Solo [Garden Beach] Bubble Bubble Toil & Trouble

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[Garden Beach] Bubble Bubble Toil & Trouble

Postby Tazrae on November 20th, 2022, 5:00 am

Timestamp: 84th of Fall, 522 A.V.

Tazrae glanced up at a sky full of stars. Zintila’s realm circled around her slowly, bringing a smile to her face. The bard’s feet were bare and padded across the hardwood floor that made up the raised platform that was her bathing chamber. It was open to the world, to the sky, and to every living thing in and around Syka.

Taz liked it like that.

She could inhale deeply, fill her lungs with air, and exhale softly spinning slowly on the platform. She raised her arms, smiling her joy, and tipped her head back. She started singing quietly, maybe to herself, or maybe to the baby asleep in the little bassinet she set on the edge of the decking. Khari was freshly bathed, had been fed, and changed… and was set to sleep for at least three hours unless Tazrae or someone or something else woke her.

So with a soft inhale, Tazrae started singing as she walked around making sure the towels were stocked. She glanced at the empty tray that ran the length of the bathtub and walked to the cupboard at the far side of the raised platform. She swung the doors open, scanned across the items on the shelves and reached in selecting bottles and little jars of things to pamper herself with. She carried an armload over to the tray and loaded it down. Then she walked across the platform, glanced at Khari and smiled to see the baby was awake but not fussing, and slipped into the main pavilion for the wine. She poured herself a glass then took the glass and bottle back to the bathing platform, checking on her infant again as she passed by.

The wine glass and bottle went on the tray within easy reach. Then, Taz began to softly sing.

“There's a moment where we all
Have to choose to fly or fall
Here's yours”

She glanced at the baby and felt absolutely no concern as small four-legged scaled ixam hatchlings slowly crept up on the raised decking, joining her at her song. They wove in and out of her legs, playful, searching, wanting her energy and passion. Some of them even hummed along as if they were going to sing with her. Taz only smiled at them, bending low to carcass an eye ride here and a scaled nape there.

“I see you staring at the sky
As the daylight slowly dies
But there's more, you'll find
What are you waiting for?
What are you waiting for?”

She slowly began to dance as she sang, letting her hips sway and her body move. Her arms stayed out, reaching first left and right as she kept her head tilted up and her eyes to the sky. Tazrae slowly tapped her djed pool and drew her res up out of her core, throwing it out from her. Sunset Res slipped around the room like oversized incandescent lightening bugs. They hit all the wicks at once, causing all the candles to flare to light with the fire Reimancy as Taz concentrated on the next verse of the song. The whole area was bathed in soft candlelight now and beckoned to her… as she made it more and more her place.

“It burns, it breaks
It won't give when it takes
Its not fair, it's not always right
You can waste away in a safer place
You'll get by, you'll survive
But are you alive?
Are you really alive?”
Last edited by Tazrae on November 25th, 2022, 2:27 am, edited 1 time in total.
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[Garden Beach] Bubble Bubble Toil and Trouble

Postby Tazrae on November 25th, 2022, 1:59 am

She spun in a turn as she danced to the song, nothing in particular on her mind, a soft smile on her face. She reached a hand out, extruding res, and began to fill the huge copper tub on the deck with her sunset tinted Res. It swirled around the confines of the coppery basin and slowly transferred from pure Res to water as Tazrae sang.

“You try to find your better self
But you're becoming someone else
It's okay
Though you're scared to be alone
Think you're braver than you know
So don’t fade away
What are you waiting for?
What are you waiting for?”

The tub boiled with water, causing Tazrae to laugh. She liked hot water, but this was going to be just slightly hot. She backed off on the temperature and reached for a decorative bottle that she uncapped then filled the silver cap with the liquid. Upending the cap over the bubbling water, bubbles burst into being, foaming the frothing water, and causing Taz to laugh. Ixam, mostly small ones, all rose up on their hind legs and peered into the bubbly water confused.

Meanwhile, Taz kept singing.

“It burns, it breaks
It won't give when it takes
Its not fair, its not always right
You can waste away in a safer place
You'll get by, you'll survive
But are you alive?
Are you really alive?”

Checking on Khari and finding her finally asleep, Taz began to strip off her clothing, smiling at the depth and warmth of the frothing water in the tub. When she was finally as bare as a mountain, Tazrae slipped into the tub with a soft groan, sinking all the way down to her neck. Her hair, piled on top of her head was untouched by the water. To her credit, Taz finished off the song before she began to pull the pins in her curly hair releasing the mass to get just as good of a bath as the rest of her.

“You know you'll never be sure
What are you waiting for?
It burns, it breaks
It won't give when it takes
Its not fair, its not always right
You can waste away in a safer place
You'll get by, you'll survive
But are you alive?
Are you really alive?
Are you alive?
Are you really alive?”

Taz dunked her head under the water, soaking her hair, and came up with a grin and a groan, loving the way the hot water went to work on her tired muscles. To their credit, the Ixam had crept closer, several biting at the bubbles, causing Tazrae to simply laugh. Then, she reached down, picked up a large water pitcher from off the floor beside the tub, and concentrated. After a moment, she breathed res into the pitcher, transformed it to water, and matched its heat to the heat of the water in the tub. Having rinsed water for her hair, Taz sat the pitcher down and reached for the shampoo to get started on her bath.
"A mark of an open mind is being more committed to your curiosity than your conviction.
The goal of learning is not to shield old views against new facts, but to revise old views with new facts.
Ideas are possibilities to explore, not certainties to defend."

Garden Beach Syka The Protea Inn

"Listen to the wind, it talks. Listen to the silence, it speaks. Listen to your heart, it knows."
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[Garden Beach] Bubble Bubble Toil and Trouble

Postby Tazrae on November 25th, 2022, 2:16 am

The Innkeeper smiled slowly at the indulgence of her bath. She was on a wild beach in the south Suvan Sea nestled in paradise. Things didn’t get any better than this, truth be told. Life wasn’t all she’d expected or hoped for, but at this moment, she could be absolutely content in this water surrounded by her magic getting clean. Taz reached across to the tray that lay on the table a little above rim height and ran the tub's length. She selected a large quart jar and unscrewed the lid.

Dipping her fingers in, she scooped out some of the lotion-like material that smelled of peaches and almonds. Reaching up, she started working the mixture into her hair. Gods… Taz groaned out loud. The Gold Lake Dominion, where she’d been for the last year, was full of luxury with gilded fixtures and water that was pipped into baths. But this… this was a hundredfold better and something she could live with day in and day out.

Working her hair into a lather, she rested back against the tub once all her locks were piled on top of her head and covered with the shampoo. Then she relaxed, letting it soak in as Uta had advised. The mixture was one of Uta’s specialties, made specifically for Tazrae to help her curls relax and her hair becomes more manageable. And the scent was one of her favorites. How had Uta known? Sorcery, pure and simple.

Leaning back, forcing herself to relax further, Tazrae lifted up her arm so it rose from the water. Concentrating hard, she willed the water that had once been her Res to cling to her arm like a second skin. It pulled free of the bath with her arm, fully surrounding her limb with an inch-thick layer of water. Taz studied it, practicing her focus, keeping her lifted arm encased in water. Sweat broke out on her forehead as she concentrated because it was difficult to get the thickness – the uniformity – of the water completely universal across the limb.

Then, holding the water with her will on the first arm, she lifted the second arm and tried doing it all over again. It took extreme focus. Taz didn’t let her gaze or concentration waiver as she studied the outstretched limbs, making micro corrections in the water supporting itself around the limbs. Then, still focusing, feeling her power stretch and limber up under her concentration, she broke the watery sleeves into a million tiny marching ants. Made of water, the ants were transparent and marched back down her limbs to rejoin the water resting in the tub. As soon as they touched its surface, the little water ants merged with the tub water and rejoined.

Taz lightly laughed, tipping her head back and studying the stars. Gods… Garden Beach was beautiful.

Then, more emboldened that her ant trick had worked, Taz took a deep breath and slipped down the tub's edge so she was underwater. She dug her fingers in her hair and began working the shampoo out of the caramel locks. Her hair darkened with the water and then in turn darkened the water itself as the soap spread out into the bath. Taz sat up, pulled her wet almost-rinsed hair from the tub, and picked up the pitcher next to the tub. Then she used that clean water to rinse the rest of the shampoo out of her hair. Gods she loved clean hair.

When she was smaller, she thought her hair was a menace. Now that she was older, she appreciated how it reflected who she was... even in the fact that it wouldn't remotely decide on an actual color to be.
"A mark of an open mind is being more committed to your curiosity than your conviction.
The goal of learning is not to shield old views against new facts, but to revise old views with new facts.
Ideas are possibilities to explore, not certainties to defend."

Garden Beach Syka The Protea Inn

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[Garden Beach] Bubble Bubble Toil and Trouble

Postby Tazrae on November 25th, 2022, 2:18 am

Laughing, she willed the water in the tub to air and then swirled it up and away, carried off into the jungle by the evening breeze. Then Taz settled back against the rim of the tub, completely dry, and expelled Res again. She was lucky. Her grandfather would probably throw a fit knowing she was wasting her magic on a bath, instead of taking over bodies and gaining even more power. But that she had this kind of power… the ability to fill a tub multiple times… to enjoy this kind of evening… was incredibly lucky.

Taz let her res swirl around, opening her arms and oozing more res into the tub, transforming it into the water as it flowed forth. She didn’t actually need to exhale to expel the res… it would come from her hands, her toes, her fingers, even her nose… but it was fun… breathing res out. She waited until the tub was completely full, then slipped under the water, willing it hotter.

Then, slowly, cautiously, she opened her mouth and inhaled the water, transmuting it from water to air as she took a breath. Then she took a deeper breath and a deeper breath, laughing as she expelled the air, not bothering to transmute it back to the water. Taz ran her hands through her hair one last time to make sure the locks were clean before she pulled her head up out of the water and scooted back against the leaned-back high rim of the tub. She smiled, running her hands across her scalp, pushing the water out of her locks and wringing it out where it fell down across her shoulders.

Then, it was time to wash the rest of the grim off her. She picked up a loofa and a cake of soap. She dipped the loofa and ran it across the cake of soap, getting it soaped up. Then she began to stroke her shoulders and arms. Where she rubbed, pulling the dirt and dead skin off her body, she began to sing. She laughed at Khari who was wide awake, arms waving, watching her mother bathe. Taz sent her daughter a smile and began to sing to the infant.

“Golden eyes watching our every move
Losing time without the sun or moon

Shadows, they can't even touch the ground
This staircase is spiraling deeper down

Here we are in the heart of the darkness
Here we are in the heart of the darkness
You feel your body shake
Fear like a phantom waits
Here we are in the heart of the darkness
Here we are in the heart of the darkness
Hold fast, we must be brave
In the heart of the darkness
In the heart of the darkness”

Dirty water again, Taz shook her head, wrang out the loofa, and set it aside. She concentrated and repeated her action of transmuting the water to air. She swirled it up and away and refilled the tub a third time. The whole time she was working on the water to air to refill, she kept singing.

”The quiet, it swallows us
What's waiting around the corner
Senses we cannot trust
Hunted by unseen horrors

Shadows, they can't even reach us now
There's no speck of light that can lead us out

Here we are in the heart of the darkness
Here we are in the heart of the darkness
You feel your body shake
Fear like a phantom waits
Here we are in the heart of the darkness
Here we are in the heart of the darkness
Hold fast, we must be brave
In the heart of the darkness
In the heart of the darkness”
"A mark of an open mind is being more committed to your curiosity than your conviction.
The goal of learning is not to shield old views against new facts, but to revise old views with new facts.
Ideas are possibilities to explore, not certainties to defend."

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[Garden Beach] Bubble Bubble Toil and Trouble

Postby Tazrae on November 25th, 2022, 2:19 am

Khari was still mildly entertaining herself waving her arms and swinging in the hammock, which caused Taz to grin amidst her singing. It seemed the infant was even getting the hammock to swing on its own. Taz gestured, extruding res from her fingers, and sending the five blobs of sunset-colored power dancing toward the infant. They turned into little star shapes of water, kept aloft by the res-generated wind Taz created. She circled the glittery water stars around Khari’s hammock and caused the baby's eyes to go wide with wonder. She made grabbing motions at the stars, kicking her little feet, before she laughed as Taz made the stars crash into one another and blow up in a little storm of cool raindrops. The baby blinked, almost deciding to cry before she laughed again.

Taz’s heart swelled with pride. Her little one wasn’t afraid of much, certainly not of droplets of water.

”I can almost see the light
I can almost see the light
Then it's gone
I can almost see the light
I can almost see the light
Then it's gone”

Taz sat back as Khari yawned, and decided to pour herself a glass of wine. It was something from Riverfall, a pale blush that Taz preferred. She took a sip, leaned back, and continued singing. The song was meaningful to her and something she was willing to do. Khari was her light, and the darkness was everything else. Absolutely everything.

”Here we are in the heart of the darkness
Here we are in the heart of the darkness
You feel your body shake
Fear like a phantom waits
Here we are in the heart of the darkness
Here we are in the heart of the darkness
Hold fast, we must be brave
In the heart of the darkness
In the heart of the darkness
In the heart of the darkness”

Finally, she stood up in the water and stepped out of the tub setting down her wineglass as she did so. She passed her hands across her hair, transmuting the moisture there into warm air, letting the steam rise off her newly cleaned and bouncing curls. Then she ran her hands up and down her body, hovering them just over the skin, not touching, wicking away the moisture, and letting it to transmute into the air.

Then she leaned into the bathtub and simply released the res-formed water thereby also changing it into a swirl of wind that spiraled around the copper monstrosity and zephyred up and out of the metal tub. Taz grinned in delight, noticing no ring left around the tub and no dirt in its interior. It was glowingly warm and reflected the magic of the night. Turning, she picked up a silk robe, wrapped it around herself, and collected her child from the hammock she’d deposited her in.

The only discomfort she had was her sore heavy breasts, and the child would take care of her mother’s needs as nicely as the mother would take care of her own hunger. Taz looked forward to settling in the big bed, feeding Khari, and watching the moon rise over the ocean. She might even sleep, especially after a bath like that.

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[Garden Beach] Bubble Bubble Toil and Trouble

Postby Tazrae on November 25th, 2022, 2:22 am


Tazrae -

Reimancy +5, Singing +4, Cleaning +5

Reimancy: The Uses In A Bath Tub, Reimancy: Transmuting Water To Air, Reimancy: Breathing Water By Transmuting It To Air
"A mark of an open mind is being more committed to your curiosity than your conviction.
The goal of learning is not to shield old views against new facts, but to revise old views with new facts.
Ideas are possibilities to explore, not certainties to defend."

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"Listen to the wind, it talks. Listen to the silence, it speaks. Listen to your heart, it knows."
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