Kuvarakh exerted additional focus on the concept of trust as he continued. "I know this may sound suspect, but simply killing me here and now only guarantees my spirit remaining to be future trouble. The spirit does not know what vessel it enters until bells later, as its connection grows more focused." He spoke with confidence that his words would be accepted as truth by the affected mind of the man before him. Not only had he woven his djed to strengthen the man's notion that he was trustworthy, but he doubted the man had any in-depth knowledge of Nuits to give cause to question his words.
"I had knowledge of this body, it's true, because I was not yet slain, only mauled and ravaged beyond salvation by a dire wolf, from which my escape was only accomplished by throwing myself from a cliff it did not care to attempt. But if you strike me down here, my spirit would linger in a shadow world searching whatever available body it might find, and it would almost certainly be another of your kin."
He sensed the sympathy evident in the man's expression. "I came with honest intent. With an honest bargain to propose. But I was not given the chance to present it before I was placed in dire need through the treachery of humans and the feral nature of the beast. I took a body seemingly granted me by the gods for its timely delivery. Were it possible to have hope of presenting my offer still, I would do it. But I feel now that the best I can hope to accomplish is to remove myself far away from here. I deeply regret the unintended offense I have given by...occupying...this body."
The expression on the Vizerian grew ever more calculating as Kuvarakh spoke, and his gaze swept occasionally to the bodies of the dead Pitrius men. "So if I were to kill you now, you would take the nearest body available to you?" His gaze swept once again over the dead bodies of his rivals.
Kuvarakh guessed his intent. "It's not that simple. While it IS true what you say, it is best if I can do it through the proper ritual to insure success and avoid a prolonged shade state. Also, if I simply die of exposure in the wild, then I am again disembodied."
The man's knuckles were white on the hilt of his sword, gripped threateningly in his hand as he pointed it at Kuvarakh. "Well, what do you suggest then?"
It had been some time since Kuvarakh had truly feared death and perhaps his calm, fatalistic demeanor also added to his adversary's respect. "Since you ask, if I may be so bold as to make known my awareness of the looks you cast at your fallen enemies' bodies, I suggest this is what occurred today. The man in the robe, whose name is still unknown to me, got caught up in his craft to the point of overgiving, a risk we all know to be ever-present among such practitioners. He went mad and you had to dispatch him. But not before he set one of his fellows ablaze to the point of throwing himself in the river. His body was swept downstream, never to be seen again."
The man behind him protested the dishonor of this. The soldier facing Kuvarakh scowled, "This only compounds the villainy of the day. I can not be a party to such deception and lies! I can not allow you to violate the body of any more of my people."
Kuvarakh sagged in resignation. He extended a last billow of djed to the subconscious of the Vizerian soldier, building on the empathy he had already reinforced there. "Then I guess you have to either kill me and make me a recurring threat outside the city, or bring me inside, as this madman wished, and allow them to work their plots unhindered."
The soldier stomped and whirled, cursing in frustration. "NEITHER of these are a solution! I have no qualms about presenting the Pitrius sorcerer as the scheming villain he was. But I cannot let you leave with Colomar's body, nor suffer to craft a lie to account for the disappearance of one of theirs!"
The soldier behind Kuvarakh suddenly spoke up, "Well...What of the human conspirators that beset you on the behalf of this criminal. They are party to murder and conspiracy, if not treason. Would one of their bodies serve?" The three fell silent, considering, their gazes passing from one to the other as satisfied grins and nods of agreement held sway.
"It would indeed." Kuvarakh confirmed.
Three weeks later found Kuvarakh, escorted by the two Vizerians, firmly ensconced in the body of the fat trapper who had led the party into the Kitrean Mountains these many days ago. While they traveled, They got to know each other and found many similarities in their beliefs and values. Kuvarakh explained why he had become a Nuit and spoke of some of his prior experiences both before and after the transformation. The two Vizerians spoke of the legends of the lost colonies, but advised Kuvarakh to find some other source of Isurian Steel or the project he had. Kuvarakh was only to ready to agree.
AS they parted company, the soldier saluted him, "Mr. Lashman, I wish you well. May success track your steps. I think you are a man of good intent, caught up in an existence that has spun in a direction not of your original choosing. I hope you find the means to redirect it to your desire."
It was not the first time, nor would it be the last, that Kuvarakh found himself in complete agreement with such a statement.