[Verified by Traverse] L'orlei

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Postby L'orlei on December 21st, 2011, 8:06 pm


"Only within compassion, can we find that the world's sorrows and wounds may be healed completely."
Creed of the Opal Order


Race: Konti
Age: 36 (Born Summer 13, 479 AV)
Gender: Female
Height: 5'2"
Weight: 110lbs


L'orlei is a quiet, shy individual when it comes to most social situations. She doesn't know how to talk to people, and doesn't usually have the self confidence to introduce herself to new people. This is not to say she doesn't want to, she just doesn't know how, and all attempts usually come off as awkward. When it comes to her work, however, she is full of quiet confidence. Whether it's philtering her latest healing potion, stitching up a wound, or wandering the wilderness of Mura searching for herbs, L'orlei is at home when she's working.

Physical Description

L'orlei looks pretty much like any other Konti, having pale white skin, long bleach blonde hair, and a generally frail build. Her scales which adorn her arms, face, back, and legs have a light green tint to match her green eyes. L'orlei tends to dress in the silky white robes common to Mura's healers over a black bodysuit. L'orlei's forehead is adorned with a winged serpent sigil that marks her as a Healer of Rak'keli.
Last edited by L'orlei on January 11th, 2016, 12:01 am, edited 19 times in total.
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Postby L'orlei on January 6th, 2012, 1:32 am


L'orlei was born in Mura, the daughter of her mother Alissa and a human father that she never knew. It was a one night stand, one her mother only went into because she'd had a dream the previous night that it would lead to a child being born. As it turned out she was right, and not long after Alissa discovered she was pregnant.

The baby L'orlei was marked at birth by the goddess Rak'keli, marking het a healer. Alissa was relieved. While she loved her goddess Avalis, many of the sisters who shared her mark seemed to loose their mind, and little L'orlei would be spared that. At least, that is what she thought. Unfortunately for L'orlei, her mothers visions were bad enough and her childhood was marred by the sounds of her mother awakening with screams in the night. Alissa had a pension for seeing only the worst visions of the past, and they often came to her unbidden.

One day L'orlei's mother awoke after a night of violent nightmares. Entering the room she announced to her daughter that she had received the Call and she had to leave at once. L'orlei begged her mother not to go, but nothing she could say would stop the woman. Since then L'orlei has struggled to make a living for herself, selling medicine to tourists and practicing her healing in hopes of one day joining the Opal order.
Last edited by L'orlei on March 8th, 2012, 5:42 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Postby L'orlei on January 6th, 2012, 1:32 am


(Note to storytellers: Click on each skill link to see where my skills came from)


Herbalism - 30
Medicine - 23
Observation - 21
Glyphing - 12
Socialization - 12
Philtering - 12
Reimancy - 12
Persuasion - 10
Meditation - 10
Shielding - 8
Philosophy - 7
Rhetoric - 7
Wilderness Survival - 6
Teaching - 6
Poison - 5
Cooking - 5
Auristics - 5
Botany - 4
Leadership - 3
Endurance - 3
Business - 2
Bartering - 2
Calligraphy - 2
Anthropology - 2
Navigation (Forest) - 2
Planning - 2
Mathematics - 1
Land Navigation - 1
Drawing - 1
Geography - 1


Healing (Rank 1)

Konti Gift:

Name Seer: As with all Konti, L'orlei was born with a special gift. She is a seer of names. Whenever L'orlei meets a person their name comes unbidden to her mind, almost like someone whispered it in her ear. This ability even works with some animals, assuming they have been given a name and know it is theirs. L'orlei cannot control this ability and in come cases it can be overwhelming, such as when in a large crowd. Skin to skin contact takes her ability further, causing the names and faces of every individual that person has ever met to flash in L'orlei's mind from the most recent all the way back. Again, she cannot control this and must either break contact or let the names run their course.


Kontinese (Fluent)
Common (Basic)
Tukant (Poor)


Local Flora of Mura
Lore: Wilderness Survival Techniques
Properly Cooking Caplium Seeds
Retrieving Onion Extract
Focusing on Water with Laviku's Trident
Day Long Herb Preperations
Giving good Medical advice
Determining a client’s needs
Working with the Common language barrier
Hadrians Name
Glyphing: barriers are important
Glyphing: Making your own style
Calligraphy: keeping consistency
Recipe for Hazelnut Paste
Things Needed for a Forest Excursion
Fragrance of Hythorne trees
The look and uses of Cardamom
Look and use of Gorst Shrub
Hazelnut good for teeth and gums
The Limits of a Singular Healing Gnosis
A Little Awkward Around Men
Faraluun: A Strapping Stranger
Chali: A Pleasant Aroma
Unkempt Introductions
Chasing Childhood Dreams
Sterilizing a Wound
Learning Without One's Gnosis
Preferring Protective Magic
The Unfocused Djed of a Novice
Maintaining Complete Focus
Tasking a Shield: Blocking Light
The Racing Mind of a Child
Auristics: Peering Through Layers
An Aura's Appearance Depends on the Individual
Death: A Scary Aura
The Unique Quality of Caplium
A Kit for Now, a Lab for the Future
The Tedium of Oil Extraction
Rain: Good for konti, Bad for Foreigners
Clyde Sullins: Looks like a Wizard
Using Avalis to Boost Sales
Symmetry a Key in Glyphing
The Guilt of Improper Spells
The Dangers of Reimancy
Personal magic Pulls from the Self
Respecting the Vian Tree
Being inducted Into Reimancy
Disrobing Doesn't Mean Getting Naked
Clyde: A Large Part of the Desire to Leave Mura
Res: Responds to Verbal Commands as Well as Gestures
Reimancy Technique: Shaping Your Res
Reimancy Technique: Transmuting Res
Bartering: Difficult Without an Item Reference
Res: A Manifestation of Onself
Every Tick that Res is Outside of the Body, it Decays
Para Elements: Combinations of the 4 main elements: Ice, Lava, Lightning
Attraction VS. Transmutation
Incantations VS. Gestures
Attracting the Element of Water
The Distractions that Come With Using Reimancy
Clyde's 5 Rules of Reimancy
Clyde: Traveling to Ravok
Fauxsil: Sleep Inducing Plant
Starting a Fire
The Aura of the Fauxsil Plant
A Potential Lavender Aroma on Things that Aid with Sleep (Auristics)
Dreams Calling for Travel
Ashe Fallwood: Reimancer
Sunberth: A deadly place to use magic
Konti Gift: A blessing and a curse
Ashe: Sunberth residence since birth
Philosophy: Trust in a fellow magic user
Anthropology: Mura versus Sunberth
Philosophy: Does magic make evil?


As a Novice, L'orlei can craft poisons from up to three different families. She is familiar with the following families:

AquaticFavored by water-based poisoners, these poisons are made from aquatic plants and creatures.
ArborealThis family is comprised of toxins made from trees, generally fruit trees or conifers. Such poisons are characterized by grassy or earthly odors. Additionally, tree poisons last longer than other types of poison; they retain their toxicity for a number of months equal four times their level instead of three.
RootsAs the name suggests, these poisons are made from plant roots. The poisons in this family are not as powerful as the poisons in other families. However, it is the largest of the poison families.
Last edited by L'orlei on January 22nd, 2016, 11:30 pm, edited 39 times in total.
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Postby L'orlei on January 6th, 2012, 1:32 am

Possessions and Ledger

Bar of Soap
1 week of trail rations
Eating knife
Flint and steel
Herbalist's Toolkit
Winter Blanket
Mortar and Pestle
Travelers Chest
Four Person Tent
50ft Hemp Rope
2 Torches
4 Tinders
Water Additive
1 oz fresh Fauxil Leaves
1 oz dried Bon'mur leaves
1 oz Brinetooth Berries
1 oz Rhinedale Leaves
1 oz dried midwife miracle flowers
1 comb Vyfox flowers
1 oz Vyfox leaves
3 Vials of Priskilweed

Locked with an Average Lock

Ledger :
-50gm for Alembic
-20gm for Toolkit, Herbalist
-1gm for Mortar and Pestle
-2gm for 2 glass jars w/lid
-5sm for Iron pot
-9cm for 3 clay jugs
-5sm for Winter blanket
-1gm for Vial of Ink
-8sm for two Scrolls
-1gm for Leather Scrollcase
-2 sm for Leather Belt
-2gm for Dagger
-4sm for Basket
-1cm for Candle
-1gm 2sm for 3 Blank Sheets of Paper
+455gm for Salary
-135gm for Common Living Expenses for Spring 512
-135gm for Common Living Expenses for Summer 512
+455gm for Salary
-135gm for Common Living Expenses for Fall 512
-135gm for Common Living Expenses for Winter 512
-150gm for Philterer's Kit
-10gm for 2 Gallons of Olive Oil
-9gm for 3 pounds of Almonds
-135gm for Common Living Expenses for Spring 513
+455 gm for Spring 513 Salary
-135gm for Common Living Expenses for Summer 513
-5 sm for an onion
+552gm for Summer 513 Salary
-135gm for Common Living Expenses for Fall 513
- 10gm for 1 Four Person Tent
- 1gm for 50ft Hemp Rope
- 2cm for 2 Torches
- 1sm for Bedroll
- 4cm for 4 Tinders
- 3gm for Water Additive
- 40gm for Average Lock
- 20gm for Average Key
- 120gm for Traveler's Chest
- 15gm Suvai
The following all purchased here
1 oz fresh Fauxil Leaves - 5cm
1 oz dried Bon'mur leaves - 5cm
1 oz Brinetooth Berries - 5sm
1 oz Rhinedale Leaves - 5sm
1 oz dried midwife miracle flowers - 5cm
1 comb Vyfox flowers - 5cm
1 oz Vyfox leaves - 5cm
3 Vials of Priskilweed - 15gm

-135gm for Common Living Expenses for Spring 514
+920 gm for Spring 514 Salary
-135gm for Common Living Expenses for Fall 514
-13gm, 8sm for basic private room at the Sunset Quarters
-9gm for fake Mohair Wool Jacket
-135gm for Common Living Expenses for Winter 514
-13gm, 8sm for basic private room at the Sunset Quarters
-0gm Inactive During Spring 515
-135gm for Common Living Expenses for Summer 515
-0gm Inactive During Fall 515

Total: 939gm 7sm 9cm
Last edited by L'orlei on January 22nd, 2016, 11:30 pm, edited 41 times in total.
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Postby L'orlei on January 6th, 2012, 1:32 am

L'orlei's Herbs and Remedies

Business Type: Health Goods/Services
Location: Mura
Items/Services Sold
Novice Herbal Remedies: 1-10gm
Fauxsil Infusion*Infusiion of honey wine and crushed fauxsil leaves. Boil wine, pour over crushed leaves, let sit for 2-4 hours. Strain, bottle, and serve. Take one shot at night to aid with sleep. - 5gm/bottle
Competent Herbal Remedies: 5-25gm
[indent]Hazelnut Paste*Mixture of gorst needles, beaked hazelnut shells, cardamom seeds, water, and bees wax ground into a thick paste. Dab on finger and rub on teeth until squeaky clean. Promotes fresh breath and healthy teeth and gums. Also can be used to treat mouth infections. Earthy flavor with a hint of mint. - 2gm/oz
Caplium Balm*Almond oil, caplium extract, and onion extract mixed with bees wax to make a balm which can be applied to the skin. Fumes from the onions clear the sinuses, while the caplium eases throat pain and also helps with congestion. The balm, when mixed with warm water, can be dripped into the ear to soothe earaches. Almond oil is good for the skin, moisturizing it and keeping it looking youthful and vibrant. - 2gm/oz
Cattail Sap*Useful as a coagulant and disinfectant - 1gm/oz

Novice Potions: 1-15gm
Herbs/Plants (Most Descriptions found in Pricelist):
Fresh Fauxil Leaves - 5cm/oz
Dried Bon'mur leaves - 5cm/oz
Brinetooth Berries - 5sm/oz
Rhinedale Leaves - 5sm/oz
Dried Midwife Miracle Flowers - 5cm/oz
Vyfox flowers - 5cm/comb
Vyfox leaves - 5cm/oz
Vials of Priskilweed - 5gm/oz*uncommon plant, 5gm each, as per price list

Healing Scrolls (Rank 1): 20gm
Scrollcase, Leather: 1gm
Water Additive: 3gm
Healing via Gnosis: Free (tips appreciated)

Base Income: Herbalist 6gm/day
Skill Bonus: Competent Herbalism- 3
Sales Bonus: 1 gm/day (no overhead costs, approved by Gillar)
Total Income: 10gm/day


(Since most of the stuff in the shop isn't on the price list, I listed the items necessary to create them as assets)

Alembic 50gm
Toolkit, Herbalist 20gm
Mortar and Pestle 1gm
2 Glass Jars w/ Lid 2gm
Iron Pot 5sm
3 Clay Jugs 9cm
Winter Blanket 5sm
Vial, ink 1gm
2 Scrolls 4sp each
Scrollcase, Leather 1gm

Total Investment: 76gm 3sm 1cm

Additional Notes: Right now the shop is pretty bare, but as I get more money I would want to purchase additional items for the shop. Also, I will run threads where I make herbal remedies and potions and stuff as I increase my skills, and add the specific items and prices to the list as the threads are graded.

A note on the shop's location. It doesn't have one. Rather, L'orlei does any crafting necessary, and stores her goods, at home, but actually sells the stuff wherever she happens to plop her butt down and spread her blanket out. This is usually near the Harbor so she can catch people coming in and out of Mura, though really anywhere there are people will do for her. Eventually, as her skills increase and she gets more money, she may open up a shop and get a lab, but at this point in time she does not have one.

Also, Gillar approved a 1gm/day sales bonus due to her not having any overhead costs, such as building maintenance and things like that.

Last edited by L'orlei on October 8th, 2014, 12:23 pm, edited 14 times in total.
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Postby L'orlei on March 8th, 2012, 2:57 pm



Relation: Mother
Race: Konti
Date of Birth: Summer 66, 433 AV
Skills: Fortune Telling 25, Auristics 15, 10 Storytelling 10
Gnosis: Divination (Rank 1)

Brief History:

Alissa was a fortune teller on Mura, plying her trade to locals and tourists alike. She did her best to take care of her daughter and give her everything she would need to be a successful healer, but in 506 AV she got the call. Awakening one morning after a violent nightmare, Alissa announced to her daughter that she had to leave the island, that she had to go alone, and that she didn't know if she would ever return. L'orlei has not seen her mother since, but doesn't give up hope that some day she will come home.
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Postby L'orlei on April 3rd, 2012, 1:57 pm

Thread List

The Year of 515 AV

The Year of 514 AV

Winter 514
Fall 514
Out to Sea - 14th
Spring 514

The Year of 513 AV

The Year of 512 AV

Fall 512
Drink Up* - 31st
Summer 512
Spring 512


500 AV
Seeing* - 13th of Spring
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