Open [No Man's Land Tavern] Kelvics Gone Wild

One never knows what is going to happen when three unbonded kelvic females get together to do a little 'bonding' of their own.

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[No Man's Land Tavern] Kelvics Gone Wild

Postby Rene Rafar on July 11th, 2018, 6:03 am

Ren smiled at her friend. "Thank you for understanding I'll go ahead and get dressed I haven't been in Tent City in any other form but my human self I felt it would be the safest way not that being a girl is all that safe but if others new about our kind..." She left the rest unsaid for Kelski would understand her meaning. Dressing quickly the young girl lead the way to go retrieve her stuff.

Two bells later the pair of young kelvics finally made their way to where Ren had her tent and other supplies.

"Yes," the young girl lowered her eyes trying to hide her sudden feeling a shame at Kelski's words. "It was better then nothing if not by much it kept me dry most of the stuff is still here I can be thankful of that."

Heading over to the tent she started dismantling it with Kelski's help the whole camp took less time to take down and fold up then it did when she and Kynier had set up her camp help though truth be told neither of them really knew how to set up a tent at the time. "I don't have a whole lot just the tent, a small backpack, a bedroll, small flask of oil, fishing pole with a fishing kit, a hooded lantern, an iron kettle and pot. What we can't use we could always sell but it is all in great shape with a little use mind you fishing can be a challenge with a pole." Smiling at her friend. "This is it so if you would lead the way this time I'll follow you to your place."

With her stuff split evenly between the two of them they made their way out of Tent City not even looking back.
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[No Man's Land Tavern] Kelvics Gone Wild

Postby Kelski on July 14th, 2018, 8:18 pm

“The place I am at is easy to find if you ever get lost.” Kelski said patiently. “Just find the river and follow it downstream on the south bank. The Midnight Gem is my place and it’s the last building on the coast and on the river… so if you follow the river out to sea, you will always find it.” She said, leading Ren on a twisted path through the city. “That way if we ever get separated, lost, or you are out making deliveries you’ll have no issue finding it.” Kelski said, making a slight detour to a locksmith she knew. The man was one of Silvertongue’s businesses, so she felt safe giving him her keys to reproduce.

“Let’s get some keys made. I want to make one set for you, for Kreig, for Ebon, and maybe a few extras in case someone needs them.” Kelski said, slipping into the shop with Ren in tow. She went up to the counter, pulled a set of keys from her pocket, and ordered six copies. The locksmith took wax impressions of her keys and told her they’d be ready in a day or so. Kelski paid him and then nodded to Ren and they were on their way again. “If I forget, come here tomorrow and pick up keys! Bring me the extra, but keep one set for yourself so you can get in and out.” She added, setting off again. Kelski cut down a few alleys, out onto a main road, and turned east heading for Baroque Bay.

They had no trouble until a pair of youths started pacing alongside them. Kelski glanced nervously at them and put herself between them and Ren. “I think we are about to get robbed.” Kelski noted, looking a bit disturbed. She had no idea if Ren could fight or not. Sighing softly, Kelski drew two daggers, one for each hand, and kept them tucked up against her discretely. Her favorite tactic was keeping a weapon close to her body and striking when someone wasn’t expecting it. The youths themselves looked like humans in their late teens or early twenties. Tough, street smart, they were pacing the women and watching them like they were hawks watching mice. Kelski didn’t like it one bit.

She turned to Ren and whispered softly… “Be ready to run…” One was tall, lanky and looked like he might be the one in charge of the two. The other one was shorter, stockier, and caught Ren looking at him. He grinned maliciously and reached down and ‘adjusted’ himself then blew her a kiss. Kelski knew what that meant, even if Ren didn’t, and reacted before the boys could attack. She pretended to trip, going down on one knee with a cry of pain, and then waited until the boy reacted. He did as she thought he would and closed the distance and locked his hand on her shoulder.

“Need some help there, sweetie?” The stocky one asked as the taller lankey one glanced at Ren, ready to either attack or give chase. Kelski turned, looked at the boy, and gasped almost exaggeratedly. Then she brought her fists off her side and drove the daggers she had clasped there upwards and into the boy’s ribs… digging them in deeply. Kelski was cutthroat when it came to fighting. She believed in hitting first and living to ask questions later… even if she was questioning the dead.

The boy gurgled, screamed, and lunged backwards opening up the ribs on either side of his body. The Kelvic lunged to her feet, trying to follow him even as she pulled the daggers out and went for another strike.
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[No Man's Land Tavern] Kelvics Gone Wild

Postby Rene Rafar on July 15th, 2018, 12:14 am

Ren followed Kelski as they made their way to the Gem. As they went she was memorizing the route as well as the instructions that the older kelvic was giving her.

"Sure, I could still pick them up for you so you would have to make another trip out here. I can do it on one of my runs tomorrow." The young girl replied.

Kelski wasn't the only one to start feeling uneasy with the two young men following them. Ren could feel the hair on the back of her neck starting to stand up as she watched them keep pace with them.

As Kelski was telling Ren to get ready to run she saw the stock guy's movements a low growl coming from her throat it didn't take a genius to know what they wanted and Ren wasn't going to give them a chance but she didn't wanna leave Kelski until she saw the other woman pull out her two knives nodding Ren dropped what she was caring in her arms and took off down the road.

The taller male gave chase easily catching up with his long legged stride to Ren grabbing her by the arm ready to spin her around to face him. What he didn't know this was what Ren wanted him to do for when he spun her she had brought her right hand up in a shape of a claw her nails not overly long just enough to cause damage with out breaking on everyday chores. Using the momentum of the swing she raked the him over his left eye blinding him in it. The man lunged at her pulling out a wicked looking dagger "YOU BITCH!" he roared. "YOU'LL PAY FOR THAT!"

Moving quickly Ren dodging the worst of the blade only its tip slicing her upper left arm leaving a shallow gash. Hissing in pain she refocused trying to keep enough distant between her and his holding her arms up trying to distract him form her next move as he lunges at her again she raises her foot up trying to kick the dagger from his hand only to have her foot grabbed by his opposite hand and sweeping her other leg out from under her sending her to the ground close to some jagged looking rocks. Standing over her still holding her one leg smirking, "I told you I was going to make you pay." Lowering himself down kneeling close to her. "You have no where to go so time to play nice."

Ren slowly reached for one of the rocks getting a good grip on it before narrowed her eyes to growl out. "I don't think so you pertering piece of shyke!" Bring the rock up hard along side his temple sharp end embedding killing him. With his life gone his body falls pining her to the ground.

Letting out a slow breath she struggled to roll him off her which wasn't easy but she did manage it a couple chimes later.
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[No Man's Land Tavern] Kelvics Gone Wild

Postby Kelski on July 21st, 2018, 4:17 pm

“That would be great if you could pick them up.” Kelski said, knowing she’d probably forget anyhow for several days. There was so much work to get done at The Gem she didn’t know how she’d work everything in. “I’d really appreciate that.” The Kelvic was able to respond just before all the action started.

Ren dropped her stuff and ran, while Kelski was busy with the lanky boy that thought to attack. She wasn’t a firm believer in killing, but the Sea Eagle didn’t want to be anyone’s victim either. She was good with her blades and was slowly working on dual wielding them which made her twice as effective. Even as she opened up the boys ribs, the Kelvic frowned at the weakness in her left hand. It made her realize how much weaker it was than her dominant right.

The drop move had been successful, where she’d dropped down, pierced him on either side, then opened him up as he pulled away. She hadn’t expected to go down to her rump, but it had been an awkward unexpected attack. Lunging to her feet to follow him seemed like the best idea, but the boy wasn’t in any fighting mood anymore. He had two wounds to his side, deep ones, which he covered with his hands as if he could retain his life inside him. Kelski had no sympathy to those that attacked without provocation. And so she followed, reversing a dagger in her grip, and while he was helpless trying to staunch the damage flowing out of him, she drove it into his heart.

Watching him impassively, the Kelvic stepped back, retrieved Ren’s packages, and turned to race off towards where she’d seen the Kelvic vanish too. She found Ren soon enough, struggling to roll a body off herself. Kelski dropped Ren’s packages a second time, lent a hand, and helped her friend to her feet.

“Are you okay?” The sea eagle said, patting at her friend looking for injuries. Then she bent, retrieved Ren’s packages, and nodded… “Lets get out of here…” She said, letting her friend know sticking around wasn’t a good idea.

Ren’s arm had a cut, but she looked otherwise okay. So Kelski set a brutal pace, got them through the city, and at The Midnight Gem’s back door in record time. She unlocked the shop, let Ren in, and locked it behind her. She ushered the Ocelot up the stairs and sat her on the couch. Dumping all the packages, Kelski retrieved her little bundle of bandages which namely consisted of rags she’d made from old clothes she’d taken from The Sun’s Birth… and carefully brought water, alcohol, and the rags to clean and bind Ren’s wound. She dipped one of the rags in the water, rinsed it out, and wiped off the blood and dirt. Then she poured the alcohol over the wound and bound it up with the rags she had. “Better? Is that the only place you are hurt?” Kelski asked, settling herself on the couch too.

A moment later she was back up and loading wood into the fireplace to light a fire in case Ren got cold. Sometimes people who were hurt did and Kelski knew keeping them warm was important. “I’ll give you a tour tomorrow….” She said, running her hand through her hair. “For now.. what happened with that guy? I had to kill the other one…” Kelski said, which reminded her and she pulled out her daggers and began to clean them.
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[No Man's Land Tavern] Kelvics Gone Wild

Postby Rene Rafar on July 21st, 2018, 8:09 pm

Ren felt the body shift to see Kelski had helped pull the man off her nodding in reply the young kelvic got to her feet with help from the older girl. At Kelski's warning of they must leave now before more trouble can. Ren raised her finger as if to say in a second walking over to the body she relieved him of his dagger and a smaller blade before taking off running after her friend.

When they reached Kelski's place the older girl didn't give her a chance to look around as she got the door open pulling Ren inside by her injured arm only to lock it again behind them.

Ren hissed in pain from the cut on her arm as when Kelski poured the alcohol over the wound. "Yes and not I only have the small cut thank you." She nodded at her now bandage arm.

"You mean the tall one? He wanted to play I didn't like his idea of play so I clawed him to try and get a way but he caught me and had me pinned until I found a rock to meet the side of his head with." Ren growled remembering all to well what was on the man's mind. "I'm NO toy to be played with."

Just then she picked up the two blades she had taken from the body and examined them. "It may have been wrong to take them but he wasn't going to need them anymore and they are to nice to leave behind maybe I could get something for them. They don't look to have any identifying marks to them that would be questioned if I did sell them... But then again I could just keep them for myself never know when they could come in handy." Thinking allowed feeling as if she was going into shock and started to tremble slightly walking over to the fire to feel its warmth on her body.

"I really do thank you Kelski for opening your home to me and if there is anything you need me to do I'll be glad to help out. All you need is ask." Smiled Ren.
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[No Man's Land Tavern] Kelvics Gone Wild

Postby Kelski on July 24th, 2018, 8:30 pm

The Kelvic nodded at Rene’s words. “I’m glad you taught him some manners.” No one in Sunberth seemed to have any. Kelski’s silver gaze met the blades in Rene’s hands and she shook her head. “If you sell them they may be traced back to you by someone looking for the dead men. I would keep them. Learn to use them. Let something good come out of a bad situation. I could teach you a thing or two about daggers.” She said softly, smiling slightly at Rene as she passed her one of the oily rags she was using to clean her own weapons.

“First things first, never let them get put away dirty. Always treat them like they might mean your life someday because they very well might.” Kelski said, smiling as she unslung her bandolier of daggers and began checking the slim weapons in the long chest sheath. Kels kept multiple daggers on her because they made excellent thrown weapons when one needed to take down an enemy without laying ones hands on them. Daggers like Pitch were amazing for fighting, but there were other sometimes better ideas than getting in that close. It was one of the reason she wanted to start training in Crossbow and a few other items.

“I’d give you one of the bedrooms but we’re still remodeling. If the couch isn’t comfortable, you can always sleep on my bed. I’m not so fond of them having never had one. I spend a lot of time in the workshop anyhow.” She added, looking softly at the Kelvic and stifling a yawn. She got up, threw a few more logs on the fire, and then settled back on the couch.

She left her daggers out, but set the oil cloths in a dish to keep the oil from staining the wood of the coffee table, and stretched her feet out. “I don’t know about you but its late… how about we call it a day. We can start tomorrow with breakfast, a tour, and talk about whether you want to do anything around here or not. I’m not going to charge you any rent. I’m just happy enough that your safe and that I have company.” Kelski added, offering Rene a smile. And with that, she seemed to settle more comfortably into the couch, pulled a throw blanket off its back, and wrapped herself in it. The Kelvic was asleep almost immediately, which was truthfully very telling on how long her day had been.
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[No Man's Land Tavern] Kelvics Gone Wild

Postby Rene Rafar on July 24th, 2018, 11:19 pm

Ren nodded not really wanting to sell the blades for she had won them fairly by her line of thinking. "I'll keep them I just wanted to be sure that it was a good idea to have them." Taking the cloth that Kelski handed her she proceed to clean off the blades.

"You don't need to worry about a room for me I'll just sleep in my cat form." Smiling she set her stuff down in a corner and made to remove her clothes so she could shift skins just before jumping up on the couch to curl in a ball at Kelski's feet purring gentle as she too fell a sleep.
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[No Man's Land Tavern] Kelvics Gone Wild

Postby Kelski on July 27th, 2018, 3:28 am



XP: Subterfuge +3, Socialization +5, Interrogation +5, Deduction +2, Leadership +2, Planning +5, Hunting +2, Swimming +1, Scouting +1, Construction +1, Daggers +2, Dual Wield +2, Running +1, Teaching +2

Lores: No Mans Land Tavern: Location, Layout, Menu, Workers
Dusti: Kelvic
Ren: The Kelvics Recent History
Ren: Free From Landlady
Dusti: Insulting
Subterfuge: Concealing Injuries
Subterfuge: Concealing Identity
Ren: Lonely & Lost
Ren: Wants To Be Friends
Ren: Wants To Help
Construction: Taking Down A Tent


XP: Socialization +5, Observation +5, Hunting +2, Swimming +1, Interrogation +5, Planning +5, Construction +1, Unarmed Combat +1, Brawling +1, Running +1

Lores:No Mans Land Tavern: Location, Layout, Menu, Workers
Kelski: Food aggressive
Kelski: No longer a slave
Dusti: Kelvic
Riverside Park: Safe for Kelvics
Kelski: What Makes Kelski Happy
Daggers: Keep Them Clean
Construction: Taking Down a Tent
Kelski: Has A Loan From Goldfinger
Kelski: Follower of Akajia – Nightstalker.
Kelski: Invited You To Live With Her
The Midnight Gem: Location & Layout


XP: Observation +2, Interrogation +1, Socialization +3, Larceny +1

Lore: No Mans Land Tavern: Location, Layout, Menu, Workers
Ren: Kelvic
Kelski: Kelvic
Kelski: Food Aggressive
Ren: The Kelvics Recent History
Riverside Park: Safe For Kelvics
Ren: Free From Landlady
Larceny: Stealing Food

Notes: Ren you have acquired two blades. PM me if I missed anything!
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