Timestamp: 1st Day Of Summer, 518 A.V.
The wait had been excruciating. Evidently the Loan Agency Owner had been with other clients and had prearranged appointments. Kelski sat in the waiting room throughout the morning and well into the afternoon until her stomach was growling in hunger and her patience was almost at a complete end. It was then and only then that the receptionist escorted her into to see the man who introduced himself as Goldfinger and bid her to have a seat.
She was worried about her appearance too. Kelski still sported of a pair of black eyes, and her nose - though she'd removed the brace for the interview - was still broken. It was obvious she'd been beaten badly and recently. Sitting still hurt, so too did moving because of her ribs. But this was important and Kelski needed to ignore the pain, work through it, and get through this interview.
Goldfinger thanked her for the patience she showed waiting almost the entire day. Kelski was surprised at that. It hadn’t been what she expected. The man was cordial and polite, with a handsome face that lent someone the willingness to trust him. He hadn't said anything about her injuries either, though Kelski had caught him eyeing her over curiously. He had a magnetic personality, and the Kelvic easily relaxed in his presence. Kelski felt immediately drawn in, listening as he quietly introduced himself and waited in turn for her to do the same thing.
Goldfinger carefully read the papers in his hand. They were recommendations from Sun Birth’s Warmarshal and testimony from recipients of her work. Kelski hadn’t told him that the testimony was arrived by due to Jardeg Joander investigating his son’s not so above board dealings within the gang. She was just grateful the man had the foresight to pass the information on to Kelski so she could present it as a sort of proof to Goldfinger that she was what she was stating herself to be.
The anticipation was killing her. Her life hung on this man’s decision. She was out on the street without a place to live or coin to see her through the season if this fell through. It all hinged on his ability to give her a loan.
The man shifted to another page and Kelski immediately recognized a ring on his pinkie finger, one that Jaren had her craft. She looked surprised to see it on Goldfinger’s hand, having no idea where the high-quality honey brown topaz had gone to. He’d just asked her to make a gentleman’s ring of size 11 with specific designs on each side. Kelski had placed crossed daggers on one side and coins on the other side. Leaning closer, she knew it was her work.
“That’s one of mine.” She said quietly, gesturing to his ring. Goldfinger looked up at her and then glanced down at his hand. “This one is?” Kelski nodded. Goldfinger’s smile was slow in coming but slightly predatory as he glanced at the ring, the paperwork, and then over at her. It was as if he was the least impressed with her and the most impressed with what was written here.
“Well, if that’s the case I think we can work out something. I’m going to assign you one of my assistants. Sastiva. She’ll help you locate a building. I have numerous contacts, probably every sort of supplier you might need… she can make arrangements for your equipment, stock, and even a living situation. Work it out with her. This is what I’m willing to loan you. Stay within that figure.” He said, picking up a feathered quill, flipping the top on his ink, and dipping the pen. He scribbled a note on a slip of parchment and handed it to her. Kelski’s eyes widened and she nodded.
“She’ll be around tomorrow. Just tell my receptionist where you are staying and I’ll have her meet you at first light. After that, you can look through some buildings. My assistants are great at procuring buildings from their owners, and arranging … well just about anything. So you two talk, decide how much of that sum or all of it you want to borrow.. and once everything is arranged, she’ll make sure you know what you need to make seasonally as payments and get all the paperwork signed. I think by tomorrow we can have you in someplace and have your equipment either ordered or gathered. Rumor has it Jaren is liquidating a Jewelcrafting lab we might be able to get cheap for you. But we’ll get it established someplace that’s a good fit for you and the business. If you make money… I’ll make money.” He said with a smile. His tone was dismissive and he waved her off.
Kelski rose. “It was nice to meet you. Thank you for helping me arrange all this.” She said sincerely then slipped out. She stopped by the receptionist and gave her the name of the Inn she was staying at. Then, tiredly, she headed across town to said Inn to see if she could get something to eat and a little rest before the morning brought Sastiva around… to help arrange for Kelski’s new life.