So. I've always considered myself fairly lucky in the scope of things. Like, things generally tend to work themselves out and life is happy and blah blah blah.
The thing is, whenever something bad or unfortunate happens, I really don't know hot to properly publicly react. I mean, sure, I can express myself fairly well to the person offended or the offender, but I'm never exactly sure how to address the situation if it involves a large group.
For example:
Not even an hour ago, some drunk guy barged into my room and peed. All over my desk. It sucks. I had to clean it and it sucked. I was just really confused at first, because I was asleep, and then he wasn't wearing pants and I freaked out and then I saw he was peeing and then I really freaked out. It was definitely not O.K.
Normally, I would tell the dude off the next day, make him pay for cleaning supplies -- I dunno. I mean, it wasn't like he peed a lot and he WAS drunk; not that those things make anything about the situation any better. It still sucked.
But the thing is, I live in a co op now. Co-habitation. Co-living with 50 other students, some of who were drunk as well, and probably are still drunk. I really don't have an issue with people drinking, never have, even at 2:00 in the morning, a Wednesday morning. It's cool, I get it, but even still, it usually doesn't include me. I'm never effected by it.
But, because I live in a co op, I'm not really sure how to go about handling this whole situation/drunk guy. First of all, this is my first semester living at the co op. Everyone is super chill, and honestly, it would suck to be known as that guy. I already cleaned everything up, so why complain?
I just don't want that guy thinking that in any way what he did was O.K. It's not. He peed on someone else's stuff, in another person's room. THAT IS NOT FINE. THAT IS AN ISSUE.
Secondly, there will be a huge party on Friday - something I've been looking forward to since it was announced. I don't want anything to happen to those plans, all because of something I complained about; like, I learned my lesson. I'm locking my door. At all times. But did this other guy?
I don't want him not to have a good time, but like, dude. Don't pee in other people's rooms. It's not cool.
Thirdly, does he even remember? Assuming he was drunk, there are other substances being used where I live, and it's never bothered me, but like, seriously? WHO PEES IN SOMEONE'S BEDROOM?
But really, is there even a point in saying anything if he doesn't remember? I cleaned everything -- so it's like it never happened. Should I just pretend nothing happened, and just use it as my own personal lesson?
I would just prefer it didn't happen to anyone else, I mean, I don't want this guy kicked out. He seems cool, but if this is like a habit, it needs to stop now.
I'm really tired, and I'm sure none of this makes sense. I would usually complain to a friend, but hey! It's late and no one would pick up -- if any of you have any advice on the situation that would be super.