Solo [The Great Infirmary] Hard Earned Freedom

Imass escapes Sahova and washes up in Nyka

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Known as the Celestial Seat, Nyka is a religious city in Northern Sylira. Ruled by four demigods and traversed by a large crevice, the monk-city is both mystical and dangerous. [Lore]

[The Great Infirmary] Hard Earned Freedom

Postby Imass on December 16th, 2015, 5:47 pm

Winter 3, 515 AV

Imass opened his eyes washed up on the cold beach near Nyka.

Violently he coughed up salt water until his whole body ached. The Akalak was in terrible shape; malnutrition, injured, sickly, and his mind in shambles after spending three years locked deep in the dungeons of Sahova. He didn't know how he did it, but he escaped the Nuit torture chambers.

"HUUUUUUUUUU~~" Imass finally got his breath back before vomiting bile, "BLUAAAAA!!"

Slowly he climbed to his feet, extremely weak. The Akalak was a shell of his former self, his body all bones and clothed in tattered rags. His deep midnight blue hue was now pale, spotted with sores and inflamed lacerations. He was missing more teeth now and his face scared.

The winds of destiny seemed to be on his side as Imass hobbled up the beach towards the city in the distance. His mind was blank and focused on the singular purpose of finding help in the city. The path to the gates of Nyka was not far, but in his current condition it was long and tough. Shivering and weak, the Akalak's only saving grace was his faith that Yahal would see him through. In fact, his faith in Yahal and Sylir was what got him through the dungeons of Sahova.

Disoriented and nearly completely devoid of his senses, the Akalak finally collapsed within view of Nyka's gate guards.

Winter 5, 515 AV

Imass opened his eyes again, but this time he was in a warm room made of stone. Weak and disoriented, he could not make out anything except for a figure attending to a small fire. A shiver like a bolt of lightning went through his body as the sensation of pain over took his entire body. He cried out in pain, "HuuUUAGHgGgaGahGAGGHH!" The figure rushed to him to try to comfort him, but he blacked out again moments later.

Winter 6-17, 515 AV

The Akalak goes in and out of consciousness only to cry in pain as the healers treat him. For the brief moments he is awakened they try to question his identity.

Winter 26, 515 AV

Imass opened his eyes and for the first time he was not overcome with pain. Blinking to adjust to the lighting, he was actually able to think. Thoughts began to race through his head...

Huzzah! Praise Yahal and Sylir!!

...they haven't found a way to kill us yet HA-HA...

Yahal I thank ye for strength, Sylir I thank thee for purpose, honor, and duty!!

...HAHAHAHAHA Freeeeeeedom...

The light of the Knights Sylir burns once again!!

...I vow that they will never take me alive again hahahaha...

You have spared me once again Yahal! Use me as an instrument once again!!

...Shut up Imass you lunatic...

Garonn you know my duty is also yours!!

...where the hell are we...

Good question!!

The Akalak shifted in the bed and slowly tried to raise himself up, but sharp pains in his stomach prevented him from moving quickly. Grunting he was finally able to sit up in his bed, however this called the attention of a healer. A human woman walked into the room with a bright face.

"So you have awakened finally!"

"Where am I?" Imass said in hoarse whisper

"Easy now, lay back down Akalak," the healer said as she made him lay back down, "By the blessing of the Celestials you have found yourself at The Great Infirmary of Nyka,"


"Who are you?" the healer said in a calm voice as she prepared to administer treatment to him, "What happened to you?

Imass closed his eyes and paused as she rubbed healing salves and used her Rak'keli gnosis on him, "I am Imass of the Knight's Syliran... I fought in the campaign against Sahova. I was captured and thrown in the Nuit dungeon. I escaped and washed up on your shores..."

The Akalak faded out consciousness once again.
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[The Great Infirmary] Hard Earned Freedom

Postby Imass on December 17th, 2015, 7:58 pm

Winter 27, 515 AV

Imass awakened once again, feeling somewhat refreshed. He touched his face, noticing a long and thick beard for the first time. He wiggled his toes and stretched his limbs. Imass could actually say he felt "well" for the first time in three long years. A burst of manic laughter from the dark brother escaped his lips. Standing up from the bed with minimal difficulty, the Akalak stood completely motionless just inspecting his own body; all the bruises were gone and he counted several new scars.

The most horrifying thing to the Knight was the fact he had lost nearly all his muscle mass. The former brute now felt like a child. Dropping down in a squatting position, he tried to feel out his leg strength which was incredibly weak. Next, he dropped on his hands to feel his arm strength. After not even a dozen push-ups he failed, falling on the floor. Imass burst out a deep primal roar of anger as their now sober minds tried to deal with the situation. His entire existence was based on physical acts of strength and courage, but that was all gone now.

Slamming his fists on the floor, the Akalak rumbled longwinded curses under his breath in a smoldering rage. The Sahova Campaign had been plaguing him all those years deep in the timeless dungeon, but with a clear mind he was able to actually recall the events. The brothers could not agree on anything except the hatred they shared as one.

"Curse the day the gods created those vile undead creatures. I shall inform Syliras about their ways and I will NOT tolerate them. I shall vanquish ANY Nuit that crosses my path. Instant hostility, regardless of the situation. They will feel the wrath of my blade," Imass slammed his fist repeatedly on the floor as scorching enmity filled him.

Face down on the floor, the two brothers argued nonsensically for the next bell inside their own conscience mind. Eventually the Akalak's head began to pound in pain, so the brothers quieted their thoughts. A few moments later Imass fell asleep, drooling on the floor.
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[The Great Infirmary] Hard Earned Freedom

Postby Imass on December 17th, 2015, 8:04 pm

Sometime later, Imass was awakened by the human healer. The Akalak’s mind was now calm and reasonable.

“Sounds like you are doing much better now,” the woman giggled

Imass raised an eyebrow, “Huh?”

The woman pointed to the room across the hall, “The sick man yonder witness your entire outburst,”

“Oh…apologies…” Imass mumbled as he stood to his feet.

“Don’t be. I am not here to heal your mind,” she laughed coldly, “I am here to get you well enough to get you out of here,”

The Akalak’s eye twitched at her cold statement, but hostility – even passive – was no surprise. Not many people in this world like the knights. Responding with politeness was all he could do, “Verily… May I know my healer’s name at least?”

The woman chuckled, “I am Raya. Walk with me Akalak, it is almost time for you to leave,”

“Leave?” the Akalak raised an eyebrow, “Where am I again?”

Raya beckoned him to follow her out the room. They ambled down a long corridor with small rooms on either side, “This is the Great Infirmary of Nyka. This is a wing for the sick recovering from surgery—“

“Wait!” the Akalak stopped his stride, “You performed surgery on me?”

Raya chuckled, “No it seems like surgery was performed on you before you arrived. We could not determine exactly what the Nuits were trying to do to you, but it seems like they were very cautious and not willing to expend your life for some reason. You are lucky Akalak, very lucky,”

The two continued their amble in silence until they reached a small antechamber with four different corridors leading to it. The Akalak noticed that there were no decoration and the stone was plain. Raya led them to the right and they continued down an even bigger corridor with off-shoot halls on either side instead of rooms.

“Here at the Great Infirmary,” Raya started again, “We take in anybody who is sick and offer free services as our oaths to Rak’keli. However it is my duty to inform you that Nyka will not be as, uh, helpful, as we are,”

The Akalak looked confused, “What do you mean? Nyka. Nyka. Wow, I’ve been in the dungeons so long, I’ve lost track of all time--” He stopped in his tracks and his eyes opened in incredible fear, “W-wait… what day is it,”

Raya looked him in the eyes, “It is the 27th day of Winter, 515,”

"… three years…”

The two slowly ambled in silence as Imass was finally able to put a timeframe on his seemingly eternity in a light-less dungeon. Raya led him to an oaken door, which she opened with an iron key. Imass looked around himself and noticed that area around him was still simple and unadorned. He also noticed that it was incredibly clean; no cobwebs, no slime, no foul smells.

“Raya, I have not been in such a clean and brightened place in what seems multiple life times, I am very grateful for you,”

The woman laughed as she opened the door. It was a room full of standard non-medical goods. The Akalak looked around and noticed crates packed to the ceiling and several chests stacked on wooden racks. It was a very crowded storage room with a single isle down the center.

The woman finally found the chest she wanted and pulled it off the rack, “Anyways, Akalak,” she continued coldly, “Nyka, has no social welfare programs for foreigners. You will find that our city is much different than Syliras,” She opened the chest and procured a set of woolen clothes and handed it to Imass, “This is not charity, this is to ensure you don’t freeze out there and end up back in my hospital!”

The Akalak tried to process what was going on, “Raya I fought in the Sahovan Campaign. I charged into battle to save the future of all of Mizahar. I was ready to sacrifice myself—“

“ -- Drop the rhetoric, it will not work here in Nyka—“

“—well then, I see you have no idea what the Nuits were trying to do to Mizahar!”

“Oh we know, but we don’t need the help from you blasted Knights. Our monks can handle them,” Raya said curtly to stop the conversation

Imass remembered the terrible reaction of the Zeltivans at his rambles about Sylir, so he just shut him mouth trying not to incur the Nykan’s wrath, “Verily,”

“Do not speak of the Knights or Sylir here Akalak, it will not do you well,”

Imass nodded in silence and began to put on the simple gray wool clothing which included pants, socks, sweater, and hat. Raya also gave him a pair of cheap boots.

Raya closed up all the chests and locked the door to the storage room, “The Great Infirmary does not have room for you anymore,” She turned around and ambled with Imass down the hall again.

“Verily, but I have many inquires Raya, my situation is as a child with no mother!”

“The Great Infirmary is NOT social welfare Akalak, we heal your wounds then you are out,” Raya said as she led him back to his room, “But I will remind you again Akalak, speak not of your home city and speak not of your rhetoric for you shall be dead quickly and your hard earned freedom will be in vain. We do not like Sylirans here,”

Walking the rest of the distance in silence, Imass simply looked around at all the sick people and healers intently helping those who were sick. Finally arriving at the room, Raya treated Imass one more time, “Tomorrow morning you must leave, enjoy your last night in the Great Infirmary,”
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[The Great Infirmary] Hard Earned Freedom

Postby Imass on December 17th, 2015, 8:24 pm

Winter 28, 515 AV

Alas, Imass stands at the main entrance of the Great Infirmary with not a single possession, miza, or weapon. Staring out into the magnificent city, the Akalak shivered at the cold. Raya left him with a final warning:

"This is the Celestial Quarter of Nyka. It is the center of the city, the neutral point of the city" she points at a rundown brick building down the street, "That is the Safehaven Hostel, lodging for foreigners. Go immediately there, they will sort you out," Without another word, she turned around and went back inside the hospital.

Finally, after three years imprisonment in Sahova, Imass the Syliran Knight was free. Despite his horrible situation the Akalak could not help but smile, raise his head to the sky and thank Yahal, Tyveth, and Sylir for his glorious return to the world of action.
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[The Great Infirmary] Hard Earned Freedom

Postby Dravite on January 11th, 2016, 1:15 am




  • Observation: 2
  • Endurance: 1
  • Body Building: 1
  • Rhetoric: 1
  • Socialisation: 2


  • Location: Nyka Beach
  • The dungeons of Sahova
  • Location: The Great Infirmary, Nyka
  • Raya: The Healer
  • Nyka: No social welfare
  • Imass: Starting over in Nyka


Imass has lost a lot of weight and muscle strength. He has also lost some teeth which he will never get back. It will take Imass at least two seasons until he is able to put on weight again and return to his former figure.

You hinted that Imass has no money or weapons. Does this mean you will be starting over and clearing your CS of all your possession?


I gave you what I could see. Some of the writing was a little confusing at times, for example who was speaking (until I remember the split personality trait). Enjoy the rewards.
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