Within the meadow, the four sleeping dreamers lay captive at the small figures gaze. It raised it's eyes, watching them, mocking them in their insecurity as they realized they were not in their world anymore but in its. It was a strange creature, a parasite which plagued upon the denizens of life, and it began to laugh, laugh and cry in an ensemblage of voices that were familiar to the dreamers. The voices of those which died on them, the voices of those they scorned and those they loved who had went away. The baby was a mocking soul, hungry for their pain, their tears, and their anguish. Hungry for their flesh and blood existences outside the realm of its demean. At times , it wondered if it was best to take their souls and live vicariously through them. But no matter. If it couldn't go with them, it would impart a small bit of pain and torture upon them, branding their souls with the darkness and haunting truths of loved ones past. Twisting their memories to depression and sorrow. Perhaps then, at one point in their night's these dreamers might return, drawn in by its beautiful horrors. From its eyes and skin blood and black smoke began to weep, enveloping the meadow in darkness. Darkness which laughed and choked the pitiful creatures that had dreamed their way into its demesne like flies careening into a spider's nest. The shadows themselves were smothering them, forcing them to feel like heavy weights were pressed upon their chests as they screamed and screamed. They couldn't awaken, it wouldn't let them until it's work was over... In the sweltering pull of the shadows wrenmae reached out to grasp blythe's hand with his own, blythe's other hand reached out to touch Bannon's, Bannon's reached out to touch Riki's and Riki's other hand reached out to complete the circle of grasping blythe's. For now , they were just mortals screaming out against that which had hold of them, a voice within the dreams crying out for help against something they could not understand, for to understand would be to become controlled by it, and to be controlled by it would mean the forfeiture of their own souls and the twisting of their nature's forever. Their screams echoed out within the dreamworlds, touching the lines of energy between them... and something out in the mists of nothingness, and illusion heard their cries. A resounding roar shook the firmament , echoing through the dreamer's bones down to their very natures, and the shadows of the cryptic child doll pulled back as into its body, the shadows and blood oozed back in through its eyes. For a moment it stared at the dreamers, then glanced hastily around, holding its pudgy baby like craterous arms upwards towards the sky as if to shield itself from the sounds. The roar came again, this time louder as if a great beast was coming closer. Up above, on the distant horizon the dreamers would see a vast shape moving above the clouds. The un-child hissed and spat, skittering backwards to rest its back against a rock. "No! They're Mine! Mine! You can't have them! They're my food! My prey! It's Not Fair! It's Not Fair!" The resounding roar came again, as the cloud cover broke to reveal a creature swimming through the sky as easily as a fish would swim in the ocean. The broken child glanced towards the dreamers and back towards the giant approaching creature as the four stumbled to their feet, still holding hands as they blinked the last of the shadows away! The baby was growing larger now, growing taller and wider until it girth and it thrashed its feet upon the ground. Spitting and howling as the shadows and blood of it's inner form began to stretch again. The dreamers ran, and they ran together glancing back over their shoulders as the echoing roar grew ever louder now, angrier as in the distance a giant fin came down to sweep across the land... above the strangest sight could be seen, a sea tortoise of gigantic proportion speeding in the dreamers direction. It's head swiveling on its elongated neck and from it's jaws the beginning sparks of fire could be seen beginning to kindle in its ire as its made its way towards the disfigured child. Fire in which the tortoise exhaled in a deep and fiery gust over the dreamers heads as they ran towards it. It shell seemed to stretch for miles, its back fins coming to rest upon a far off shore in the distance as the four dreamers skittered to a stop as it loomed massively over them. Behind them the giant baby blew a haze of blood and shadow, frozen in arcs in the dreamers direction. Seeking to impale them like fish on the end of a fishing arrow to draw them back into its clutches. But the projectiles were stopped by the giant dream turtle's fins coming down to shelter and protect them as it continued breathing fire towards the malicious creature as it's giant fins scooped them the four up to carry the dreamers up into the sky... As the meadow dwindled from sight the dreamers would notice the giant baby stamping its feet in a tantrum as they broke through the cloads. Above, on the elongated sinewy neck the head of the giant tortoise stretched downwards to blink at them all as a small hum of satisfaction that felt like warm summer rain echoed in their bones. It's large ovoid eye stared at them for a few moments, blinking at one in turn as if gazing into their past, or into their present. Finally, making a disturbingly human nod of it's head it turned it's neck back towards the front and the low hum intensified around them as a haze of multicolored lights swirled around them, the same lights which were so disorienting before as they passed between dreams was now calmed and kept apart from them all as they were carried. The clouds around them momentarily flashed strands of silver and gold before becoming the same offwhite they saw upon the skies of Mizahar. Soon enough the giant turtle was plunging downwards and if any knew anything of geography the world as they knew it was safely displayed in all their wonder, yet still seemed intangible, incorporeal. The dreamers did not feel the wind, nor the sky, nor the cold of the chill. Only the warmth of the humming creature which was carrying them. For a moment the fin's glowed and the dreamers found themselves drifting apart from one another. Flying on the backs of smaller sea turtles that seemed in every way similar to the one who carried it thus far. Splitting towards their individual directions. Wrenmae was carried by one of the turtle's , sitting upon its back as it flew down towards the edge of a tent where inside he saw himself sleeping. Turning towards the creature who brought him here the man might be bewildered. But the kind eyes of the creature would reassure him as it pressed its snout to its back to give a gentle nudge to the man who fell forwards into his sleeping form, only to awaken in the real world. To the other three the same occurence would happen, the turtle taking them to their place of rest and gently pushing them home to awaken to a bright new day. As they were in their surrounding, exactly as they had seen them in the dream... Save the turtle wasn't there. But the memory of the dream for some reason would remain. A memory that might make them wonder what else they'd find when they closed their eyes again. If the four dreamers met , then they would speak, speak of a dream upon which they shared. ~Fin oocThat was too good a premise to leave unfinished . Sorry if I had a bit of fun as well. ^-^ |