Solo [The Midnight Gem] Putting It All Together

The basement of The Midnight Gem might finally be finished.

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[The Midnight Gem] Putting It All Together

Postby Kelski on June 11th, 2018, 4:16 am

Timestamp: 6th of Summer, 518 AV

Continued from [The Midnight Gem] Basements And Blades

Kelski padded around barefoot in an oversized shirt that used to belong to someone from Sun's Birth. She didn't know who nor did she care. It was a decadent pleasure to pad around her own place with her hair wildly spilling around her shoulders and wearing nothing but the soft silk against her skin. There was no one here to tell her what she could or couldn't do. There was no one to halt her reaching hand from picking up the apple and biting into its tart skin as she greeted the sunrise and started her day.

It was days before the shop would open. That gave her plenty of time to get a bit of work done in her workshop and things organized. But before she did that, Kelski wanted a good look at her basement. There was also heavy lifting to do, something that would in and of itself give her a workout. All the targets had to be moved downstairs. The wooden disks would have to be hauled below as well. She had the training dummies and the punching bag to set up. Those too had to be moved below. The work didn’t deter the Kelvic. She’d take it slow, set up the training dummies, and hang the bag all in good time.

Finishing her apple, the Kelvic slipped out onto the deck, tossed the core off the end, and slipped out of the shirt. She transformed in a swirl of colored lights and beat her wings frantically to gain altitude. Catching an early morning onshore thermal, the Sea Eagle surged upwards, circled The Midnight Gem, and then banked left to head south down the coast. It felt good, letting the cool onshore winds buoy her up. The exercise stretched her wings, calmed her nerves and focused her for the work that would come today. Slowly, she circled southwest past the slag heap, flapped harder, and did a slow lap of the city to oversee what was happening today. Things seemed quiet, the weather fair, and no one out and about. A half bell later, she descended, back winged, and landed on the deck. She slipped the shirt back on, her cheeks rosy and her skin glowing, before she headed back into the shop.

Kelski slipped upstairs, dressed, and slipped on a pair of gloves. When she came back down, she began the work for the day. That meant clearing out the deliveries she’d left at the front of the store by the stairs leading to the basement. The thick lumber she had to move downstairs one or two lengths at a time. The stands for the throwing dagger targets were another story. They were heavy, but already put together. They resembled oversized artists easels that were as chunky and awkward as it was possible to build something not suited to easily haul up and down the stairs. She struggled with the three of them, moving one at a time and gently pulling them down the stairs by edging them leg by leg, inch by inch, until she was sweaty, groaning and utterly tied of doing the literal heavy lifting.

After the stands, the practice dummies were easier. She carried them down the stairs quickly, carefully, making short work of it. Even the punching bag with its heavy length of chain wasn’t as big of an issue. The problem was, she did save the worse for last. The chunks of wood cut out of the diameters of trees were heavy. She could only lift one at a time and even then her back screamed in protest as she lugged one down the steps, taking multiple breaks, until she was completely and utterly exhausted. There were three disks, designed to be set up in the stands, and three extra disks to use when the front and backs of the first three wooden disks were so torn up by gouges that it was time to change them out.

After moving everything downstairs, Kelski carefully retrieved a broom and carefully and methodically swept the steps down to the basement and the basement itself to make sure there were no chunks of wood or splinters that would effect bare feet. The Kelvic roamed the area too much without shoes to be wary of splinters when a bit of cleaning would ensure there was none.

That meant six trips down the stairs. By the time everything was safely in the basement, including the candlestick wall holders and the cases of candles, Kelski was stinking, sweaty, and completely utterly over setting up her training area. Her entire body ached, and she couldn’t get out to the well fast enough to get fresh water to rinse off with.

Once she did that, she descended to the workshop, and spent bells working on getting stock ready for her grand opening. After a long day at her jewelry bench, she’d be ready for more setup and training downstairs. It wasn’t going to be an easy day, that was for sure, but it was definitely going to be productive by the time she was done.
Last edited by Kelski on September 16th, 2018, 9:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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[The Midnight Gem] Putting It All Together

Postby Kelski on September 16th, 2018, 4:17 pm

It was the next day before Kelski got back down to work out. She’d languished far into the day and well into the night in the workshop cutting gems from raw ore unhappy that was all she could afford to get her business launched. So when she woke up that morning, she broke her routine in the workshop by taking to feathers and soaring up and over the city. These morning patrols told her a great deal about what had happened the night before. Sunberth was a city that lived all day and all night so one could never count on things being the same from day to day with nothing happening overnight. It was always the opposite. So she’d scan the streets with her eagle vision, looking for fresh carnage, blood even new or different destruction of buildings or the things that she considered more permanent parts of the city. It helped her learn the ariel layout of Sunberth and aided her in moving around the city more easily because she had the map in her mind at all times.

Then, swinging for the coast, she scanned the sawgrass and beach margins until she found what she was looking for. A big fat rabbit was nibbling on wild morsels lingering after sunrise. Kelski angled her attack, banked, and folded her wings until she dove down on the beast, backwinged at the last minute, and snatched it from the ground and up into the sky. She broke its neck on the climb back for altitude and gutted it neatly over the water, feeding the fishes offal. Then, landing on the balcony deck, she tore into the rabbit, eating it bones and all because that’s how hungry she was. Later, when her stomach rebelled, she’d likely shift back to an eagle and regurgitate a pellet of undigested bones and fur when her stomach had taken all of the food she could harvest from the raw bundle.

It was so good.

Then, and only then, did she go for a short run. Kelski wanted to grow her fitness. Satstiva had offered to help and Kelski had picked her brain on the best sorts of workouts to grow stronger in preparation for some unarmed combat training the woman was going to see to. And no matter what she talked with Satstiva about, warming up was always critical. So Kelski took to the beach and ran down it at a light jog. She enjoyed the exercise and knew the beach was already uneventful having scouted it from the air earlier. It helped her breakfast to settle and the fresh rabbit had given her all kinds of energy she hadn’t awoke with. Keeping her elbows close, Kelski ran like she had no cares, breathing deeply, evenly and working her muscles in conjunction with her lungs to try to get them all working together. After two miles she turned, retraced her steps, and ran back to the newly forming gem.

When she hit the deck, she passed through the workshop, down the stairs, and surveyed the objects she’d set up. There were log diameter wedges for her knife throwing and any arrow work she wanted to do with a crossbow she was planning on buying. The punching bag still needed to be hung, but she did so then, running a chain up over a beam above her and hoisting it with the help of some C-clamps through the chain. She also made sure she set it so she could move all the way around it like she would a real life target. Then, she wrapped her knuckles not having any boxing gloves to protect her hands.

Next, Kelski fiddled with its height running it up and down until it felt perfectly set for her size. When it was set for her height, she began punching it carefully at sets of intervals that repeated themselves easily. Kelski knew she should get gloves, and decided she would, but since she didn’t have any currently all she could do was go at it bare-fisted. Sastiva had explained to her that punching bags were primarily designed to help her build up and develop striking power… but that it took a lot of time, endurance and strength. The other woman had carefully explained that she was supposed to take her time when she started, working the bag for 30 seconds then increasing for thirty seconds each new session until she measured her sessions by chimes.

The rules Sastiva had given her were simple. Intense striking sessions couldn’t last longer than five chimes. And she wasn’t to do more than three or four sessions in a five day working her bag. She wasn’t to overpower her punches or kicks at it, because she could get injured very quickly. So with that Kelski figured since she wasn’t human, as a Kelvic she could do a five chime session once a day and build strength fairly evenly.

The second tip Sastiva had given her was that in punching the bag, she had to make sure the knuckles of her index and middle fingers hit the bag first. If any other joints did, she risked breaking knuckles. The fingers would strengthen as she fought, the joints would thicken, and she’d get stronger… which was what Kelski definitely wanted. Someday she’d have to deal with Darvin, and when she faced him, she’d want to make sure when she hit him he felt it. The Sea Eagle was acutely aware of how weak she was currently.

As she struck at the bag repeatedly, Kelski focused on balance and posture. She didn’t worry about speed… that would come with time. Instead, she worked on achieving a punching rhythm that included really good posture and balance. As she threw punches at the bag, she didn’t throw herself at it or fall into it. Instead, she kept her feet wide and planted on the floor, balancing her body so her punches had more strength behind them.

She could feel the stress of getting The Gem set up melting away, the rabbit she’d eaten earlier burn off, and she could feel the burn of her muscles in what she hoped was them growing stronger. All in all Kelski was happy with the punching bag and was glad she’d decided to use it as a means of fitness.
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[The Midnight Gem] Putting It All Together

Postby Kelski on September 16th, 2018, 4:41 pm

Kelski was sweating after just a few chimes. She wasn’t used to these kinds of exercises, which was the whole point. She kept her wrists straight, her elbows tight into her body and she kept hitting the bag with her fists making sure her wrists STAYED straight because Sastiva had said the easiest way to break, strain, or sprain her wrist was to hit the bag loose wristed. The hardest part for Kelski was keeping her elbows tight but not tensed.

She had to continuously tell herself not to tense them, not to tense them, not to tense them… as she struck. The Sea Eagle knew she was building up her tendon and wrist strength… so hitting the bag with all her might served no purpose. So she did as her Goldfinger Agent had advised, and followed the woman’s advice.

Another thing she quickly learned was to hit the bag with punches that were swift. She refrained from pushing the bag around with her fists, which defeated the purpose of hitting it with her whole body. She gave it swift punches… and realized very quickly the bag made a different sound between just striking it with her fists and punching it with her body.

When she hit it correctly, it made a sharp smacking sound. When she just pushed it around with her fists, it almost thudded dully. So she kept an ear out for the sound and when she felt herself growing lazy, she’d reset her body, take a moment, then start again.

One thing she quickly adapted to working out on a punching bag was the fact she could move around quickly. Kelski didn’t stay standing still. Instead, she kept her feet, her hands, and even her head moving between punches. She breathed deeply, focusing on almost creating a rhythm with her breath. She noticed moving fast, she’d breathe fast, and when she slowed down, she took deeper breaths.

So quickly the Kelvic adapted her breathing to her motions, relaxing her breath as her body relaxed and drawing in more air when she needed it as her body sped up. She was also conscious not to hold her breath as she punched but rather to exhale abruptly as she punched. It was the same with daggers… never hold ones breath. Exhale as one throws a punch, a blade, or slices forward in an attack.

Kelski realized quickly as well that hesitating wasn’t an option. She kept moving, kept varying her actions, and didn’t stop to think about what she was doing until she was winded and needed a bit of a break. Then and only then did she review both her technique and what she felt was successful and what wasn’t.

The punches were successful… keeping her wrists straight and her body balanced. But she felt there was more she could do with the bag, such as strike it with her legs, feet, or even her body itself. The bag was a target, meant to mimic another human, and she wanted to use it as such. So when her arms grew tired, Kelski switched to her legs.
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[The Midnight Gem] Putting It All Together

Postby Kelski on September 16th, 2018, 5:06 pm

Kelski hadn’t ever been formally trained to kick, but she was hoping Sastiva would give her some pointers. As yet, no one had, so she explored on her own, finding that striking the bag with her toes or ankle felt pointless and somewhat painful. By practicing kicking the bag in various ways, she learned her instep worked far better. Again, balance was important, and she kept her legs widened in a stance that aided her sense of balance.

Then, she learned she could kick, throw a punch, and then kick again varying the exercise into combinations that challenged her balance and stamina. She liked this because one of the things she wanted to improve was her ability to be flexible, acrobatic, and stable.

When she was breathless, Kelski stopped. She decided she’d order some full-length mirrors for the training room, because as she stood hunched, blowing, she could feel her ribs, her thin arms, and knew she had to go eat something. Kelski needed food, and a lot of it, or the workouts would do nothing. She could tell that working out on the punching bag stressed her body.

It felt like an intense training session and she realized she’d take a while to recover. It made sense, after this workout, how Sastiva had recommended only a few times every five day. So Kelski walked around, shook off her hands and arms, and let herself cool down before she began again.

What she did next wasn’t related to the bag.

The big wood wedges of sliced diameter trees were all piled at the bottom of the stairs. Kelski needed to move them from one end of the training room to the other where she had all the stands set up ready for them. They were heavy, equally half her body weight or more, and she decided she’d get the most workout from grabbing them, pushing them over, lifting them up, and then pushing them over again, end over end, so she was in essence weight lifting them across the room.

It was hard work. It was almost brutal work. But the Sea Eagle moved the round slices. She flipped them end over end, using all her strength to sit them upright before flipping them again. She could feel the workout in her leg muscles, her thighs, her back, even her torso as she heaved each one up, over, and up and over again. Her arms ached as she got them into position, resting each diameter slice at the bottom of the tripod stands she had set up for them. Then, in a massive effort at the end of the road for each wedge, she used her legs to heave them upwards, resting them above the ground on the stands.

Each stand had extra slices, so those diameter slices got stored behind the stands or would be laid out so the stand could be put on the slices to give it extra height. Kelski was a mass of body aches by the time she got done doing the work, but there was something utterly satisfying in getting the slices into position and hung so she could use them.

Sure, Kelski could have easily rolled them on their fat edges, but she wanted the action of setting up the training room to mean something to her training and not just be another exercise in decorating.

Again, like the previous day, Kelski carefully swept the basement floor, careful to clean up any splinters or bark that might have fractured off the wood disks when she moved them. The Kelvic didn't want it to be unsafe to traverse the basement floor in bare feet. A good sweep with the broom was all it took and everything was cleaned up in a short order... and ready for her next task.
Last edited by Kelski on September 16th, 2018, 9:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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[The Midnight Gem] Putting It All Together

Postby Kelski on September 16th, 2018, 8:37 pm

She was almost worn to the point of stopping and heading to her workshop, but there had to be something else she could do for another ten chimes or so that would completely finish up her workout. Kelski was determined to get stronger, faster, more fit. She knew if all she did was sit at her jewelers bench and work, she’d grow soft even as she honed her jewelcrafting skills. Kelski wanted to be ready when Akajia needed her. She wanted to be sure she was fit enough to meet challenges in Sunberth that might come around where a Nightstalker was needed.

And so the Kelvic looked around, paced the room, and thought about maybe training her throwing daggers or working on some sort of tumbling on the beam she had lofted above the floor. But the truth was she was too tired for any of that. Endurance and strength training was hand in hand, but they didn’t equate to something the Kelvic in her poor skinny form could do all day.

She was about to give up and head upstairs when she spotted the leftover rope. She examined it and remembered how some of the recruits for Sun’s Birth jumped rope when they were training. It had looked like great fun, so Kelski drew out her dagger and cut a length of rope roughly her height and more. Then she stood with it splayed in her hands and thought about how she’d work out with it.

First she experimented on trying to learn to jump the rope. It wasn’t easy, especially for someone who had never done it before. She tried jumping two or three inches off the floor, giving the rope enough space to slip under her feet as she rose up. Then when she fell, she only let the balls of her feet touch the floor.

Kelski tucked her elbows in neatly and learned fairly fast that she could control the rope by just the motion of her wrists and forearms. Her shoulders weren’t really needed, which was great because they were already aching badly. She had to stop once to adjust the rope, finding that it needed to be no longer than her armpits, down around her feet, and up to her other armpits.

Kelski started easily. She jumped over the rope with her feet together, one jump per turn of the rope. It sounded easy in theory and practice, but the truth was she tripped a time or two and definitely got tangled in the rope more than once, at one point falling. It got easier as she tried it longer, but eventually her arms were tired and she stopped and decided to give her arms and legs a break by simply swinging the rope around.

She learned quickly if she could swing the rope in a figure eight motion, holding her hands together on the rope, that she could step to the left and then tap her right toes by her left heel, then repeat the other way it felt like a good workout. She bounced back and forth doing the step touches and ended up smiling because it was so much fun. Then, with her arms a bit more rested, she tried jumping again.

She jumped up with her feet together, jumping the rope, and jumping forward six inches. When the rope swung again, she jumped back another six inches, deciding this was the front back method as she jumped the rope. Kelski did six sets of twelve of these until sweat was pouring off her. Then she moved on.

Kelski decided she could do a similar exercise if she jumped over the rope six inches to the right, then six inches to the left so rather than front to back she was doing side to side. That was a lot of fun too and the Kelvic kept up, doing multiple sets until she was winded and switched to the figure eights until she could think of the next type of exercise she could do with the jump rope.

Her mind finally settled on a step-touch method. It wasn’t jumping, because she needed a break, but it was fun none the less. She held her hands together, swung the rope left and turned twice in a circular motion as she stepped to the left and tapped her right toes by her left heel. She repeated the motion to the right and smiled, thinking it was a lot like dancing at the bot hole.

Then, a bit more rested, she double jumped the rope, jumping twice as fast as she had when she just started jumping. It meant jumping high and passing the rope under her feet twice before she landed. This was brave, and before long Kelski missed a jump, tangled the rope in her legs, and dumped herself on her rump. She laughed but it still hurt falling on her ass.

No one but the shadows saw, and even they joined in her laughter. After that, she decided enough was enough and it was time to get upstairs and settle down in her workshop and get some very valid work done… now that she was all but physically exhausted.
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[The Midnight Gem] Putting It All Together

Postby Kelski on September 16th, 2018, 9:28 pm



Experience: Scouting +2, Cleaning +2, Body Building +5, Endurance +5, Planning +2, Hunting +1, Running +1, Unarmed Combat +3, Logic +1, Acrobatics +1

Lores: Sunberth: Ariel Layout, Sunberth: Ariel Beach Layout, Sunberth: Ariel River Layout, Planning: Setting Up A Training Room, Body Building: Hauling Heavy Things Up And Down Stairs, Hunting: Hunting Rabbits From The Sky, Working Out: Warmup’s Important, Running: Great Warm Up To Working Out, Body Building: Moving DBH Slices Of Logs End-Over-End, Body Building: Hanging Up A Punching Bag By Oneself, Endurance: Using A Punching Bag To Gain Strength/Endurance, Endurace: Finding Balance And Rhythm, Punching Bag: Correct Techniques When Hitting/Kicking Bag, Working Out: Importance Of Correct Breathing, Jumping Rope: Techniques For Working Out, Jumping Rope: Correct Length of Rope To Use, Jumping Rope: Taking A Fall
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