laugh at her words anyhow.

“No no… nothing like that. I’m Drykas. Lars said you had a big pavilion that you were trying to put up yourself directly onto the ground. That makes my blood hurt.” He said with a laugh. “No, I had nothing else planned for the day but to sit around and seethe about the curse, so we thought together you could use some expert help and between your built-in laborers….” He said gesturing to a few of the Ixam that were laying around in various stages of napping.

"… that we could get the job done. We aren’t pitching it on the ground though. You live in Falyndar. There are too many bugs and other creatures there. If you want your pavilion full of spiders, we’d do it just like you were planning. Instead, we are going to build a huge floating deck and pitch it on the deck. I just have to roll out the pavilion first, see what the best configuration for it is going to be, then we can get started on the deck. Lars said you were going to handle the palapa yourself by the number of supplies you had dropped off… so I took my best guess and we added the floating deck materials to the order. You’ll owe him some coin.. well, I owe him some coin because I put it in my name, but you can pay it back for me. Sounds like, with your curse, he won’t remember.” Tony said with a laugh.

Taz nodded. “Fair enough. Do you want to get started?” She asked, and he nodded.

So together, they went over and broke down the well-packaged pavilion which took some doing for it was wrapped and stored with its poles all ready for travel. Once they got the main canvas unrolled and roughly placed where it was going to sit, Lars shook his head and immediately began reconfiguring it. “This is actually a huge rectangular pavilion laid out to be an octagon by the gathers. You’ll have all kinds of water pooling in the roof if you set it up that way. We’ll stretch it out to its large rectangle and reconfigure the ends to be pentagram sides so the water drains better and you have no valleys down your say sitting areas.” He added, and they took almost a bell to unfasten, unweave, and re-rig guidelines that Tazrae would have had no clue how to set up on her own.

Words: 527
"A mark of an open mind is being more committed to your curiosity than your conviction.
The goal of learning is not to shield old views against new facts, but to revise old views with new facts.
Ideas are possibilities to explore, not certainties to defend."

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Building Life Alone With Friends Part 1

Postby Tazrae on May 2nd, 2022, 3:18 am

Once the whole thing was laid out, she looked it over, and decided it would be better closer to the break line of the sand to jungle. She had no idea how long the house would take to build or grow, so she wanted to make sure that the pavilion would be able to sit where it was for along time. And if worse came to pass, she could rent out the pavilion as another set of guest quarters or let guests stay there, even after the house was built. So she didn’t establish the pavilion where she wanted the house, but instead northward a bit, closer to the Inn, leaving the homesite alone.

When the placement was absolutely perfect, they pounded in marker stakes and measured out where the floating deck would be. Then they pulled the reconfigured pavilion back, re-rolled it, and got to work on the floating deck. Tony helped Tazrae tap her own knowledge on building the decks at the Protea to lay out where the footers needed to be, how many there would be, and to begin digging down past the moisture line to get to the drier soil. Halfway into that project, she slipped onto Scarlet’s back and rode to Randal’s to ‘borrow’ a few more shovels and his ladder which they’d need later. Randal wasn’t home, of course, him spent most days at his shop and surfboard workshop. She got back in time and set all the Ixam to digging on the spots she had marked while Tony took a break in the shade with some juice and fruit.

The area was also littered with palm fronds, old plant material, and things that had blown out to sea and washed up to shore then back into the underbrush. Leaf litter was everywhere, as were half-rotted coconuts from the palm trees that were scattered about. Taz didn’t mind, but cleanup was going to be messy so she cut some corners with Reimancy. She called forth her djed, willed it into Res in high quantities, and then breathed it out forming a small tornado.

She fed power into it, keeping Tony behind her, as she swirled the tornado around itself, building on it, so the leaf litter and flotsam that had washed up into the trees by erratic winds was all gathered in the whirlwind as she passed it back and forth across the building site like a vacuum. It took absolute concentration to keep the whirlwind tornado going, gathering items as it passed, clearing the soil and leaving only the hardiest little plants still rooted in the soil. Once she was down to that what looked like freshly raked and cleared land, she sent the whirlwind out of the trees down to the beach where it dumped all the material at once as it converted itself from air to fire and ignited the well-aerated pile of dried debris.

The material went up like a bonfire. Tony and Tazrae stared at it for a few moments as the pile burned down to almost nothing quickly. “I’m glad I took all of that out of my building sight. Just one little spark from a hearth would have set that alight on a dry day.” She commented to Tony, who just stared and nodded. Then they moved on to the next step – measuring and digging footers.

Digging footers was back-breaking work.

Words: 565
"A mark of an open mind is being more committed to your curiosity than your conviction.
The goal of learning is not to shield old views against new facts, but to revise old views with new facts.
Ideas are possibilities to explore, not certainties to defend."

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Building Life Alone With Friends Part 1

Postby Tazrae on May 2nd, 2022, 3:20 am

The soil was firm, moisture packed, and that made it heavy. Taz put her back into it, and wanted to make sure the floating deck would last over time and with the moisture the jungle had to offer. So, she put a footer every six feet, knowing the solid base was overkill, but that the whole floating deck wouldn’t shift or warp over time. The young Innkeeper knew the floating deck would have to not only support the weight of the pavilion, its furnishings and its humans, but also the weight of the Ixam as they came and went. With the dimensions of the floating deck larger than her huge pavilion, that was a lot of digging.

Each shovel full was agony, even as she scattered the dirt and kept going. Taz kept a Res-driven fan of air around her as she dug, feeding it from her djed pool constantly as a way to practice tapping and drawing djed without thinking, converting it to Res, and keeping that Res turned air circulating. Even with the Reimancy, she was covered with sweat from the humidity. Soon her back was burning, the muscles of her arms were aching, and she was ready to call it quits. But they had more than a dozen footers to dig and dig down almost four feet. She carefully paused, measured the hole, and kept going until it was where she wanted it to be.

Once she had one done, and the Ixam could see what and how she was doing it, they put their claws to work and started on other holes. Even Tony finished his break and snack before grabbing a shovel to help. They dug all afternoon until they were almost done and Taz was building a set of sawhorses out of some of the lumber to brace up her posts on. Once the sawhorses were measured, cut, and assembled, she laid a post on it, cut it to length with a handsaw, and began the next mind-numbing process of cutting all the posts they’d need.

Using the hand saw to repeatedly make a singular cut through a six by six footer wasn’t easy either. Taz kept her Res going, and would have sang to herself, but she couldn’t split both her magical and physical concentration to add a third situation that needed brain power. So she kept sawing, and kept her Res-driven breeze up to live through the sawing.

She only had two more to cut and was standing shaking out her tired arms, when Tony re-appeared leading Duncan Maelstrom. Taz froze a moment, then realized it was likely Duncan couldn’t even remotely see her by the way he was holding his head. She furrowed a brow, remembering that he couldn’t remember her as well either. “Are you blind again, Duncan?” She asked, walking up to the pair. He frowned, nodded….

“I suspect its my curse. My sight was fine until the first of spring when I showed up to help unload The Veronica. Tony said there were footers that needed stoned into place and a set of ground that needed to be graveled beneath where a floating deck would go.” He said, gesturing around. “So here I am. You…. he tilted his head and paused a moment. “You have Reimancy. I can almost taste your Res in the air. It’s familiar.” He said, his brow furrowed even as he scanned uselessly around with his eyes.

Words: 573
"A mark of an open mind is being more committed to your curiosity than your conviction.
The goal of learning is not to shield old views against new facts, but to revise old views with new facts.
Ideas are possibilities to explore, not certainties to defend."

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Building Life Alone With Friends Part 1

Postby Tazrae on May 2nd, 2022, 3:23 am

“Yes… my curse is to be forgotten. You know me. You inducted me, actually. It should be very familiar to you.” Taz said thoughtfully, wondering why there was no feeling of bitterness at this now. She thought she’d have issues speaking with him after what happened between them, but she found that there wasn’t really any emotion left surrounding the whole thing.

Duncan nodded. “Have you enjoyed it so far?” He asked, puzzled, most likely trying to remember.

“Yes. We… were together briefly after that. Then you met a woman – a healer – who healed your eyes at the Outpost and lost your heart to her.” Taz said softly. “You just stopped coming around. I found out later why.” She added. Tony looked extremely uncomfortable, having not known this at all, but he remained quiet. Duncan furrowed his brow again and shook his head.

“That would make you my djeddaughter.” He said simply, his expression soft and almost apologetic.

“Yes. I am that to you.” She admitted, not even begrudgingly. Because truth be told, if she’d met Alric while she was still with Duncan, their lives and friendship might have gone very differently. On her own, with her heart all hers, she was more than able to gift it to someone like the Nymkarta that treasured it far more than Duncan had.

Even if they were never together… even if they never became lovers or said vows or even lived in the same city… she’d seen what love was truly about because of Alric, not because of Duncan. Duncan had taught her about sex and magic, and that was their legacy together.

“I’ve inducted another since then. The Zatani djedline continues. The one I inducted will most likely induct others. He’s strong… very strong. And he’ll do good things with the ability.” She offered, hoping Alric wasn’t the last person she’d get a chance to induct either.

Duncan nodded his approval. “You love him?” He asked.

Taz nodded, then shook her head. “Yes, I do.” She answered instead, knowing the man couldn’t see her nod. It was hard getting used to Duncan without sight after she’d gotten used to him with sight.

“You know, that’s what the Zatani do. They induct those they care for. I must have cared for you a great deal to induct you…. or at least saw incredible potential in you. I’d have never shared the power with someone otherwise. But when I met my Eva… I stopped being able to breath. I stopped being able to think. I… you must have been in my life somehow. The rumors say I fell for a Konti at the Redynn but that’s not true. I fell for her human granddaughter. We are going to have a child in Fall. It will be a boy.” He said with a soft secret smile. I want this curse over. I want to see my child born.” He said, then shook his head. “Until then though, I’m available for help or if you need more training, Tazrae. I’m sorry if… Eva’s presence in my life hurt you in some way.” He added, sensing it had, though not knowing the extent.

Tazrae needed to hear that. She didn’t know how much she needed to understand his abandonment before this moment. And perhaps it was only because of Alric that she completely understood… because if that man ever walked away from her or didn’t return to the Outpost, vanishing into the smokey filth of Sunberth forever… she’d be utterly wrecked.

Words: 585

"A mark of an open mind is being more committed to your curiosity than your conviction.
The goal of learning is not to shield old views against new facts, but to revise old views with new facts.
Ideas are possibilities to explore, not certainties to defend."

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Building Life Alone With Friends Part 1

Postby Tazrae on May 29th, 2022, 2:13 am



Business +1, Negotiation +1, Planning +2, Reimancy +2, Interrogation +2, Construction +4, Bodybuilding +3, Carpentry +4, Riding +1

Negotiating: Trade Deliveries, Reimancy: Drying Lumber, Tony: Mannerisms & Appearance, Tony: Drykas, Tony: Tony’s curse, Construction: The Basics Of Raising A Drykas Pavilion, WS: Don’t Pitch Tents On Bare Ground, Construction: Reconfiguring A Drykas Pavilion, Planning: Laying Out A Pavilion For Longevity, Construction: Laying Out A Jobsight, Bodybuilding: Pounding Stakes, Carpentry: Building A Floating Deck, Reimancy: Cleaning Up Debris With Reimancy, Reimancy: Forming A Tornado, Bodybuilding: Digging Footers, Bodybuilding: Cutting Wood To Length At A Building Site, Duncan: Blind Again, Duncan: Talked About Breakup/Closure
"A mark of an open mind is being more committed to your curiosity than your conviction.
The goal of learning is not to shield old views against new facts, but to revise old views with new facts.
Ideas are possibilities to explore, not certainties to defend."

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"Listen to the wind, it talks. Listen to the silence, it speaks. Listen to your heart, it knows."
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