Digging Deep
Although I try my hardest to keep the thoughts far away from my mind there is one thing that never seems to leave me. Well..., in truth there are a lot of things that seem to haunt my mind. Some more rational than others but that is not the point here. The reason I am writing is... I guess a release. I think these emotions have been locked in me too tighly for far too long. Do you ever feel like you are under pressure? Not like peer pressure or work pressure. Personal pressure. Like some thing is trying to ram past your defenses and it is taking all of your sanity to keep it locked away to make sure it doesn't bubble up. Or worse, burst out of you like some broken fore hydrant. Weird analogy, I know.
I'm very scared. After a while the emotions seem to shape you from their hide aways in the depths of your soul. Like they are starting to pull the strings. I don't know if they are shaping me or if I am just growing up. I am scared to release them or to even acknowledge them. I am somewhat secure with who I am right now and I don't want her changing. Who I am right now has been getting worse and worse though. I feel like each day around people at my school I feel more and more angry. I get panic attacks a lot. The emotions need to come out. So many of them. I am so afraid to let them roam. I'm scared if I think about them they might get stronger. I'm scared if I try to accept some of my feeling they will make me who I am or they would triple in size until they spell out all I am.
Some things are better off left in the shade. Maybe it will be able to come out sometime soon. There is a different story to tell here. One that I will have to be vague with just to be able to tell it. If I even get the courage to post it at all.
There was once a person who I valued more than anyone. Hell, I think I might have even loved them. I could tell them everything and anything and we were the best friends in the world. I was their crutch in a way and in return they listened to my inner thoughts with an ear that did not judge me. They did not make fun of my strange dreams or my odd thoughts. They just understood me to my core. Inside and out. I went out on a limb and put myself out there for them. That turned out to be the biggest mistake of my life. Things were like a roller coaster for a while. First there was the big freak out. Then people calmed. Then things were really nice for a while. Then this person's birthday and I had bought them their favorite movie. That was the last time they looked at me kindly for a long time. We had been close. Maybe a little too close. The closeness that scares people. So they ran. Ran without letting me know they were leaving. It was like one day they were right there in my arms and the next it was like they had never existed. I called, texted, IMed, Emailed, everything short of stalking them to try to know why they just left me but there was not an answer. An entire summer went by and when school started again there they were. They spoke to me like nothing had happened. They even found themselves a new person to love. They still claimed to he closer to me than anything but things would never be the same. The summer had torn me appart. They were so happy I was back though. They did not love me like they once did but they still wanted me to lean on and they will wanted to know all my dreams and thoughts. So I told them. I was angry beyond belief but they were back. They were so timid and I knew if I tried to tell them about how mad I was they would fall apart. So instead I let it brew inside me. It was like a storm. I closed off. I was not going to let anyone hurt me again. I dated again after them. The new person was kind and caring but nothing felt right anymore. I wanted closure to that terrible summer but I never got it. I just plastered smiles on my face when I saw them. I walked through the year with the anger I held for this person. I felt scorned and I had no one to turn to to talk about how terrible I felt. No one had known I had been with the person. They wanted to keep it a secret. By secret they meant they could tell anyone they wanted and I had to keep it to myself. This person was manipulative to the core but I never knew it until I stepped back and saw them for what they did. They strung me along really well. They told me they loved me and they kept giving me these promises of forever. It was completely and total bullshit.
They thought it was all just fun and games. They thought they would not leave a mark in my life. They burned a huge hole in it though. I remember crying to my mom about them and how they made me feel. I feel like she will never see me the same again. I feel like in a way I exploded over everyone I knew and some people came in contact with my secrets.
I don't really know what is going on anymore. I'm still very confused and I'm sure I will be for a long time. I'm having a hard time being myself lately. Hopefully I can get better soon.
Sorry if none of this made sense. I did not want to go into deep detail. Just enough to give a vague outline of my problem.
Thank you for reading.