Closed Creature from Beyond (Clyde)

Clyde practices summoning in the middle of testing grounds accompanied by a curious Sayana

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An undead citadel created before the cataclysm, Sahova is devoted to all kinds of magical research. The living may visit the island, if they are willing to obey its rules. [Lore]

Creature from Beyond (Clyde)

Postby Sayana on January 7th, 2017, 7:53 pm

Sayana was quiet for a time as she puzzled over the concept of an entirely different world much like Mizahar, but not Mizahar. It was difficult for her to grasp, especially when she tried to imagine where such a world could possibly be located. Mizahar was huge and if there was another world called Shoyden that was just as big, then where could it be and where could it fit?

The Eypharian looked back at the rippling tall grass through the portal window and decided to give it a rest. Just imagine it like Cyphrus. Instead she focused on the rabbit. Oh she could really use a nice bit of grilled rabbit meat. Her stomach gave a growl and she gave a quick glance around for any viable firewood or kindling.

But when Clyde spoke of glassbeaks, she turned her attention back to him. Glassbeaks… it was like a distant memory that she couldn’t quite put her finger on. But one thing that did ring true to her was the fact that they were dangerous, in a rather deadly way.

“Even if you don’t need me anymore, I think you rather like my company.” Sayana replied to his comment and sheathed her weapons. She strode towards him and placed a fond hand on his shoulder.

“Besides, if a glassbeak were to come, I think you’d like me to be around. Or if something like a Lemekor were to come on this side of the prairie. You know, I bet I could distract it for a good several ticks with some hypnotism. Maybe even get it to run in the opposite direction. Whereas that rabbit, it would be all too easy to command it.”

She stepped away from the mage to crouch down near the rabbit. It was surprisingly… tame? Or just stupid. “Why hasn’t your rabbit tried to run away yet?”

A brief glance to the sky, however, made her frown as a black circling shape of a bird could be seen roughly overhead. “If you’re not careful, there might be something else interested in your rabbit.”
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Creature from Beyond (Clyde)

Postby Clyde Sullins on January 8th, 2017, 3:11 pm


Clyde focused on the rabbit, willing it to stop. He imagined an invisible hand pulling on the leash, dragging the rabbit back into the circle. He vaguely recalled doing so a long time ago with a memosite, but as it had been a more or less inanimate bit of stone it had been much simpler.

Pulling on a living thing, even if just a rabbit, was more difficult. Still Clyde was quickly coming to understand the nuances of the process. He didn't think he'd be drawing in a glassbeak anytime soon, but he was certainly becoming more skilled at the process in general.

The next time the rabbit hopped it failed to move forward at all, as if it had jumped against a wall in the air.

Focused as he was Clyde didn't turn to look at Sayana, simply keeping his stare on the rabbit as he answered.

“That is why you were here, or the main reason anyways... I'd thought a glassbeak was going to come. Doesn't look like it will though. And whats a lemekor?”

“And as for the rabbit, it has been trying to run away. I've been holding it back from doing so. This magic, it does more than just open a window. It also sort of... Makes a temporary connection between myself the summoner and the gateway. Which includes anything that passes through said gateway, so long as its open. I'm using that connection to restrain the rabbit. And if I figure out how, to pull it back in, though I've only sort of got it figured out...”

At her comment on something wanting his rabbit, Clyde noted where she was looking and glanced up, seeing the bird circling above. With that he redoubled his efforts at pulling the rabbit back into the circle. The next time it hopped he mentally pulled, willing inward the rabbit with all of his might. When it hopped instead of going forward it instead moved several inches backward, as if something had shoved it while it was in mid hop.

“I'm doing my best, but its not as easy as it looks! I've only ever successfully pulled on something out of a summoning circle that was inanimate. This thing is alive, its harder. Just keep the bird away while I work. Or maybe I should just roast it and be done with it...”
Clydes Stuff

I am actually in RL a super intelligent hamster from Rhode Island, with a 7 year plan to take over the world.

Update 6/2/18- 1:10AM EST: His 7 year plan a success, and several weeks ahead of schedule, Clyde leaves to oversee the world he has taken over.

No new threads after end of Spring 518-Will still be checking for PM's occasionally, but focusing on a new character.

Graders note: :
Please be aware Clyde is a master Magecrafter. He therefore should not be gaining full xp(or possibly shouldn't gain any at all) for simple tasks related to this magic, such as low level MC items, particularly for repetitions of creations he has done before. Feel free to contact me if unsure of a instance of his magic use compared to his skill level.
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Creature from Beyond (Clyde)

Postby Sayana on January 19th, 2017, 4:36 am

The rabbit’s behaviour was certainly curious. It did seem to make a generalized effort to hop away from the summoning gateway, but each time it seemed to have more difficulty in the act. She listened to the mage’s explanation and nodded in understanding. He had used his blood in the making of the portal and it made sense that he was somehow linked. She was certain he wasn’t using hypnotism on it, so it must be some subset of this summoning magic.

Sayana watched the rabbit some more and noticed that it no longer seemed quite so peaceful. In fact, it looked more anxious as if it was starting to grow fearful or panicked by the current situation. Again it hopped, but it effectively went backwards instead of forwards.

In answer to Clyde’s earlier question Sayana explained, “Lemekors are creatures of the prairie that run on four legs but can also swim. They also have fins that cut like Dira and are generally unpleasant to meet.”

The Eypharian stood up to watch the bird more closely. It still circled and she assumed it was hungry and waiting for the right time to catch a meal. “I’ll handle the bird, but I’ll be using hypnotism to do so.” Sayana answered with a simple warning.

It was still high up, though it looked quite large at least from her limited perspective. How she was going to catch its eye, she had no idea. And to call out to it… she didn’t particularly want to look like a fool talking to a bird, nor did she want to startle the rabbit unnecessarily. Since the bird still hadn’t struck and didn’t seem particularly threatening, Sayana decided to improvise with her magic.

Even though she couldn’t make eye contact, she knew that the dark winged bird above would be looking down on her. She stepped away from the circle and focused her mind. She concentrated on brilliant lights of different colours. Piercing, blinding lights. Something that might be unsettling and strange despite the bird being accustomed to the magic filled island. Sayana focused all her attention upwards, so as not to disrupt the mage or the rabbit. Then she began to turn, spinning round and round with her arms outstretched.

With ease and grace, she danced on the spot and looked up towards the bird to push her magical visions out to it. Partway through she added a second layer to the hypnotism. A feeling of uncertainty and danger. This too she focused upwards, charging her djed with it and sending it up to encompass the bird’s aura to fill it with dread.

Like a wave, she felt her own djed leave her, rippling upwards and having left her hypnotic dance. For a moment she felt a constricting sense of danger and she blinked her eyes at the brightness, but then it was gone. For several ticks the bird still circled, but something had changed about its flight. Then it seemed to lose interest, or didn’t want to be a part of what lay below and consequently it meandered away.

Sayana still felt the rush of the djed use but she forced a calm to come over her. However a movement from within the portal alerted her attention. There had been something, something stirring within the tall grasses. The wind from the other land blew and Sayana watched with acute concentration, peering into the summoning window upon the ground.

“Clyde, I think…”

But then a cloud passed above. A Mizahar cloud. And she could no longer be sure whether what she had seen had been nothing more than a shadow. A shadow of danger but not danger itself.
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Creature from Beyond (Clyde)

Postby Clyde Sullins on January 19th, 2017, 11:39 pm


Staring at the rabbit, Clyde muttered under his breath, though loud enough that Sayana likely heard him speak. “Cuts like Dira... Which one is that?”

Clyde was, somewhat famously among certain people, bad at recalling the names of deities not Rhysol. He still recalled the god related to the healing gnosis as "that snake on a stick lady", and if he recalled other gods at all he tended to mis-remember their names or use odd nicknames.

He somewhat registered her words as she stated she'd use hypnotism to keep away the bird. At the moment he was focused on his task, continuing to imagine a hand pulling on the string tied to the rabbit. He more so felt it when she cast her spell, a buzz of djed across his aura due to their proximity.

He almost felt like he'd completed his goal, was pondering yanking the rabbit back through the opening, when Sayana spoke and he felt motion within the gateway. Motion, as a transfer of something pressing through to their side of the gateway.

Through his connection to the gateway he felt the transference, but with his mundane eyes he saw little as a rare cloud passed overhead. He saw a bit of motion and something beginning to emerge, something pointed and large, when suddenly the gateway collapsed.

Both whatever had begun to emerge from the gateway and the rabbit connected to it where sucked back down into it. A few moments later they were gone, and then in a blink the gateway had closed leaving only the previous sand on the ground behind.

Clyde's summoning gateway was standard and weak. It couldn't stand up to multiple things trying to cross it at once, and the attempt by the thing to cross it overloaded the gateway and forced it closed.

Stumbling back for a moment, Clyde caught himself, staring at the spot on the ground where the gateway had been. Caught off guard by the sudden cutting of the connection he had with it, the summoning gateways closing startled him and put him off balance. It wasn't something he'd experienced before, though the fact that it could happen so suddenly was another nugget of information he'd not known about the magic.

“I... Petch... What was that? I guess my gateway couldn't handle it along with the rabbit, two things at once, I guess.”

His words petering off Clyde frowned at the absence of the gateway, before finally breaking a smile and glancing up at Sayana.

“Well, not bad for a try. I might try another world next time. Well, less of a world, and more of a... Place... But I think you might like it. Assuming it would work for you if you aren't the summoner... I'm not sure, I guess we'd have to test it. Next time perhaps.”
Clydes Stuff

I am actually in RL a super intelligent hamster from Rhode Island, with a 7 year plan to take over the world.

Update 6/2/18- 1:10AM EST: His 7 year plan a success, and several weeks ahead of schedule, Clyde leaves to oversee the world he has taken over.

No new threads after end of Spring 518-Will still be checking for PM's occasionally, but focusing on a new character.

Graders note: :
Please be aware Clyde is a master Magecrafter. He therefore should not be gaining full xp(or possibly shouldn't gain any at all) for simple tasks related to this magic, such as low level MC items, particularly for repetitions of creations he has done before. Feel free to contact me if unsure of a instance of his magic use compared to his skill level.
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Creature from Beyond (Clyde)

Postby Sayana on March 2nd, 2017, 1:22 am

Sayana raised an eyebrow at the mage. The slip of the tongue reference to the goddess of death was just that, a slip of the tongue. She looked at him for a tick or two before letting the moment pass in silence.

However, after sensing something through the portal, and confirming that she wasn’t just imagining it by seeing the mage react to the unknown danger, she began prepare herself and her djed for something big. He had said glassbeaks, had he not? But even as she sucked in her inner layers of energy and magic, the gateway caved in on itself. The rabbit vanished along with it, as if pulled in by an invisible force and all that remained were the sands of the parched prairies.

Sayana blinked several times at the empty spot on the ground. Only after several ticks did she finally let herself relax and loosen her grip on her djed. Glancing at the mage, it seemed that he was just as surprised by the sudden disappearance of the portal, and his words confirmed such. Despite the vague similarities to voiding, she was less phased by this portal magic. Perhaps it was more tangible and easier to understand.

A smile flickered to her face at his words. “You’re going to show me the world Clyde? This world and more?” There was a hint of jest in her voice and by now she was at ease since the magic and danger was gone.

She came in close and put her high hands around his neck. Mids and lows came to rest lightly upon his chest and torso.

“Next time you’ll have to take me to this special place of yours. And in return…” She paused to plant a kiss upon his cheek. “I’ll take you to a very happy place indeed.”
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Creature from Beyond (Clyde)

Postby Languish on April 23rd, 2017, 10:51 pm

Your grades have been summoned

■ Riding + 1
■ Hypnotism + 2
■ Philosophy + 1
■ Storytelling + 1
■ Logic + 1
■ Dancing + 1

Lore of Philosophy: Words are Given Meaning by the Speaker
Lore of World Magic: Circles are a Common Image
Lore of Persuasion: Fake Disinterest
Lore of Summoning: Disturbing the Circles Closes the Window
Lore of Summoning: Starts With a Drop of Blood
Lore of Clyde Sullins: Enjoys Scolding
Lore of Summoning: Shoyden Plains
Lore of Shoyden: Where Glassbeaks Come From
Lore of Logic: Where Would Other Worlds Fit In Space?
Lore of Summoning: A Connection Between Gateway and Summoner

Clyde Sullins
■ Philosophy + 1
■ Drawing + 2
■ Summoning + 4

Lore of Summoning: Waiting for Creatures to Walk By
Lore of Philosophy: Words are Given Meaning by the Speaker
Lore of Location: Cyphrus is Made of Plains
Lore of Story: Eypharian Watchtower Travel
Lore of Summoning: Lesser Beings Can be Supressed by a Magical Leash
Lore of Summoning: Manipulating Summoned Creatures on the Leash
Lore of Sahovan Fauna: Lemekors are Four-Legged and Sharp-Finned
Lore of Summoning: Standard Gateways Can't Handle Two Creatures
Lore of Summoning: Gateways Can Cut Themselves Off

Additional Information

I always like watching Clyde's complicated relationships, but I think with Sayana there is an especially unique one. Sometimes, I can't tell who is using who, or who secretly really likes the other. :p

Sayana, I only gave Summoning lores, not skill points, since Sayana didn't really learn enough to be able to perform the magic herself. If you'd like to talk about that, I'd be more than happy to.

Don't forget to delete your post in the grading queue. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to PM me about your grade.

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