Winter 10-12, 514 AV
The beginning of winter brought with it a considerate lull in customers. Everyone was preparing for winter which didn’t necessarily mean snow or even cold like in other regions, but still came with a noticeable drop in temperature and mild drought over the first few days. Estrellir used the time to clean her desk, taste some chocolate flavors the Draer had recently invented and play with her cats.
During one of those days, she was sitting in the chair, Whimsy in her lap and Poppy on the desk before her. While one webbed hand was scratching the sleepy cat behind its ears, the other was waving the feathery end of her quill before the other’s eager eyes. Every now and then, Poppy would lash out at the feather before resuming her post of paralyzed observation. Mell was unusually quiet in the kitchen, making coffee, but taking longer than usual. She understood very well that her mistress didn’t need the stimulant if she wasn’t working. It simply gave the both of them something to pass the time with.
As if Avalis had heard their unspoken prayers, rustling could be heard through the open window and the front door opened. Estrellir immediately lowered the quill and sat up straighter for the woman striding into her bureau left no doubt about her social status. Disappointed, Poppy hopped to the floor and dashed to the kitchen.
Her Konti gift identified the woman as a distant Askara relative. Someone’s sister’s aunt or some such thing. Exceptionally thin and pale, she would’ve posed a good figure in her violet sundress and the cream wide-brimmed hat if not for the wrinkles and age spots. As it was, she merely left the impression of a former beauty that had waned years ago. Her blue eyes honored the Konti with a proud stare as if her appearance told anything about her worth as a detective. In her lap, Whimsy yawned and curled up for a nap.
It was likely that Estrellir still counted more years than her opponent which, once again, reminded her how short-lived humans were. Her eyes, the only part that showed no signs of her age, were lined with kohl and bright blue eyeshadow. Finally, Estrellir collected herself and brought out her polite smile. “Good afternoon and welcome to my detective bureau. Who do I have the honor of meeting and what can I help you with today?”
The woman puffed a little, annoyed at the detective’s lack of knowledge concerning her person. “Greetings… my name is Odella Askara. Before describing the reason for my visit, I must ask. I trust that everything I tell you and everything you find out will be treated with utmost confidentiality, yes?”
Suppressing a grin, Estrellir hurried to give the answer her customer wished to hear. “Of course. Nothing that is discussed here ever leaves these four walls.”
Satisfied, Odella leaned back and sighed. “I am relieved to hear that. Now, I have come hoping you could help me with a problem I have concerning my slave.”
When she didn’t continue, Estrellir began impatiently tapping her finger against her knee under the desk. “Yes?”
“He is my pleasure slave. I paid an exorbitant price back when I purchased him directly from that Radacke, the old shark, and he is perfect in every sense of the word, but…”
“But?” Estrellir supplied again.
“He never reacts. You see, pleasure is a game of give and take. It takes two people to truly enjoy it, but whenever I play it with him… he’s distant. He goes all numb and silent, like a witless doll. I can manage, you know, but it’s less than satisfying in the long run.”
The Konti blinked. For the first time during the interview, Odella had lost her. “What do you wish me to do about that?”
Odella leaned forward and the brim of her hat cast an odd shadow over her wrinkled features. “I have heard about you Konti, about your… sight. Can’t you find out what has happened to make him so indifferent in bed? I’d bet he was raped by a former master, the poor boy… If that’s true, I want you to find out what he likes, how he wants to be treated. I want you to supply me with the knowledge to lure him out of that shell.”
“Ah.” Dumbfounded, Estrellir took a moment to come up with a better reply. “I see. You wish me to investigate his past and find out about his sexual experiences before you bought him.”
Odella gave a firm nod. “Yes, that is what you shall do for me. Money will be no issue.”
Estrellir chose not to comment on that. As a distant aunt or whatever, the woman probably didn’t have the financial resources available to the Head of House and immediate family, but pointing that out would mean disturbing her privacy. “Certainly. Now there’s only one more thing. What do you know about his history as a slave and, if he was captured, about his life before slavery? I will also need his full name.”
With a sigh and a shrug, Odella began. “Well, we call him Churil… or Chocolate, for his skin color. How would I know if he had any other names? I was told he’s a Benshira human, a desert boy. As for his history, like I said, I purchased him from the Radacke. They used him as a house slave before, but he must’ve been captured less than five years ago. That’s all I know.”
Estrellir nodded, although she was rolling her eyes in her mind. It wasn’t much to go by, but it had to be enough. If he’d been a slave for a few years, the name would’ve become his identity. Still, she wasn’t sure if that sufficed for finding his chavi. Once again, she donned the polite smile. “Don’t worry, I can work with that. However, it’ll be necessary to visit again with this slave so I can ask him a few questions. The sooner the better.”
Odella was ready to do so and they agreed to meet again in two days. When she stood (involuntarily removing Whimsy from her lap), Odella did too, showing a reluctant smile for the first time she’d walked through the door. “Thank you, Miss Konrath. We will see each other again when I bring Churil to you in two days.”
After shaking the hag’s bony hand, Estrellir gestured towards the door. “I appreciate it. Have a good day.” And when the Askara had finally left the bureau, she sank back into her chair with a deep sigh. When she dropped her gaze to the floor, Whimsy was staring at her accusingly. “Well, sorry. You know how it goes, the customer is king… By Avalis, I already know this will be exhausting!”
The beginning of winter brought with it a considerate lull in customers. Everyone was preparing for winter which didn’t necessarily mean snow or even cold like in other regions, but still came with a noticeable drop in temperature and mild drought over the first few days. Estrellir used the time to clean her desk, taste some chocolate flavors the Draer had recently invented and play with her cats.
During one of those days, she was sitting in the chair, Whimsy in her lap and Poppy on the desk before her. While one webbed hand was scratching the sleepy cat behind its ears, the other was waving the feathery end of her quill before the other’s eager eyes. Every now and then, Poppy would lash out at the feather before resuming her post of paralyzed observation. Mell was unusually quiet in the kitchen, making coffee, but taking longer than usual. She understood very well that her mistress didn’t need the stimulant if she wasn’t working. It simply gave the both of them something to pass the time with.
As if Avalis had heard their unspoken prayers, rustling could be heard through the open window and the front door opened. Estrellir immediately lowered the quill and sat up straighter for the woman striding into her bureau left no doubt about her social status. Disappointed, Poppy hopped to the floor and dashed to the kitchen.
Her Konti gift identified the woman as a distant Askara relative. Someone’s sister’s aunt or some such thing. Exceptionally thin and pale, she would’ve posed a good figure in her violet sundress and the cream wide-brimmed hat if not for the wrinkles and age spots. As it was, she merely left the impression of a former beauty that had waned years ago. Her blue eyes honored the Konti with a proud stare as if her appearance told anything about her worth as a detective. In her lap, Whimsy yawned and curled up for a nap.
It was likely that Estrellir still counted more years than her opponent which, once again, reminded her how short-lived humans were. Her eyes, the only part that showed no signs of her age, were lined with kohl and bright blue eyeshadow. Finally, Estrellir collected herself and brought out her polite smile. “Good afternoon and welcome to my detective bureau. Who do I have the honor of meeting and what can I help you with today?”
The woman puffed a little, annoyed at the detective’s lack of knowledge concerning her person. “Greetings… my name is Odella Askara. Before describing the reason for my visit, I must ask. I trust that everything I tell you and everything you find out will be treated with utmost confidentiality, yes?”
Suppressing a grin, Estrellir hurried to give the answer her customer wished to hear. “Of course. Nothing that is discussed here ever leaves these four walls.”
Satisfied, Odella leaned back and sighed. “I am relieved to hear that. Now, I have come hoping you could help me with a problem I have concerning my slave.”
When she didn’t continue, Estrellir began impatiently tapping her finger against her knee under the desk. “Yes?”
“He is my pleasure slave. I paid an exorbitant price back when I purchased him directly from that Radacke, the old shark, and he is perfect in every sense of the word, but…”
“But?” Estrellir supplied again.
“He never reacts. You see, pleasure is a game of give and take. It takes two people to truly enjoy it, but whenever I play it with him… he’s distant. He goes all numb and silent, like a witless doll. I can manage, you know, but it’s less than satisfying in the long run.”
The Konti blinked. For the first time during the interview, Odella had lost her. “What do you wish me to do about that?”
Odella leaned forward and the brim of her hat cast an odd shadow over her wrinkled features. “I have heard about you Konti, about your… sight. Can’t you find out what has happened to make him so indifferent in bed? I’d bet he was raped by a former master, the poor boy… If that’s true, I want you to find out what he likes, how he wants to be treated. I want you to supply me with the knowledge to lure him out of that shell.”
“Ah.” Dumbfounded, Estrellir took a moment to come up with a better reply. “I see. You wish me to investigate his past and find out about his sexual experiences before you bought him.”
Odella gave a firm nod. “Yes, that is what you shall do for me. Money will be no issue.”
Estrellir chose not to comment on that. As a distant aunt or whatever, the woman probably didn’t have the financial resources available to the Head of House and immediate family, but pointing that out would mean disturbing her privacy. “Certainly. Now there’s only one more thing. What do you know about his history as a slave and, if he was captured, about his life before slavery? I will also need his full name.”
With a sigh and a shrug, Odella began. “Well, we call him Churil… or Chocolate, for his skin color. How would I know if he had any other names? I was told he’s a Benshira human, a desert boy. As for his history, like I said, I purchased him from the Radacke. They used him as a house slave before, but he must’ve been captured less than five years ago. That’s all I know.”
Estrellir nodded, although she was rolling her eyes in her mind. It wasn’t much to go by, but it had to be enough. If he’d been a slave for a few years, the name would’ve become his identity. Still, she wasn’t sure if that sufficed for finding his chavi. Once again, she donned the polite smile. “Don’t worry, I can work with that. However, it’ll be necessary to visit again with this slave so I can ask him a few questions. The sooner the better.”
Odella was ready to do so and they agreed to meet again in two days. When she stood (involuntarily removing Whimsy from her lap), Odella did too, showing a reluctant smile for the first time she’d walked through the door. “Thank you, Miss Konrath. We will see each other again when I bring Churil to you in two days.”
After shaking the hag’s bony hand, Estrellir gestured towards the door. “I appreciate it. Have a good day.” And when the Askara had finally left the bureau, she sank back into her chair with a deep sigh. When she dropped her gaze to the floor, Whimsy was staring at her accusingly. “Well, sorry. You know how it goes, the customer is king… By Avalis, I already know this will be exhausting!”