Meetings on the Edge [Seyp]

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Taloba, home to the Myrians, is the thriving core of Falyndar. Inhabited by a fierce and savage tribe where blood sacrifices are normal and a way of life, they are untamed and proud of it. Warlike, and with their numbers growing, the Myrians are set on reclaiming what is rightfully theirs. [Lore]

Meetings on the Edge [Seyp]

Postby Mihai on April 25th, 2011, 6:39 pm

5th Spring, 511 A.V.Image

The suspicion that he was only there to keep him busy had occurred to him, but Myri and her loverly tigress would only spare him so much time. He supposed it made sense, having so much to take care of, as Master did, and, of course, the danger of overstimulation made any one of the feline persuasion tetchy and prone to lash out. He didn't want to be a bother, but after so long without a bond, perhaps he needed it a bit too badly. Then, also, it was Spring and that lovely tigress inspired some new feelings in him.

But for now he had padded up toward the gates of Taloba, there to meet a tracker who might need a bit of help taking down dangerous game for some sort of bone magic he did that didn't pique Mihai's interest. Seyp of the Bone Shamans, that was it. Casting his golden eyes about and seeing nobody who fit the description he was given, he found a shady spot, let his gawky adolescent bulk sprawl upon the ground, and waited for the man to show up.

He watched the passers-by lazily, wondering if he would ever quite grow used to this place. It was far more populous than the little hunter camp that had been his life previous to trekking across what amounted to half of Mizahar to find the shadowy sister he supposedly had, and he still hadn't found her. Sometimes it was claustrophobic being surrounded by so many, even if they were now a part of his extended family through their Goddess-Queen.

It was all quite strange to simple Mihai, who was not quite an adult and of whom little had ever been required except obedience and skill.
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Meetings on the Edge [Seyp]

Postby Seyp on May 7th, 2011, 2:54 am

He moved through the crowds at a slow pace, his mind adrift towards his learning as they often were. Currently his hand went to work, painting symbols along a small slip of paper as he moved along, his voice muttering words incoherently as he did so. There were a few who looked at him oddly as he did this, but many had eventually grown accustomed to it, ignoring it as they would a stray animal overly begging for scraps on occasion.

Eventually, Seyp found himself standing at the front gates of Taloba, looking around for a long moment. Seeing the young man, seated under the shade of a low hanging tree, he took a short moment for inspection. Finally, stuffing the glyphs he had been working on into a small pouch at his waist, he moved over to the young Kelvic, stopping in front of him. His eyes passed over the young males frame once more, almost unnervingly before finally locking eyes with him, Seyp’s own face practically a blank look, void of emotion. “You are the one they sent to assist me then?” Seyp then said, his voice smooth and calm. “Mihai?”

A thick chain dangled from Seyp’s waist, its surface reflecting Syna’s light slightly into Mihai’s eyes occasionally when it caught the right angle. Along his back, the long handle of his Falx could be seen as it stuck out at least a foot above his head. Finally, at his waist, sat three throwing daggers. Aside from this, his back rested along his shoulders, carrying any necessities he brought with him.
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Meetings on the Edge [Seyp]

Postby Mihai on May 9th, 2011, 6:05 am

The golden-colored tiger had lazily tracked Seyp's approach, considering him a likely candidate given the description Mihai had received. He had come in his feline form, figuring it was easier than forcing the bone shaman to carry his clothes or shocking the natives by walking around in the skin he had been given. Shifting took energy, of course, so he would only do so at need. But he gave a sort of nod to the man before hauling himself up, a growling greeting rumbling from somewhere inside him.

His golden eyes peered toward the gate and then up at Seyp, the obvious question therein. It was second nature sometimes to look to a human for leadership, though Myri was the true authority in his life now. It was confusing at times, though, to have conflicting urges to assert his own sort of dominance and feel the urge to follow the directives of another. But this one had Myri's approval, at least for this hunt, and so he wouldn't worry about it too much.

Not yet. He was still young.
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Meetings on the Edge [Seyp]

Postby Seyp on June 23rd, 2011, 4:06 am

Seyp observed the large feline Kelvic, a keen interest in his eyes that displayed a hint of curiosity. Mihai may or may not have been able to sense it, but Seyp had been studying him since first seeing him. Watching his movement, listening to the way he breathed, smelling the scent that his animal form left in the air. It was as if Seyp had been trying to learn every little minute detail. To what ends would likely fall to the rumors that Mihai had heard of Seyp, if he had listened to any told.

Overall, however, it was simple habit of Seyp’s. To observe the way he did, to study His primary practice often demanded such, so when encountering someone for the first time, he would always study them. Learn about them. About a minute of silence passed by before Seyp finally gave a nod himself, turning as he began leading towards the jungles. “Let us be off then.” Seyp said as casually as he had first spoken with Mihai. “There are reports of poachers to the north, near the boarder of the Kalea region. I’ve been offered the opportunity to observe them and take my pick of the one who interests me most. The others are prey for our patrols and scouts.”

Seyp peered over his shoulder, looking to Mihai once more. “If you attack the one I chose, be sure you do not damage the bones of their limbs or head.” Seyp informed, tightening the strap that held his weighted chain to his waist. “Those will likely be the most valuable parts of our prey. I will make mention of any other parts to be spared otherwise. Perform well and I will craft you an item from our prey, which will in turn give you ability that he or she possessed in their life.”
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Meetings on the Edge [Seyp]

Postby Mihai on August 6th, 2011, 1:02 am

Mihai considered the bone shaman and his words, thinking on them for a while before yawning widely, a bit of a growl coming out as he did. This could be taken as assent. Splayed out on the ground, he looked bigger than he was; when he rose with lazy grace, it became clearer that he was young, gawking limbs, overlarge paws, but without the substance of older tigers. Without the substance of Myrian tigers, too. He hadn't their size, though he liked to think he was smarter than they were. That may or may not have been true.

He looked up at Seyp, then padded toward the gate as he considered how best to kill human prey without breaking bones. Later perhaps he would ask Seyp to give him more specifics, because his general attack was to come crushing down out of a tree, but that invariably broke bones. Sometimes he crushed windpipes, but that usually involved crushed vertebrae. His claws and teeth were sharp, of course, but he wasn't sure he would be effective at such surgical strikes.

All the same, perhaps that was why he had been assigned to Seyp in the first place, to learn a new skill, a new variation on what came naturally to predators such as him. He accepted this and became determined to master this form of hunting in order to impress his Master.

After they had left Taloba behind and walked in silence, he made a decision. As quick as thought, light flashed around him and a gangling youth was walking next to Seyp, a twisting, scarlike mark along one of his ribs all that he wore. The Myrians didn't hassle him about clothes most of the time, being more practical about such matters with the jungle's heat and humidity, so he paid it no attention either.

"Are there some bones that are less useful?" he hazarded. "My killing can be messy, since I usually eat what I kill anyway. I'm trying to figure out how to be of use... how to kill without crushing and all."
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Meetings on the Edge [Seyp]

Postby Rage on June 24th, 2012, 9:29 am


Observation - 1xp
Tactics - 1xp
Investigation - 1xp

Location: Taloba's Gate
Tactics: Conserving one's energy before a hunt

Seyp of the Bone Shamans

Glyphing - 1xp
Observation - 1xp
Leadership - 1xp

A Kelvic's Understanding of Speech
A Tiger's Form


Notes :
Shame this thread didn't get finished, it would have been interesting to see where it would have gone.

PM me if you have any questions about the thread rewards.

Notice: I will not be available for modding in the foreseeable future until I've cleared up my backlog of Miz stuff (PC and ST-wise). Hopefully, it's a temporary thing, but we'll see. I will still grade your threads, however.
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