Tazrae seems to be collecting both items and oaths to and from everywhere.
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Syka is a new settlement of primarily humans on the east coast of Falyndar opposite of Riverfall on The Suvan Sea. [Syka Codex]
Moderator: Gossamer
by Tazrae on September 1st, 2022, 6:39 am
Timestamp: 20th of Summer, 522 A.V.
Tazrae twirled the coin back and forth between her fingers as she lounged on the table at Reclaimed Knowledge. She’d come to return a book she’d borrowed and to borrow a couple more. Not being able to help herself, she’d wandered into the section of the library that her and Cleon had found that contained some of the Silas Journals and therein she’d plucked two off the shelf she planned to really make use of. One had been a Silas Journal on Herpetology and the other on Psychology. When she’d moved the psychology book from the shelf, a small coin had dropped onto the ground at her feet. Crouching to pick it up, Tazrae had carefully studied the coin and glanced over her shoulder at the librarian. Talia wasn’t exactly alive. The ghost stood there tapping her toe looking impatient. At this obvious living body language, Taz raised a caramel colored eyebrow.
“Only someone who thought no one would ever pick up a Silas Journal on Psychology would hide a Homefinder there.” The woman commented, in a voice that was somewhat snobbish and irritated. Tazrae had bothered the woman to no end because the book she had returned had a small tea stain on the cover that hadn’t been there when she’d borrowed it. The ghost had went so far as to charge her a ‘cleaning’ fee for the returned book, and Tazrae of course didn’t have the right currency to pay the fee. Who had pre-valterrian coin anyhow? The librarian had looked at her Mizas as if Taz was daft and had demanded real gold. Taz had to promise to bring it with her next time in order to avoid the Librarian’s wrath.
“Homefinder?” Taz asked, curious as she studied the coin.
Talia nodded. “Yes, they are a sort of ‘get home quick’ token mages used to make for their children to carry to bring them safely back home or even for themselves and their loved ones if they found themselves in a pickle.” The ghostly woman explained. “They were very popular in Alahea, less common in Suva, so I’m surprised you found one here. They need to be charged through meditation to focus in on a location one deems ‘home’ or safe. If you hold it between your forefinger and thumb and utter the word ‘home’ it will take you home. But you have to program what ‘home’ is to it into it. You do this by concentrating on a safe space and meditating on what you consider the physical place of ‘home’. You have to be intimately familiar with the place you charge as home, meaning you have had to physically be there or say have access to the memories of someone who has been there to make it legitimate. Once used, and that one is definitely used, you need to recharge them by a lot of meditation … a whole days worth…. The better at meditation you are the less you have to work at it. But regardless, once charged, it will magically teleport you to ‘home’ at your command.” Talia said thoughtfully, gesturing at the token.
Taz nodded. “Thank you. This might come in handy… as handy as the herpetology and psychology books.” She said, tapping them lightly.
Talia nodded. “No one ever brings Silas journals back. It seems once they go home, they stay gone. You still have the Magecrafting Journal, don’t you?” The librarian asked.
Tazrae smiled. “It’s a cranky thing, but I’m taking care of it. Its taught me a lot. I hope these do as well.” She added, taking a moment to pause to unshoulder her backpack and slip the two journals along with the Homefinder inside.
Talia only snorted, laughing because she knew the temperament of most of the Silas Journals, and none of them were pleasant.
The trip through the jungle this time had been fruitful. Tazrae had been actively using Auristics to scan the landing zone… the Dais of the Forgotten… and had found a set of twin torques intertwined in one of the shallow rock nooks in the shade of the steps leading upwards onto the Dias. Scattered across the far side, her Auristics had picked up more odd hues of sound and with it, she’d located some beads that were unusual in their coloring and aura. She had no idea what either set of items was called or their purpose, but she’d stoically stowed them in her backpack nonetheless.
Later, Zethas had dropped from the sky and offered her a cloak that he said would camouflage her from enemies while out in the jungle. He said he'd crafted it in his spare time with her in mind while guarding the Cheenga Ruins and thought she could get some use out of it. Tazrae had thanked him for it, stopped to share her lunch and some conversation, and had continued on with her trip to the jungle library called Reclaimed Knowledge to return her book and visit Talia.
She'd done so and more. It was definitely a lucky day for her. Two journals, a cloak, a homefinder, a set of torques, and some beads later... she was feeling like her Auristics were going to get a workout figuring out what all the items were and did.
The library visit had gone well. And thus enriched, Tazrae had bid Talia goodbye and headed back through the jungle. Not meaning to stay in the jungle so long, Tazrae had stripped outside the Library, stuffed all her clothing into her backpack, and shifted into her Ixam form. She nudged her head into the backpack straps, hanging it off her neck, and took off through the jungle to return to the settlement.
She was late… late for an important date… an Oath to Buraga and the Rangers.
Words: 965
Last edited by
Tazrae on November 2nd, 2022, 1:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"A mark of an open mind is being more committed to your curiosity than your conviction.
The goal of learning is not to shield old views against new facts, but to revise old views with new facts.
Ideas are possibilities to explore, not certainties to defend."
Garden Beach ❖ Syka ❖ The Protea Inn
"Listen to the wind, it talks. Listen to the silence, it speaks. Listen to your heart, it knows."

Tazrae - Be savage, not average.
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- Joined roleplay: May 3rd, 2020, 2:02 pm
- Location: Syka
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by Tazrae on November 2nd, 2022, 4:28 am
Tazrae ran through the jungle on all fours, her dark iridescent scales gleaming in the filtered sunlight. There was green growing life all around her filling her senses to overflowing. Freedom. Pure and simple, all she felt was freedom in this form as she ran. It was healing, purifying, and it linked her to the jungle in a way she would have never understood without having this shape.
As an Ixam, she had no sense of time. There was no urgency though she moved swiftly east. She had no sense of true up or down, and darted through the jungle on a pathway that had no walls, no set course, only a general sense of the direction of home. It looped up and around, across limbs, leaping spaces and using her beloved claws to run straight down trees when she needed too. She couldn’t even ride Bree like she could run a path like this, and once more for the gift she was incredibly grateful.
Her trail took her straight into Syka, oblivious to the denizens, she slowed and as the Settlement came into view she backed off her pace to a sedate trot and jumped out of the tree line and down onto the cobbled pathway. She slowed to a walk, hissed at a group of macaques, snatched a tasty snack of a baby python and then ignored a group of juvenile Ixam working her way towards the Commons. When she came into the center of the Settlement, she cut around the Water Storage and made a straight shot to the Monolith. There, she carefully shifted back to her human form, dressed from her backpack, and waited on the bench having made excellent time back from Reclaimed Knowledge.
The run had done her a world of good because, for the first time, she really got a good look at the Monolith and had to do a double take at its beauty. It wasn’t as large as it had appeared, but the carved animals in it had gemstone eyes made of the same stuff as the Watchstone. They glittered even in the bright sunlight, and she could only imagine how beautiful the illumination would be – mystical even – after dark. Taz approached the stone edifice and knelt, bowing her head forward and closing her eyes.
"Caiyha, Goddess of the Wild, and Kihala, Goddess of Life.
I thank you for this gift you give this Settlement, and the other gifts this Settlement enjoys by your hand. The Monolith is a thing of beauty that marks the passage of time and it will be a beacon of your power in the heart of our world. I thank you both also for the gifts you give to me. I cherish them deeply and have come to feel like one with you through them. This Settlement shall be forever grateful, and you will be who we look to and give thanks to first and foremost. For we eat and shelter among your bounty. Your generous hands are everywhere and we understand that through you we thrive."
She rose then, and walked around the monolith slowly, touching each divine name and whispering her thanks to each and every one of them, even to the slash marks embedded deep into the stone as if by a predator’s claw. When she’d made a full circuit, she came face to face with Buraga who stood watching her actions with a raised eyebrow.
“You came to take the oath finally?” He asked, as if in challenge, as if he thought perhaps she might be giving him some trouble over it. Instead, Tazrae approached him and bowed.
“Yes. I’ve been doing the duties of a Ranger since I came here and Randal taught me to love the Jungle. It’s nice someone is making those of us that do this work something akin to official.” She said, inverting her left wrist and rubbing the mark there. Offering him a grin, she then added. “It’s like Syka is becoming real. It’s no longer just a dream, but a place where the dreamers can go and be somewhat safe.” She said, nodding to him. “Of course, I’ll take my oath. And I’ll do it with pleasure.” She said, moving to stand before him.
He immediately turned her around so she faced the monolith. Then she laid one hand over her heart and put the other one on the Monolith itself.
Buraga helped her out by giving her the words which she repeated after he spoke.
“I, Tazrae Ardera Kois, do solemnly affirm that I will support and defend the people, ideas and boundaries of Syka against all enemies, foreign and domestic, that I will bear true faith and alliance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the Founders of Syka and the orders of the officers appointed over me. In Kihala’s name, I do pledge my weapon, my magic, and my life. And also, in the names of Rhaus, Caiyha, Eyris, Qalaya, Xhyvas, Akvin, Izurdin, Laviku, Zulrav, Yshul, Cheva, Xyna, and the predator who has left their mark who’s name we do not know.” Tazrae said firmly. She only hesitated a little, thankful to them all though she only looked to Rhaus and the Goddess of the Wild and the Goddess of Life.
Then she glanced at Buraga who looked nothing but amused. “Covered most of them, did you? And threw in Music and Love for good measure? But you left out Time.” He said thoughtfully as if puzzled by that.
“It was not out of disrespect. But here, I do not mark time as I did outside of Syka. Here, time flows in a different almost alien manner and I’m not sure it’s something Tanroa appreciates.” Tazrae said thoughtfully, offering Buraga a crooked grin. “I would not remind her of that, by mentioning her name in thanks.” Tazrae added.
Buraga laughed at that, then shook his head. “You are an oathbound Ranger now. I have a list at the Commons of tasks that need to be done. Pick two off of it and get to them right away. There’s trail to clear, passages to mark as safe between known food sources, and people to train. This should occupy at least a little of your restlessness, Tazrae. And I want you to immediately start learning something about unarmed combat. You’ve been seen running around as one of those overgrown lizards too much to make me comfortable. I haven’t gotten any reports of you having a machete or hatchet strapped to your tail in that form. I would be more comfortable if my rangers at least knew how to fight.” He said.
Tazrae nodded. “Yes Sir.” She said, grinning, and turning. The Innkeeper headed for the Commons and to the to-do list, Buraga had out on the bulletin board there. She’d select a few tasks, and see to getting them done immediately.
Words: 1223
"A mark of an open mind is being more committed to your curiosity than your conviction.
The goal of learning is not to shield old views against new facts, but to revise old views with new facts.
Ideas are possibilities to explore, not certainties to defend."
Garden Beach ❖ Syka ❖ The Protea Inn
"Listen to the wind, it talks. Listen to the silence, it speaks. Listen to your heart, it knows."

Tazrae - Be savage, not average.
- Posts: 1337
- Words: 1919090
- Joined roleplay: May 3rd, 2020, 2:02 pm
- Location: Syka
- Race: Human
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- Medals: 5
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