[Verified by Languish] Ambrosia Alar

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Ambrosia Alar

Postby Ambrosia Alar on May 25th, 2017, 1:07 pm

Ambrosia Alar
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Ambrosia Alar

Postby Ambrosia Alar on May 25th, 2017, 1:28 pm

A Bit About Ambrosia

Name: Ambrosia Alar
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Birthday: 38th of Winter, 494 AV
Age: 24 years
Height: 5’6”
Weight: 121 lbs
Location: Alvadas Ravok
Place of Employment: The Stallion’s Rear (2gm/day) Enslaved
Languages: Ambrosia is fluent in Common and can manage with Fratava. She’d picked up a bit of that from the sailors as they passed through the tavern. During her youth, Ambrosia spent a summer around a caravan of traveling Benshira, and while she showed no affinity for Shiber, she did manage to memorize a few basic greetings and blessings.
Last edited by Ambrosia Alar on October 27th, 2019, 6:07 pm, edited 11 times in total.
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Ambrosia Alar

Postby Ambrosia Alar on May 25th, 2017, 1:41 pm

The Tale of Three Daughters

Once, in its infancy, the world was drowning in darkness, and it wept for its unborn beauty. Life existed, but there was no light to see it by, no light for it to flourish by. For ages, the world let itself be consumed, and the life that should have blossomed withered and faded. But one soul saw this and could sit by no longer. Toying with the beautiful Djed written on the very essence of her being, she became the first of the burgeoning lights. She became light itself. For the first time, life exploded across the surface of Mizahar. Plants sprouted, and people saw their faces for the first time, saw their loved ones’ faces for the first time.

But a single soul was not enough. Her strength was limited, and her light alone couldn’t sustain the world. Whenever her concentration slipped, darkness flooded back into the world, threatening to send life back to what it had been, but she wasn’t alone. She was the mother of three daughters, and those daughters saw her struggle and came to her aid. They offered to carry the light with her, and relieved to not bear the burden alone, she gave to each daughter according to each one’s gifts.

To the first daughter, she gave the brightest of lights. This daughter had always been one who had clung to power, not as a crutch but because she saw it as the best tool to effect change. Because of the child’s power, her mother saw her as the one most fit to carry on her tradition of spreading light across the entire world. This daughter became the Sun, and she shed light on the world in ways her mother never could. But as with all who feast on power, she burned too brightly every day, and her light faded, allowing the darkness to come spilling back in.

To that end, the mother gave her second daughter a different light. It was a lesser light than the first, one that borrowed from the light of the Sun, but the second daughter cherished her light more than the first had cherished hers. She had always been one to look after her sisters, one made for self-sacrifice as long as it would improve the lives of others, and she became the Moon. When her sister the Sun was no longer strong enough to shine and darkness began to creep back into the world, the Moon gave what little light she had and held the night at bay. Hers was a fragile light, one that waxed and waned depending on how much light she had been able to borrow from her sister, and there were times, just as there were with her sister, when her light went out.

And so the third sister was given what little light their mother had left to spare. It was a meager light, not enough to see by but one that could be seen when the darkness arrived. This daughter’s gift was wonder though, and she used the light to search and find all the many wonderful things the world had to offer. Her sense of discovery gave her an air of bravery, for when difficulties and dangers arose, her sense of discovery overpowered any fear that would have stopped her. Everywhere she went, she left a little of the light, but her sense of wonder replenished the light she had, and it never went out. These traces of her adventures became the Stars, and though they disappeared from view under the brighter lights of her sisters, they never truly went out.

And so the first Lights came into being, and the world was never left without light again.
Last edited by Ambrosia Alar on May 29th, 2017, 4:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Ambrosia Alar

Postby Ambrosia Alar on May 25th, 2017, 1:42 pm

What the Alar Sisters Are Like

Sure, it’s just a story and one that ain’t true, as proven by the existence of Priskil, Syna, Leth, and Zintila. But that was the story the three Alar sisters grew up on. It was their story. And each of them became one of the lights.

As tends to be with big siblings, at least the best ones, the ones like Ambrosia’s sister Bethany, she took the way of the Moon. Being the most grown up and responsible of the three, she was always forced to look after both her little sisters, and though it was forced, it was a responsibility she took on happily. She has always been more concerned about her little sisters than about herself. With all the time spent thinking about others, she doesn’t notice when others take notice of her which many of the young men of Alvadas do. She looks prettier when she worries, and she worries perpetually.

Ambrosia’s little sister Tessa took the way of the Sun. She had her two older sisters to forge the way ahead for her, and once they took her as far as they could, she found ways to push herself even farther, to gain more from the situation than they had. She used them as stepping stones to get what she wanted most in the world. Power. She was addicted to the stuff, but her big sisters didn’t mind. They loved watching her excel, and she did it well, to an extent. But the Alar family had never held positions of authority, so what little power she gained was not much and definitely not enough to satisfy her. Still, she didn’t give up. Tessa used what power she had to gain what little more she could. Her beauty helped. She could sway quite a few men to do things for her that someone of average looks might not.

And that left Ambrosia with the Stars. Actually, she probably gave her sisters no choice in the matter. She had always been inquisitive, and her will to leave nothing undiscovered had gotten her into trouble more times than she could count. Bethany could count that high though. She’s always reminding Ambrosia what number she’s on, mostly because Bethany has been there with her for many of those times and has had to bail Ambrosia out of trouble on a good few occasions. Ambrosia’s curiosity has led her into trouble a lot, but even more often than it has done that, it has led her to discover something new.

If you ask Bethany, she’ll tell you Ambrosia’s curiosity is her best characteristic, despite all the times Bethany’s had to rescue her from it. Tessa disagrees. She says Ambrosia’s best trait is her smile. She says it’s because it’s genuine. It’s probably just that she likes it, because whenever Ambrosia flashes it, Tessa can use it to get something she wants. Ambrosia doesn’t mind though. A smile is a small price to pay for Tessa’s happiness, and she does enjoy smiling.

Recently, Tessa has gone missing. That's not anything too out of the ordinary. When she's really on the hunt for true power, she'll go missing for a week, maybe even two, but she always shows back up. This is the first time though that she's been gone this long. Beth worries after they haven't seen Tessa for a day, but even Ambrosia is starting to get worried now. It's been three weeks since either laid eyes on her.
Last edited by Ambrosia Alar on June 4th, 2017, 10:21 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Ambrosia Alar

Postby Ambrosia Alar on May 25th, 2017, 2:03 pm

Things Ambrosia’s Good At… Or Not So Good At (Skills)

Skill Starting XP Earned XP Total Mastery
Acrobatics 0 +2 +1 3 Novice
Acting 0 +3 +1 +1 +2 +2 9 Novice
Astronomy +5 (SP) +4 9 Novice
Body Building 0 +1 1 Novice
Brawling 0 +2 +1 3 Novice
Cleaning 0 +2 +2 4 Novice
Climbing 0 +1 +1 2 Novice
Deduction 0 +3 +5 8 Novice
Detection 0 +1 1 Novice
Drinking 0 +1 +2 3 Novice
Endurance 0 +1 +4 +5 +1 11 Novice
Juggling 0 +1 1 Novice
Intelligence +10 (SP) +1 +2 +1 +1 15 Novice
Intimidation 0 +2 2 Novice
Investigation +15 (SP) +15 (RB) +1 +3 +5 +1 +2 42 Competent
Land Navigation 0 +1 +1 2 Novice
Leadership 0 +2 +1 +2 +1 6 Novice
Logic 0 +2 +2 +5 +1 10 Novice
Mathematics 0 +3 3 Novice
Negotiation 0 +5 +2 +2 9 Novice
Observation +5 (SP) +5 +1 +2 +4 +4 +3 +5 +5 +1 +3 38 Competent
Organization 0 +3 3 Novice
Persuasion +10 (SP) +5 +3 +3 +2 +1 +3 +4 31 Competent
Planning 0 +3 +2 5 Novice
Politics 0 +2 2 Novice
Rhetoric 0 +4 +1 +2 +1 +1 9 Novice
Running 0 +1 1 Novice
Seduction +5 (SP) +2 +3 +1 +2 +1 +2 16 Novice
Socialization 0 +5 +5 +1 +5 +4 +5 +3 +1 +2 +4 35 Competent
Spiritism 0 +2 2 Novice
Stealth 0 +1 1 Novice
Storytelling 0 +3 +2 5 Novice
Subterfuge 0 +1 +2 +4 7 Novice
Tactics 0 +4 +1 5 Novice
Unarmed Combat 0 +1 1 Novice
Last edited by Ambrosia Alar on December 27th, 2019, 4:27 pm, edited 14 times in total.
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Ambrosia Alar

Postby Ambrosia Alar on May 25th, 2017, 2:07 pm

Things Ambrosia Knows About (Lore)…

*Atala Nadia: Mr. Marcel’s dead wife and the reason for his heartbreak
*The art of handling your liquor
*A beautiful woman without company gets drinks fast
*Cade: Stallion’s Rear owner
*Cordon: Always cleaning up his sister’s messes
*Cordon: Drinks differently depending on his mood
*Cordon: The middle child and only boy
*Coressiana: Mysterious beauty at the Stallion’s Rear
*Drunk people buy more alcohol
*Eli: Connected
*Eli: Flirts shamelessly with Ambrosia
*Eli: Not the type to settle down
*Eli: Tells bad jokes
*Lore of Friendly Rivalries
*Lore of the drunk threshold
*Knowing when to cut people off
*Mr. Marcel: Heartbroken patron
The Regulars at The Stallion’s Rear
*Stallion’s Rear: Exiting to enter again
*Stallion’s Rear: Illusion of constellations in wine
*Stallion’s Rear: Unable to enter
*Stallion’s Rear patron: Bandon
*Stallion’s Rear patron: Cordon
*Stallion’s Rear patron: Eli
*Stallion’s Rear patron: Peter
*Stallion’s Rear patron: Simon
*Stallion’s Rear patron: Winnie
*Whalt: Collector of kisses
*Whalt: Knows something about Tessa
*When alcohol stops burning, you’ve had too much
*Who blushes first? A game between Ambrosia and Winnie
*“You can’t trust a man who doesn’t drink.”

*Brawling: How to throw a punch
*Climbing: Never look down
*Endurance: Resisting pain
*Endurance: Steeling one’s emotions
*Getting Punched: An Awful Aftermath
*Keeping your guard up

*The effects of Blinders
*Tolm Infusion: Treats Swelling & Pain

*Alvadas: Keeping your destination in mind usually works
*Alvadas: Spits in the faces of wise men and sages
Alvadas Underground
*Location: The Bizarre
*Location: The Stallion’s Rear
*The Golden Hand
*Underground: Maze on fire

*The Alar Sisters: Competitive
*Alessa Alar: A fine storyteller
*Ambrosia: An outsider
*Ambrosia: Enjoys being the center of attention
*Ambrosia’s Kiss: Makes others jealous
*Ambrosia’s Smile: Familiar and comforting
*Bee: A drunkard
*Bethany: An early riser
*Bethany: Hates bees
*Bethany: Warm-bodied, warm soul
*Bethany’s Gift: A constellation sash
*Captain Barsala: A man of fine tastes
*Captain Barsala: A valuable contact
*Hurik: Considers himself a poet
*“I love you, Tessa.”
*Jomi: A ghost
*Lydia: Sadistic ghost
*Madeira: A brave woman
*Madeira: A Craven spiritist
*Madeira: Has an air of refinement
*Madeira: Has a controlling family
*Madeira: Looking for someone
*Madeira: Regular of the Unnamye
*Madeira: Skilled in pissing people off
*Madeira: Surrounded by bees
*Mysterious old man
*Mysterious old man: Loves his daughter
*Mysterious old man’s betrayal
*People: Revan
*People: Captain Barsala
*People: Hurik the Ghost
*Please: A rare word in Tessa’s vocabulary
*Revan: Unreadable
*Rosie: Tessa’s pet name for Ambrosia
*Spiritists: Accomplished liars
*Tessa always gets what Tessa wants
*Tessa: Demands rather than requests
*Tessa: Manipulative little sister
*Tessa: Sarcastic and fun-loving
*Tessa: Youngest sister gone missing
*Tessa’s Clue: “I’m going to be visiting one of our old haunts.”
*Velindor: An Herbalist
*Velindor: Knows little about Ionu
*Velindor: Symenestra

Social Know How
*Acting: Faking a smile
*Charisma: Diffusing volatile social situations
*“It’s always a girl, ain’t it?”
*Leadership: Leading the way
*Lore of the difference between a watcher and a lurker
*Lore of possession
*Lore of setting up a date
*A lover’s kiss
*Negotiation: Keeping everyone happy
*Planning ahead: When in doubt, offer both options
*Politics: A game of influence
*Reading a familiar face
*Seduction: Coy flirting
*Seduction: Flirting with ghosts
*Socialization: Playful barb
*Subterfuge: Poker face
*Tactics: Distraction

Astronomy and Storytelling
*Astronomy: Orient yourself with familiar constellations
*Constellation: The Aquiras Gate
*Constellation: Semele’s Bow (possibly made up)
*Myth: The Aquiras Gate’s creation
*Myth: The Three Daughters of Light
*Star: Priskil’s Light, The Watch Star
Last edited by Ambrosia Alar on December 27th, 2019, 4:27 pm, edited 13 times in total.
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Ambrosia Alar
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Ambrosia Alar

Postby Ambrosia Alar on May 25th, 2017, 2:10 pm

Stories About Ambrosia’s Third Favorite Person: Herself

Title Date Characters Summary Status Rewards
Opportunities Abound 26th of Summer, 517 AV Revan (Rey) and Ambrosia Ambrosia first meets Revan Abandoned 4 Lore & 19 XP
Getting Lost While Standing Still 50th of Summer, 517 AV Madeira, Ambrosia, Jomi, Velindor, & Azuridae Alvadas traps a group of strangers in the Rear Completed 9 Lore & 10 XP
Rivalries 70th of Summer, 517 AV Ambrosia (solo) Things get heated at the Rear Completed 12 Lore, 49 XP, & A Light Concussion
Stargazing 70th of Summer, 517 AV The Alar Sisters (solo) Ambrosia relaxes with her sisters after a rough night at the Rear Incomplete (Temporary Grade) 18 Lore & 13 XP
Along Came a… Barmaid? 71st of Summer, 517 AV Velindor and Ambrosia Ambrosia seeks medical attention for her bruises Abandoned 5 Lore & 5 XP
A City Abuzz 89th of Summer, 517 AV Ambrosia and a bee (solo) Swarms of biting insects invade Alvadas Completed 1 Lore & 4 XP
Regulars 89th of Summer, 517 AV Ambrosia (solo) A night at the Rear Completed 16 Lore & 23 XP
Acting as if Everything is Normal 17th of Fall, 517 AV Ambrosia (solo) Ambrosia attempts to keep a positive attitude at work Incomplete (Temporary Grade) 4 Lore & 12 XP
A First Step in the Right Direction 26th of Fall, 517 AV Ambrosia (solo) Ambrosia gets her first clue about her missing sister Tessa Incomplete (Temporary Grade) 10 Lore & 20 XP
Fire, Fire 49th of Fall, 517 AV Asterope, Aislyn, Ambrosia, Allassanachasanya, and Ekatrina (NPC) Five strangers aid in a rescue from the fire at the Womiyu Incomplete Not Submitted
Putting on the Blinders 84th of Fall, 517 AV Ambrosia (solo) Ambrosia turns to drugs for answers about her missing sister Incomplete Not Submitted
Reusing Old Graves 84th of Fall, 517 AV Ambrosia and Madeira Madeira joins Ambrosia on the hunt for her missing sister Incomplete (Temporary Grade) 22 Lore & 54 XP
Licking Our Wounds 85th of Fall, 517 AV Ambrosia (solo) Ambrosia finds Ionu’s Mercy in her time of need Placeholder Not Submitted
Out of the Cold 1st of Winter, 517 AV Ambrosia (solo) People get snowed in at the Rear Incomplete Not Submitted
Of The Bonnie Dot 13th of Winter, 517 AV Ambrosia (solo) A ghost becomes a patron of The Stallion’s Rear Incomplete Not Submitted
A Winter’s Fair 28th of Winter, 517 AV Penny, Dovey, Ambrosia, Alvaros, and Asterope A celebration is held in honor of the return of Winter Incomplete Not Submitted
“He’s here.” 39th of Winter, 517 AV Ambrosia, Malachi, and Cade (Solo) The last person to see Tessa arrives in town Placeheld Not Started
The Flames Below 39th of Winter, 517 AV Madeira, Hurik, Ambrosia, and Jomi Ambrosia’s search for her sister is rudely interrupted by a search for another missing person Abandoned 11 Lore & 28 XP
Burning Earth 40th of Winter, 517 AV Ambrosia and Tessa Ambrosia finds Tessa in the Sealed Grounds Placeheld Not Started
Deep Wounds 40th of Winter, 517 AV Ambrosia and Asterope After a rough encounter in the Sealed Grounds, Ambrosia seeks medical attention Incomplete Not Submitted
These Lying Stars 43rd of Winter, 517 AV Ambrosia The constellations rearrange and break old promises Placeheld Not Started
Where We’re At 23rd of Fall, 519 AV Ambrosia and Shiress Ambrosia is enslaved and taken to Rvok where she meets a kind physician Completed Not Submitted
A Place Called Home Undetermined Ambrosia and Shiress A flu spreads through Ravok, and Shiress and Ambrosia do what they can for the sick Incomplete Not Submitted
Stories Undetermined Ambrosia (Solo) Ambrosia tells tall tales at The Silver Sliver Placeheld Not Submitted
In Enemy Lands Undetermined Ambrosia (Solo) Ambrosia visits another tavern to discover what draws their patrons Incomplete Not Submitted
One Drink 31st of Spring, 520 AV Ambrosia (solo) A very boing night at the Silver Sliver Completed Not submitted
Flash of the Blade 89th of Spring, 520 AV Shiress, Caspian, and Ambrosia Shiress and Caspian are assaulted at the manor Completed Not Submitted
Where We’re Going 90th of Spring, 520 AV Ambrosia (solo) Ambrosia says goodbyes without saying goodbye in Ravok Completed Not Submitted
A different kind of love 1st of Summer, 520 AV Shiress, Caspian, and Ambrosia Shiress gives birth Completed 8 Lore & 11 XP
These Stars 30th of Summer, 520 AV Ambrosia (solo) Ambrosia pays her way to Zeltiva Placeheld Not Submitted
Back Again 70th of Summer, 520 AV Shiress, Ambrosia, and Caspian The trio arrives in Zeltiva Incomplete Not Submitted
Kelp Day Summer the 77th, 520 AV Ambrosia (solo) Ambrosia invents a holiday to distract patrons from the putridness of kelp beer Completed Not Submitted
Kelpless 88th of Summer, 520 AV Ambrosia (solo) Ambrosia works to find a drink replacement when a batch of kelp beer goes bad Incomplete Not Submitted
Last edited by Ambrosia Alar on November 30th, 2020, 1:29 am, edited 19 times in total.
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Ambrosia Alar

Postby Ambrosia Alar on May 25th, 2017, 2:36 pm

People Ambrosia Knows

Name: Bethany Alar
Connection: Big Sister/Best Friends
Birthday: 32nd of Fall, 490 AV
Age: 26 years
+30 Spiritism
+20 Persuasion

Name: Tessa Alar
Connection: Little Sister
Birthday: 88th of Fall, 500 AV
Age: 16 years
Status: Missing

Name: Unnamed so far
Connection: Showed up and stayed after pestering one of Ambrosia’s customers
Race: Illusion (Bee)
Appearance: A typical bee drone
Day of Creation: 50th of Summer, 517 AV
Age: 2 seasons
Status: This little critter is a drunk, constantly sneaking into Ambrosia’s pocket to drown himself in alcohol at the Rear. At his heart though, he is a homebody, and he always manages to get back in to her pocket, so he can return home with her every morning.
Last edited by Ambrosia Alar on November 10th, 2017, 8:56 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Ambrosia Alar

Postby Ambrosia Alar on May 26th, 2017, 10:12 pm

Ambrosia’s Stuff

Ambrosia shares an apartment in Alvadas with her big sister Bethany. It’s cozy enough. They share a bed, but each has their own wardrobe and dresser and enough clothes to keep them well filled. They have a nice hearth to cook on and a washbasin and washboard to keep things, including themselves, clean. They also have a cupboard with enough for three place settings at their table. Each has a key that draws them to the apartment, so they can get home in the ever-changing streets of Alvadas.
When they first got their apartment, Ambrosia and Bethany decided to share the cost on things, which meant whenever one bought something, the other got something of equal value. They each have three dresses, two pairs of boots, a pair of sandals, undergarments aplenty, five pairs of stockings, a belt, a coat, two shirts, two skirts, and two pairs of trousers. The only clothing Ambrosia retained was her constellation-colored sash as she was wearing it as a headdress when she was captured. She has a simple, dull brown dress that the slavers put her into.
Bethany’s Spiritism Supplies
Bethany took her dedication to others and self-sacrifice to a greater extent than Ambrosia could’ve imagined. Bethany decided she wanted to help the spirits that had passed. The scars and cuts that litter her palms from creating her soulmist just prove that she’s better than most at giving of herself to better other’s situations. Ambrosia helped her get started. Together, the two bought the supplies Bethany needed to get started. She has a ring of heavy beads that she imbued to make soulbeads. Her loop contains nine beads. Some people say that the number matters. Bethany insists that’s bullshit, and Ambrosia is more inclined to believe her big sister than anyone else. Bethany just says it affords her a few more shapes she can make with the beads. Her supplies also include a knife, some vials for holding the mist she makes, a bowl for mixing her dough, and the ingredients she needs to make her mist. The sisters have a bit of a sweet tooth, so Bethany’s dough is heavy on the sugar and a little more complex than most spiritists’. Hers contains flour, sugar, eggs, honey, and vanilla.
Back Pack, Waterskin, Flint & Steel
Heirloom: When the three sisters moved out on their own, they had a painting of themselves made and duplicated, each keeping a copy for themselves.

Ambrosia’s possessions are all under the care of Bethany in Alvadas.
Last edited by Ambrosia Alar on October 27th, 2019, 6:34 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Ambrosia Alar

Postby Ambrosia Alar on May 26th, 2017, 10:13 pm

Money… Ugh

What Ambrosia Got Amount Total
Starting +100 gm 100 gm
Furniture and Place Settings -18.2 gm 81 gm – 8 sm
Clothing -17 gm – 4 sm 64 gm – 4 sm
Spiritism Supplies -14 gm – 4 sm 50 gm
Enslaved Everything 0 gm
Spring 19 Wages (Approved) +273 gm 273 gm
Winter 19 Living Expenses -90 gm 183 gm
Spring 19 Living Expenses -90 gm 93 gm
Last edited by Ambrosia Alar on June 4th, 2017, 10:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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