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A place for PCs to contribute to the city

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A half-collapsed city of alabaster and gold fiercely governed by Eypharians. Even partially ruined, it is the crown of the desert and a worthy testament to old glories and rising powers.

[Development] Pre-Production

Postby Kaley on December 30th, 2012, 11:42 pm

I was taking a peek at the wiki page and I noticed that the majority of the cuisine was aimed for the commons. I was wondering what the those in the upper class ate. Would they eat things imported from other lands. Would the wealthy still drink through lavish jeweled straws? or would their beer be pre-strained for them. Here are my thoughts: Ahnatep is such a mecca for spices and teas it might make sense for the upper class to drink spiced wines made from different desert fruits. It can even become a trade where those who bring fruits from other lands are rewarded because those can be made into rare wines. Different combinations can have different effects based on the tea blends as well.

Perhaps the art of wine making could be considered a womanly art and the rarer of ingredients one has, the more prestige it would have. The rarest being given as gifts and tributes to the Pressorah. This also may be a stretch, but perhaps even some of her concubines are practiced in the arts so that the Pressorah may always have wine flowing through the palace, though the concubines should be forbidden to drink such things. The Pressorah could have an official taster to be sure she is not being poisoned and to make sure the brew is worthy of her title.

Some ideas:

-Fermented Opalberry Lavender Chai


-Fermented Vipermelon Oolong


-Fermented Orange Chili Assam

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[Development] Pre-Production

Postby Colombina on December 31st, 2012, 1:00 am

Oh I like this idea very much, but with a little twist! Wine is considered a Benshira beverage, and therefor inferior. (So picky these Eypharians!) What about making these little liqueurs instead :) ? I bet the West Winds and fancier households would have fun with brews other than beer.
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[Development] Pre-Production

Postby Kaley on December 31st, 2012, 1:13 am

Agreed! Perhaps I can start an experimentation thread? Or would you prefer I make different combinations into a wiki entry?
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[Development] Pre-Production

Postby Colombina on December 31st, 2012, 1:26 am

Good question! I say experiment in a thread, then make a wiki ready post here when you're done. I will then find a proper place for it. Maybe in the Ahnatep culture section.
Sahreni is our currently active West Winder if you wanted to rope him into anything.
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[Development] Pre-Production

Postby Kaley on December 31st, 2012, 1:35 am

Will do! Thanks Bina!!
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[Development] Pre-Production

Postby Mongoose on April 25th, 2013, 2:47 pm

Hi Colombina,

Here are some phrases I've come up with for you. I hope you like them.

Siprehe Qatari - "Sandy Silks" A common phrase used by those below the status of Gilded. Used when someone acts above their status, and is angered when it doesn't go well for them. Foreigners often mistranslate this to having sand in your crotch, rather than in your silks.

Tikiri Shapa - "Your sand is dry." A phrase used for those who aren't willing to do what is necessary to achieve their goals, one who is afraid to get their hands dirty. Literally "Bloodless sand."

Frashkar - "One that lays with their molt" A phrase that is Dhani in origin, used for someone that clings to their past.
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[Development] Pre-Production

Postby Mongoose on April 25th, 2013, 3:09 pm

Zishira Tenikti

"Pillar Gamble"

Players: Two and up

Often played by the privileged children of Gilded and higher, this is a game to test the mettle of each child. The children go to the Pillars of Dust (often unknowingly accompanied by retainers that work for their parents, since the parents all know this game as well.) a piece of chalk or charcoal in hand for each child. They group up at the entrance, and decided the order of competition, usually settled with those of a higher status going last. The first child will then run through the pillars as far as their courage will allow them, then mark their name on a pillar and run back. Whichever child marks the furthest pillar (or claims to have) wins. While this can be dangerous for the children in such a location, they are typically left alone. Harming or harassing the children often incurs extreme wrath from the retainers, the parents when they are informed, and Scorpions and Duskers looking to get a reward for taking care of the assailant. Very rarely is a child kidnapped, and isn't recovered, which has caused powerful parents to hire Scorpions to go on a rampage in the pillars as revenge.
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