An Azenth with one Mark has one very important ability; they gain the immunity to fire. At one mark, the heat of a fire can still be felt, but it does not burn them. If they work with fire routinely, say as a magical discipline of Reinmancy or routinely build fires, then the heat of that fire is often absorbed by them and keeps their body temperature relatively higher compared to 'normal' individuals of their race.
Singularly marked Azenth often make incredibly talented firewalkers and firedancers with very little effort. In addition, at this level, Ivak marked people often sense the underlying strongly building emotion of another person, but cannot tell specifically what has caused those emotions. For example, if someone is experiencing a powerful upheaval of emotion - say grief - the Azenth can detect that, but will not understand what caused it. Mundane emotions - everyday joy, sorrow, etc are not picked up by Azenth.
Instead, Azenth hone in and narrow down on only strong intense boiling emotions. They can often tell when someone has newly fallen in love, or if another completely hates something or someone with a passion. The only rule is that the emotion has to be intensely strong for them to feel it. Even urges, like the desire to steal, can be detected if they are overwhelming.
HapChance (6 Uses, 1 Gnosis Mark)
Kelwyn tend to mark those who are willing to take a gamble when all the odds are stacked against them. Wielding the mark requires an almost reckless amount of fearlessness and quick thinking, so the gods are careful to choose wielders with an adventurous spirit.
While Kelwyn will abide rascals and standard knaves, they are not inclined to help or mark those who have a malevolent spirit. They do not bestow negative marks, but are not above the occasional cosmic prank on those they don't care for.
The mark can be activated at any time by the wielder using only his will, but with each use the mark dissipates. When the mark vanishes physically, the power leaves as well. A single mark will generally allow for six to eight uses.
Changes the activation can incur are temporary if mental and permanent if physical. For example, if you activate the mark and your captor is suddenly overcome with love for you, this effect is temporary and best be capitalized on quickly. But if the mark suddenly turns every weapon in the room, including yours, into fresh plums, your father’s sword is forever a snack.