OOC Info The Sunberth Character Registry - Winter 523 A.V.

Please register here if you are playing in the city this season.

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A lawless town of anarchists, built on the ruins of an ancient mining city. [Lore]

Moderator: Morose

The Sunberth Character Registry - Winter 523 A.V.

Postby Morose on December 1st, 2023, 10:17 pm


Welcome to Sunberth!

If you plan on writing in Sunberth during The Winter of 523 be sure and register! I will use the information you provide in your registry entry to plan for future events in Sunberth so please be thorough with your responses.

Thank you!

Character Registry
  1. Who Are You?
  2. Age, Sex, Race?
  3. Were you born here, or are you visiting? If visiting, how did you get here?
  4. What do you hope to get out of your experience here in Sunberth?
  5. Do you need a job or have enough coin to support yourself?
  6. Describe your character in a few short sentences.
  7. What are your character goals this season?
  8. What made you choose Sunberth?
  9. What is your favorite thing about Sunberth?
  10. How does your PC contribute to Sunberth?
  11. How do you want Moderator Involvement in your PC this season?
  12. Additional Comments?

Code: Select all
[center][box=400,black,white,white][size=150]Character Registry[/size][left][list=1]
[*][b]Who Are You?[/b]
[*][b]Age, Sex, Race?[/b]
[*][b]Were you born here, or are you visiting? If visiting, how did you get here?[/b]
[*][b]What do you hope to get out of your experience here in Sunberth?[/b]
[*][b]Do you need a job or have enough coin to support yourself?[/b]
[*][b]Describe your character in a few short sentences.[/b]
[*][b]What are your character goals this season?[/b]
[*][b]What made you choose Sunberth?[/b]
[*][b]What is your favorite thing about Sunberth?[/b]
[*][b]How does your PC contribute to Sunberth?[/b]
[*][b]How do you want Moderator Involvement in your PC this season?[/b]
[*][b]Additional Comments?[/b][/center][/list][/left][/box]
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The Sunberth Character Registry - Winter 523 A.V.

Postby Vest on December 2nd, 2023, 1:36 pm

Character Registry
  1. Who Are You? Vest
  2. Age, Sex, Race? 17, Female, Inarta
  3. Were you born here, or are you visiting? If visiting, how did you get here? Visiting, been living in Sunberth for about a year or so. She arrived by a caravan a long while ago and settled in after that.
  4. What do you hope to get out of your experience here in Sunberth? Vest is a wild card, hoping to get the full experience of a rough and tumble gang life.
  5. Do you need a job or have enough coin to support yourself? Already have a job at The Rookery
  6. Describe your character in a few short sentences. Inquisitive, sassy, and all around a ball of fire, Vest is always finding herself in situations filled with an ounce of danger. She laughs them off and acts cocky as she handles the situation. Being a teen, she is also still trying to figure out if this is how she wants to live her life.
  7. What are your character goals this season? Make enough coin to last two seasons so she can travel.
  8. What made you choose Sunberth? Vest being a wildcard, Sunberth seemed appropriate
  9. What is your favorite thing about Sunberth? Havent found a favorite thing yet
  10. How does your PC contribute to Sunberth? They help deliver messages to the citizens of Sunberth
  11. How do you want Moderator Involvement in your PC this season? When asked for it.
  12. Additional Comments?

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The Sunberth Character Registry - Winter 523 A.V.

Postby Eldrin on December 4th, 2023, 6:23 pm

Character Registry
  1. Who Are You? Eldrin
  2. Age, Sex, Race? 33, Male, Human
  3. Were you born here, or are you visiting? If visiting, how did you get here?Born here
  4. What do you hope to get out of your experience here in Sunberth? Looking forward to collaborating with others.
  5. Do you need a job or have enough coin to support yourself? Yes
  6. Describe your character in a few short sentences. A most unlikable fellow, but he's got pluck and determination in spades. Not one to let a few beatings get in the way of snatching a bottle of liquor so he can at least catch a few winks of sleep before the cycle starts all over again.
  7. What are your character goals this season?To pull him somewhat out of the gutter, refine his outlook and give him something to strive for besides the bottom of the next bottle.
  8. What made you choose Sunberth? It seemed a natural fit for the character idea I have, and perfect to learn the complex system in this world.
  9. What is your favorite thing about Sunberth? A city that thrives on anarchy is quite the thought experiment, even if I don't fully grasp the ins and outs yet.
  10. How does your PC contribute to Sunberth? He scrapes by, contributing in a multitude of small ways by simply existing.
  11. How do you want Moderator Involvement in your PC this season?As you see fit.
  12. Additional Comments? Looking forward to getting to know the lot of you.
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The Sunberth Character Registry - Winter 523 A.V.

Postby Maya Frostfawn on December 5th, 2023, 3:31 pm

Character Registry
  1. Who Are You? Maya Frostfawn
  2. Age, Sex, Race? 53, Currently Female, Nuit
  3. Were you born here, or are you visiting? If visiting, how did you get here? Honey, I live here! For now...
  4. What do you hope to get out of your experience here in Sunberth? I am hoping not to die.
  5. Do you need a job or have enough coin to support yourself? I'm working at the Clinic as the good doctor's assistant.
  6. Describe your character in a few short sentences. Quiet. Reserved. Always got their thinking cap on. Emotionally numb.
  7. What are your character goals this season? Don't die for realz.
  8. What made you choose Sunberth? The tropics don't agree with me, darling.
  9. What is your favorite thing about Sunberth? Everyone's a nutter.
  10. How does your PC contribute to Sunberth? I'm a medic.
  11. How do you want Moderator Involvement in your PC this season? I don't have anything in mind.
  12. Additional Comments? Please don't kill me?
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The Sunberth Character Registry - Winter 523 A.V.

Postby Evalynn Frostfawn on December 6th, 2023, 12:46 pm

Character Registry
  1. Who Are You? Evalynn Frostfawn
  2. Age, Sex, Race? 23, Female, Vantha
  3. Were you born here, or are you visiting? If visiting, how did you get here? Live here?
  4. What do you hope to get out of your experience here in Sunberth? Improvement on Disguise and Weapons training, but Eva may venture off into other things as well
  5. Do you need a job or have enough coin to support yourself? Eva has a job at The Drunken Fish as a Barmaid
  6. Describe your character in a few short sentences. Eva is a cautious person, only venturing out of her house for work or errands. She is also being haunted by a ghost whom seeks revenge on their killer. Apart from this, when she choses to trust someone, she becomes sort of motherly and sweet.
  7. What are your character goals this season? Solve a murder with as low of a profile as possible?
  8. What made you choose Sunberth? I dont even remember
  9. What is your favorite thing about Sunberth? Hidden Dangers
  10. How does your PC contribute to Sunberth? Serving drinks and food for the seamen
  11. How do you want Moderator Involvement in your PC this season? Im not sure?
  12. Additional Comments?
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The Sunberth Character Registry - Winter 523 A.V.

Postby Moritz Craven on January 1st, 2024, 3:37 pm

Character Registry
  1. Who Are You? Moritz Craven
  2. Age, Sex, Race? 4, Male, Okomo Kelvic
  3. Were you born here, or are you visiting? If visiting, how did you get here? Visiting, arrived by boat from Zeltiva
  4. What do you hope to get out of your experience here in Sunberth? Combat, anarchy, thrills, and a chance to grow.
  5. Do you need a job or have enough coin to support yourself? Have a job as a guard at the Drunken Fish.
  6. Describe your character in a few short sentences. Somewhat odd Okomo Kelvic who is trying to defend those he cares for and grow into a proper person. Always looking for a good spar and a chance to train.
  7. What are your character goals this season? Save up some money, train his combat skills, commune with his Arch structure.
  8. What made you choose Sunberth? The Anarchy and pure chaos, it gives quite a few more chances to grow his combat skills than other nicer places.
  9. What is your favorite thing about Sunberth? The gangs, often underutalized but an interesting mechanic of the city.
  10. How does your PC contribute to Sunberth? Works as a guard at the Drunken Fish.
  11. How do you want Moderator Involvement in your PC this season? Not at the moment planned.
  12. Additional Comments? If anyone wants to thread or plot, let me know! We can surely work something out!
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The Sunberth Character Registry - Winter 523 A.V.

Postby Aeldaenu on February 1st, 2024, 4:17 am

Character Registry
  1. Who Are You?: Aeldaenu

  2. Age, Sex, Race?: 25, Male, Kelvic

  3. Were you born here, or are you visiting?: I flew here.
  4. What do you hope to get out of your experience here in Sunberth?: I just got here, a roof over my head and a bath are about as far as my aspirations go, for now.
  5. Do you need a job or have enough coin to support yourself?: I am a decent enough hunter, I’ve coin enough.
  6. Describe your character in a few short sentences.:Dae is a hunter with wanderlust, he decided to set out from the tiny scrap of a village to see more of the world and hone his skills,
  7. What are your character goals this season?: Explore and meet new people.
  8. What made you choose Sunberth?: It was the first on the list.
  9. What is your favorite thing about Sunberth?: No idea.
  10. How does your PC contribute to Sunberth?: He’s a hunter and trapper, so if meat isn’t wanted, he’ll have furs.
  11. How do you want Moderator Involvement in your PC this season?: However they choose to?
  12. Additional comments: Feel free to hit me up for a thread :)
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