Date: 40th of Summer, 517 A.V.
Time: Very Early Morning
Time: Very Early Morning
The waters of Syka's shoreline glistened under the silver light of the full moon and the emerging glare of the eastward sun, which had only just begun its journey to usher in the morn' and to claim dominion over Mizahar's ever-expanding and always mysterious sky.
The majority of the residents of the small settlement of Syka were all no doubt still fast asleep, or only just rising, unless they had been up to something the night before--whether acts that were innocent, or that were more off the cuff in nature.
However, there was a group of beings who had most certainly not slept soundly through the night, an agitated and angry bunch of miscreants. These creatures were not men, nor Akalaks, nor drawn from any of the stock of the world's sapient races; they were bestial, a primal, airborne wave of white that cut through the otherwise peaceful and warm night sky of the jungle coastline--and they were not happy, indeed they were quite agitated thanks to their abject and almost crippling exhaustion.
Anyone who looked upon these menacing beasts crossing the night sky would at first likely have been perplexed; the creatures were almost too large to believe and they were legion--most curiously of all, they glowed with an eery and pale luster almost as if they were ghosts from the darkest corners of the night.
But the glowing intruders were not only a sight to behold, but one to hear as well; as they moved across the warm and humid sky, a sound akin to a great magnitude of individuals beating their laundry all at once could be heard echoing all about the beachline, or--more precisely--the sound of a great many somethings beating their wings up and down could be heard. And indeed, the many intruders did have wings to beat--great, white wings that were larger than they should have been if one were to compare the creatures to average members of their species. Of course, the dire-sized beasts also possessed massive ears, and fangs, and feet, and great tufts of fur and hair--for truly, they were intimidatingly large not just based upon their wing-span but also upon all of their other qualities.
Only upon seeing all of their features would an onlooker have been able to discern just what the large and airborne invaders actually were--massive bats, an entire hoard of them.
Despite entering Syka as a flock, however, the bats did not stay together long after the fact; nocturnal creatures by their nature, the iridescent mammals were anxious to avoid the morning sun and to find a place to rest. Unfortunately for the people of Syka, the bats saw the citizens' tents, their bungalows, and their beach huts as currently ideal locations to roost. Normally, the bats would have avoided such places when choosing where to sleep, as most of these structures and shelters were on the whole too open to the air for the bats' likings, but--for a reason that was known only to the bats--the creatures were particularly exhausted and drained this night and were not in any kind of mood that would have made them inclined to be all that selective; the bats only wanted to sleep and the homes of Syka's people at least provided more shade than the trees of the coast would have come morning.
And so the bats broke off from the airborne hoard that they had come together to create, some in pairs and some by themselves, and took to invading the homes of the Sykans.
Trevor Hightly, meanwhile, slept soundly and peacefully in his tent... until a giant, white bat swooped through the flaps of his shelter--if only he had fastened his tent shut earlier in the night.
Seasonal Wordcount: 669 + 7,245 = 7,914
OOC: The event said that white bats were to be discovered under Stair Step Falls. I took some liberties, but the bats can still be discovered roosting under the falls, but now the Sykans have a reason to go looking for them. The bats are very agitated for some reason and don't seem inclined to return to their home, which will very likely be a strong reason for you, the people of Syka to try and find out where they're coming from and what the problem is--or you could just slaughter the bats.

Of course, we'll all play it out and decide together.

I loved the idea of us Sykans having to deal with the problems of wildlife, as being settlers in a new land we should have to!