Closed [Various] Nothing Bad

(Wrenmae) Fallon seeks Wrenmae for some assistance.

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This shining population center is considered the jewel of The Sylira Region. Home of the vast majority of Mizahar's population, Syliras is nestled in a quiet, sprawling valley on the shores of the Suvan Sea. [Lore]

[Various] Nothing Bad

Postby Fallon on October 10th, 2013, 3:31 pm


76th Fall 513AV
Location 1: Kova’s Well


It was a somewhat defiant point that Fallon Skylar stopped dead in the tracks of a man. Eyes narrowed and her nostril twitching as she gave a sharp stare to him. She chewed her lip for a chime, contemplating almost on what to exactly say to him. But, she needed to speak, and that was exactly what she would do.

Once she had formed words.

For the majority of the night and yesterday afternoon, Fallon had been set to pacing back and forth. Her mind searched for an answer, clues and information to solve a mystery that had been kept tightly shut for such a long time. A secret that she almost desperately wanted to discover. Of course, that mystery was becoming heated and the knights simply brushed it aside without a word. Almost as if it was a taboo subject, or something that was little more than a rumour.

But even she knew a rumour had to stem from somewhere. So, who could she turn to for helping at picking clues?

Markus? Well, he was a knight and he seemed – for the most part – uninterested in chasing rumours. They had their system after all, and he had duties to attend to. Orion? He had other things to worry about than her own curiosity. Kreig? Gods knows where he was. The list went on; and inevitably lead to him. Of course, the issue then came to actually trying to find him. He could change his face, his features. He could manipulate his shape. He could have been anyone.

The squire went searching. Looking not for a face but for something else, some other familiarity she could recognise. Cloak, blade, walk, weapons, anything would do. She needed to find something she recognised. If that was even possible. Through the late night and early hours, the squire paced her way through the corridors and hallways, seeking and searching. From the traveller’s row, to other locations where the people may congregate, or where the silence ruled the air. Until, eventually she stumbled upon something familiar – the rapier. Long chimes passed as she followed after the target, head low, hood raised. Quick steps touched the floor, the frame weaving in and out as she tracked and followed. There was a step into the shadow, a glance around before once more she continued, eyes watching the movement and mannerisms. When she was certain, she made her approach and made her presence clear.

Hence, why she was here now before him.

“You are Egyptus right?” she could not help but ask, she did not want to make a fool of herself after all.

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Fallon is a Master of Intimidation, "At this level, a Master intimidator often unconsciously intimidates their target unless the intimidator monitors their stance, tone, and actions to prevent this. Master intimidators will nearly always have a reputation that precedes them unless they have taken special care to prevent it."
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[Various] Nothing Bad

Postby Wrenmae on October 24th, 2013, 6:39 pm


Wren raised an eyebrow when Fallon approached him. Strange that it was only when he wasn't actively keeping an eye on her that she found him. For a moment he was convinced there was some sorcery at work. He'd long given up trying to keep a consistent face and had no doubt he looked rather different than when he'd first met her.

He followed her eyes to the hilt of Trente's sword, and relaxed. Of course, if his form was not reliable, than at least his trappings were. Shrewd girl, and he couldn't imagine the time it must have taken to look for him among the crowded city.

Bringing up his hands he brought them together in three short claps, grinning. "Well done, Fallon, Well done. I'm impressed with your investigative skills." He leaned back against one of the cold stone walls and crossed his arms. It was unlikely she would have gone through such effort only to find doubt she had a reason for this meeting.

Wren dared not make any guesses as to her intent...and since she didn't bring Knights with her, he could preemptively rule out a betrayal of sorts. wasn't as though she knew all that many secrets of his anyways.

"It's been awhile," he said simply, without the accusation of tone, "Any thoughts on what I had to say?"

He reached up to the side of his face and rubbed where she had hit him, his eyes glittering, almost tauntingly. Dropping it back across his chest he cracked his neck and shifted, ever so slightly, his face rippling towards at least how he remembered he used to be or feel a little familiar.


Sig by Shausha

This PC has the Blight gnosis. As such, you as a player need to be aware of what that consists of. Wrenmae has an invisible aura that amplifies sickness and disease. Wounds may become infected, small sneezes may become coughing, and a slight fever may become more serious. A nuit's body will also break down faster in the presence of the Blight. These effects may not be immediate, but within the few days following your encounter, the symptoms will manifest. Some sooner than others. I cannot control your character, so creativity will be left up to you. Best wishes and stay healthy!

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[Various] Nothing Bad

Postby Fallon on October 24th, 2013, 7:53 pm


Arms folding she gave him a challenging gaze, followed by what could only be the breaking of a broad grin; “Hah! So I was right!” She quickly composed herself, clearing her throat before continuing, “I mean, yes. Good investigating skills. Whatever you say.” She pinched the bridge of her nose, releasing a loud yawn as he relaxed against the wall. His question was expected to say the least, but that did not mean she was about to give a full answer to him. Not whilst she had this current mindset. Clapping her hands together she directed her gaze to him with a firm blink, “Yes I have had some. But they can wait.”

She started pacing, slowly at first, her fingers clicking in a steady beat as she went past and back around. All the while however a low tone escaped, ”I need your help. Possibly. Maybe. Most likely. It’s nothing too bad. At least, maybe not for someone of your…” she looked him up and down, ”Disposition. Anyway, I digress. I need your assistance.”

There was a sharp inhale, nostrils giving a flare as her thoughts became focused to a fine point.

“Think of it this way,” she gave a sharp pivot on the spot, a business like tone escaping from her lips. The edge curled, the brow rising almost in cunning, “You scratch my back, and I’ll scratch yours. Of course, the more you give the more I’ll return.”

“Now, to the point of hand,” She stopped before him, closer this time, arms folding as she leaned. There was a long, scrutinising gaze, a look of pure wickedness growing on her face by the tick. She gave him a firm prod on the chest with her finger, We are going to break into an apartment. For knowledge. And mystery solving. Because I like solving mysteries. Plus, excitement with adventure. And maybe a bit of light rebellion. But mostly for knowledge.” She gave a flick of the hand, ”Besides, it is as good as time as any to do some good, old fashioned, family bonding.”

Rocking back, the squire met his gaze. Her own was unwavering, a distinct look of determination resting at her back. The girl had a plan and a goal set – and in no way was she about to back down.

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Fallon is a Master of Intimidation, "At this level, a Master intimidator often unconsciously intimidates their target unless the intimidator monitors their stance, tone, and actions to prevent this. Master intimidators will nearly always have a reputation that precedes them unless they have taken special care to prevent it."
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[Various] Nothing Bad

Postby Wrenmae on October 24th, 2013, 9:23 pm


He raised an eyebrow when she paused and said 'disposition', wisely choosing to remain quite as she continued. Certainly he hadn't presented himself to be any mason or blacksmith when they met, but to so wildly assume he was the sort of man who would gladly trespass on another sanctuary? She was correct, of course, his own sense of curiosity often felt as though it rivaled her own...but still, it was a jump to make.

Wren couldn't keep the edge of his mouth from the tiny corners of a smile for too long and as he listened to his sister outline what she wanted, he knew she'd be coming with him. The Knights were beings of justice, following a code that might as well have been their entire personality. Knights solved mysteries for Justice, and left mysteries alone for the same reason. For a Knight, there was no greater calling than the orders they were given and the service to their beloved talking tree.

But Fallon was devoted to Knowledge above Duty, and that alone made her an unsuitable candidate for Knighthood. A Knight must not be curious. A Knight must not question. A Knight must simply do for honor's sake.

"Interesting," he said when she had finished, taking his chin with one hand and scrunching his brows, "You take me for a thief, then?" Fallon said nothing, only offered him a small smile.

They held their gaze for a moment or two before Wren finally shrugged.

"Very well, I'll help you...but before I do, I need to know what you know." He held out a hand, palm out, as if to stop her from protesting, "You won't be paying me in coin, so I will ask for information instead. A mystery is far more interesting when two minds can lend perspective on it."


Sig by Shausha

This PC has the Blight gnosis. As such, you as a player need to be aware of what that consists of. Wrenmae has an invisible aura that amplifies sickness and disease. Wounds may become infected, small sneezes may become coughing, and a slight fever may become more serious. A nuit's body will also break down faster in the presence of the Blight. These effects may not be immediate, but within the few days following your encounter, the symptoms will manifest. Some sooner than others. I cannot control your character, so creativity will be left up to you. Best wishes and stay healthy!

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[Various] Nothing Bad

Postby Fallon on October 24th, 2013, 10:15 pm


Lips curled, fingers lacing together as plans and thoughts circulated in her head. Of course, she would have to start from the beginning to explain all. She gave her neck a click, taking in a deep breath as she begun lining up her story into some correlation of order, and asking herself ‘when did it truly begin?’

“Tell me, have you heard the whispered rumour of the Rogue Knight? It is perfectly fine if you do not,” she posed the question to him palm extended out in suggestion. It was to test – if anything – on his ability for rumour listening and gathering. She let her own silence hang there for a chime or two, before continuing, “Well, as you guessed, he is a rumour. I begun looking into him in the Summer, chasing rumours, gathering information, picking up little pieces of information here and there. Words, witnesses, leaving behind little more than an enigma that simply… well. It made me hungry to know more.” There was a noticeable bluntness in her tone, a subtle purr resting in the back of her throat, “Rumours after all, must stimulate from somewhere.”

She exhaled, “Many say, that he is out for justice. Fed up of corruption and looking to bring order back. Wielding a giant sword and what not. A few, have indeed come close to such a fate. Let’s just say I have a few mentions of the Rogue Knight swaggering into the Stallion at some late hour and hauling a lad out without a single word. You may have, perhaps, also heard of the fire in the warehouses yesterday? People are already blaming this rogue. And I can assure you, that was a messy business to clean up.”

There was a distinct grimace as she remembered the burned flesh, the distinct smell of decay in the air. She shook off the feeling and cleared her throat to continue, “They’re even blaming him on the three dead that turned up there… But it is not him or justice that we are going after,” she raised her hands slightly, and pointed to the back of the left. A sign almost to the Lykata mark, “It is something that I found out there that we are aiming for.”

And this was where it became difficult to explain. She gave a scratch on the side of her face, thinking of a way to describe, “I felt? Saw? No,“ she shook her head, “I know something. Through this mark. It’s a bit difficult to explain, but bear with me.” Fingers pinched at the bridge of her nose again, “One of the burned men was called Dean. He was a labor worker, but somehow… well he owned a pretty place in the Maiden District. Think about it, how could he earn so much on a low pay job? Doesn’t seem to add up,” she gave a shrug, “But that’s not all. He… well… was hiding something.”

Lips pursed, her eyes looking over her knuckles. Her voice dropped to that of a whisper, “He had a hidden room in his place. Looked like a laboratory of sorts. And no, the knights don’t know about that one. Not as far as I know at least.”

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Fallon is a Master of Intimidation, "At this level, a Master intimidator often unconsciously intimidates their target unless the intimidator monitors their stance, tone, and actions to prevent this. Master intimidators will nearly always have a reputation that precedes them unless they have taken special care to prevent it."
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[Various] Nothing Bad

Postby Wrenmae on November 7th, 2013, 4:09 pm


It was hard to keep from grinning. Leaning against the wall, Wren brought his hands together again thrice in applause. When they had first met, it was hard to see the morbid and despondent girl as someone he could be related to. There was no characteristic fire that had driven him and the rest of his family. Sometimes he had doubted the veracity of the dream that had led him to her...but in this moment, now, there was an unmistakable kinship in the wild way she smiled, in the hunger for information and knowledge.

Fallon may serve a different god, but they all served in some capacity. She was loyal to herself, not the Knights, and that interest would drive her forward. The fact there was a secret room the Knights did not know about at all was evidence of her singular commitment to her own self-engrossed goals.

The news of a Rogue Knight surprised the storyteller. The fact such antics were even possible in Syliras was a testament to the slipping competency of the Knights themselves...or perhaps it was the intervention of some god-marked. In any case, doling out personal justice was something Wren had some vested interest in knowing a little more about. He was lucky, then, that Fallon had opted to bring him in on her little plan.

"Clever work, sister," he said with a wolfish grin, "You have my utmost attention."

Pushing off the wall, he clasped her shoulder, gripping his own chin in thought.

"It won't be long before his property will be seized by Syliras and given to someone else. If the identity of the body could not be discerned by the Knights and only by you, then we have that extra time before anyone is suspicious of Dean's disappearance. Of course...there is always a chance the Knights will move faster than we can plan for, but that's a risk I'm willing to take."

Pacing away from her, he checked the alleys and, when empty, ran a hand over his face, shifting from himself to a fairer and younger face with bright blue eyes.

"But for this little incursion...tell me, what shape should I wear? I want to look my best for the occasion."


Sig by Shausha

This PC has the Blight gnosis. As such, you as a player need to be aware of what that consists of. Wrenmae has an invisible aura that amplifies sickness and disease. Wounds may become infected, small sneezes may become coughing, and a slight fever may become more serious. A nuit's body will also break down faster in the presence of the Blight. These effects may not be immediate, but within the few days following your encounter, the symptoms will manifest. Some sooner than others. I cannot control your character, so creativity will be left up to you. Best wishes and stay healthy!

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[Various] Nothing Bad

Postby Fallon on November 7th, 2013, 5:35 pm


Fallon gave a nod in understanding. He was correct, how long would it be until the knights finally reassigned the room to another? Eyes gave a narrow, fingers drumming in a steady rhythm as he spoke. Risks where everywhere, but this was indeed worth it. And the fact that her own brother was both pleased and on board helped in quelling a certain uncertainty of danger.

”We will need to move quickly,” she begun, ”The knights can be both quick and efficient at times. Even if it is simply passing the house over onto another. You know what they are like, what they say goes at the end of the day.” She gave a shrug and gave a long hard stare down the corridor, ”Once knights have an idea, even I know they are like a swarm of bees to honey.” She gave a sigh, arms folding as she tried to think out a plan, ”The first and for most issue is getting in though. Once we’re in well, we can start searching.”

”Look your best?” there was a sly smile, followed by a snicker, ”You’ll have to try very hard for that.” She looked upon him cooly, regaining a sense of composure to the task at hand. Eyes traced him up and down, the brow knitting as she tried to imagine a face in her mind to describe to him, ”Try green. It might suit you. And dirty the look, I have a feeling looking scruffy for this occasion will be for the better.” She pushed off, pivoting round on the spot with her tired eyes looking the corridor up and down, ”Come on. We can’t waste any more time.”

With an incline of the head Fallon lead the pair forward, eyes sharp with her target in sight. The Maiden District was near devoted to serving as residential housing, the people flittering here and there. Stone greeted them, just as it always would in the city, the echoing of steps marking their foot fall. Her finger tips gave a trace along the wall, eyes narrowing as she slipped past another. There was the occasional glance back to Wrenmae, checking that he was indeed still there and that they were not being followed. Hands went to her pockets, her mind bristling with thoughts and schemes.

It was when she sharply stopped at a door however, that the girl simply stopped. Her hand held open as a gesture for him to halt, and for a careful moment she considered how to approach the next option. The first task was getting into the apartment, but before that she needed to determine something else. Was there someone else already in there? Raising a hand she rapped a knuckle against the surface, listening to the dulled tone it produced. There was only a quick glance to him, ”What? My mentor told me it was always polite to knock first.”

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Fallon is a Master of Intimidation, "At this level, a Master intimidator often unconsciously intimidates their target unless the intimidator monitors their stance, tone, and actions to prevent this. Master intimidators will nearly always have a reputation that precedes them unless they have taken special care to prevent it."
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[Various] Nothing Bad

Postby Wrenmae on November 8th, 2013, 11:00 pm


As they stepped through the empty alleyways towards destination, Wren waved a hand over his face, sprouting rough facial hair and blinking brilliant green eyes. He oiled his hair with a touch and cracked his skin. By the time they had reached the district, Wren was a man several years older than the storyteller with a gruff beard but brilliant and perceptive green eyes.

Fallon knocked on the door once, rapping as she turned to speak with a grin.

Wren would have smiled, could have smiled, but the beard would hide his face in consistent obscurity. At first, he chose not to say anything, noting the strength that had returned to the Squire since the first time he had met here. Gone was the girl who clung barely to her sense of survival and vanished was tht cold broken mind that he had been afraid to call his own.

This was certainly the hands of someone he could follow alongside. Glancing upwards and downwards across the street revealed a Knight or two in the distance, flashing carapaces of armor in the afternoon glare. Some folks when about their way and gazes seemed to linger on him before vanishing, folks that did not recognize him noting the way he handled hygiene and immediately raising their interior hackles.

Stepping up beside Fallon, he did not waste time on explanation. Instead he opened his right palm and pressed it against the keyhole to the apartment. his skin shifted and grew, slipping elastically into the key hole and filling the contours that the key might. It took a few seconds, and then he was comfortable, the mage expanded the djed in that skin, hardening it in much the same way as the Isur's bones were a bit more durable than his own. Turning his hand sideways, the lock on the door clicked.

He withdrew his hand, the oddly shaped key-like protrusion from the middle of his hand losing consistency and slipping back into his palm. Fallon's eyes followed it, but Wren was pushing open the door already.

"Well," he said, "If anyone IS home, this is a far more apt greeting."


Sig by Shausha

This PC has the Blight gnosis. As such, you as a player need to be aware of what that consists of. Wrenmae has an invisible aura that amplifies sickness and disease. Wounds may become infected, small sneezes may become coughing, and a slight fever may become more serious. A nuit's body will also break down faster in the presence of the Blight. These effects may not be immediate, but within the few days following your encounter, the symptoms will manifest. Some sooner than others. I cannot control your character, so creativity will be left up to you. Best wishes and stay healthy!

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[Various] Nothing Bad

Postby Fallon on November 9th, 2013, 9:06 pm


There was a distinct flinch of surprise to the strange protrusion from his hand. There was a widening of the eyes, shortly followed by a quick knitting of the brow. More when he pushed the door open. Perplexity took hold, a multitude of questions on what he exactly did to achieve that. Of course, she knew he was a morpher, but surely this level was a bit… extreme? Fallon shook off the feeling, and kept her eyes peeled on the crack in the door. When he spoke though, she snapped her attention back to reality.

“Tch,” she gave a snort, ”Alright then show off. I’ll let you show me that trick later.” There was a gentle bump of her knuckles against his arm. There was a sheepish peer into the apartment through the gap, her eyes looking the dark stone walls up and down. The inside was relatively gloomy, the world barely visible beyond the first few feet in. Obviously the knights had not gotten round to stripping the place out yet. Or maybe they already had and were simply waiting for the opportunity to fill it with another body. Pulling away she looked the gruff body of her brother up and down, a moment of careful thought upon her face.

Fallon gave a glance up to the knights, grateful for the hood that hid her face from view. It would have been an interesting time if they managed to recognise her face among those of the order. And a lot of explanation would arise along with – no doubt – some form of punishment. She pulled a face, her voice dropping low, her hand pressing the door ajar. She inclined her to enter, her foot sheepishly sliding in as she did. There was only a quick glance back at the knights, her hand grasping one of the many burn torches that adorned the inner walls of the citadel. A quick step into the gloom she stared back at him and quickly stepped around the furnishings.

It was like any other apartment in Syliras really. Plain, simple and most importantly windowless. The hearth was stuck in the corner, dulled, burned wood waiting to be ignited. Much like the candles in their sconces on the wall. She pressed the flame onto the candle wick, the tiny spark lighting it before going round to the next few. Returning the torch quickly outside she slipped back in, admiring the dulled glow and letting the door shut. She took a few careful steps round, her eyes scanning the apartment. A bed and a chest, a low table and chairs, it was all standard and ever so slightly reminded her of Markus’ place.

”Take a look around,” she gave a spin and started on the wall left to the door, ”See if you can find a key or something. Or some notes. Anything really.” Pulling her gloves off she began her investigation. She ran her tips across the wall, her brow creasing whilst she chewed at her lip. She needed a clue and a direction where to start. If that was at all possible, ”And while you’re looking… see if there’s space under the bed.”

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Fallon is a Master of Intimidation, "At this level, a Master intimidator often unconsciously intimidates their target unless the intimidator monitors their stance, tone, and actions to prevent this. Master intimidators will nearly always have a reputation that precedes them unless they have taken special care to prevent it."
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