Completed The cat that bites

Tove is aided by an Akalak in a moment of desperation

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The cat that bites

Postby Tove on July 2nd, 2018, 9:22 pm

Tove plops down, sitting tailor-fashion upon her chair, eyes wandering around the inn with little care. What is there to be afraid of? Only the ignorant and arrogant types would dare try anything whilst she is in the presence of the Akalak warrior. The two, in Tove’s mind, make a decent enough team.

Two large flagons are placed on the table as coin reaches the desperate hands of a barmaid, the booze within smelling sour and strong. Her eyes study the flagon as if poison rimmed the edges, happy that Vel’s words cut off her paranoid train of thought.

A strange question, would friends try to mug one another? Maybe he means metaphorical friends? Tove had yet to fully learn the meaning behind conversational metaphors. A small smile forms on the Kelvic’s lips, a bright light shining behind predatory eyes.

“Of course not, I have higher standards when it comes to those I’m fond of. Two greedy idiots aren’t my desired company.” Thin fingers wrap around the grip of her flagon, eyes narrowing in on the contents within. “I am just unlucky today, walking around looking like a…” The Kelvic catches herself before she can finish her sentence, freezing in place for what feels like a bell before deciding to change the subject.

“What’s an Akalak doing in Sunberth?” Her eyes fall on his features, he’s prettier than even the finest beauties of Sunberth. The blue skin, sharp features, and clean hair. Tove now understands why Lucille had fancied so many Akalak’s in her youth. “It must be hard to um…blend in, yes?” Her words are sweet in nature, almost nosey in a way.

“It’s just surprising, Sunberth isn’t kind to those who aren’t human, and yet you walk about freely with seemingly no fear…Where are you from? How old are you? How long have you…” Once again, she catches herself, eyes widening as she realizes how rude she must sound. “Sorry, I should probably let you answer one question before burdening you with another.”

Heat creeps up Tove’s neck, her words nervous once more. All she could think about are the many questions that plague her mind, her curious nature begging to be satisfied sooner than later. In a non-social setting, the Kelvic does well to remain patient and calm, but when speaking to someone she even somewhat trusts it’s hard to get the girl to shut up. Of course, she hasn’t grown so fond of him to freely give information about herself to the Akalak. The plan is to keep the conversation one-sided in nature, though maybe he will throw that plan off.

Tove lifts her flagon, pulling it to her lips. Everyone else seemed to enjoy it, maybe it tastes better than it looks. A small sip answers her question. Her face contorts, brows furrowing in disgust as the liquid slides down her throat, like fire in her throat. It's too late to spit it out, but she makes sure to push the flagon as far away from her side of the table as possible.

'How do people drink that poison? Maybe I am allergic?' How silly she must look, in a tavern surrounded by drunks who freely throwback booze without a care.

Last edited by Tove on July 13th, 2018, 4:08 am, edited 1 time in total.

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The cat that bites

Postby Aer'wyn Grisghul on July 3rd, 2018, 1:52 pm

Her words brought a chuckle to Vel’s lips. Greedy idiots. How bold had she become in such a short space of time. But as she cut her words off so very abruptly he didn’t hesitate to ask. “Looking like a what?” To his eyes there was nothing wrong with her. Nothing out of the ordinary. Perhaps there was just no sense of the ordinary left in him because of this cursed city.

Vel really didn’t mind her nosiness. Seldom had he the chance to talk about himself, and unlike his counterpart he was a man of very few secrets. After a long sip of beer he laughed and licked the foam from his upper lip. “Well, there do I start.” he replied. “I suppose at the beginning eh?”

Another sip of beer caressed the Akalak’s senses. “So, I come from Riverfall in Cyprus. It’s far west from here. Sometimes it feels like it’s on the other side of Mizahar, to be honest with you, Tove. And I’ve been begrudgingly living here in Sunberth for the best and worst part of the last three years. I assume that’s what you were about to ask. Don’t be mistaken. I’m not here out of choice. If it were up to me I’d have returned to Riverfall or Endrykas long ago but that’s not an option. If I were to return, a certain someone would make sure I’d just wind up back here again.”

Vel paused for a moment, wondering how to phrase the next part. But she asked and he had made up his mind to answer all her questions. How else were they going to ever hope to trust one another if they couldn’t relinquish such frivolous details. “Although you may not believe it, I’m 58 years old. My kind doesn’t age the way you humans do. In fact most of the family I’ve left back in Riverfall are all over 100 or 200 years old. Although… I don’t really know if I can call them my family.”

“As for blending in, well… with one of these on your back,” his thumb pointed to the bastard sword which rested snugly in it’s scabbard. “you’ll find blending in to be low on the list of priorities. Greedy idiots don’t often mess with people who look like they can handle themselves in combat.” His eyes met her’s once more. “I could give you a few lessons if you wanted. Although you may need to find a little more size appropriate weapon of choice.”

That line of conversation was quickly halted by her reaction to the taste of alcohol, no doubt for the first time, thought Vel. Suddenly he felt a tinge of guilt, making her go though this. But her expression was far too amusing for apologies. “What about you then, miss Tove? Your turn. How old are you, where are you from and what brought you to this god forsaken city? And do tell me,” he crossed his hands beneath his chin and glanced at her, with amusement. “How do you survive it without drinking yourself silly? I refuse to believe somebody can genuinely have a good time, sober as a horse, in Sunberth.”
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The cat that bites

Postby Tove on July 3rd, 2018, 9:07 pm

Tove doubts the Akalak will answer her questions if she refuses his own, and so she replies. The Akalak is no slaver, or at least he appears not to have any affiliation with the Brotherhood. An Akalak holds a hefty price, he could just as easily become a slave, no? Well, not just as easily as it would probably take seven men to weaken an Akalak compared to the one it would take to overpower the weaponless Kelvic.

"I'm about as human as you are, and being anything but human in this city results in one of two scenarios; You're either dead or given a collar. Neither of which sound nice." Her hand simultaneously reaches up, rubbing her neck in memory of her collar. Her voice lowers, eyes scanning the area before speaking once more, "I'm Kelvic. I can walk the streets as a woman, or as an animal. People are less likely to steal from me as an animal for reasons that should be obvious."

'So he is from Riverfall?'

Tove can't remember if she had ever met someone from Riverfall, other than the Akalak of course. Her nails tap against the wood softly, head tilted ever so slightly as she listens to the Akalak speak. She wants to know more, and he seems happy enough to speak more of himself.

Fifty-eight years, and yet still lacking the wrinkles and grey hair that she had grown so used to seeing in those of the same age. Her eyes scan him far more closely as if expecting to find a wrinkle that had gone unnoticed, or a stray hair that lacked the same pigment as the rest. He wouldn't lie of such a needless thing, he hardly seemed the type to do so. Truthfully Tove knows little of her own biology, much less the biology of an Akalak.

"I'm a year old, born last spring. I'm not sure of the exact day, but I suppose it matters little. I've lived in Sunberth my entire I suppose a lack of luck brought me here?" She attempts to recall more of her own past, never having given herself much thought. No one had ever asked her such questions, at least not anyone who she even somewhat trusted.

"As for the alcohol.." her eyes cut to the flagon, declaring it an enemy of sorts, "I haven't been alive all that long compared to you or the humans who drink the stuff daily, thus I really haven't had an urge to drink it myself. Plus, I would get the switch if lady Lucille caught me even looking at her booze with the intention of drinking it." Her words are hushed and soft as she toys with a lock of her hair, eyes on the scratched up table before her for a chime or so before finding his once more. She had forgotten the fact that she had yet to introduce Lucille into her story but cared little to go out of her way to speak of her.

"How do you drink it with such ease? It smells horrific, and the taste is hardly appealing." She grabs the flagon once more, swishing the alcohol around within. Then her eyes trail off, large men and women guzzling the stuff like water. "I don't see the appeal." Her lips inch closer to the flagon before the smell causes her to pull back once more.
Last edited by Tove on July 13th, 2018, 4:11 am, edited 1 time in total.

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The cat that bites

Postby Aer'wyn Grisghul on July 4th, 2018, 12:11 pm

He was a little surprised to find out her true race. But then again many people kept secrets in this city just to survive. She had her animal form, he had his arm. In many ways they had at least this much in common.

“My mother was Kelvic.” he said. He wasn’t really quite sure why he thought the information might have been interesting to a stranger but it was too late to take it back now. Perhaps a part of him wanter her to become comfortable. A strange Kelvic girl was enough to kill the loneliness for one evening at least.

Though Tove didn’t spell it out for him, she didn’t really have to. The darkness in her voice with which she eluded to slavery was enough for Vel’s mind to make the connections. He pitied her but wouldn’t say it out loud out of respect. Though he never knew the feeling of being collared and deprived of one’s freedom by chains, he guessed as much that she wouldn’t wish to spend the rest of the evening reliving the experience.

It took more than one tankard of beer but soon enough Vel felt the pleasant, familiar buzz of the alcoholic haze.

“A lack of luck eh?” Vel laughed, visibly a little more relaxed. He guessed that Tove didn’t quite mean it as an insult but he was going to make the joke anyway. It was about time they lightened up the conversation a little. “Noted. I’ll keep it in mind next time you get into trouble and need resting, princess.”

Vel ordered another mug of beer for good luck. At his size it took a little more to get the party going.

“I’ll agree with you there. Alcohol in this damned city is wretched that’s for sure. Still, once you down one or two you no longer feel the taste.” He leant back in his chair. A creek of the back legs echoed beneath his weight. “Its a little easier to bare life when you forget all the worst bits by morning. I don’t know… maybe I’m just a pessimist.”
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The cat that bites

Postby Tove on July 6th, 2018, 11:26 pm

Tove lifts the tankard up to her lips, taking another tiny sip of booze held within. It’s becoming easier on her throat and chest but she has no intention of drinking the whole flagon. Surely that would lead her into a haze that would later lead to embarrassment.

Her brow quirks, trying to retain the information she did know of the Akalaks. Maybe his mother was of a long-lived species? Best not to ask such questions, it would ruin the light-hearted mood of the night. A short-lived mother with a long-lived son would be…sad? At least this represses the fear of a parent outliving their child. That would even be sadder.

“Is that so? Do Akalak’s inherit the features of their mothers? You must strongly resemble your father. All Akalaks are male, no?” How embarrassing it would be to get such a crucial fact wrong. She wouldn’t be able to blame it on the three small sips of alcohol she had taken. All she can do is hope that the statement is, in fact, correct.

Curious eyes lock on Vel as he finishes another tankard, he demeanor changing completely. He looked somewhat happier, less intimidating. Not that he had lost his muscles or height of course. Onlookers would surely find him to be a man of great strength. Some ladies too. Even those who are genderless, though Tove cannot identify that by the naked eye.

Her eyes widen as he laughs, not knowing whether it is a laugh of mockery or amusement. That is until he continues of course.

“I hardly meant it in that way, I simply meant that it would be far more pleasant to live somewhere less…unruly.” She sends him a bright smile, taking another sip of the liquid within her tankard. “I very much appreciated your help; those men would have surely robbed me blind and killed me if you hadn’t run along. So, for that I thank you.”

Her eyes cut to a group of women eying the man, brows furrowing as she wonders why they giggle and whisper.

“I am lead to believe you have some admirers.” She motions towards the women which in turn causes them to freeze up and look away.

“Does that happen often? Women and men alike pointing and giggling and like small children with either a crush or an anger towards you?” The question is a valid one. Ever since they had entered the Tavern Tove has felt eyes on her new friend, though she keeps a smile on her face. It’s not every day you make a large, muscular, slightly murderous new friend.

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The cat that bites

Postby Aer'wyn Grisghul on July 15th, 2018, 2:54 am

The question came at a bit of a surprise to him. Truthfully Vel rarely paid that much attention to what he looked like. He assumed everyone would see him the way he saw himself; a bvattlehardened warrior. There wasn’t much else to focus on there. Was there? He had never been a man of deep and complex taste in aesthetics.

“I… yes we are all male.” What a strange question to answer.

Only a moment later did he realise that perhaps Tove had little knowledge of the Akalaks. Being a Kelvic she had likely been on Mizahar far less time to absorb all those things he took for granted. Remarkable, weren’t they just, the Kelvkic kind? How adaptable they became. How ageing so fast didn’t scare them. His many many years left on Mizahar and the stability this brought was something Vel had absolute faith in. Knowing others age so fast, even the humans, seemed oddly sad to him.

“I suppose. I never thought about it. I never looked them as my parents you see. They were always… my brother’s parents.” He was rather vague in his statements. A little venom seeped from his lips at the mention. Vel was nothing is not bluntly unhelpful.

Eyes curious - though not as curious, for nothing could match the curiosity of a Kelvic - met Tove’s. A blue lip would curl up in a crooked smile. “Then why don’t you leave? Less unruly places would certainly have less bastards out there to rob you blind in Syna’s daylight.

A pleasant enough conversation was soon enough interrupted however. Until now Vel had been so very blissfully oblivious to the women who had clearly been chatting about either him, or Tove, or perhaps both of them. His senses lacked the sharpness to match those of the Kelvic. But as it was pointed out, he could no longer drink himself silly in blissful ignorance.

As a reply to the very pressing question, Vel did little more than shrug. As long as the women weren’t armed and out for his blood, he truly didn’t care. He wasn’t a womaniser, nor even perfectly interested in such trivial pleasures and he had enough self esteem to make an entirely new Vel out of. Nothing about giggles, pointing of whispering caused him to feel uncomfortable other than the sudden realisation that if presented with an unfortunate altercation, his senses were dulled by booze.

“Most stay quite clear of the blade. Let’s just say that. And if they’re looking for a smack on the arse, let them have it. You’ve seen me in battle. I’m not the kind to take pity.”

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The cat that bites

Postby Tove on July 19th, 2018, 4:37 pm

A triumphant grin spreads across Tove’s face as her original idea of the Akalaks is proven to be correct. A whole race of only males? Tove can’t imagine what that would be like, a strange longing to see a blue woman twisting her chest. Such a woman would surely be an interesting sight.

Tove tilts her head, fiddling with the hem of her shirt as Vel speaks. Her brow raising as he speaks of his parents and single sibling. The idea of his family seems to annoy him if not angry. It confuses Tove. Most men speak of their family joyously, eyes bright as they reminisce over their childhoods. The loving embrace of a mother, the stern yet affectionate glare of a father, the fighting between two siblings that seemed oh-so-serious at the time. Vel did the exact opposite of that.

“…and why is that, if you don’t mind me asking.” She questions, her stomach now a tad bit fuzzy as she takes another sip of her booze. “I’m an only child I think. No mysterious strangers have knocked on my door claiming to be my long lost family member.” She pauses as she wonders what she would do in such a situation.

“I remember my mother, or I somewhat remember her. She had big green eyes and a pretty voice. That’s all…funny how such small observations are all one needs to paint a vivid memory right before one’s eyes. “Any who, it’s best not to dwell on such pointless things.”

A small laugh escapes the Kelvic as Vel mentions leaving the Berth. “Why would I leave such a beautifully tragic city?” She jests as she pushes her sleeve higher up her arm, the booze beginning to warm her up. “However horrible the city may be it will never leave you bored, no? I’ve learned a lot about humanity here and how it thrives off chaos. It’s all I’ve ever known. Can you imagine how boring it would be to not fear being mugged? I would die of boredom in a peaceful city.” She shrugs, taking yet another sip of her booze.

A smirk cuts the Kelvic’s features in half as she watches Vel closely. He is so strange compared to the many men she had encountered in Sunberth. He didn’t smile at the idea of being desired, nor did he grow excited.

“Ah, I see. Not much of a flirt are we? Good. The flirty ones usually catch something at some point. Best not to die of some flesh eating disease.” There is truth in her words, she would hate for her new Akalak friend to die.

“If I may ask, why did you come here? I doubt that you had been tricked into believing the ‘berth was a lovely vacation city, you’re too smart for that.” Another sip, her tongue loosening as she leans forward, her eyes growing all the more curious as time passes by.

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The cat that bites

Postby Aer'wyn Grisghul on July 19th, 2018, 6:07 pm

If eyes could kill, Vel’s eyes would have pierced right though her’s and out the other end of her skull. Blood splatter and skull shatter, a cacophony of destruction to accompany the savagery. But all that really remained was s truly unimpressed, bitter Vel staring at his new friend who asked the wrong question at the wrong time. In fact, there was never a time to ask about the light brother.

Soon enough however the eyes softened and plunged back into the golden depths of his drink. A sigh followed. Lips parted and a sorrow filled voice, hoping to let his new friend know she had nothing to fear from him. In fact he was growing quite fond of her presence. There was an energy about the girl. She was electric and wild just as himself.

“He’s their son. I… I just came after.” He said.

Vel listen to her describe her own mother, but hearing the Kelvic change the subject came as such a relief to the ears of the grumpy Akalak. He took about as much joy from talking about Aer’wyn as contracting syphilis and watching his limbs rot away to nothing - none what so ever. Not that he’s even been though such an ordeal but the Akalak could imagine.

The two were so completely different. For Vel found no joy in the idea of being mugged, for being threatened - even the fearless man that he was. There was nothing exciting about facing off against gangs and gangsters. He hated the trade of drugs, slaves and sex and most of all he hated the godlessness of the city. There were far too few temples for his liking.

“You’re mad.” He chuckled into his beer, taking another sip. It wasn’t just a comment regarding the city but also her musings about flirting. She couldn’t have bee more wrong. He just didn’t flirt with whose not worthy his affection.

“I didn’t come here.” As she leaned in, so did he, resting a heavy elbow on the table and pacing the mug down. Glazed over eyes looked at her just as curious. A smile softened sternness in features far to beautiful to ever look quite so stern. The way he talked was very matter of fact as if what he said wasn’t odd at all. Not even in the slightest. “I had no choice. And believe me if I had any control over my body at the time I wouldn’t be here. But fleeing will do no good. If I leave before my brother’s ready, I’ll just end up right back here again and have wasted all this time.” The Akalak leaned a little closer and brought his voice down a few levels. “I’m here to find a way to get rid of him or die trying.”

The moment those words left the blue lips, he leaned back in his seat as if nothing ever happened and he hadn’t just betrayed a murderous intent. He tossed her a sightly warmer smile and changed the conversation topic once more. “So, Tove. What gods have your back? Someone must be looking out for you having brought me here.”

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The cat that bites

Postby Tove on July 19th, 2018, 6:50 pm

“Well…I like you!” She smiles brightly at Vel whilst taking another sip of her booze, “Family is merely blood, and blood doesn’t mean anything in the long run, not really.” She sends him another smile whilst pulling her hair back and out of her face, wrapping a small band the thick locks in frail attempts to keep the ponytail up for the rest of the night.

“I may be, but you can’t say there aren’t interesting people to watch. I mean, if I weren’t here I would have never met a slightly displaced Akalak such as yourself, no offense. Displacement isn’t all that bad, sometimes I feel as though I’m displaced as well.”

Tove listens as he speaks of his brother. No smiles or joyous memories in sight. This ‘brother’ must be in his mind, maybe he is even half of it. Tove doesn’t wish to pry into such things as mental issues aren’t usually the topic of friendly conversation, nor were discussions based on the hatred between ‘brain brothers’.

“I wish you luck in your endeavors then, I hope coming to Sunberth doesn’t end up being a waste of your time.” A small frown crosses Tove’s feature, brows furrowing as she casts her eyes upon the table once more. The change in subject is more than welcome, serious talk not being something the girl enjoys.

“Ugh…” A sideways smile forms on her lips as she leans back against the chair once more, “I suppose it was mere luck, no? Or maybe a lack of Luck? I think I'm pretty lucky to have met you, but you may just find me annoying. Or...maybe you consider yourself lucky as well? That's for you to know I suppose. Who is watching your back is the real question as you appear to be a tad bit more devout than me, myself, and I." Her smile brightens once more as she awaits his response, the booze leaving her head a wee bit fuzzy.

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The cat that bites

Postby Aer'wyn Grisghul on July 19th, 2018, 7:42 pm

She liked him? Well that’s not something the dark Akalak heard very often. No one liked him. His entire existence he’d been the one everyone around him tried to keep appeased, at bay and out of sight. Aer’wyn’s father, wife, friends. Even his own light brother seldom acknowledged his existence, other than in nightmares and prayers for salvation. They all wished Vel had never come though and so once he did, so very late on, he became twisted by hatred until his entire existence began revolving around destroying that of Aer’wyn.

But Vel had dreams too. Heh ad feelings and likes and dislikes. He had opinions and memories of his very own and to be treated like an outsider inside of his own body added timber to the raging fires of his soul. Fires which even burning down every single last building in this wretched city of fools and scumbags, would not quench. Such a tragic existence was Vel. How long had it been since he had pursued anything that brought him joy?

Well the answer was seconds. For the Kelvic’s presence did shine a spark though those stormy clouds.

“I like you too.” He said sounding a little silly in his reply. It felt as if such words had no place on the lips of the mountain warrior. Yet here he was, saying them, delighting in her company.

As the conversation flowed onto the topic of the Devine, his brows furrowed with displeasure once more. This time not murderous and raging, but more disappointed in her. The kind of look a parent would give to a child after they’d come home with a particularly low test score.

Vel bit his lips before answering, holding back the urge to scold her for her godlessness. But one doesn’t bring people into the light of the divine with a cane alone. “It’s no luck. Everything I do is guided by the hand of the goddess Akaija. My race exists thanks to her and god Wysar. And many other gods too guide our path. Syna lets us see in the day. Let bring out his moon in the night. Tanora gives us time to make something of ourselves and you do not think all of this is amazing and reverence worthy?”

It was very obvious just by the Akalak’s very expression that he wouldn’t take no for an answer. His view of the world was so rigid and deeply rooted in religion that sometimes it seemed no one and nothing could ever force his thoughts to shift. Vel was stagnant. He was a mountain.

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