Closed Yardwork [Moritz]

Moritz and Caspian spar.

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A lawless town of anarchists, built on the ruins of an ancient mining city. [Lore]

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Yardwork [Moritz]

Postby Caspian on November 15th, 2022, 2:45 pm



64 Fall 522

“Kid, don’t sweat it, I promise you there’s only and exactly one cook back there with hair like a - “ Caspian pauses. Determines it will probably not be very helpful if he describes the ornamental – lettuce? Cabbage? Debatably edible, flowery-type thing he had once seen growing in the gardens at Shell Cottage in Zeltiva. “Well, it’s pink and purple, let’s leave it at that.”

The snot-nosed child looks to be of an age just into the double digits. Of all the miscreants screwing around on the streets, Caspian had tried to select the least snotty, minimally muddy of the bunch. One hoped it suggested they were more timely and responsible about carrying out their tasks, especially if coppers were involved.

One of which Caspian flicks him now, which he snatches up with surprising alacrity, like a cat after a fly. Already the piece of parchment balled up in the kid’s fist is starting to stain with whatever grime he’s accumulated so far that day in his palms. Ah well. At this juncture, can’t be helped.

“Go on,” Caspian says, shooing the kid away, and only after the kid takes off down the streets does he realize it’s quite possible that literacy itself might be an issue here. Can the kid read well enough to pick out the letters for the Drunken Fish? Too late for that now; anyway, Caspian had described the block well enough, and most people around here, even from a young age, would be well aware of the seasoned establishment.

On that piece of parchment had been a simple map. Just a few lines in black charcoal, denoting the Drunken Fish, and two streets west and one north, an X marking the yard where Caspian would be waiting. Below the map, a few words were scrawled – ”Tomorrow, noon, if you can swing it. –C”

“What was that all about?”

Caspian meets his sister’s narrowed eyes with a look of innocence. “Wouldn’t you like to know?”

“I would, that’s why I’m asking,” she replies testily.

“You know, the fact you don’t already know just tells me you’re slipping.”

“Contrary to your belief, I have other things to do than keep tabs on you.”

But Caspian tells her about the whole affair with Moritz anyway.

“So, like, if by two p.m. I’m not back in our apartment, please assume Moritz broke all my bones. And please do come find me and cart me out.”

Taalviel frowns.

“He wouldn’t do it on purpose,” Caspian insists. “I mean, I’m pretty sure he wouldn’t…”

The idea had been a jolly one to agree to that night he’d run into Moritz at the back of the Drunken Fish. But now, a week and a day later, as he’s marching himself to the designated spot, he feels his resolve cracking. When was the last time he’d been punched in the face? He’s about due for it – he can imagine quite a few people who would line up for it – but the idea, no matter how much of this will be for his own good, isn’t something one necessarily looks forward to.

In the yard, he leans against a crumbling brick wall, and waits for Moritz to arrive.

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Yardwork [Moritz]

Postby Moritz Craven on November 17th, 2022, 2:02 am

64 Fall 522

Moritz was finishing up his work for the day and heading out considering to grab himself a bite, when one of the servers came up. Next to him was a small somewhat dirty child who said server was keeping from entering. For a moment Moritz tried to recall her name, but soon gave up on it and ended up just giving a simple greeting.

"Ah hello, did you need something. I was just finishing up work."

With a nod the woman gestured at the child, who Moritz noticed upon closer inspection was holding a piece of paper. "Yes, he had a note for you, from a friend. Or... Well I'm pretty sure its for you, from the description he was given. But uh... I did not realize you had any friends..."

Moritz smiled and shrugged, realizing he did not really go out and socialize nor talk about other people he was involved with to the other people working about the place. Dira forbid he should bring up Evalynn... He was trying to keep as quiet about her as possible... As for Syka that was long away and he did not see much need to bring up anyone there. Not to mention how the locals felt about magic, and how magical so much was there... Talking birds, half lizard ish scaled people of some great age, those did not seem good topics to bring up there. Even more so for Lhavit where he was born and somewhat raised, what would anyone care about that far off place they would likely never visit?

"I have a few, though honestly just because this note writer calls me a friend doesn't mean I call them one. Or maybe they are just exaggerating. But likely they are at least an acquaintance of mine. Any who, I wouldn't mind reading the note if nothing else."

Waiting a few moments to see what would happen, when neither of the others moved Moritz sighed and headed over to the door, reaching out to take the offered note. Grabbing it the child quickly ran off at seeing his package was delivered, and the server silently returned to work with a nod. Moritz for his part waited till both of the others were gone, before opening the note.

However looking it over, Moritz had a bit of trouble figuring out what it was. Was that a sketch of a cat? No, too pointy... A bad sketch of a cat? Passing that aside Moritz focused on the writing and figuring out what it was. Tomorrow... Noon... Looking back at it he figured out finally that it was meant as a series of directions... Somehow... Since it was marked and delivered here, did it imply it began here. Since it was from C, and he had just seen Caspian again a few days past, he assumed this was from him... Though he could not be entirely sure. Either way he as usual would be going out armed. Though if they were to train he'd also bring along some training supplies. He had bought his training weapons just for that, though just daggers so far. But bringing a few of them seemed a good idea. And some real ones...

Closing his eyes for a moment Moritz compared his mental layout of the city against the note and its rough map, comparing the street layout. This was harder since he knew the place he worked at, the starting point, but not much of the other spots.

Starting here then... Then two this way... West, marked out... And then one street north. And then along that an X as the destination. It was vague instructions, but he supposed it was just meant to get him close, and then he would hopefully see what he was looking for. He would just need to keep observant try to find anything or anyone of import...

Continued 65 Fall 522

Having spoken to the owner Moritz managed to pull and early and late shift, which left him free at midday when Caspian wanted to meet. Of course, he would need to work a bit more later in the day after his meeting with him, but otherwise it would be fine.And he had a good break of a fair few hours, at least until the big rush at night when they were busiest.

As usual he was wearing his button up one piece suit which when worn properly displayed his name, the outfit he tended to wear most often since he could shift with it. On his feet was his sandals, which was at least less restrictive than other shoes like boots. Other than that for clothing and other items he could not remove like his bracelet, Moritz had on his pack. Inside was various weapons both for real use and training. A pair of both normal daggers and throwing daggers with their sheathes. Along with that was a pair of wooden training daggers, and four wooden training throwing daggers. The normal daggers whether real or training were a big thicker than the throwing ones, since those ones were of course more streamlined for said throwing and not meant for melee use.

The Kelvic had also considered bringing his bow, but decided against it as he did not expect it to be too useful in the city. With that and some money safely stowed in one of his charms, Moritz headed out while holding up the note. With that he tried to follow along the directions, though they were not too detailed.

First he headed out straight.... Going west for two streets. He did his best to keep vigilant all the while, just in case this was some trap of sorts. Then turning he went a street north... And watching out, he tried to spot Caspian while making sure he was not ambushed on the off chance this was some weird trap. Though admittedly, not to unexpected of one, seeing as they were asking to meet in a secluded location. If nothing else if it was a trap it would give him some useful info on who was seeking him out.

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Yardwork [Moritz]

Postby Caspian on November 18th, 2022, 6:16 pm



“Hey! Moooorrrritzzzz!” Caspian exclaims jovially once he catches sight of the Kelvic cook. “Yes, yes, over here, pal. Honestly, wasn’t one hundred percent sure you’d show. Maybe, like, eighty? Okay, that’s rounding up. A solid seventy-five.” As Moritz nears, Caspian can’t help but look him over. Up and down. Several times. Being a Kelvic, it’s quite certain Moritz is significantly younger than him. But that means very little in the present circumstances, because Moritz is already taller and wider than he is, and his fists are – yes, definitely of a diameter greater than Caspian’s, and prime for pummeling. In comparison, Moritz is an oak and Caspian is a twig, or perhaps the little knobbly bits one prunes off hedges with garden shears.

And the closer he gets, the more of Moritz’s physique comes into greater detail. And the more Caspian senses himself working into an anxious sweat.

See, this is what happens when one combines a touch of drinking with getting too chummy.

“How long do you have off from work?” he asks. “I hope you it wasn’t too much bother with your boss? Anyway, I appreciate you taking the time; I hope to make it worth your while.” And he’s throwing himself into a quick little patter, if only to fill the air to try and cover up his own nervousness. “So, on the day to day, I do have this little number on me – “ He pulls back his coat, revealing the swirled Obfuscate dagger tucked into one of the inner pockets. “But I know, realistically speaking, things don’t always go to plan, and for one reason or another I may not even have the knife on hand. So I was thinking – maybe we could try sparring without weapons first, see how it goes?”

Part of him wishes he had asked Taalviel to come with him outright. Heavily featuring in his imagination is his body with all limbs broken, cast out in the center of this dusty yard. And in this nightmare, Moritz, of course, hasn’t put him there out of any intent or malice; no, the kid is simply a real thunderclap, likely to grow even larger, and Caspian can very much picture snapping like a twig, simply because Moritz may not fully understand everything he’s capable of. So Taalviel being here might have meant his body could be dragged out of here and to the nearest medic, with no time wasted; but his sister hanging around also means he would have been sneered and jeered at for the duration of the sparring match, and he can only handle so much humiliation in one afternoon.

Feeling as if he’s walking right into his own grave – but trying, nevertheless, to find the bright side of things, which is that this is for his own good – he slips his jacket off and hangs it on one of the rusted nails jutting out of a splintering fence post.

“Alright – um – “ Uncertainly, he brings his hands up, balls them into fists. Realizes how flimsy his wrists look compared to Moritz’s and tries not to picture the sound of his teeth breaking in his jaw. “Er, just, tell me what to do?”

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Yardwork [Moritz]

Postby Moritz Craven on November 19th, 2022, 4:24 am

As Moritz was scanning around, trying to see either Caspian or some other threat, he noticed a person a bit away waving. Shortly after her heard Caspian's familiar voice greeting him. Assuming it was not in truth a trap but actually a note from Caspian, Moritz let out a sigh and headed over.

The Kelvic, feeling a bit serious as he eyed the spot where their sparring was apparently to take place, along with his sparring partner, considered things as best he could. The land. What was around it. The people moving by. Traffic on foot and such. What might get involved. What he needed to consider. One by one rather than all at once he considered each of these things, and tried to note it for himself later in case it was of importance. For now he just silently walked up to Caspian, his eyes flowing around and not really settling on any one point. Just as his awareness flowed around, open and accepting but avoiding being limited to one spot.

While the Kelvic was fully grown now, a height which was a decent bit more than Caspian's own, the first time they had met the Kelvic had still been a fair bit shorter. Not short, but shorter than he was now as a full grown person. In his human form he was over six foot tall and around two hundred pounds. And while not as heavyset in terms of muscles as some warriors who focused on brute strength, Moritz was still decently solid and had fleshed out more once he stopped growing. Though even he knew he could use a bit more strength training and muscle building, since having a bit more power never hurt anything.

Finally after finishing circling a bit and eying everything Moritz spoke. It was likely the first time Caspian had seen the Kelvic not being chatty, but then he did focus when preparing for a fight or even a spar. After all of his instructors this had been drilled into him even if nothing else had.

"I have a few bells, which should be plenty for a bit of a work out and spar. It wasn't too hard, I can take a break now as long as I'm back for the late rush. Although from what you said...I'm not sure what your level is, which makes it more tricky to really cross with each other in a good spat....."

For a moment as Caspian took out a blade Moritz tensed, but seeing he was just showing the blade for illustrative purposes Moritz untensed. It was a subtle thing, shifting his body ever so slightly and tensing his muscles in preparation for moving, but something any half decent warrior would notice at a glance.

Nodding at his words Moritz considered things, seeing what he meant and having heard similar things at other times.

"Yes, I agree. It is always good to have the ability to fight without a specific weapon, preferably some kind of unarmed style of combat. Since there is the risk of you being disarmed, or it being stolen, or you just not otherwise having it. I've learned a bit about weapons, a few types, but I've mostly focused on various unarmed styles myself in my training. Although for daggers..."

Here Moritz pulled off his pack and brought it around his front, before pulling out its contents to show Caspian one by one. Or at least one of each, pulling out and showing him a dagger in a sheath, a throwing dagger, along with the wooden training version of each of these weapons.

"I've got a few of each of these, for practicing or training with daggers. You know, just in case. And it seemed a better idea than you know, using an actual dagger for training. I mean, unless you don't mind losing a finger or two. Anyways, seems you want to focus on unarmed, which we can do..."

Seeing Caspian prepare for the bout by taking off his coat and putting up his fists, or something close to it, Moritz shook his head and took a step closer to look without making any aggressive motions himself.

"Well, for unarmed.... I think the first thing I need to see is how you punch. Best to start at the basics. We can get into basic forms, and stuff later, but first, try and throw a punch at me. After that... It would probably be good to learn how to take a hit, how to move your body in that case. Have you ever done any defensive rolls in response to being hit? I can explain that later if you like, and show you a bit... But first, come at me and try to punch me."

For his part Moritz would then watch, a good pace or so away from Caspian. Far enough that he would need to move to punch at him, but not so far he would need to run or go far. Watching and waiting, Moritz would focus on the incoming man, and when he drew close and finally did punch, assuming he did that and nothing else, Moritz would react by jumping backward out of range. Of course not just moving back, but also rolling, as an example of a defensive roll he had been speaking on.

Something he had done quite a few times and was easily able to do at his level, he would dodge back at any incoming fist, or anything closely resembling one if Caspian did not manage an actual proper fist, and then seem to roll backward as if he was going to flop down. However as his hips neared the ground he would bend his body and knees such that he formed a curve, and then pushed along with this so he eventually moved head over heals and completed the roll to land in a crouch a full step or two further away from Caspian. Then all it took was him popping back to his feet, a smile on his face.

"You ever try something like that? It also works when you get hit."

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Yardwork [Moritz]

Postby Caspian on November 21st, 2022, 4:09 pm



When Caspian makes two fists, he does not tuck his thumbs in. Which is the typical move, for some reason, when people have absolutely no experience in combat, but fortunately Caspian has more than zero. Though that’s essentially a technicality. But an important one nevertheless. Admittedly, the very first time he had made a fist for the express purpose of sparring, he had been barely seven years old, perhaps eight. And it been actual child’s play, not necessarily sparring, spontaneous rough housing with his father. His biological one, in Avanthal. And he had tucked his fist in because it was Avanthal and it was instinctive to keep any exposed digits as warm as possible. So on that day was the first time he had heard the very important first principle of fighting without a weapon – don’t tuck your petching thumb in, what do you think you’re doing, do you want it to snap?

His heart’s beating rather hard in his chest as watches Moritz take his own position. The Kelvic, thankfully, has vocalized enough awareness that this isn’t going to be a duel to the death, and they’re going to take things one step at a time.

“Rolling?” he repeats when Moritz asks. “Oh, yes, I’ve been rolled plenty, but I can’t say it was every intentional. My stepfather made it very clear it just takes one strong gale to knock me over.”

In any case, he does what he’s told. Steps forward with his left foot, punches with his right. The movement doesn’t come smoothly; he hesitates while he’s starting, so his entire body stutters, and despite having both feet on the ground he has the sensation that he’s ready to topple over. His feet should have been planted a bit further apart, possibly. The other issue is that he speeds up in the middle of the motion, but by the end of it, the part where he’d actually physically connect with Moritz, he hesitates again. And there’s another stutter, and a slowing down, and when Moritz evades it – with a surprising amount of grace, at least comparatively – this comes as no surprise.

“Let me have another go at you,” he says, reading himself. His cheeks are burning with his growing embarrassment. But he’s in it now, and he has to keep reminding himself he agreed to it, and he ought to see it through. He waits for Moritz to get back into position again. Steps forward with his left foot, rears back with his right arm and punches forward. In the back of his mind he knows that this attempt, too, is a terribly wonky one. There’s determination to make it better than the first punch, but he realizes midway that perhaps part of his problem is that he isn’t aiming for anywhere specific. Not that a deathblow is in any way relevant here, but it occurs to him that this absence of focus could be something that’s hindering his success.

Undoubtedly Moritz dodged this one too.

“Okay, tell me straight, should I be punching, what, your face? Or – I don’t know – your torso? I know it’s a bit pathetic but I think at the end of the day if I could get you anywhere at all, I won’t feel like an absolute failure at this.”

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Yardwork [Moritz]

Postby Moritz Craven on November 22nd, 2022, 12:40 am

Moritz was a bit disappointed in Caspians lacking response to his over preparation, but simply let it go. Most people had a tendency to comment on such things, but Caspian was one of the few who had not, but after thinking on it for a moment he did not overly care much about it. After all they were there today to spar, and there was nothing wrong with focusing on that. Maybe they could come back to them at a later point, if there was time.

With that passed from his mind, Moritz focused on instruction, looking over Caspian and trying to work out what would be the best way to teach him. He did not want to do things exactly the same with each person, wanting instead to make it personalized to each student, but of course his own skills were somewhat limited so he could only do so much... Well that and Caspian's skills seemed even more limited, which meant keeping focused closely on a few things would be preferable to doing too many things.

Rather than doing anything much at first, Moritz simply let Caspian act, waiting to correct him afterwards and preparing to dodge with a roll. This would, he believed, give him a chance to both see any bad habits the man had while also showing his current level.

Focusing his attention Moritz looked at his body, seeing how it moved and tensed and flexed. His hands were somehow both loose and rigid in all the wrong spots... Yeah, Moritz surmised, he had a lot of work to do even with such a simple thing as a proper punch. He was not even properly moving his body to get a good amount of force out of it.

"It doesn't matter how good you are, eventually you will get hit. And so it is a good idea to know how to deal with that. Knowing how to roll with a punch helps lessen the impact, and should you fall it is good to know how to do so properly. Getting hit and falling wrong, or getting hit and falling right, even those two can make a big difference."

The first attack to come at him Moritz rolled backward, getting back out of range. He hoped showing what he was saying visually would help in his understanding, and therefore making his lesson easier to follow.

After watching the attack and evading it Moritz was about ready to say something, but Caspian instead insisted on another punch. Readying himself he came at Moritz... And did more or less the same thing again. Moritz for his part did the same as before, dodging backward, though this time by popping into and out of a backward hand spring. It was less of a roll, and more of a launching of oneself backward. Then as the users body arced their hands met the ground, and they pushed off, tucking and turning around. Finally they landed back on their feet, even further away this time than with the roll.

"If you can dodge an attack, that is best. If not, try to parry it. That still can apply to hands and arms, not just weapons. And if all of that fails, then all that is left is to take the hit right. The important thing though is staying reactive enough to be able to move as you need to."

Having come to a good point Moritz motioned at Caspian as he drew near.

"Alright hold for a bit. Stand up, in a ready position, hands out and prepared. Let me make some adjustments. First things first... You don't step forward into a punch, that's a good way to lose on your force. If you do that, your only punching with your hand and arm. A good punch uses the force of the punchers entire body."

At hearing the mans question, Moritz cocked his head, coming in close and grabbing at his limbs one by one to push or pull at them and try to guide them into a proper stance if he would let him. If he fought him on it though and did not take his handling and move as instructed Moritz would simply sigh and take a step back while eying him, waiting for him to take things seriously.

"First things first, how you punch is more important than what you punch. Better a good punch aimed badly than a bad punch aimed well. And besides, you can always alter your aim later, as you learn more. But how you punch, that must be hard ingrained. Plus... I guess it would depend on specifics. If your fighting a boar, you aren't going to punch the same as you would fighting a person. And is the person naked? In thin clothe? Metal armor? All of that would affect things, so you cannot really decide in advance where to punch."

As he spoke Moritz moved, using his fingers if he could to adjust things. He started small, adjusting his stance, moving his legs about shoulder length apart. Not too wide, but not too close. From their he would work the arms, bending one limb slightly in a defensive stance, while the other was cocked in an offensive one.

"Think of this as the defense... And this the attack... A good defense it loose, tucked in a bit to guard the important bits. A good attack is ready to lash out. it goes from loose to firm as needed."

Standing in front of him Moritz mimicked the stance he was trying to get him to take on, before turning and punching into the empty air, nodding at Caspian and waiting for him to do likewise.

"If its a person... Unless you have something covering your hands, punching the face is a bad idea. One, teeth are gonna mash up your fingers, so you don't want to punch them. Plus, the head has the skull, that is one bit solid bone. Better to punch something softer and less bony... The guts... The side... The throat... Stuff that will hurt them, but wont probably break your hand. Or just give them a good kick to the back of the knee. Now... Try the stance, hold yourself. We'll try a proper punch form once you get that down better."

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Yardwork [Moritz]

Postby Caspian on November 23rd, 2022, 2:56 pm



The inevitability of being struck, especially in these circumstances, is not a surprise to him – but it’s makes him wince, the starkness of the statement, and knowing the body it had come out of. It’s occurring to him that not only is M significantly taller than him, as well as wider; he’s denser, and while it may not be physiologically correct to say so, it sure feels like it’s possible that each cubic inch of M’s body weighs a lot more than his own. What does getting slammed with a boulder feel like? He can’t wait to find out.

“I don’t know why I’m getting so – twitchy about this,” Caspian exclaims, and there’s more than a little dismay in his heart when, of course, the fact of the day remains that neither of his punches come anywhere close to landing. “It’s not like I’ve never been in a fight before. But I have a dagger. I know what it’s like to walk into a situation and accept that there’s some possibility I’m going to get stabbed, but – ah, I don’t know what it is, I suppose I just feel terribly naked without a weapon in hand.”

Moritz’s continuation on the topic of rolling makes Caspian sigh deeply. It’s nothing to do with Moritz’s way of teaching, though. “Something about that feels a bit counterintuitive, though I do follow what you mean. It’s just – it’s like you’re freely accepting you’re going to get hurt, but where’s the line between making yourself too open for damage, and what you’re saying, which I suppose is just a healthy dose of being realistic? You’re a house, Moritz, and I’m basically a tarp on a stick; I admit I’m a bit dubious about walking into a scenario and being okay with taking any damage at all. A punch is going to do me a lot worse than it would you.”

Though it raises his hackles a bit at being touched – it’s just how he’s always been – he knows full well that Moritz maneuvering and adjusting him like a mannequin is all part of the process, and he quells the reflexive tension that rises in his body, trying his best to convey to Moritz that he’s still a volition participant in the experience.

He does his best to maintain the position Moritz has put him into, looking his sparring partner up and down critically. Takes mental notes, to the best of his ability, on Moritz’s left foot and how it looks compares to his right. How far apart he holds his legs. How high up he holds his arms – tries to use the elbows and how much of the torso they cover as focal points.

“Uh – like – hmm, like this?” Even with all this guidance and a visual aide in front of him, he still feels unusually wobbly on his feet, like a newborn foal. Uncertainly, he looks down at his feet, then back up at Moritz. Makes minor adjustments that he hopes but isn’t entirely sure are direct replicas of what he’s observing. “Er, feel free to move me around again if you need to. Sorry I get a bit thorny about contact.” Like a cat whose fur you’ve brushed up the wrong direction. “It’s not you, I swear.”

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Yardwork [Moritz]

Postby Moritz Craven on November 23rd, 2022, 11:18 pm

Moritz shrugged at Caspian's comment, not really sure what to say. In the end he just said what came to his mind first.

"As a rule I don't rely on hopes and best case situations. So while it might be nice to never be attacked, or to always have a weapon at hand when I was, I don't assume that will always be the case. Instead I plan and train on the understanding that sometimes I won't, so I'm prepared when it happens. If you ignore things you don't want to happen, it will only make it worse when it does. Like being attacked before you can draw a blade... Or being disarmed. Or other problems that might arise from relying on a weapon."

At his next words though Moritz frowned and lightly rapped his knuckles against the side of the mans head.

"Try listening a bit. I never said anything about just accepting a blow. I never said to stand there and just take a full force attack. As I said before. First you dodge. If you cannot dodge, then parry. And if all that falls, or say you don't have time for it, then taking the attack in the right way will still minimize the impact and thus damage over just standing there and being punched. But I know I'm not perfect. And not all my foes are going to be bumbling fools. So I understand that and prepare for the situation where I cannot dodge or parry it."

Throwing a few quick boxing jabs Moritz moved around a bit, before returning his eyes to Caspian's.

"Now, there are several ways to do that. You can choose where you get hit. By say... Blocking with your arm, to avoid getting it in the face or something. It will still hurt, but not as bad as a punch in the face. Another thing is what I showed earlier, the roll. A punch sinks into you. Now if you just stand there like a wall, its all gonna hit full force. But if you say... Move backward, and let the punch carry you, it will lessen the strength of the blow hitting you. Likewise you can turn that push into a roll, and turn some of that punch into you moving away from the person. It isn't perfect, but it can help a bit. And anything, even a bit, is better than nothing. And so you train now, so you can do it later when it matters."

While Caspian was tense as Moritz maneuvered his body, he did seem to somewhat grasp what he was saying. Still Moritz did at times have to make readjustments, as he got out of the position he placed him in.

"Better, but still not quite right... But a decent start. Here, why don't I show you a punch a proper one."

Here Moritz stepped back out of range before Caspian, and made a punch. Unlike Caspians before which mainly involved one arm and a leg and movement, Moritz was more of a twist which used most of his body. His legs, hips, torso, and arms, all did things as he punched.

"Now, why don't you try it a bit. A proper punch uses your entire body. You aren't just tossing your one arm at it. Instead, you rotate and swing your whole body, using your legs as a support and to provide twisting. Your hips, legs, all work together, along with your torso, and you swing your entire body around to move the arm with it instead of moving the arm by itself. That way your entire body is backing up that one arm moving into the punch. Your arm is just the extension, a solid one, while the rest of your body rotates it into the strike. Why don't you try that a bit."

Moritz for his part silently waited and watched, giving him the chance to try a few times before be began more adjustments and corrections and possibly a few more example air punches.

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Yardwork [Moritz]

Postby Caspian on November 24th, 2022, 5:26 pm



At Moritz’s admonishment – which is paired with a little head knocking. Which, funnily enough, is also reminiscent of his stepfather’s parenting strategies – Caspian sighs. “You make a whole load of sense, Moritz. Alright, you’re right, we remain flexible but prepare for the worst.”

As Moritz explains how one might ameliorate the damage for receiving a direct strike, Caspian tries to picture each scenario in his mind. Throwing up his arm – and in the heat of a moment, that would be his right arm, most likely, with it being his dominant side. But perhaps he needs to let go of that distinction; one knows it’s readily possible to be struck at the side they’re less comfortable with, and if he can find a way to be more at ease with his left, he could then rely on all parts of him to function and defend himself. Despite his aversion to being hurt at all, the more Moritz delves into rolling and how it could be implemented in a fight, the better Caspian is able to see that it’s a useful tactic to have in his arsenal.

Naturally, Moritz looks far more at ease with punching than he does. He watches Moritz’s arm as it passes through the air, how the rest of his body follows. It’s all in harmony, each muscle being put to use to enact and complete the movement. Prior to this moment Caspian’s been too focused on his one arm that was doing the punching, too anxious about getting the motion right to realize that he needs to get the other parts of his body flowing in synchronicity too.

When Moritz prompts him to try punching again, he inhales deeply, exhales. Inhales again and tries to hold in his mind every example of the movement he’s just witnessed. It’s with his right arm again, and privately he thinks about how uphill this entire situation will be. Learning to fight without a weapon, that is. If he’s taking this much time just chasing proficiency for his more dexterous limb, how long will it take for him to train his left?

But that worry aside –

He punches. Looks towards Moritz for his response. He’ll take any comments Moritz may have for him, and plays them over in his head before punching again. And again. It feels a little silly, throwing blows at the empty air, but he knows this is the necessary first step to any of this. He can feel the rest of his body moving along with his arm, attempting to mimic what Moritz had shown – but it’s still all shaky. Like he’s a baby bird being shoved out of a nest, wings still too frail to support any airtime. Even if he’s moving in the way he should, it’s all so wobbly, so stuttering; even if he begins and eventually ends with his limbs all where they should be, he’s self-conscious about everything that happens in the middle of the action.

“How was that?” Caspian asks after one more punch, hesitating and faltering out of the fighting stance Moritz had adjusted him into. “Okay, now I’m worried about my elbows. How close or far should they be from the sides of my ribs…?”

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Yardwork [Moritz]

Postby Moritz Craven on November 24th, 2022, 9:52 pm

While Moritz style of teaching was perhaps a bit aggressive, this was likely due to his own instructors. Kyra his first combat instructor back in Lhavit had been quite hands on, and not afraid of knocking some sense into a student. And since then he had learned and sparred with others, such as the Verusk in Syka, who were also not prone to pulling punches and did not see anything wrong with being a bit handsy in making something clear.

Perhaps without realizing it, the Kelvic had taken on many of his own teachers habits and methods in teaching someone how to fight. Which perhaps made a sort of sense, seeing as it had worked for Moritz then why would it not work for others?

He was not really surprised when Caspian said he agreed with his words. He would have been more surprised if he openly said he disagreed, which he supposed would indicate Caspian was not fully in touch with reality. Instead he was a bit surprised Caspian felt a need to make such a show of agreeing with someone saying something so clearly sensible. Like making a big deal of agreeing with someone saying fire was indeed hot.

"Obviously. Anything else would be stupidity or negligence. Which seems like a good way to get stabbed around here..."

Once the punching demonstration began Caspian seemed to be focusing keenly, a good sign he believed. As it was Caspian seemed to be trying to repeat what he did, though with limited success. Still it showed some growth, in that he was trying to work all of the elements of a good punch even if doing so poorly. Given enough time and practice, he was fairly certain he could make a decent punch.

Coming up along him Moritz patted a few areas of his hips, indicating where he should be flexing and turning, and moving his body through the rotation a few times.

"Remember what I said. The arm is just an extension, being rotated, but in and of itself it does not do much in a punch. The rest of the body, the solid footing, the turning of the hips and torso, those are the power of the punch, not the arm and fist. The arm and fist are just the wedge at the front, the thing being thrown by the rest of the body."

Having said that he let Caspian go a few more times, making some small adjustments by physically widening or shortening a stance as needed, or rotating a part back and force to let him see what needed to be done. Moritz hoped that by showing him what parts needed moving, he could help him figure out what parts to actually use later.

Letting the man keep going for awhile Moritz watched, only make a few comments here and there and moving a few bits here and there while letting Caspian work out the repetition himself. When he did finally come to a pause it did seem he was doing marginally better than before, though he now had a totally other question at hand.

"Better, but still needs some work. As for the elbows. Hmmm... Well the one you are holding on the defense, it is going to be tucked in a bit more. The other one you are attacking with, at the end it will be nearly fully extended, since like I said it is being rotated but the arm itself is not twisting much in the elbow during the punch itself. Just be careful not to overextend either, or you could end up hurting your arm with a bad punch. Things are only meant to bend so much, and overdoing it in either way can be bad. Remember this punch I'm showing you is a good full force full body blow, but there are other types. Stronger. Weaker. Faster. Slower. But I chose this one, since its the most multipurpose of them all. You can do a lot more with this one good punch, than being half decent at a bunch of jabs and things. So focus on getting this one down all the way, and then you can try adding on other stuff."

Pausing for a moment Moritz looked over Caspians form, before continuing.

"How about you get some practice with a real punch, instead of air. Come at me, and then plant and swing a punch into my side. Or try to. Give me two good ones. I promise I'll at most dodge the first one. Though the second... Well , who knows. You'll just need to be adaptable."

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